Pablo Felip


Grabación del GASmeets#3, con Sergi Curtu y Diego Gómez, sobre el uso extremo de Google Apps Script en centros educativos. #AppsScript #Comunidad #Vídeo

Whenever possible, use batch methods of Apps Script APIs / Advances services to improve performance, but beware per-call limits! #AppsScript #Idea #Tuit

Grabación del GASmeets#2, con Jaume Feliu, sobre la creación de webapps con Google Apps Script. #AppsScript #Comunidad #Vídeo

PoC: Reset all slicers in the active sheet using Apps Script and the SpreadSheet Service vs the Sheets v4 API. #AppsScript #Idea #Gist #Tuit

Nuevo artículo en mi blog: Cómo extraer los enlaces múltiples ocultos en las celdas de las hojas de Google con una función personalizada Apps Script. #AppsScript #Artículo #GoogleSheets #GitHub

Usa RegExr para probar los grupos de captura de tus expresiones regulares. #AppsScript #GoogleSheets #Idea #Tuit

New post in my blog Getting Google Groups membership recursively using Apps Script. #AppsScript #Artículo #Gist

When using the AdminReports.Activities.list method of the AdminSDK Reports API, code around the fact that some expected parameters might not be returned! #AppsScript #Idea #Tuit

When catching exceptions, trace back the full sequence of function calls using the matchAll JavaScript method over the stack (text) property of the exception object. #AppsScript #Idea #Tuit

Take extreme care with your embedded css tags when sending emails that will be read on Gmail. Any silly mistake such as a random, harmless (for a dialog or webapp), misplaced character will render your whole <style></style> section ineffective. #AppsScript #Idea #Tuit