
How to Design A Successful T-shirt Business

It seems like such a simple subject and like there would only be about one or two articles that someone could write about it. Actually, that statement could not be further from the truth. To date, there are many blogs and communities covering the topic of T-shirt. There seems to be so much to be said about the t-shirts and as a potential t-shirt vendor or entrepreneur it is imperative for you to know what is going on and what is being said about them. T shirt business List your items on eBay. Fill out the title box to identify the article's brand, name, size and colour, using as many accurate keywords (descriptive nouns) as possible in the 55 character heading limit. Remember that the title is critical to search results! Also complete the description box, including any extra size information and shipping details/guidelines (e.g. insurance). Include the tag "NEW" to indicate that the T-shirt has not been used by others. Then, you'll have to know that you have a market to cater to. Find out if there are people who are looking for what you have to offer. In this case know if you know people who would be interested in your designs. Try going beyond your family and friends for information. This is a great opportunity to make business connections with people who'd be interested in helping you out. Just remember to be wary of people who might look to take advantage of your ambitions. Do your homework. If you're thinking of investing in a printing machine, then look at all the costs associated with this process. It's usually not that clear cut and you will find that there will be inks or paper for example, which cost a lot of money and you had not accounted for it. There are some very inexpensive kits to get a basic silk screen system setup. This is a bit more tedious for the beginner but it can be done and is worth looking into. In a nut shell you have a very fine screen that is of a silk like material. You take a design on a transparency and expose that to the silk screen. This makes parts of the screen allow ink to go through and other parts to withhold the ink. What happens is that the ink winds up on the t-shirt only where your design wants it to be. Lettering for example or a design. Complex shirts are a bit more difficult to produce and each color has to be done separately. With these beginner kits this is really a time consuming process. It can be done, but I would not recommend that expect to operate a business this way. Next, promote your brand well to customers so that customers come to know what makes your brand different and unique from all other brands which are available in the market. But when the son who squandered his wealth returns to his father, the heart of the son who stayed and remained faithful is revealed to be just as far from God as the one who wandered away. The son was only obeying and being faithful in hopes of a reward, not out of love.