
SWISSesthetic https://swissesthetic.cz/ The first mention of surgery on a broken nose is thought to result from the first half of the 3rd millennium BC. Many other facial adjustments, modeling and reduced amount of the nose, adjustment of the form of the ears and their distance from the head, locks transplantation, which adds missing hair to the client, modeling and enlargement of the lips, reduction and removal of lines and wrinkles are also performed… Techniques are variously demanding and this is also enough time of convalescence and the probability of risks and complications. We are looking forward to your visit. Probably the most sought-after procedures is liposuction, or removing excess fat, even from places where it is difficult to lose excess weight. It can be performed on many elements of the physical body, often used to eliminate excess fat on the abdomen and hips. There are a true number of methods of implementation plus they differ in their complexity. The procedure has overall good postoperative results and a noticeable effect immediately after the final end of convalescence. This takes place successfully and quickly usually, after five days the patient can return to his usual regimen gradually.