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Unless you have explicit written permission, you must not reproduce, modify, rent, lease, sell, trade, distribute, transmit, broadcast, publicly perform, create derivative works based on, or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion or use of, or access to, the services (including content, advertisements, apis, and software).

You represent and warrant that you: (1) are not a prohibited party identified on any government export exclusion lists (see e.G., ); (2) will not re-export or use the services to transfer software, technology, or other technical data to prohibited parties or countries; and (3) will not use the services for military, nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weaponry end uses or conduct any other activities involving the services that violate the export and import laws of the u.S. Or other applicable countries.

You agree that any recommendation, idea, proposal, suggestion, feedback or other input (feedback”) you submit to us related to our products, services, websites, apps, or technology may be used by us without any notice, obligation, restriction, reimbursement or compensation to you and you waive (or agree not to enforce) any and all rights that may now or in future exist (including moral and equivalent rights) in any feedback.

If either you or we intend to arbitrate under these terms, the party seeking arbitration must first notify the other party of the dispute in writing at least 30 days in advance of initiating the arbitration. Do not reuse your account password with other services. In some of the services, there may be specific terms or settings allowing a different scope of use of the content submitted in those services.

If you are creating a new account, the terms below apply starting today. U.S. Users: these terms contain a binding arbitration agreement and class action and jury trial waiver clauses in section 14.2 below, which are applicable to all u.S. Users. If you use any of these services while you are within brazil, or are otherwise contracting with verizon media do brasil internet ltda., the services are provided by verizon media do brasil internet ltda.

Teehag https://teehag.com/