2023 plans

Plans for next year have solidified. I wrote a little bit about it on Mastodon, but to sum up:

Running a tarot blog has proven challenging in the past for other reasons too, so that's another thing to maybe figure out. I don't really read all that much for myself, so I wouldn't be sharing personal readings, and I don't want to be beholden to a potential audience by committing to a schedule of readings “for the collective”. I don't consider myself erudite enough to post coherent educational posts (although I'm happy to answer questions and help out one-on-one). Usually if I find something interesting I put it in one of my tarot notebooks, they're much easier to use as reference than an online blog space. What does that leave me with? The kind of exercises and example readings I do for fun but don't really need to hold on to? I guess I'll just post whatever I feel like and not put extra limitations/parameters on what that is (again – freeing up brain space for the primary focus of the year).

Upcoming posts ideas:

Ok, I am out of words, talk to you soon.