january summary

First month summary! Nothing new here, just collecting things for easier reference in the future.

I started the year with revving the engine and flooring it down the “I'm gonna make the most of what I've got” road. It was exciting and the achievements gave me a thrill each time I could close one project and progress to the next. Among those were:

And after all that I arrived at the mental shift of just needing to be present. Recognizing projects are one way to not be wasteful but they can also be a way of escaping the here and now, just like mindless buying. They can still be a “look, a new shiny!” distraction. To go deep I need to go slow. To be a person who doesn't engage in retail therapy, I have to address the causes, not just the effects. There needs to be more self-acceptance and compassion in my life.

I'm curious to see where this goes next.