last week of march

This post feels a little late, but I've been having too much fun last week to write one on the weekend. The vibes have been very springy, partner and I continued our balcony gardening adventure, getting more sun, going out with a picnic blanket. I've been reading my new fiction book and just feeling very well overall. And – as I wrote on masto – I did end up opening that one tarot deck I bought early for my birthday in the summer. But this time it wasn't a desperate feeling of deprivation, or needing a mood boost, or a reward. I was having a great time and thought: this deck looks like it would match these light spring vibes very well, would I feel ok with opening it? And upon reflection – I would, and I did – both open it, and feel ok about it. It's the Playful Heart tarot and it got me farther into my creativity, experiments, doing things with my hands. I made a new journal for it and almost every day I craft and draw in it – alongside entries with tarot readings, spreads to try, and of course card meaning exploration. I still think going from multiple new decks a month to one per quarter is a good result.

Speaking of breaking? bending? massaging? the rules, I had a tiny bit of a snafu with clothes shopping. I haven't made any rules about that because I have a minimal wardrobe and don't really shop for clothes casually ever. I go usually once-twice a year when the weather turns, or when I completely run out of something. I was on my last pair of hole-less pants, so I went on a tour of all the downtown shops. Didn't find the sort of pants I'd like, and found myself instead buying a ton of tshirts. I didn't need any. Even if I agree that only wearing my three faves on rotation is a bit too sparse and I could use a few new ones – I definitely didn't need That Many, and not in one go. So on one hand – wow, I wish I'd made a rule/guideline about this. Even if not a big general one, then one for this specific outing. On the other hand – I have such a hard time finding stuff that fits ok, maybe it's ok. Maybe it'll even give me a confidence boost? I don't feel too bad, but there is a Lesson here for the future: going out for Any Purchase (outside basic groceries) requires reviewing/sketching out some Guidelines.

Going back to the creative mood, I've been trying all sorts of traditional and digital media, watching just a ton of videos from artists' studios, sketchbook tours etc (usually in the background when I myself am creating, so I don't count that as lost social media time). Feeling inspired and “on”. I realize I need to intentionally make time for art, it's a form of self-care, processing and expressing emotions, a bit of a meditation, a time just for me. I've also reinstated “normal” daily meditation. Doing only 15mins now, not sure if I want to grow it out to a longer chunk, or to do a second session later in the day as a sort of reset. I'll see. Still strong with the Daily Stoic journal! But I stopped pulling tarot cards with the entries, seeing as I do so much tarot elsewhere already.

Alright, I don't think there needs to be a separate summary part, actually. This month has all been about art art art. My partner's also been getting busy with their music and painting, so it's been a very inspiring atmosphere, we seem to play off each other well. I can only hope April is just as exciting.