tarot plans – 2023
Some quick and dirty personal tarot goals:
- I want to finish my study of the Lioness Oracle Tarot and see how exactly I want to use it. From a deck interview and general messing around I already know I want to use it mostly in my spiritual practice.
- do an in-depth study of the Enchanted Tarot. I don't think I want to do another classic note-taking study, as the previous attempt was so hard on my tendons and joints, and there's so much new material in the guide book. It would be too much writing. But that's also the best way I learn, so I'm a little stumped as to how I'll do this. If I can't do a deep study, then at least read through the booklet properly and spend plenty of time with the deck to give it an honest shot.
- not sure if this is even possible but... make my way through the whole of Benebell Wen's “Holistic Tarot” book, hopefully in the company of Fyodor Pavlov's tarot, since it arrived. I did some vague calculating and if you take away the images and empty spaces, and treat the Appendices as non-essential/reference material, there's “only” around 500 pages of text. Doable?
- more readings! Waiting to see what The Symposium rolls out in terms of a reading space, but if not there, then more consistently on reddit, occasionally on masto.
- try to finish the tarot workbook I started. It's proving valuable but some exercises are really demanding, I don't often want to commit the spoons to this sort of task.
- might try one of the Andy Matzner journaling books later in the year? And/or look at some of the books recommended by The Tarot Diagnosis.
I was planning to get both the Tarot Vintage (RWS) and the accompanying Marseille, but I have so much to play with already, including decks from last year and earlier that I still haven't devoted proper attention to. Plus the Fyodor Pavlov and Piatnik Marseille kind of fill the same slots nicely. Also I really appreciate how relatively few decks I bought in 2022. I haven't spent enough time with those new decks, as I've been working with a hefty backlog. I wouldn't want to keep adding now that depth year is over and I technically could.
But of course, as per my little mastodon meltdown, I pulled the trigger on the Ritual Tarot, having found one almost-locally at a “bargain” price. While a nice surprise it's throwing a wrench in the works a little bit. Here's my updated list of decks I want to work with this year:
- Main decks: Enchanted Tarot, Ritual Tarot, (Lioness Oracle Tarot for specific purpose)
- Solid fallback basics: Fyodor Pavlov Tarot for a RWS, Piatnik's Tarot de Marseille
- Re-visit/seasonal: Playful Heart Tarot, Kawaii Tarot, Tarot of the Drowning World
I've cleared the shelves of decks that I don't see having the potential of becoming like... my Powerhouse decks, and I might dip in and out of what remains there as the mood strikes, but the above are my main action points as of now. Looking forward to reviewing this post at the end of the year to see how that went.