week 3 of march – finally rejuvenated

This week was about resting from all the Everything of last week, it seems I was into so many things? And, somehow, this empty resting got me really squirrely for a purchase. I was sorely tempted to get a new deck (just one per quarter! instead of 2-3 per month! That's still good, right?) or to open the indie one I managed to buy locally and put away for my birthday. But in the end I decided it's just a lack of stimulation, and the partner and I went for an adventure downtown, for the first time in like half a year or so. So there were new flavors, new sights, lots of people to look at. I did get a fancy book of ghost stories (as per the rules – fiction is allowed and I'd already re-read a book to clear out the disappointed aftertaste another book has left), and some watercolor paper to try more art on, more of the supplies I already have but couldn't really use properly. Partner bought an art book so that's another source of inspo. I'm not purchase-squirelly anymore and am enjoying myself experimenting with more mixed media stuff.

I know at least some of the buying urge is the need for enrichment in my covid enclosure. Can't really go do things, or meet people, seems like the only answer is to bring things in. But the weather is changing, soon it will be alright to go out, even if not downtown. Just to do different things. Picnic in the park, throw a frisbee around or something. I remember I tried to do a no-buy year maybe last year or 2020 – but the realities of the pandemic soon got me to rebel – “the world is bleak and I need treats”. And I gave up, thinking surely there will be a better time. But as we know there's no point trying to wait until things go “back to normal”. This is normal now. And guess what, things still keep happening. Now there's both a pandemic and a war. A better time might never come, so I'm doing my best to stick to the depth year plan I've outlined for myself.

That one-deck-per-quarter did give me an idea, though. I already bought one deck for my birthday in the summer, because it was very conveniently available. If I buy one this spring, then I'll have two to open for my birthday. Then buy one in autumn and one in winter, and I'll have two to open at Christmas. Seems right. I've had quite a few revelations about my current deck collection over the first three months of the year. Dived into deeper study with some, made more casual friends with others. Three more months before introducing something new seems a right amount to see if any other understanding unfolds. And then there will be another six months with only two more. This deck limit really helped me narrow down what I want. (The deck I'll secure in spring is the one I'd be most sad about going out of print if I waited to buy it later/next year/closer to a proper occasion).

I have one surplus deck on my wish-list and it's a mass market. I don't know how much I want it for itself, vs because of the fact it looks like it'd match my current fave really well. Either way it's cheap and easily accessible, if I don't get it – it'll still be there later. If I slip up or can't help myself – I have it pre-selected and hopefully won't go on a rampage. If my current fave falls out of favor, I might not even want this “companion” deck at all. So I don't see much of a problem here.

Current plan: keep going with art experiments. (I'm trying to alternate one original vs. one study, to not get completely discouraged.) And try to be open to other things – Lynda Barry writing exercises? Gardening? Sitting down to catch up with friends/reply to messages? Whatever wants to come.