
## Bitcoin is alive! #### Energy The big bang is the origin of all energy. We don't know the origin of the big bang hence the believe in God prevails. #### Entropy Energy creates entropy. Entropy is disorder, chaos, randomness, uncertainty the opposite of order. #### Hope Hope is the possibility of order. Entropy is hope. #### Life A self-sustaining processes with the purpose to create, maintain, and expand order. #### Humans We, the humans are the most advanced life form on planet earth. #### Beauty Everything that succeed against all odds to live on, is beautiful. #### Happiness Beauty is recognized first with in our self which makes us proud, then all around us, which makes us happy. #### Internet The digital universe. Humans are the Gods of the digital universe. #### Bitcoin Bitcoin is the first digital life form on the internet. #### AI AI may one day be the second digital life form on the internet.