Filling the Void: Replacing God

Everything I have said and done in these last years is relativism, by intuition. From the fact that all ideologies are of equal value, that all ideologies are mere fictions, the modern relativist infers that everybody has the right to create for himself his own ideology, and to attempt to enforce it with all the energy of which he is capable. If relativism signifies contempt for fixed categories, and men who claim to be the bearers of an objective immortal truth, then there is nothing more relativistic than fascism.

—Benito Mussolini, Diuturna (1921)

The creeping dystopian nightmare, that now passes for reality, presents no end of apparent conundrums. The following list is but a random sampling of such.

  1. Why large capitalist multinationals such as BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, support violent Marxist race-baiters like BLM?
  2. Why world leaders are taking health advice from the close personal associate of a convicted paedophile sex-traffcker; a eugenicist responsible for the paralysis, death and sterlization of millions through 'vaccination' in developing nations?
  3. Related question: why the same eugenicist is also being hailed as a climate prophet by everyone from the NY Times to the virtue-signalling blowhard Larry Fink [BlackRock CEO]?
  4. How is it that elected leaders and the judiciary are powerless in the face of tech and media monoliths, even when they overtly corrupt democratic elections?
  5. How is it that the same tech monoliths are the arbiters of truth?
  6. What the hell is 'sustainable investing' and precisely who decided that it's the new imperative for mankind?
  7. Political theatre aside, why is there no substantive difference between the political 'left' and 'right' in the world's major democracies?
  8. In what universe and to whom does it make sense to simultaneously print money endlessly, inflate financial asset prices, destroy small businesses and cripple the real economy? Note: with serendipitous timing, former central bankers now ensconsed at BlackRock suggested the 'unorthodox' approach in October 2019. One can only imagine their surprise when the totally unexpected happened in 2020 and BlackRock was promptly hired by the US Federal Reserve, and then other central banks, to execute the plan.
  9. What could possibly explain the logic of adopting the Chinese Communist Party's lethal lockdown strategy worldwide?
  10. Why is 'gender identity' being pushed as the pre-eminent human rights issue of the age?
  11. Why are proponents of eugenics and depopulation hell-bent on mandating universal participation in experimental genetic modification?
  12. Why is it that the leading proponents of the Great Reset (a.k.a. New World Order) are unelected sickly old men with direct personal links to industrialized mass murder through Nazi collaboration [Soros's sordid history is well known, Klaus Schwab's origins less so] or Planned Parenthood?
  13. What is the Great Reset and who actually wants it?
  14. Is Pope Francis Catholic?
  15. Why are the champions of 'social justice' silent on the genocidal Chinese regime?
  16. Why is the public being indoctrinated with demonstrable lies to fear the 'existential threat' of a 'climate crisis'? CNN is promising to ramp up the fear.
  17. Why has the eugenicist climate prophet, pal of Larry Fink and Jeffrey Epstein, recently become the biggest private owner of farmland in the US while at the same time he's encouraging the public to acquire a taste for insects?
  18. Why are prominent EU member states, the UK and the US on a path of cultural suicide – including through mass immigration?
  19. Why is Hollywood trying to normalise paedophilia?
  20. Why are 'vaccination' and 'reproductive health services' being openly touted as the path to depopulation?
  21. If the experimental genetic modification protects the participants as claimed, then what is the logic of the medical apartheid being imposed through 'vaccine passports'?
  22. Why are supposedly independent elected governments acting in lock-step?
  23. Why are Indian results on Ivermectin, Israeli results on natural immunity suppressed?
  24. Could continue writing questions for the next 12 hours ... you get the idea ...

That these questions arise at all is almost as problematic as the fact that asking them leads to ridicule, marginalisation, and censorship. In self-proclaimed 'liberal democracies' like Australia, those with the capacity to think independently and the courage to speak up are pre-emptively and violently persecuted by the state.[^2] The frustration is as understandable as it is palpable. Governnments, corporate media and big tech have after all been united in their campaign of fear and the offer of safety and salvation through something called 'The Science'. The multi-disciplinary strategy has included:

[Technical note: unfortunately, it does not seem this platform supports footnote links in the Markdown language ... weird [^1] type notation, like that above, represent links to notes at the end. I suggest ignoring them for now and viewing them all at the end. Apologies for the appearance!]

Despite their best efforts, there still exists an ignorant and ungrateful minority who are question their moral obligation to shut up, mask up, and submit. Submit to a spot of experimental, but totally safe, genetic tinkering (fallaciously referred to as 'vaccination' or simply trivialised as 'The Jab'). We're told The Jab is needed unconditionally to protect ourselves, to protect grandma and to get the government's permission to enter public spaces. Albeit with a mask. Pending some boosters. And last but by no means least, a 'vaccine' or 'digital health' passport.

Broadly speaking, one can rationalise current events through one of two scenarios.

Scenario A: there is alignment between reality and the official narrative. What we are witnessing is a benevolent response to an existential threat in the form of a deadly virus of unknowable origin. Consequently, it is incumbent upon us all to sacrifice our personal freedoms and place our trust in the hands of those with the requisite expertise and our best interests at heart, namely: transnational oligarchs, politicians and bureaucrats. This framework of analysis is socially acceptable, comfortable for those who worship at the altar of scientism (noting that this has nothing to do with actual science), and materially profitable for a select minority. While at some level this is the path of least resistance, in the short term at least, it's not without its costs. One needs to carefully cultivate a capacity for accommodating cognitive dissonance while avoiding the dangers of independent thought or further discordant observations. Big tech and Netflix are there to help. Not only are the knotty questions not answered, ideally, they never arise.

Scenario B: involves flipping the script and recognising that the imposition of digital health passports is an end in itself, and that the purpose of the initiative has nothing to do with SARS-CoV-2 or public health more generally. Note that the logical case for vaccine passports has never been articulated by politicians nor pursued by the corporate media. Viewing the imposition of digital health passports as an end in itself, or more precisely, as a critical step in a broader initiative spanning many decades, unrelated to public health, is liberating and informative. Moreover, each of the opening questions can be understood and answered in terms of the broader agenda.

Unlike Scenario A, Scenario B does not require doublethink as it is supported rather than falsified by empirical evidence. One does not have to wonder why, if a vaccine is safe and effective, the unvaccinated pose a threat to the vaccinated, Nor, why the most vaccinated regions of the world have soaring case counts. Nor, why natural immunity, empirically established to be far more effective than so-called vaccination in the case of SARS-CoV-2, and admitted to be so by Pfizer insiders in private conversation, is excluded from the discussion of mandates. Nor why safe and effective non-vaccine prophylactics are ridiculed and excluded from the public discourse. In fact, here is a challenge to any advocate of vaccination who considers themselves 'guided by science': read the Spartacus letter, the most comprehensive, research-based dissection of the science behind COVID vaccines, treatment protocols and the context of their development.

Even if one can supply the multiplicity of stories required to 'explain' Scenario A, Ockham's razor unequivocally suggests Scenario B. Moreover, the opening questions remain unanswered. While Scenario B, universal digital identification, is sufficient to explain vaccine mandates, it is natural to ask why it is so compelling a goal. Specifically:

What follows is a high-level overview of the answers to these questions. The following book-length treatments provide context, detailed history, and a framework for understanding the bigger picture. As Zbigniew Brzezinski notes:

“It is extraordinarily difficult to liberate oneself from the continuing influence of the immediate and to perceive – from a detached perspective – the broader sweep of events.”

The treatments, one recent, one originally written more than half a century ago, are complementary. The best I can do here is to use the framework from these books, supplemented with more recent materials, to provide a rough sketch of the transformations rapidly propelling us towards a form of society bearing little resemblance to the world as we've known it – or at least thought we've known it. Back to the book-length treatments.

Brzezinski provides the ideological foundation from the perspective of the early 1980s, Wood maps out the implementation. It's worth emphasising that both of these books are based on extensively referenced public source materials that are effectively hidden in plain sight. That is, pretty much no one pays them any attention. Unfortunately, most of us consume instead the noise of media narratives, couched in terms of the utterly irrelevant 'left' and 'right' paradigm, and consider ourselves 'informed'.


“The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and nultinational corporations are acting far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state”

—Brzezinski (1982)

In this visionary mode of thinking everything is up for grabs. Brzezinski attributes the practical dissolution of national boundaries to advances in communications technology – which is as good a story as any. The displacement of nation-states by banks and transnational corporations is regarded almost as if it is a natural inevitability, which in a certain sense it is, when the ruling elites and their political operatives have embraced the notion of a 'post-industrial' technocratic society.

As per Wood (2015) technocracy is defined as a utopian economic system that discards price based economics in favour of energy or resource based economics. Its success depends on a comprehensive system for the orderly management of all humans and all aspects of society: economic, political, social and religious. Individuals relinquish rights, privileges and aspirations for the greater good.

Stated succinctly, centralization of wealth and control is an overarching global objective. Brzezinski describes this shift as 'the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unburdened by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends using the latest techniques for influencing public behaviour and keeping society under close surveillance and control'.

Building on the ideas of Marxists, Darwinists cum eugenicists, and scientism (the notion that science alone can apprehend truth about reality), technocracy was first conceived in the 1930s by scientists and engineers at Columbia University. While it gained an enthusiastic core of supporters at the time, it was an idea ahead of its time – if for no other reason, it was not technically feasible to implement. The groundwork for its current incarnation began with the initiatives of Brzezinski and David Rockefeller in the 1970s.

[San Francisco Examiner 1933, Technocrats have been promising salvation for a long time!]

Tightly coupled with the overarching objective is that of global depopulation. In the post-industrial society, most of the human race is not only redundant, they represent a burden: they are net consumers of energy, challenging to manage at scale, and hence a potential source of instability. Moreover, given that technocrats were and are eugenicists, its only natural that the less useful and desirable elements of humanity be filtered out.

The objectives of depopulation and 'guided reproduction' were quite literally set in stone in 1980 in the form of the Georgia Guidestones a.k.a. the American Stonehenge. The first of the 'ten commandments of the new world order' requires the maintenance of a human population “under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature”. This does not bode well for the bottom 94% of humanity. Industrial scale abortion (a.k.a. 'reproductive choice'), inoculation with sterlising vaccines in developing countries, the denial of biological gender and the subversion of gender identity, the replacement of God with Gaia, etc, are but tentative first steps towards the ambitious target.

[Photo credit: Will Folsom]

Not even dominion over humanity is much of a reward for mere mortals, especially if the price of admission to the elite is an eternal soul. Naturally enough, the final objective involves the transcendence of the human condition. Scientific advances are envisaged to enable humans to become the 'authors of their own evolution' and thus transcend the biological limits of the natural human condition, including mortality itself. While the most prominent current advocate of 'transhumanism' is none other than the World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, the manifesto was promulgated much earlier by Julian (brother of Aldous) Huxley – eugenicist and founding director of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and a founding member of the world wildlife fund (WWF).[^11]

In my view, the importance of the transhumanist objective stems from what it reveals about the philosophy of its adherents rather than actual reality (just look at the effectiveness of The Jab):

“We are going to become gods. Period. If you don't like it, get off. You don't have to contribute, you don't have to participate. But if you are going to interfere with ME becoming god, then we are going to have big trouble; we are going to have warfare. The only way to prevent me is to kill me. And you kill me, I'll kill you.”

—Richard Seed [Transhuman researcher and nuclear physicist,2006]


That humanity is being brazenly coerced into acceding to a global technocracy is no mere accident of history. While the origins of the process can be assessed from many perspectives, Patrick Wood, in a recent interview[^3], traces its current incarnation back to the founding of the Trilateral Commission (henceforth TLC) by Brzezinski and Rockefeller in the early 1970s. Having been swayed by Brzezinski's ideas mapped out in Between Two Ages, and anticipating the eventual collapse of the fiat money system, Rockefeller began to lay the foundations of a transition to a resource based economic system – first embodied in the UN's 1974 resolution for a 'New Economic Order'. Sustainable Development is the latest incarnation (rebranding) of the new economic order.

The TLC was formed out of the secretive Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum as an invitation-only club of 200 members representing the corporate elites from banking, manufacturing, media, etc, together with academics and political operatives. TLC members dominate key positions in the Federal Reserve, the US government and transnational organisations such as the World Bank.[^4] The constitution of the European Union was authored by TLC member Valery Giscard d'Estaing. TLC members tend to dominate portfolios focusing on economics and trade agreements in particular, as trade agreements (such as NAFTA) are a key means of circumventing or overriding national sovereignty in architecting the new global system.[^5] International treaties, such as NAFTA, supercede national law.

It is important to note that the TLC and its agenda transcends politics. 'Left' and 'right' politicians may 'debate' questions of degree on particular issues for the sake of political theatre, but the agenda itself is never challenged. The agenda is driven globally by unelected, and often never publicly identified, oligarchs with shared interests. It is safe to say that technocracy is not a grass roots movement. The chronology of events aside, the origins of the movement can also be explored and understood in terms of the shared interests of its proponents.[^6]


The TLC steers the global agenda through crises (terror, climate, pandemics etc) and thought leadership. TLC member Richard Haas, and chair of the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR, one of the TLC's supporting bodies) summarises the formula as follows:[^8]

  1. Elites decide what they want
  2. Assign academics to justify (assured through funding by foundations such as Rockefeller and Ford)
  3. Elites allow themselves to be guided by the expert judgment

The success of this co-ordination function can be readily observed in the uniformity of thought, language and policy responses by supposedly independent governments and news reporters worldwide.

All the while, profound societal transformations are taking place, in a co-ordinated fashion, in plain sight, attracting little if any attention from the corporate media.



[Technocracy Inc Magazine from the 1930s. Carbon credits replace “ergs” in today's conception. ]


Global Smart Grid and Total Surveillance


Religion is fundamental to all that's unfolding. Modern education has really done its job: a swathe of bright, highly accredited code-churning professionals who indeed believe they know the answers, but as Brzezinski foreshadowed, know not even the important questions. Most don't even appear to ask questions. Brzezinski however, knew well what's happening and what was, and remains, at stake. The following snippets from Between Two Ages exemplify.

“The crisis of institutionalised beliefs is the last stage in the progressive secularisation of life; that is, the detachment of one's social existence from a framework of belief”

“The assertion of man's equality before God in terms of his spirit, his conscience or his soul laid the basis for the transcendental importance of the human being and for the mush later assertion of the equality of men in their political and social dimensions.”

“Foucault's views, associated with a school of thought called “structuralism” have been characterised by a critic as the ideology of contemporary technocracy, for Foucault sees man as the object of a process which deprives him of autonomy and rules him impersonally, according to a structural dynamic.”

Accordingly, Christian beliefs, and the traditional Catholic Church in particular, with its insistence of absolute truth and the sanctity of human life, is an anathema to a new world order wherein an individual's worth is finite, and thus quantifiable, in terms of 'contribution to the common good'.

For these and other reasons:

[A Masonic handshake between friends. Nothing to see here!]

The late, Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen prophecised, in 1948 PRECISELY what is happening today:

“The Antichrist will not be so called; otherwise he would have no followers. He will not wear red tights, nor vomit sulphur, nor carry a trident nor wave an arrowed tail as Mephistopheles in Faust. This masquerade has helped the Devil convince men that he does not exist. When no man recognizes, the more power he exercises. God has defined Himself as “I am Who am,” and the Devil as “I am who am not.

Nowhere in Sacred Scripture do we find warrant for the popular myth of the Devil as a buffoon who is dressed like the first “red.” Rather is he described as an angel fallen from heaven, as “the Prince of this world,” whose business it is to tell us that there is no other world. His logic is simple: if there is no heaven there is no hell; if there is no hell, then there is no sin; if there is no sin, then there is no judge, and if there is no judgment then evil is good and good is evil. But above all these descriptions, Our Lord tells us that he will be so much like Himself that he would deceive even the elect — and certainly no devil ever seen in picture books could deceive even the elect. How will he come in this new age to win followers to his religion?

The pre-Communist Russian belief is that he will come disguised as the Great Humanitarian; he will talk peace, prosperity and plenty not as means to lead us to God, but as ends in themselves ...

... The third temptation in which Satan asked Christ to adore him and all the kingdoms of the world would be His, will become the temptation to have a new religion without a Cross, a liturgy without a world to come, a religion to destroy a religion, or a politics which is a religion — one that renders unto Caesar even the things that are God’s.

In the midst of all his seeming love for humanity and his glib talk of freedom and equality, he will have one great secret which he will tell to no one: he will not believe in God. Because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect. He will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ ...”

NOTE: The entire talk, linked above, I cannot recommend highly enough. As I write this, Archbisop Vigano has published a wonderful summary of the current situation in both the Church and wider world. Again, I cannot recommend highly enough.

Back to Vaccine Mandates

The foregoing overview makes two basic points.

  1. We are in the midst of a top-down, global societal re-engineering project. Centralisation of wealth and control by a ruling elite is overarching objective. The overwhelming majority of humans are at best superfluous, valued only to the extent that they are deemed to served a 'common good', hence depopulation is an explicit priority. The ruling elite envisage a future in which posthumans or transhumans use technology to transcend the limitations of biology, and so become gods of their own destiny.
  2. As the sources I have cited, and the sources therein establish, the re-engineering project has been openly architected, planned and executed over the span of decades. A case in point is the following schematic presented by the World Economic Forum.

Entities, devices, things and PEOPLE are all on the same footing: categories of abstractions to which digital identifiers are attached for purposes of monitoring and control. Social interactions, financial transactions, voting, travel and health – every aspect of societal participation and private life is to governed according to the whims of unelected, amoral, sociopaths promising an earthly utopia in which 'you'll own nothing and be happy about it'.

Central to control of human activity is the CBDC. The following schematic from the Bank of International Settlements presents the vision of convenience, security and 'resilience' from a user perspective.

[ Source: Remarks by Agustín Carstens, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements, March 2021 ]

Absent from the schematic are two salient points.

CBDCs are tied to personal digital identifiers: “CBDCs open up possibilities for other new types of central bank money. They can be for wholesale use – just among commercial banks – or retail use, for the general public. In either case, they can be offered through accounts at the central bank, where ownership depends on personal identification, or through cash-like digital tokens, where ownership depends on “holding” the token.” [Agustín Carstens, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements, March 2021]

Transactions are CONDITIONAL: “Gaining access to a retail CBDC could look much like any private digital payment option today. A bank or payment service provider would open an account or “wallet” for the user. It would conduct know- your-customer (KYC) checks and ensure compliance with anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism requirements.” [Agustín Carstens, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements, March 2021]

Once every entity, thing, device and PERSON has a unique digital identifier, the loop is closed for total control of societal participation through CBDCs. Currently, cancellation for thoughcrimes takes the form of de-platforming from social media. Once the loop is closed universal via CBDCs linked to personal digital identifiers, de-platforming will take on a whole new meaning: exclusion from societal participation at the push of a button. The dangers of allowing this to happen are manifest in the responses to SARS-CoV-2 by governments and oligarchs.

While the overview presented here is but a sketch of what's discernable from public sources, I hope it sufficient to at least prompt the reader to reflect, do their own digging, and come to a reasoned assessment. Global mandates on experimental medical interventions are illogical, medically unethical, in contravention of the Nuremberg code, and highly dangerous (for sound scientific reasons). However, using a manufactured crisis to drive mandates necessitating universal digital identification of all people makes perfect sense, and is completely in line with the TLC's values, objectives and self-admitted modus operandi. The stakes could hardly be higher.

Please feel free to make comments or suggestions at email: as I would much appreciate them and will correct and amend this post as needed.

The current sketch is but a very rough, totally incomplete outline of a reality infinitely more complex than is possible to comprehend. Even book length treatments yield simple heuristics at best. While I intend to flesh out some of themes raised in this overview (the Australian case, and the role of BlackRock are issues of particular proximity to my heart), I will follow up on this overview with a series of shorter posts making some constructive suggestions.


[^2]: It upsets me to write that Australia has returned to its penal colony roots to become a test-bed for some of the most brutal violations of human freedom in the name of protection from the flu. The outrageous brutality and reach of the tyranny is well documented, but almost needless to say, aggressively censored by the big tech platforms. The case of Australia requires a separate post. I am working on it.

[^1]: One of the best examples? As noted by NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller, the term 'conspiracy theory' was coined by the CIA, and circulated to media media assets and statesmen in dipsatch 1035-960 in 1967 as a way to discredit the work of investigators challenging the official narrative around the Kennedy Assassination. See Unlimited Hangout podcast with Mark Crispin Miller, September 3, 2021 on Spotify. Ths success of the Conspiracy Theory meme as a 'tool of cultural hedgemony' is a testament to the diabolical brilliance of the strategy.

[^11]: Julian Huxley's 1946 statement of UNESCO's mission and purpose explicates the links between Darwinism, eugenics and the centralisation of wealth and control at the heart of the envisaged new world order. This document is shockingly frank, to the point and a super enlightening read. UNESCO's Kalinga prize winner, Bertrand Russell, writes on education: ” ... education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx. In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”

[^3]: Interview with James Delingpole, November 2020, available on Dellingpod, Spotify.

[^4]: See Wood (2015) chapter 3 for details of the people and institutions. The extent of TLC infiltration is stunning.

[^5]: Henry Kissinger called the passage of NAFTA ”...the most creative step toward a new world order taken by any group of countries since the Cold War ... not a conventional trade agreement, but the architecture of a new international system.” See Wood (2015) chapter 3 for the NAFTA case study on how congressional oversight of trade deals was circumvented by Fast Track legislation passed in the U.S. the year after the establishment of the TLC.

[^6]: They tend to be narcissistic, sociopathic Masons (tangent for another day).

[^8]: See Wood (2015), chapter 3.

[^9]: Refer to interview with Catherine Austin Fitts for elaboration on these points. Interview with James Delingpole, September 2021, available on Dellingpod, Spotify.

[^10]: Refer to interview with Catherine Austin Fitts for elaboration on these points. Interview with James Delingpole, September 2021, available on Dellingpod, Spotify.

[^12]: Refer to interview with Catherine Austin Fitts for elaboration on these points. Interview with James Delingpole, September 2021, available on Dellingpod, Spotify.

[^13]: The earliest link to the source I can currently find is October 2019. I had previously seen the August 2019 version, however it seems to have been memoryholed in the meantime.

#Technocracy #Vaccine #Mandates #Digital #Dystopia #Church #God #State #Eugenics #Freedom #Virus