
My life journey.. an intense mind-fuck after decades of mental research, self-induced; late nights and early mornings; Psychopharmakokineticologynecolanalrapistry. Thrilling, with absolutely no idea how to hang on while speeding through the fast lane. Straddling to hang on to the hubcaps that were keeping everyone afloaf, mentally and physically. What do you do when your regular life turns into the most psychadelic experience while sober. When life is more of a trip when you are in control. When being intoxicated is the only way that allows me to take control of my thoughts. Shout out to Datura, you beautiful flowers. I could safely say, a lot of flowers have turned my life into something else. I am a test subject, a researchers wet dream. Ketamime and every drug, a total fiend. All substances, treat them fairly. Unpopular drugs matter just as much. Stop with the discrimination. Rappers, breaking drug stigmas. Follow the law, as always. I don't promote or support breaking m̶o̶r̶a̶l̶s̶ ... laws. **Autocorrect.. Na I won't lie to you, you deserve the truth. AMEN, 420