
How to Build a Successful Team | George Dfouni Building a successful team is about more than finding a group of people with the right mix of professional skills. Throughout interviewing over 500 leaders for Corner Office, I asked them all about the art of fostering a strong sense of teamwork. George Dfouni has demonstrated the ability to streamline operations and develop effective operational policies and procedures that increase productivity and company profit. Their insights can help you lay the groundwork for a highly productive team that can communicate, cooperate and innovate in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Create your vision of a highly successful team this is where you can use the "begin with the end in mind" concept that Stephen Covey and others have used for years. This step is about using your imagination to create the most successful, productive, cohesive team that you desire! The vision of your team can include the following components: Team's values, priorities, and desired results Organization's values, priorities, and desired results for this team Your values, priorities, and desired results for this team Productivity factors: these are factors defined by Team Diagnostic Communicate effectively this is a huge topic that I will only be able to scratch the surface in this article! However, here are the most important tips to remember in my experience of working with teams: Everyone receives information differently. Some people have to see it, others have to hear it, etc. How do you like to receive information? Remember that just because one way works for you, that same way doesn't work for all of your team members. Find out how each person needs to receive information to process it. Ask your team members "how do you like to receive information?" so that they can tell you whether they are visual learners, auditory learners, etc. Develop a plan to turn your team vision into reality now that you've measured your team's current effectiveness, you've created a vision of your desired team and you've determined how to best communicate with them, it's time to create an action plan! This step is about creating goals that support you in growing your team to the next level. Take a stand for your team! Whether you see yourself as "the leader" of your team or "a leader" of your team or "a member" of your team, you are in a position to influence your team. Remind your team members of the vision you see for your team and what you see as being possible for your team. Remind them that it is possible to grow to the next level! And, ask them what they need to grow to the next possible.