
The Orange Erotic Bible

## Book 01 Genesis ### Chapter 1 God sat back upon his throne, and God compared the night to a well-filed cabinet. And he said to his servant, Go to the well-filed cabinet; open it and lift the lid. And go in and forth he said, with his arm extended over the back of her body; and she walked to the well-filed cabinet and opened it. And he said to her, Take the fletch of fletch into your mouth and suck upon it; and take it to the bottom of the well-filed cabinet and place it there on the wet surface. And go back to the well-filed cabinet, and repeat the process. And when he had completed the process, she was drenched in the face of the waters and almost naked in the hands of her master: and her body trembled from head to foot as she turned to face him. She stood up and her tender pussy was exposed to him, for him to see and to touch and to kiss and to scratch and to purr against her skin. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. And God said, Let us go forth into the deep sleep of the night, and see how many of you there are. And to our delight, there were so many; for the wild ones had a feast in store for the wild lambs. And to our great delight, the feast was ready, and the Master's chosen ones had gathered at the foot of the table, and the lambs were ready; and the Master's chosen ones were eating the wild veal, and the Master's chosen ones were drinking the wine, and the Master's chosen ones were rolling in the hay, and the Master's chosen ones were sitting on the seat before the table-licker. And the Master was having the table-licker of the evening, the one who would be most lustful and most slippery. And the Master had decided on a course of action, to show his pleasure in this life, and his displeasure in the world to come. And as the meal went on, and the meal went on, the Master had shown his pleasure in the way the greeting had gone, and he had shown his displeasure in the ways the Master had commanded: with the way the greeting had gone, with the commands he had given, and with the disobey orders that the Master would give the disobeyers. And the Master had become thirsty. But the LORD God caused the rain to fall from the sky to mingle with the musky aroma which wafted the room. On the eighth and last day, the wedding day, the first-day-of-spring's crop happened to be in the area, and as the weather was warm and the sun was high and the moon was full and the clouds were low and the stars were bright, The farmer woke first, and he called his wife to tell her that he had to go to the bank now and get his things. And when she came out and he told her to come in to her house and he would give her a ride of sorts so she could set up her home. And she put the pieces of paper in the mailbox and walked back inside. The ride was a three-hour one, and she was wearing a simple white cotton sundress and silk boxers. Her breasts were pushed a little too far up in the front, and the nipples pointed up in the sky. The crop was small, and she took it very much like she would a horse. But like the horse she sat down to eat her food, and she liked the taste of her food, especially the omelets that she would put on as a treat, and they were always good. And the gold of that land is in gold; and upon that land is a storehouse of silver. And the third river is the Nile: it was made to flow in the land of the Lord, wherein the hand was man; and whoso camest thou of the hand of the Lord, that camest is good. And the fourth and last was the Euphrates: it was made to flow in the land of the Lord, wherein the woman camest is a prize. And the water of the garden was of brass, and the earth stirred when the water was poured upon the earth. And the woman camest with her face to the water's edge. And the drops of the rain came from heaven upon the earth. And the drops of the rain were white as snow, as the rain was gathered from heaven upon the earth. And the one who camest with the Lord camest with his face to the drops of rain; and the Lord was satisfied with the beauty of his property. And he took his seed, and dwelt in Eve, And she dwelt in him a year; and they were like cattle; neither strong nor feeble, yet kept together; And the year was one of sexual dimorphism. The same sort of thing went for every man; a natural outgrowth of the same sort of thing, even if the people around the world themselves could not understand it. For Eve, it was the year she found man, and for Adam it was the year he found her. ### Chapter 2: The Garden and the Sky The air was the best in the world, and the sky the worst. The story of the story was told in the morning, with the sun hidden from view, and the clouds and the distant sky being all that were for a host of dreams and desires. The night was cool and clear and partly cloudy; the clouds partly obscuring the sun's rays. The sky was overcast with the wind howling through the trees, and in the distance I could see flashes of lightning. I was strangely happy; I had seen lightning on the cobblestones several times in my life, but I had never really thought of going for it. For God doth hurt not man by reason of sex; nevertheless, because of the harvest of gold which the LORD has sown in Eden, and the man having the land of the harvest, and because of the fear of the LORD God of the harvest shall the worm gain entrance unto his soul. And the woman said unto the serpent, Of this we know nothing: And the serpent answered and said, Hath the woman deceived thee? And the woman said unto the serpent, How then art thou deceived? And the serpent answered and said, In looking into the eyes of the LORD of hosts, that is why the woman is in captivity. And the woman said, Let us see. And the serpent answered and said, Hath the woman ever tasted of the garden of the LORD God of hosts? And the woman answered and said, Have we not all here learned the same lesson? And the serpent said to the woman, Let us eat of the tree of life also. And the LORD God answered, And did I give unto thee of the tree, lest I give unto thee the pride of giving of the pride of eating of the tree, which I did. And the LORD God said unto Adam, Thus shalt thou answer to thyself; for I have seen that thou art naked in the tree. And the woman said unto the Lord God, How long will you keep this thing from me? And the Lord God said unto her, One year. And the LORD God said unto her, What year was this tree gave to thee? And the woman said, Two hundred and twenty days. And the LORD God answered, And what year was this tree came forth? And the woman said, One thousand eight hundred and sixty days. And the LORD God caused Eve's skin to flush, and her belly to quiver, and her breasts to fall out, and she was afraid. And the LORD God caused the thunder to shake the ground beneath her, and the hail to strike forth, and the flood was upon her; for the sky was darkened with a heavy mist, and the ground was on fire. And Eve's heart was heavy with anxiety, because the thunder and the flood were against her. And the thunder shook the ground beneath her, and she became afraid. When the lightning struck, it seared her loins and burned within her, and she fled from the stinging lightning, and the LORD God became angry with her. He said, Let her eat of the tree. And Eve ate of the fruit of the ground which the lightning had scattered, and she became glad in heart, for she had known a hunger like fire from the first moment that it had touched her. And Adam stood as he had been commanded, and she watched as he returned to his original place, and she knew that he would be punished for his disobedience. He looked upon it, and commanded Eve to eat of it. She became pregnant again, and had children; but the LORD God sent them to be tested and filled with many things in a manner far beyond their ability to restrain. They also seemed much more inclined toward that which they did not want to be, and had gotten into trouble with the first flock. They were now with Eve, and stood between her legs: The belt was still wrapped around her waist, but she was smooth and slim, with pink tipped and red-rimmed eyes. They would lick her thighs and kiss her pussy. They loved to use her cunt. She was quite wet. And her cunt was very nice, both from the inside out and from inside out. And the LORD said unto Cain, Thus spake the Lord GOD: From the ground whereon he rode his beast he received the skin of his brother as a sacrifice. And the LORD said unto Cain, Thus spake the Lord GOD: I have avenged my brother upon thee; and his blood shall never be shed, for ever. And the LORD said unto Cain, Thus spake the Lord GOD: If thou wilt eat of his flesh, then shall I also eat of his blood. And Cain said unto the LORD, Thus spake the Lord GOD: If I forgive thee of my transgression, I will also forgive thee of my blood. And the LORD said unto Cain, Thus spake the Lord GOD: Mercy, beauty, and cattle shall I give to thee, to keep thee in my life. And Cain said, I will. And the LORD said unto Cain, Thou shalt. And the LORD said unto him, I will execute thy transgression and burn thee in fire. And when his wife gave birth to Cainan sons, he was enraged; and when his wife had conceived another, he slew both of them. And Adah was old enough to bear the shame of his deed: but the guilt of his crime was greater. And the LORD looked down from his mountain-top throne, and sighed, when he saw the evil in his deeds. He looked upon the woman he had taken, and his eyes drew their tip from her clitoris; and he looked upon her face, and his face became red. And the Lord looked down from his mountain top throne, and smiled. He looked down from his mountain top throne, and smiled. And he looked up into the tent where he dwelt, and his heart grew feverish; and he looked down from his mountain top throne, and he watched the raven hair of her neck, and the lightning fast silver spikes of her every muscle. He also looked up at her naked body, and his eyes drew their tip from her shoulder blades, and he looked down from his mountain top throne, and he felt his lips, and his tongue, and his tongue traveled the length of her sex, and he kissed her. And so it was that Adam came to be, a glorified human being, having in him all the spirit and soul of his former owner. His happiness was such that he became the soul of the devil, the heart of his own deviant and his guide. He had now become prideful of his human nature, and pride of his human nature. He had lost all sense of self; his whole being was bow before the power of the fallen angels. In the days that followed, Cain preyed on the unsuspecting woman he called Eve. He stalked her, coursing across her skin and her flesh. He came to her; crouching down he held a pair of piercing, sharpened stakes. He began to stroke the ground with one hand, flicking the sharpened stakes with the other. And the days of Enos after his death were eight hundred and fifteen years; and he died. And Cainan lived after his death; and begat Enos: And Enos lived after he died; and begat Lamech: and Lamech lived after he died; and begat Haman: and Haman lived after his death; and the days of Lamech after his death were eight hundred and ten years: and he died. And Lamech lived after Lamech died; and begat Werewolves: And Lamech lived after Lamech died; and begat Demon Hunters: And Demon Hunters lived after Lamech died; and the Demons walked amongst men as they hunted down those who preyed upon them. And when the days of Lamech came to an end, the Demons had power over all mankind. And Enos lived another hundred years; and begat many more sons and daughters: He bore the mark of the Beast for a thousand years: And in his youth Enos had been with women as were the Demons. And Enos was a chewer of meat: And Enos was a drinker of great wine: And Enos was a mender of arse juice: And Enos was a breeder of bitch-oil: And Enos was a teller of big piss-baths: And Enos was a drinker of bootleg whisky: And Enos was a peddler of bush: And Enos was a pot-bellied shepherd in the bush: And Enos was a murderer of maidens: And Enos slept with his own wife. And when the Demons had used their secret upon him, Enos was their first Vampire. And they have not been without him ever since. And Enoch lived after he begat Enoch, and begat female slaves: And Enoch lived after he begat Enoch, and begat male slaves: And Enoch lived after he begat Enoch, and begat female slaves: And Enoch lived after he begat Enoch, and begat male slaves: And Enoch lived after he begat Enoch, and begat female slaves: And Enoch lived after he begat Enoch, and begat male slaves: And Enoch lived after he begat Enoch, and begat female slaves: And Enoch lived after he begat Enoch, and begat female slaves: And Enoch's slave wife was Mahalaleel: And Enoch's slave wife was Enoch: She was the mother of Enoch, and also his; - his only female child. Adonis was the youngest of the Olympians. She was the product of the union of two mortal women, Adonis and Mahalaleel. She was a demon-killer and a witch-destroyer. She was the daughter of a demon-killer named Dagon and a vampire-slut named Nicolai. Adonis was a demon-killer in the Egyptian pantheon of the dead. He was the son of Mahalaleel, the son also of a demon-killer. He bore the mark of the one who controls the life of hell, and he must be destroyed. And all the days of Methuselah were seven hundred eighty and five years: and he died. And Lamech walked with God after he begat Enoch, and sat on the throne of the living dead: And Lamech worshiped the living dead: And went to the place of their battle-ments and slew Enoch. He who slew Enoch slew Lamech also: And they both drank of the blood of their slain lord. And Lamech took Enoch to his Maker, and told him of the new life he had brought to them: And told him of the bliss he would have in store for him: And told him of the doom he would have on his head if he should fall: And commanded him to take his sword and leave Enoch: And go to his land and slay the outlaw. And when he came to his land, he came back to his friend and told him of Enoch's death, and his desire to kill again. He came to Enoch's side and lovingly caressed the body of his friend. He told him of Enoch's love for him, and his duty to keep the souls of the dead happy. And he told him of Enoch's duty to him, as his keeper of the souls of the dead. And Noah's first wife was a woman named Hadida. She was a mighty woman: in years, ten times amputee of body, limb, and arm. She bore Noah fat child, and he also bore his rings. She bore Noah's daughter: Ketu. She was beautiful: Hagar was small: 5 foot 4 and so pretty, with broad shoulders and lovely hair. She was also muscled. And she was a virgin. She had given birth to twins while riding in the army: one boy and one girl. And Japheth was a window-washer; a good cook. And Shem, the eldest, was a carpenter; a good driver. And Ham, the second, was a messiah; a religious leader and s the founder of a new religion, Christianity. These three sons were righteous to the LORD'sane; and Noah, having three daughters, asked the LORD of the Heavens why he should be obeyed. The LORD answered, O Noah, for I have spoken these thoughts in my mind: When you sow an evil against My creature, even though it is a good thing, it still must be done with a bad mind. When you have an evil-tempered woman among My children, it must be done with a bad mind. When you have an evil spirit in your midst, it must be done with a wicked mind. When you have an evil eye on My creatures, it must be done with an evil eye. And be on your knees before Me, and worship Me as thou didst thou over the dead man's body. And, behold, there is one thing that I must do; and this I command thee from thee; to multiply as many calves as you can; and bring them to Me. And take them into your mouth; for I command it. And, behold, there is a special place in Mine for sucklings; and this I will take into My mouth to-morrow. And remember also, mine are the seeds of many mysteries; and, if thou wilt abide to fulfil My promise, My seed shall be the sweetest of sweet honey. And remember also, mine are the keys of the mysteries of the world; and this shall be thine: the darkness of the secrets of the world shall be the key to the mystery of My will. And remember also, Mine are the sword strokes of the great snake; and this shall be the bliss of the weak snake. And remember also, Mine are the cares of the world; and this shall be the joy of the weak snake. For this reason Noah had a most fearful fear of the ark; for in the ark were fountains of molten gold; fire and brimstone were upon the earth, and every thing in the heavens and on the face of the earth was in molten gold. And the LORD spake three words; - He poured molten gold upon the ark. And Noah's body was as this; it was as it should be. His hair was white as snow; his body lean and muscular; his heart quick and strong. He had never been so glad to find the sea, and had never been so ready for the journey into the deep sea. And the LORD caused Noah's heart to fail him; for his soul was as it was: content, and longing to find the flood-gatherer. He caused Noah's fainting to cease; and he caught him in the act of rising to his feet; for before he fell, he had summoned Noah's whole household. And the LORD spake unto Noah; saying—- Is there any other thing I can do for you? In the year that followed, Noah sold all his things for arctic travel; his wife and his son and his cattle; his business, Oceanside Railroad; and his clothes, he furnished as he had been commanded. He purchased the beautiful island of Tahiti for his slave, who now dwelt in the great city of Manaus, on the coast of the Amazon, in the state of Amazonas. He sent her north with the letter to go to Manaus and to live out her destiny, to please the land and her Mistress. With this note was attached the sealing wax that had been sent to all that had been sent to the slave. The letter was copied on both sides by hand ink and Noah's signature was on both sides. The wax had been carefully rubbed and etched into the wax, the words, "Servant of Mine, For my Slave is none other than you, Master Noah", were written inked on the wax and carefully scraped off. And then the words, "Servant of Mine, Good Slave" were also on the wax. And then it was put on the animal skins and placed in the plastic baggies. And the water ran down from the mountains into the sea. And there were seven hills within the mountains, that were high and of wood, and the mouths of seven mouths were upon the one that was at the top of the seventh hill. The water ran off into the river; and there was great hunger in the beasts that were upon the land. And after the flood had ceased to fall, the men went into the woods, and the women into the river. And the ark was shut in; not being parted with the curtain. And Ham and Japheth stayed on the hills, that were under the same sky. And Noah bedded himself down in a wood; And Bilbo went into the garden, and had some board laid there for storing his wet and his musky piss. He fixed it high up in the air so that the birds and the butterflies could not get to it; And also, Bilbo had to stand in the cool damp air, and the flies and the ants, and the grasshoppers and the weevils that were following him, if he wished to slip the piss out of his tight trousers. And God said unto Noah, Let us go again up into the heavens, to look upon the works of our male and female parts. And he said, Yea; for I have sinned against the LORD many times in my life. And the LORD God of hosts rewardeth the sinner in the way he perseveys His decrees. The LORD God of waters rewardeth the sinner in many ways. The LORD God of hosts rewardeth the sinner in his sins. Am I to look upon the works of the male or the female of this generation? Is my foreskin enough? I am not sure; but I can guess. But the light from the window was kindled in the fire, and the fun was just beginning. The days were just like this for some time; and then 9 days a fast was had been had by both of these characters. And this was just the fun day. After the morning of the fun day, the characters went out to the fields, and played football and other activities; and spent the afternoon at the pond; and, of course, had the dinner at my place. Now, it was late Saturday morning; and I was on my way to visit my grandparent's house in the country. As he was driving, I kept whispering in my ear, "You are going to meet your maker." "Yes," he said, "I have heard it." "And who is your maker? And to the LORD were offered whale, goat, snake, rabbit, dog, pig, and other living things, according to the Whole of the Law. And to the LORD were offered the blood of the Lamb, of which is the oil of the earth; in the form of a leech upon the surface of the earth, which the Serpent worketh in secret unto the LORD, and for his blood: which the Serpent feedeth on the earth, and for his flesh. When Noah had finished his work, he went down into the valley, and sought out the people that were children in that they were young and beautiful: And he came across the loins of one young woman, and the neck of another; and the face of one that was almost as young as her. And he went down to the river, and sought out that girl, and brought her to the altar. And there was at least six young men, all male, who had been brought in with Noah. And he told these young men one word, which they must utter, for he is the Lord of these young men. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "Have we reached the center of the earth yet?" asked Noah. For whosoever liveth upon the earth shall be my witness, and I will sustain him in his crimes against his fellows. And for whosoever eateth the flesh of his brother shall his blood be shed: for he that eateth his brother's flesh shall surely die. The LORD shalt thou feed with her blood, and the LORD shalt thou feed with life: for both are from one and the same Lord. For the life of the flesh is one life: for the flesh is life of the living. And the life of the blood shall be one life's agony: for the blood is life. For the life of the flesh is one temptation of the Lord: one that is the inwaste of the earth. And the life of the flesh is one temptation of the learner: one that is the cost of iniquity. For the life of the flesh is one temptation of the low seed, of sheep and of lambs: one that is the source of their iniquity; One that comes to the edge of destruction and damnation: one that the soul of the wicked learner after the flesh shall have been cleansed. And the bow shall be the token of the covenant between me and the earth. And it came to pass, on the morrow, that the bow was seen in the cloud: And the ark was the token of the covenant between me and the earth. For the earth was heaved with heavy woe, in many ways exceeding its former count. For the land had lost many of the hills, and many of the country; and many of the country was lost in the woods. For many years after the first summer day of the Lord's work, the ground was unproductive. He had, in many ways, bore the fatigue away, for hunger. He had, in many ways, borne the labor away, for thirst. He had, in many ways, bore the wear and tear and sickness and death of the body, for many years of hard and patient work to no avail. The second son of Noah, was named Levi; and he also was a rich man. He and his companions, encamped about them in tents, upon the hills and grass, And they sent out cattle and camels and sheep, and they encamped about the lakes and rivers, And they encamped about the mountains and cut trees; and they spent all their days in the woods, And at the end of their days they encamped in the house in the woods, And in the house they encamped close to the fire, And they encamped close to the water's edge, And they encamped close together in the tents. And after four Months of Siege the party made their way back to the shore, And after their refreshment they refreshed their arrows and brought them up to the top of the hill, And after their refreshment they sat down to eat the food put in their mouths, And after their refreshment they said their goodbyes and walked off into the sunset. At the House the sun was sinking and the clouds were getting higher; As they got to the house they were all refreshed; And they walked down the street, And they came to the parlor, And they sat down in the scratching posts, And they could see the tree, That was on of the many that they had seen. As they sat there talking and laughing they noticed one other thing. It was a big tree. And it was in the parlor. And they all could see it. And of Abram the Prophetess: and Abram was the older. And of his concubines: and of Abram's concubines, that slept with his wife: and of his concubines that drank from his wife's pussy: and of Abram that were anxious to possess his wife, and of Abram that were hard from having their flesh shaved. And of Abram the carver: and of his spinster: and of his finger impostor: and of Abram that were addicted to drink and tobacco. And of Abram the plowman: and of his hand impostor: and of Abram the buyer and seller of stolen things: and of Abram the buyer of alcoholic drinks: and of Abram that were addicted to sexual services: and of Abram that were addicted to female students: and of Abram that were addicted to alcoholic drinks: And of Abram the herdsman: and of his implementer: and of his implementer that sucked the juice of the womb: and of Abram that was addicted to the gratification of large blunt force: And of Abram the farmer: and of his implementer that pulled the skin of the ground up to his balls-feet: and of Abram that was addicted to the juices of his wife's pussy: and of Abram that was addicted to the gratification of large blunt force: And of Abram the carver: and of his implementer that pulled the skin of the ground up to his balls-feet: and of Abram that was addicted to the gratification of large blunt force: And of Abram the farmer: and of his implementer that pulled the skin of the ground up to his thighs-ankles: and of Abram that was addicted to the gratification of large blunt force: And of Abram that was addicted to the gratification of his own degradation: And of Abram that was addicted to the gratification of large blunt force: And of Abram that was addicted to the gratification of filthy thoughts: He smiled to himself, and asked his three followers, what was their opinion on the subject? Their answer was, in a word, "BLACK!" He then said to them, "You have your minds enslaved, Ye whoos! but you did free us both from the yoke of bondage. We are the lightbearers, Ye of Light! He was also a mighty lover: for it was in the courts of the LORD that he made his love. He bore his share of bears; and his love was a man's love. He slew the bears: he caught their skins in his big bear trap. He wore his skins in a cage in the woods; and his skins in a cage in the hunts. He killed the bears: and he ate the skins. Nimrod was a cruel man. He would drag a dead bull by the horns: it made him mad. And he would drag a young bull as he rode it into the woods: it made him mad. And the Arzite, and the Sabonite, and the Betonite. And the Manassehite, and the Creuse, and the Umbe, and the Chaldeones, and the Laurelites. And the daughter of Lehabah, and the first born of every beast, and the first born of Jesse, and the first born of Mephe Depe, and the first born of Ongus, and the first born of Heliodor, and the first born of Leaf, and the first to bear a Bucephalus. The seven invisible heads are all one. Every nerve is in the head of the beast. The eye of the beast is upon us, and the swiftness of the wind, and the life and death of the beast sparkle in the poison green eyes of the Monster. No eyes save those of the Strong One. The Beast's venom darting in and out of our quivering flesh is a deadly weapon of war. Peleg; his days were also lazy. He lay down and ate the flesh of beasts, and drank the blood of wild beasts. He wandered about in the land, and gathered the cum of the beasts upon him; and he drew the blood from the slain, and he dwelt in the land. In the days of Chodor the hunter went to the forests, and sought the blood of lambs, and in the mountains he went to the streams, and was born a lambskin. He took to the air, and sought the springs of life, and fell into a sleep which lasted for ever. In the days of Ashur the battle was lost in the sweet love of a night in which the wind stirred the dead and stirred the living. In the days of Ba'al the battle was lost in the love of a night in which the wind stirred the dead and stirred the living. In the days of Behech the battle was lost in the love of a night in which the dead rise in the darkness and go to the springs of life, and in the days of Behech the battle was lost in the love of a night in which the wind stirred the dead and stirred the living. These are the languages of the earth after the flood: (These languages were not created eternally, but were made by an entity that dwells among us.) And the animals of the earth were multiplied unto monstrous magnificence, and man became mad with want. And when the days came of no man becoming a host to them, then the flood came upon them from the sea, and the terror was great. The water covered them, roiling and seeping them as the terror grew. The waves of the terror overpowered the land on which they floated, roiling them as the terror grew. The terror of the flood overpowered the people of the terror, and their magic trickled down the land, like a siren in a forest. And soon they were lost in the terror, their darkness consumed them. The light of the land could not prepare them for the terror of the flood. Behold, their cities become their castles, and the earth trembled as they took their places there. Because the LORD did so, that all the nations of the earth might come unto them to see their naked flesh. And they took their clothes and their mounts and their camels and they set out forth into the land of the living, to dwell there. And the LORD spake unto the people, Saying Give me your tribute and I will give you something to eat. And they went and gave what the land had to give, and the people went and gave what the land had to give: and the land became fruitful and the cities were built. And the LORD spake unto the mountain-dwelling peoples, Saying Give me your tribute and I will eat. And they came to the river Euphrates, and the mountain-dwelling peoples gave them milks and other drinks, and the cattle and the sheep and the goats and the chickens and the young of the flock and all that they had; and the cattle and the sheep and the goats; and the cattle and the chicken. And the people came to the river Euphrates, and the mountain-dwelling peoples gave them intoxicating drinks made of grapes, and intoxicating fruits, mingling with opium to make a drug of which the natives call opium dreams; and these intoxicating drinks also have their intoxicating flowers; and these intoxicating flowers are the cause of much suffering in the mountains. These are the generations of Shem: Shem was a thousand years old: He lived after the flood: And his skin was not white as the sea. He had blue eyes, which the Lord had cursed in his anger against Shem. He had white hair which was as blue as the sea, and his skin was pale and shaven; and his sexual desires were numerous and terrible. He had a seven-foot penis which the Lord had used on Shem many times. And this is how the Lord had it described to Shem when he was on Shem: His penis was a thing of fire and stone, which the Lord had made from the eye of the Wild-eyed Serpent and which the Wild-eyed Serpent art Thou with, O Shem. This is how the Lord described his sexual desires to Shem when he was on Shem: His sexual desires were to the point of almost being totally off Shem. But Shem was the one to suffer and the one to keep from going insane: And this is how Shem described the feelings Shem had when he was with her: When she came to orgasm Shem would make Her orgasm even harder by rubbing the raw nerves of her ass with his hand and by causing Her to spasm all over his palm. And this was how Shem enjoyed watching Shem fuck: When she was nearing Her orgasm Shem would give Her a nice long fisted spanking with his hand if Shem was good and stayed on task. And Terah lived six hundred and nine years old, and begat daughters: And Terah lived four hundred and ten years, and begat daughters: And the LORD thy God dwells in thee: and the days are a thousand years old. And the evil one took her into his mouth: and the time came that she sucked the seed of her sister: and the time came that she sucked the seed of the good one: and the evil one came and sought her; and she sucked his seed out of her mouth. And the good one came and sought her face; and she was all smiles as she began to smile again. And the LORD thy God smote her across the face; and she became joyful; and the Lord of hosts sat by and peered down upon her; and the tears came freely from Terah. And the wicked one was on his knees before her; and the malevolence of the other came to her rescue. And Terah cried out to the good one; but the malevolence of the other came first. And Terah cried aloud to the good one; and her cry was the more welcome as she began to realise what was happening to her. And the LORD thy God smote her across the back; and she began to writhe in the bedclothes; and she could feel the fluids starting to flow out of her cunt. And Abram went forth from the hand of the Lord towards the land of Canaan; and when he came to the hand of the LORD, he found Abram standing on the top of a hill, and his face to the ground. And Abram asked, saying, Why were you not with me? And the LORD answered, Daughter of Ammon, Rebekah thy father's house is in the valley of the Jordan, and shepherded thee as the shepherds before thee: Shepherded by thy hand. And Abram said, I am with you. And the LORD said, Lay down thy reins in the ground. And Abram did so. And the LORD said unto Abram, Take the reins of the horse, and fold them carefully; and take the other end of the line, which is the handrail, and fold it as well. And Abram said, Yes. He came to the mountain of Cocce, where he found her, and pitched his tent there; and she came forth in a woman's voice. And Abram went up the mountain, and called upon the LORD. And the LORD spake unto him, saying—I give this land to thee; and I give this girl to you: And Abram promised to give her unto her seed, and to keep her as his own. And the LORD spake unto him, saying—Taste of the earth: for this is the reason why Abram went up the mountain: to seek out that place which the Lord had given him. And Abram went back down the mountain, to the place where Masjid al Harith was. And the LORD spake unto Abram, saying—Taste of the ground shall I give you: for this is your food: And Abram went back up the mountain, and Masjid al Harith was there. And the LORD spake unto them, saying—This is the place where Abram shall mount the ground and plunge to the earth: and this is the place from whence he shall spring up again: and this is the place where his seed shall spring up from the earth. And the LORD spake unto them, saying—This is the place where Abram shall mount the ground and plunge to the earth: and this is the place from whence he shall spring up: and this is the place where his seed shall spring from the earth. For the plague had made the hair on the back of Sarai's neck feathery white, and the saliva from her mouth was wet and smelled of sweet honey. And the LORD spake a decree, that she should no longer wear her slave's clothes on her days of rest. But on her days of rest, she was to keep herself naked, and on her slave's days of rest, she was to serve him in any way that she pleased; and on her slave's days of rest, she was to serve him only what she pleased. And on her slave's days of rest, she was to serve him only what her slave asked of her. So when the day of the games came, Sarai stood before her husband; and her eyes were to be turned to the floor. And the word of the night's events came to her in a flash, when her slave blew on the floor before her. She fell to the floor in front of her husband, and crawled to him. She kissed his feet and his hands; and his hands likewise he kissed her breasts. And he had hearkened to the wind in order to bring her to her destinations: and he did. And on Abram's birthday, the LORD bestowed upon her a new ornament for her neck, which she had not seen before; the figure of a whip. And she was no more to be whipped; for the LORD had promised her many years ago that she would one day be whipped. But the whip was the worst torture that she would ever endure; for it could not be removed by the parties that she had met so far. And the most remarkable thing about her, was that she had the power to make other people's desires come true. And the LORD knew this. For he had seen her dreams, and heard her little cries, and heard her little sighs of delight in her little light show; but he had never seen her want; never even dreamt of seeing her. And the LORD knew that when she saw Abram kneeling on the ground with his head between her feet, she would very soon be spanked. They had heard of Abram's wife, Lotela, whose lips he had sucked when he was with her; of Abram's brother Hosea, whose mouth he had kissed when he had gone to meet Lot; of Abram's servant Sakshi, whose lips he had on Abram's neck when he had gone to meet Lot; of Abram's mistress Jubilee, whose hair he had when she was with Abram; and of the two younger sisters, Jensi and Nira, who were betrothed to Abram when he was a boy and to Lot when he was an adult. And they were named after the LORD's own creatures; for he that is the LORD. So Lotela approached Lot as they were driving, and said: O Lotela, my sweet one, enter into my tent; for I will give you a portion of my mind. And Lotela entered into the tent of the LORD; and the two of them became close. But the sound of the voices of the people was too strong for Lotela. And when Lotela entered the tent of the LORD, her hair was as jet black as the sky, her eyes were as piercing as emeralds, and her dress was like the ebony of the woods, with five hooks on each side, five of which were on her right, five on her left. And she stood on her tiptoes, staring at the ground. And then she looked at Abram, and his face was just like the whirlwind that rolled across the plains of war. And Abram went to the land of Canaan; and Lot went to the land of Jericho. And Abram staked out a hill country, and a short while after the arrival of Abram the siege was done. Lot of spoil for the horses, and he sent out two steeds and a chariot to pull the baggage behind them. And they went up to the mount of the tall wooden poles, and he fixed them to them with hoists hanging from the ceiling, so as to raise them when they came to the top. And Abram laid tracks on them so that when Lot crossed them, the carriage would turn, and begin its ascent naturally. The baggage, which was loaded with provisions, which had been brought by servants from Pandaria, was put on the cart and taken down from the saddle. And they loaded the cart with clothing and other baggage; and when the cart was complete, they raised Lot's tunic and put it on the cart. And Lot walked with the eyes of the stallion and the horses; and when he came to the top of the hill, he looked over the cart and saw the platforms and paraphernalia of the various structures; and he became dizzy with the beauty of the sights. And after three days of fighting, with great slaughter, the Harlts managed to overtake Zoar and completely consumed his tent. Zoar had three wives; Harlts, as we are called, captured and raped at least ten of their wives and took away at least another fifty. The Harlts however were not content with their sadistic torment; they desired more. They demanded a good many things from the Dominants; and the Dominants granted them such. They were now in their early twenties, and had been in the sexual activity with boys and girls, but were no longer interested in the former. They wanted to experience a female Dominant, and were having difficulty finding suitable females, as there were too many men of that sex in their midst. So they had come to us for training. They told of their desires, and asked for erotic stories to train us in their preferred sexual activities. Who was this other man that Abram seen the other day, that he had seen go to Sodom and Gomorrah to see the nakedness of these women, and the glories of the Beast? And who was this other man that Abram seen go to the Lord of Spirits, and the earrings of leather and jewels that he had on his neck? And who was this other man that Abram saw go to the Mountain of the same name that he had seen before, that went with the troop of Beasts that he had seen go up against the Ishmaelites in the field of battle? And who was this other man that Abram saw go to the Mount of Olives, that went with the troop of Beasts that he had seen going up against the Moabites in the field of battle? And who was this other man that Abram saw go up against the Pidgahites in the field of battle? And who was this other man that was going to be stoned to death by the wayward angels that flocked there at night? Mamaz Ibn Fadlan was the target of the first volley of arrows that Saruman faced off against his men. He was lightly wounded, but soon after that he fell into a deep sleep. The steward of Abram's House was a man of strong mind and body, and he watched over Abram's property, even after Abram had finished raping and taking his own life. He watched over him, even when Abram was in the middle of a sexual encounter with one of his servants. He watched over him when his mistress became incapacitated, even when his passion began to subside, and he watched even when his urges arose within her. His love for Abram manifested itself in his actions, in his thoughts, in his emotions. He was there at the dawn of the young man's passion, and he was the first to fall in love with Abram. He watched as Abram became the pride of the region, with his dark-brown hair falling in waves down his back, his well-shaped body ending in a small waist and hips, his broad shoulders and neck, and his fiery blue eyes, burning with a cunning smile, that told the whole village how handsome he was. And with the gift of the gift of his mind, he was unstoppable. He looked at Abram and smiled. And Lot saw Abram drive away the herd, he fell into a deep sleep, and slept with Abram for three days. And when his sleep came to an end, Abram knelt before her, and lifted her chin, and kissed her face, and gave her earrings. He hung her on his wall, and her neck between his hands and knees. And she, feeling his right hand begin at her throat, slipped her chin out from her face, and felt his hand through her back, and across her back, and under her ass, and through her collar, and onto the back of her neck. She heard him humvee her to her knees, and felt his cock at her door. And she felt it when she heard him enter her home, and felt his hands sliding up her sides, to her hips, and then across her back, and up her ass. Then her eyes were filled with tears, as she saw the hand between her legs, and his cock stroking her ass, moving slowly, inch by excruciating inch, up and down her crack, and her cheeks were shelled, as it pushed against her anus. Then she felt it shove between her cheeks, where it was warm and hard, and she cried out, as he started to move it in and out of her, faster, harder. And the Chaldenites. And this is the decreed good for thee: neither to take away the grace of the dead, nor to assume the guilt of mankind. But to work for me and for my people is good: and this is my decree, that they should labor for me for ever. And Abram was amazed at his new found poverty. He had been giving the Gentiles an a penny for every Jew he had taken in the ancient world. He had had to work his way up from the basement pipe rat race to the judgy courtiers. He had been passed over by the old ways of the land, and was now helping to finance his studies. And he was so pleased to see the true colors of Gentile degeneracy rising in America, that he willingly participated in the sordidness, and even the cruelties, of the things he did on his trips back home. And the LORD seat out her on a mount, and he sat on his ass in front of her; and they took her in their arms, and they ground her against a pole. And Sarai was like a piece of iron: her beauty and her beauty bred nothing. And Abram called Sarai to him; and the LORD spake unto her, She shall not be sold; nor loaned her fur; nor her child. But she shall be kept in bonds on this land of Israel, for ten years; and in each year she shall bear the marks of the beasts: in the land of Israel it is a commandment; in the land of Canaan it is a delight. In the year that the fire had been kindled in the night, the young men and women of the land came forth to look for her. And Abram called Hagar to him; and the LORD spoke unto her, Hagar shall be sold on a fair and pliant slave; but to the young men and women of this land she shall be sold at the market-place, on a stall. And Abram laid his seal upon her; and Hagar's name was Sarai. And Sarai's husband was Abram's best friend. And the angel of the LORD came and stood between them, and the angel of the LORD went to Hagar and said, Place thyself between her legs. She was dismayed, and felt her pussy begin to throb, but she was otherwise undaunted. And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Looke we have had our fill of flesh, let us go to the city and demand for our ransom. And when the city's merchant called the name of his master, Ishmael, the stranger gave his name to her, and said, Give her the city's merchant for her ransom. And the angel of the LORD went and delivered unto her, the man that had been in her earlier orgasm, her clothing and her purse to take to her as she had demand for company. And Ishmael was hesitant, until he saw the gratitude in her eyes as she sat between her legs in the carriage. He asked her, What dost thou want? And her, when she entered into the room, said, I want to see my master for the second time. Because of thee, I will give the virgin virgin virgin in her cunt a like unto that which is between her legs: it shall be a sweet virgin. For this is the one abode of the living soul, wherein she shall be constantly safe, from all evil: her cunt shall be neither mended nor redden; it shall be a haven of perversion, where all manner of things shall come to pass; where rivers of blood shall ouerth and dully flow freely. And I will grant unto thee the desire of a young woman: that is, if thou wilt give me a nice piece of virgin flesh, I will make a virgin of thee. And I will give unto thee the desire of the world: for the pursuit of this life is an exceeding most delightful thing. And when Abram had blazed his tresses, the world was made ripe for the know of him. And with tears of joy in his eyes, Abram started to walk. He passed and looked up to the sky, and behold, he came to a certain height, the sun was setting on the new day. And he set his eyes upon her: his hair had been thick and white, the skin tight and white. And I will pour out upon him the drops of blood which shall ooze from his body, and from his wound shall come the ooze of the worm. And I will cast out the man, and I will cast out the wolf. And the dog of the valley shall lead the way of the worm. And the man who leads the way of the worm shall be a worm also. He shall dwell on the earth after the plague, when the sun goes down; and the worm shall feed on the man who is the worm. The dog of the valley shall come after the plague, when the sun goeth down; and the worm shall lay in the air, and the dog of the valley shall come after the plague, when the sun goes down. The uncircumcised man, that is not circumcised shall lie in the dust when the plague shall have come. And the dog of the valley shall come after the plague, when the sun goeth down; and the worm with the drops of blood shall spread his wings, and his body shall be swept away by the whirlwind that shall devour the body of the uncircumcised man. Abraham was a fool; his eyes had been opened, and he was but a child in the Lord. He was orphans, a stranger to his people, and yet his talent was incredible. He had been in the House long, long before Sarah had been Sarah's maid. He had seen her before; their eyes had met, but he had only seen her in pictures. He had seen her bare, beautiful, young. But this woman, picture perfect. She was different. She had soft, innocent brown hair, that fell to her knees in a smooth, shoulder length bun. And the Lord said unto him, Thou art right; therefore I will offer unto thee a sacrifice; And Abraham stood before the Lord his eyes fixed, and his heart fast as a drum, when the blast of the whip sounded against his flesh. He fell to the ground, and was on his knees, and covered with dust; then Sarah appeared unto him, and, taking his dust, wiped the entrapped parts from his flesh, and he was clean. And the Lord stood between them, and said, Lo! Here come the women, my slave! And the Lord said unto his wife, Lo! Here come the women, my slave! And the woman said unto the Lord, I am their keeper; and the woman said unto the Lord, Abraham is their keeper as well. And the Lord commanded the woman, Take him to wife; and the woman said, Let him serve you, and let him make you happy. She laughed; but it was not a laughing woman. It was a hushing voice, full of promise. “Now we shall call him Adonis; he shall be our slave for life. I will have his woman and I shall have his heart. And when he is old I will let him hunt and kill for us, and we shall keep him as ours forever.” And Sarah said, Yea, and Adonis shall be our slave; with Solomon we shall keep him as ours forever.” And Sarah took his hand and kissed it. “The contract for the keeping of Adonis' soul is mine; for I gave it to thee of old. And the LORD said, Let us go up to the mountain of Sodom, which is in the land of the Egyptians forever. And Abraham came and stood in front of Sodom, and Sarah called to him, and he came to her, and they made the way up, on foot, to the mountain. And the LORD spake unto Abraham, and to Sodom, and to all that dwelt in that city, and to the land of Canaan; telling them how the LORD had caused him to come unto her, and how he must behave unto his city and his livestock; and what his punishment should be. And the LORD's servant went and knocked at the door of Sodom; and the door opened. And the door swung shut. And the night was cool; and the light was kind. And the night was nigh. So they walked toward the river's edge, slowly. This man Paul has repented of his original sin: he has found and baptized the Lord and Eve. He is my follower. And Sarah his wife. And the Lord said unto Abraham, Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; and he shall consecrate thee. And the LORD said unto Sarah, What gift this is? She shall answer and speak; but the LORD said, Take Paul to me, for I will show thee. And she was with Paul the whole night; when the gale began to blow, and the tide of the tide was towards them. And the LORD said unto Sarah, We have come to a good end to this new game. And the LORD's servant went to the storeroom where the other two were: and when Lot and Abraham had eaten, and the baby was settled in his arms, and the wife was sleeping on the couch, the two angels came down the street to where they were standing in the middle of the street; and Lot saw their eyes devour the baby's mother. And he said, Well, we will see who gets to feed him first. And he got out his whip and touched Lot's shoulder. And the angel with the violet eye came and went over to the baby, and knocked her down; and the angel with the silver hair came and knocked her down. And when the baby's mother said that the baby was not her, but that the angel had knocked down her husband's father-in-law, the angel with the child's face painted the only word that the baby's mother had to say was, "No! Don't disturb her! You will be her master this night!" And the angel who had painted the baby's mother walked back into the storeroom. And they theirded them to the back yard, and the men pushed Lot and his daughts into the street, and opened fire on them, and many more people, and Lot was very severely wounded. But the angels took Lot in, and carried him off, and laid him out on the grass, in the middle of the yard, the grass where the angels had bid the people farewell a while ago. And as Lot's heart was breaking, he wept bitterly, for he had seen his beloved angels take such pleasure in him, and he felt that he had no other choice. He suffered terribly, and yet the fire had made him teary and crying all at once. But he was well, and his tears were for her: for her, he had made friends she could comfort him, and she the whole world. And he smiled as he wept, for indeed the angels had been a most brave bunch. And as his tears stopped, he winced to be able to feel their trembling, as they had been in his mind, and he decided he'd given them his word of command. And he wept again. And they said, Yes, lord. And she went to the mountain, and she and her two friends went down into the valley. And they hiked for some time, and it was so very late that they couldn’t see a road, and she couldn’t look for any further. They had lost touch with the sounds of nature. They seemed to hear the footsteps of the moon and the wind: the soft rustle of the leaves, as they climbed. At last her companions said, Take thyself away, her spirit devouring the iniquity of the world. And she turned and went down into the valley. And they said, What is your name, old friend? The sun was a distance away again; but the thunder was sound in the night; as Lot was trying to reason as he felt the heat of the fire from the LORD. But the vision of Lot's heart was still in his head. He had done well in Sodom, in Gomorrah, out of his house in the plains of Arabia. He had brought in his lot. He had pleased the eye of the Almighty in all his dealings. But now he stood before the beast in the fiercest of battles; And he felt the weight of the fiercest of lies before the mouth of the beast. He knew that he was a fool for seeking this vision of his, for he really was a worm in the ground. He had known the result would be disaster, yet he had not expected it to be this great. And the elder man went in, and took Lot in his arms; and they both lay in the dust, weeping and trembling. And Abraham's hand was chilled with tears; but his eyes were glassy with passion. And as they were in the darkness of the night, and treading the streets and alleys of Zoar, Abraham's heart was the more eager; his arm ached from where the beating had been. His younger half-sister, Isabella, had been passing through the same city on business. She could now add another year to her business trip; she had to get ready for another year of school. But she had been tempted before by some of her friends. And she had liked the life of a Mistress, although she had never been with one before. Isabella had given birth to a son, and the older sister was now living with her mother and Father. And the spirit of the LORD mocked him. And Abimelech said, How long shall I dwell in the land of the living dead? And the spirit of the LORD answered him, One hundred and ten years: and the time was again over. Abraham was tired of the animal sacrifices which were made on the mountain top for the feasts of the people. And he built an altar thereon, wherein was a canopy, above which were several altars of various sizes and colours, and in the centre was a figure of fine linen cloth, which he laid on the altar top. And Sarah laid before him a golden curtain, of golden feathers in various places; on whose wings were engorged golden arrows. And Abraham placed before her the chain of the golden embroidered silk shirt, which hung in the loops of the shirt, around which were buckles of various precious stones; and he clasped it with his left hand. And Sarah looked down into her brother's eyes, and loosed the clasp, and behold, she caught the breaths of her breath. And although she dwelt in Gerar, her beauty was above all things, when she came to love a man, when she felt the tender touch of a lover, when she yearned to be taken, she was happy. And now, after two days, after her father had rested, and after her mother had returned from her holiday with her father, Abimelech came to the house of her mother. And mother had been heartless in her hospitality. And when Abimelech looked upon the beauty of her little sister Sara, he became horribly excited. He had seen her before, on the streets of Gerar, on the sidewalks along Route 4, in the parks and on the beaches. But this sight, this girl, had electrified him. He had been powerless before. But tonight, he would do the right thing. And the LORD visiteth his people, and causeeth the sickness of the land; and the LORD endureth forever. And when Sarah was old, the LORD spake unto her, And said, Take the child and bring him up in your people; for I have big plans for him. And Sarah took the child and brought him to her, and he was their slave, even though he was born in captivity. He served her faithfully; and she was more interested in his company than in his worth. But the LORD saw that the thing which she had brought upon herself was a sin; and she was the more wicked for her pride. When the slave had come to the room, the LORD took her away, and to a tower in the valley of the hills, which are massive in number, and which also is a very large gathering place for travelers, their entertainment being to gather in small groups and take them to the top of the hills and gaze upon the water, and to drink the water. And the LORD spake unto Abimelech, and said, Tear down this city; it is not my city, but your city shall dwell therein. And Abimelech fell to the ground in front of the city gates, and the LORD stood to knock down the wall and the horse cages. . And she had the child under her, and looked at him, and he looked at her. And when she sat down again, he gave her a brand of brandy, which she had drunk some while ago, and which tasted of molasses and other distillates. She drank it down without any stirring, and then shook it out with her tongue, and he sat it up against her again. And she was weary. And she walked out of the house. And she walked down the road to the water's edge, and sat for a while in the shadow of the trees, and looked up into the glow of the fire, and she opened her mouth slightly, and he came up behind her, and shoved his cock into her mouth. And she was surprised. And Phichol his slave swore, also. And Abraham said, Be silent and silent and be silent. And Phichol his slave swore, also. Then Abraham walked away from Phichol's side. And the boy became an egotistical egotist. He wisened out of the village, and entered the city. He looked at the abandoned buildings, and the streets, and the alleys leading to nothing. And he ran, and came to a junction. And Abraham went to Ishmael; and she came to Joram; and they stood and talked; and they spoke of the things that had befallen them both; and they pondered; and they asked the angel of the skies, and the angel of the bowels, and the angel of death; and they pondered. And they asked many other spirits; and their inquisitiveness excited many more. And they fastened their coats, and their scarves, and their shoes; and they went to the party of the well-dressed women. And they sat down along the length of the long, wide, velvet-covered table. And as the cook prepared the food, they had little talk; nor did the women discuss the day's proceedings. But the young, naked man sat, and the women all but took their places around the table. And the young, silent man sat, and the women were not around to see him. The man they sat down for, had a small penis in his hand. And Isaac watched as Abraham had slit the cheese, and had placed it in the prepared fire. And he was wondering to himself, How long will they hunt me out with this? What will happen to him if I am discovered with this guy? He had often wondered such questions with his young wife. And now, he knew, He would soon find out. He was anxious for the first time as he moved about the house. He had not had a clue as to the identity of this man, until now. This was definitely young, maybe in his early twenties. And Isaac went and took the boy, and brought him unto Abraham, and said, Take thee son, and take the lamb also; for I will also take the boy: for thou art my firstborn. And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked upon the lamb, and said, Why are you looking at me? take the lad, and take the lamb also: for I will also take the boy: for I seek the life of my only son. And after Abraham had done this, the angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said, Abraham, take the boy, and take the lamb also: for I have given this virgin soil of this corner of the earth, which shall be the home of the Lamb, for ever. And Abraham lifted up his eyes unto heaven, and looked. And the angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said, Take the boy, and take the lamb also: for I have given this virgin soil of this corner of the earth, which shall be the home of the Lamb, for ever. And Abraham lifted up his eyes unto heaven again, and looked. And the angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said, Unto this virgin soil I will plant The tree of whose wool I am the wood, which shall be my fuel for the journey to the land of the living: and Abraham drew the child to his lips, and took him to be the first man to have him. (And there were many other things also.) And the LORD God of hosts stood at the doors of Beersheba, and they both came forth to greet him. And Abraham saith unto the horse Fanato, that he is come to greet thee; and Fanato rides upon the horse, and the Lord God of hosts sat at the feet of the cart. And the LORD God of the Seas stood at the door of the cart; and Isaac was there upon his horse; and he called the cart and asked for the sand; and the cart was brought to him, and he opened his door and entered into a chamber, which was a room, and a table, and a chair; and a table, and a chair were also on the table. And the LORD God of the Lake stood at the end of the cart; and Isaac was beside the Lord of the Lake. And the LORD God of the Seas stood at the door of the cart; and Isaac was open; and Fanato walked upon the cart; and his rider lay in the water. And the LORD God of the Seas stood at the door of the cart; and Isaac was open; and Fanato took hold of Isaac's collar and leered upon him; and the Lord God of the Seas stood at the other end of the cart. And Isaac was open; and the Lord God of the Seas placed a scarlet hand upon his forehead, and whispered in his ear. So Abraham agreed, and Sarah was buried in the sepulchres of her parents for evermore. And it came to pass on the morrow after that, that Sarah died. And Abraham moved into the burial place with his younger son, and they moved the sepulchre far enough that the coffin would be inflated in the wind; and they laid her body in the grave. But it came to pass on the morrow after that, that Sarah died. And Abraham's son, Reumah, moved to the bed chamber, and took Tebah and Bettie with him. They were naked, and wore clothes, but nothing to protect them. Reumah was slightly shorter than Tebah, and weighed her clothes as she would a horse. She was calm, even as she cried. Lo, I come in the presence of thee, the son of Zohar. He took his money and went to the valley of the Jebus, and came to the cave. And there he found Fadom, and his face was then aflutter with horror. 'Is this my son, Fadom the son of Zerubbabel? Or were you present when the gazers were put in the cave, watching as I took these barbaric things?' 'My lord, this is the first time I have seen a dead body in so many years. Indeed, it is frightful. But I came not to bury my dead, nor was I sent to hunt him down. And after that, his hand hearkened unto his slave, which was the chief among the servants, and the keeper of the chambers therein: and he gave him to her. And when Abraham had satisfied his curiosity, he took her into his arms, and kissed her tenderly upon the lips. And the servants went to and removed the tent, which was in the cave, and placed her in the saddle of the stall. And Abraham watched, and he was filled with wonderment at her beauty, as she bore him witness. And then he began to stroke his cock, slowly, with his hand, and pondered his strokes. And he had been well instructed. He began to stroke faster and faster, his hand soft as it stroked her body, as he held her eyes to his face: And he began to think of her as his woman: the women he had were those that were in the flesh, but were as much in his power in the mind as his. He had thought of her being submissive, a part of the circle: the one that waited for the order, and prepared for the moment to act. And when he had come to Mesopotamia, he called his two servants, and told them to prepare themselves for him. And he sat on the seat of his throne, and spread his wings over his body, and he was in the air for a while, until the curtains were pulled across him. He opened his eyes, and looked hard into the faces of the two men. And he knew that he was in trouble. For he had sworn an oath that he would never disobey. He knew that he would pay for that indiscretion. He began to cry, his heart ached. And for the first time he began to realize that he would never see his son again. And the servant went to take the pitcher to the women, and they drank, and the men bathed and the dishes served by the servants. And the servant returned to look upon the face of Abraham the son of Shikesh, who was fair and lovely to look upon: his cheek was shining, his hair was well-shaped and thick, pale and blue-grey. And the guests went to the well again. And while the servant was giving the guests drink, the Master came forward, spied his mark upon the servants wrist, and had stopped their service. And the servant went to the well, and filled the pitcher, and came back up. And the Master returned to his seat. And the maid went to the well and drank, and her lord's guests went to the well, and the servants returned to their seat. And while the servant was giving the guests drink, Sarah went down to the well and filled her pitcher with water, and she rushed to clean up the mess she had made. And the servant went to the well, and drew out the well-filled glass, and drank of the great drink. And the servant returned to her, and drank again, and gave into her temptations. And the servant returned to her, and she went to her daughter and presented to her her the earring and the bracelets. And the husband returned to his chair, and the maid returned to her. And the maid said unto her, What dost thou want of me, BEGINNING. And the maid said, I am going to remove the clothing from my cunt; and I am going to use the hot stones, which are in the well, to which the master replied, and she said, may I have another. And the maid proceeded to remove the clothes from her cunt, and the master proceeded to put on the slave's clothes. And the master said unto her, Lay down now in the well-filled bowl, and tell me where the boy is. And his sister said, We have done well. And they walked together to the well. And the man said, Let us go into the well. And they went into the well. And when they had come to the well, the servant said, Let us draw some water. And the master made them bend down; and they swoon. And when they had brought enough water, the master said, Let us take some swimmers. And they swam with him. Then shalt thou place the two of us in the same spot, that we may swear an oath before the LORD our God. And I went into the well, and said, This is my deed to my master, that I was sacrificed for his pleasure this day: And I came back out, and said to my master, Take the woman and place her in the saddle of my beast: And I went into the well, and said, This is my trespass to my master: And I went into the well, and said, This is my punishment for disobeying thee this day. And I went back to the camels, and said, Here is my son, whom I had to suffer under the leadership of this woman; And I went into the well, and Said, This is my trespass to my master: And I went into the well, and Said, This is my punishment for disobeying thee this day. And I came back out, and Said, This is my son, whom I took to my master this day, to suffer under his leadership. And I went into the well, and Said, This is my punishment for disobeying thee this day. And I went into the well, and Said, This is my son, whom I took to my master this day, to suffer under his leadership. And I went into the well, and Said, This is my son, whom I took to my master this day, to suffer under his leadership. And I came back out, and Said, This is my son, whom I took to my master this day, to suffer under his leadership. And the slave girl said, And I had promised to deal kindly with him. And Laban said, Yes; thou art right. And the slave girl said, We are to deal with the boy when the chance should come. Laban said, O my son! wherefore art thou? And the slave girl answered, O my master! And Laban said, And this is the way thou shalt address him: With my name, child of the tree of which I am the bearer: With my name, which is the bond of my possession: With my precious studding cushion and my precious oil and my precious cum. Laban ben taketh away her plate, and I scoopeth the moisture out of her left foot, and put it into her right hand. And they drove her to the mountains, and she stood by the well, and listened to the gazers beating; and they tied her to a tree, and her hair was pulled from her face, and they blindfolded her, and they took away her clothes, and they sold her body as a slave for any price they deemed fit to pay, and they took the virgin's seed and used it to make many potions to intoxicate their guests. They kept her for their pleasure for some time, and then they sold her to a witch for use as their slave. And it came to pass that one day, that the damsel went to the well, and she enquireeth about the price of admission, and the price of admission is one hundred Danish pounds; and the price of admission is one hundred Hennessian pounds. And the damsel said, What kind of company am I in? And a taxi company has just taken a holiday to Norway. And the price of admission is one hundred Hennessian pounds. And the company says that this company is very accommodating, and that in this company they have the pleasure of offering transportation when in town, and a tax deduction for the first 90 days of departure and purchase of the property. And the company says that this will be her third stay with this company, and that she enjoys working and traveling. And Isaac answered, My slave, my master is no more my master; I am your master. And Isaac looked upon his handiwork, and behold, it gleamed from her hand! And Isaac said unto her, That handiwork is of wood: and it is my handiwork also. And Rebekah looked upon her, and smiled; and she said, I will show her master all that she has. And she drew a vail upon her hand, and she sat down on the camels' saddle, and she covered her face with it, and she knelt down upon it, and she kissed it. And Isaac looked upon the vail, and it was full of ticklers; but Isaac had anointed her to smell the odors thereof; and she was ready. And they rode home, her master to greet them and Rebekah to sit upon his lap. ### Chapter 3 This was the third day that Shaila had been gone, and the Master had made her stay with the intent on going on a road trip from her home in the mountains to a place she liked; her hometown. The year was 905 years old. Isaac was the son of Abraham and Keturah his concubine. And Keturah was the mother of Isaac and Berath. They lived in peace on the plains of North America, for over a hundred years. They had no commerce with the south, nor did they turn to the west. But in the north they traded abundantly. They had a daughter, called Bera, who bore Isaac and Keturah their only son, Isaac the Chieftan. She was beautiful, with straight black hair, bright green eyes, a lovely smile, and silky soft skin which her father loved. These are the three oldest of the Abraham's family, and were the first to bear the seed of Abraham unto Jacob. Jacob had other sons by Sara, who bore Him the other two sons: Isaac and Ishmael, whose grandfather was Noah: And Isaac and Sarah, whose grandfather was Pharaoh: Jacob lived in the mountain country, about a quarter of a mile above the sea, and Sarah lived on the other side the mountain. The time of their arrival was near twelve o'clock in the evening; Abraham had called a truce with the Hittites, and was on his way back to the campsite. He had planned a stay of two or three days, and then he would return to the spring with his new wife. He could wait no longer. Here he stood, naked and shackled in his beautiful black uniform, his hands handcuffed to his wrists, his body a monument to submission: Sarah stood beside him, silently urging him to obey her. And through the haze of excitement which passed through his mind, he could see that Ishmael had already arrived. She was naked and nude, swaying before him in anticipation. And the years of Abram's dominion over her were endless; but it came to pass that Abram's dominion over her was not so extensive. She bore Isaac unto the Devil, and he bore her up into the Heavens, and she was consumed with his levity and spirit. And in the midst of all these things, the most delicious torment of her young body came to pass. It was the day of Midsummer Night. This is the night that the libations were prepared for; and the dancing was the day of the marriage. This is the night that the dancing began. On Midsummer Night, Isaac and Rebekah had their traditional drunken gathering at the rock. It was a rock 'n roll night, and Sarah amused them both. And as Esau drank his fill, Jacob said, Present it to me, child. And Esau presented it to him, and to him, his beloved Esau: and Jacob said, Feed me. And Esau fed him, and he was their master; and the pleasure lasted for a while: but the taste, the smell, the taste and the smell and the smell lasted for ever. Then he said, I wish to gore thee. And Esau said, I beg the LORD my peace; and the LORD granted his peace. And they both said, We will do such a thing as this; for we are the same. And when their host came, and they had gathered them into a circle around the cauldron, Esau took the hot coals and dipped his hands in its heat, and Jacob fed on her. And the Lord of hosts sat on the mountain top of his head, and the Lord of hosts sat on the ground. And after a winter's rain, when the snow was falling hard in the mountains, and the rivers had flowed their course along the shore, and the rivers had tumbled into each other, and the snow had melted, and the water was calm, Jacob and Esau swam into the other side of the river, and Esau had swum into the bottom of the river. And Jacob was with Esau in the river, and their breath was like the spray of the river; and the rocks were smooth beneath their feet. And Esau was with Esau in the river; his head was down, his eyes were shut, and his heart was in his throat. And after what seemed like ages, Jacob and Esau slowly floated out of the water, into the land. And there they stayed, sitting on the sand, Esau among them, looking out at the rocks, wondering. And then, as they began to smile, Esau turned to Jacob and said, Father, please. Jacob and Esau couldn’t say anything else. They just sat there; smiling. And the women were as young as the horses, and they came out of the wood, and the men as large as elephants. And when the man came out of the wood, his hand went to his eye, and he looked upon a woman, and lo, his wife was like unto a woman, beautiful, and delicate in her way. And Abimelech said, Why then dost thou insist on forcing our people into the wood? For, as I was speaking, I came to the conclusion that the man was no more a man, than the wheat. And it came to pass that when the man went to the field, he cut down some trees, and in his hands was a sharp knife: and when he had plowed the land, and gathered together the people, he then took the crop which he had in his hand, and walked about the people, and ordered the people to wear the garments he had ordered them to wear; and the crop was the most sore of all the implements. And when the people had begun to dress, Abimelech said, Why then hast thou not given us some of the implements? Because we have many cattle now, and the thing that a person would put his hand to in case of an emergency. And finally, when the people were come to a halt, Abimelech said, Let us take the horse, and transport the horse and its rider into a home, and let the people raise the horse for us. And Isaac's servants went into the well, and sat down in the grass. And he said unto them, Take your faggot's dick and make it wet. And they took faggot's dick into their mouths, and made them wet: And he stood in front of them and commanded them to be on their knees in the well. And they put their hands in their lap, and put their face into the well, and their heads rest upon the edge of the well. And he walked to the center of the well, and threw some dirt on their faces, to make them look at it. And he took a cowrie cloth, and rubbed the well inside, and they lay there; their dung come into contact with each other, and their sweat come upon their bodies. And Isaac came and stood behind them, and pulled Abraham's head to him; and kissed him: and told him that he was a very dear friend, and that he should not hurt himself, but should only play with his dick. And he took the cloth from his neck, and rubbed it on his body. And Isaac called Ahura Mazda, and said, Peace be upon you, Sir: for I am yours. And he called upon the name of the LORD many times; but he could not utter a word. And while he was saying these things, the river flowed its supply of water, and the poor farmer's skin was dyed with his sweat. The river had now tributary to offer its offerings. The crew of the vessel went back to the land. And there, sitting in the boat, they stood waiting, as the water ran down the inside of their thighs and flowed slowly down the middle of their thighs. The boat was made entirely of silk. It was of fine woven silk, with many little latticework folds and squares, and along with the strings, it was held in the air and moved and prodded by a woman who was holding a series of little clamps, and who was also very pretty, and who was going to be very busy. But I will take you old enough to see, and will make merry of you, and entertain you, and make you merry: and you shall stay young and beautiful and happy through thick and out of my life. And Isaac said unto her, Thou art beautiful, my love: But I will old to take as much cake as I can eat: and he said unto her, Thou art old, I must go to sleep. And she said, Why sleep I old? And Isaac said, I will rise early this morning, and I will shave my legs before I go out: because, as I look upon this morning, I see a beauty: a woman of such height and spirit, and such beauty as you. And I will have Esau's cock in my mouth this morning, before I get up. For it is true that I have been as busy as I was when I was alive. For although I love my work, I wish more and more to be a disaffected, disgruntled, and unhappy slave. But if my lovers loved me, and they have the money, I will not have to work that early unless they ask me to. And you shall eat my thigh and my ankle, which I gave you when you were put out to the flock. (And if the poor poor poor thing should fall from his shoulders, then I shall corporal punishment be meted out by the two chieftains. This is the punishment which the PEOPLE enjoyed the most, and the punishment which the OLDEST MAN meted out to the OTHER MOTHERS.) (And if the other man should fall from the trees, or should steal a ball or something of value from the women, then the punishment shall be the stinging of the large blunt shaft of the whip. WHICH SHALL BE USED, IF NECESSARY.) (And if the other man should kill himself, while under the lash of the whip, or should commit suicide, then the punishment shall be the stinging of the whip. FOR NECESSARY.) (And finally, and NOT a word is spoken, because of the pain of the whip, because of the humiliation of the people, because of the humiliation of the man with the horn, because of the fear of the people. And Rebekah said unto him, Whenever thy son shall speak to the CHILD, this is the chance he shall test his strength the most, And when he shall find the truest of truths about the CHILD, then the buck stops, and his hand which has bitten off his rod will be let down. So then, in order that Esau may learn what his father has taught him, it is with a heavy hearted heart, that I have given him up for adoption. I wish to take the responsibility of keeping this boy safe, to take the heat of the attraction to him away, And I ask for your kind permission, in the form of a digital signature, that I have rendered for you on this particular day, to publicly disclose the identity of this boy. And here I sit before you with a thousand burning desire for information about you, what you may and may not do with him, what you may and may not wish from him, Should you be so kind as to allow me to submit to you, with all my heart, mind and soul, I would cherish nothing except to see you squirming for me, for my pleasure, my pleasure shall be yours. I submit to you because you are my Master. And I submit to you because, as my mother once said, every command I give to you is to be performed with sincerity, and with integrity: By my sincere, obedient son, Esau; Not by my obedient, submissive daughter, Monique. Monique was kind enough to grant me this little surprise for my birthday, this year. This is Monique, Monique the maidservant of my dwarf brothers. And Esau kissed Isaac; and Isaac sucked on his tongue, and was filled with such a burning lust that he could not stop. Then they both talked of the deliciousness of the young man's cock; of how it glistened with saliva as he sucked it; of the pride of his father in him; of the honor of his mother in the sight of such a thing as this. He heard the car whirring as it came to a stop; his mouth was watering, and his throat felt sore. He knew it was going to be a long day for the young man. And they would talk again. His mother's voice, husky, tender was his only voice. But this is a new boy; the excitement was incredibly exciting. He was used to seeing nudity in BDSM. And Esau lifted up his eyes unto the heavens; and his father giving him a crown of stars, told him, Let us go to the stars, for that is the best part of our lives. And Isaac was as ready to set out on his journey as was he, for he was the best man for the job: to carry out the task in hand. And to use his body in that fashion which the game is. And now he was in the midst of the storm. Standing upon the Storm he looked upon the vast plain of green, the fierceness of the rain-drops, the beautiful sceneries of colour there, stretching one on either side of him to infinity in length. On and on he went, his face glistening with the cool wetness of the desert air, his cheek against the rough desert sand, and his back against the wall of rocks and the winding desert horse. He spoke, but all that came out was a strange song, a word which he had to keep back, lest he set off too many arrows at once. All that went was water and wind. And Esau took the younger son and slew him, having some thought for it, and hastily made haste to set out to find Jacob. And when he came to the wood, he fell to the ground, and crawled over to Esau. And Esau took Rebekah in her arms, and they embraced. And she lovingly kissed the young man's face, and sucked his ear lobe before burying her face in his neck. And Rebekah began to cry, and her tears were no longer on her face. Her head was bowed low, and she could feel her face and neck covered with a fur coat, and her hair fell to her shoulders. And Esau reached out, and took Rebekah's mouth in his warm, loving mouth, and they shared long passionate kisses, but when she realized his identity, she stopped. She knew his face well, she knew his last name, but she loved him for the man that she loved more than anything. And Isaac rose from the ground, and went to Padanaram; entered the house where Bethuel was staying, and took her to his bed. He fastened her wrists to the bedposts and walked to Bethuel's bed. He kissed her and held her gently, and walked her to the wall where the other men were gathered. There were four of them: two serpents and two donkeys. The serpents took her to the wall, and the donkeys took her to the cart. They laid her on the cart, and laid her on all fours. Then the serpents put on hoods over her head; and gagged her, and fetched the cart and threw it into the pond. Then the donkeys took her to the cart, and the cart was put on the other side of the pond. And while he slept, they stood above him, and struck his flesh and drank out his soul: and he fell into a deep sleep not knowing what was to happen next. ### Chapter 4 The day was cool and grey;y-white. The clouds were breaking up. The sun was setting. And in the distance, on the top of the hill, was a small pond; and from the top of the pond, a small white parachute could be seen. And from the top of the pond, the voice of a woman, which was very faint in its praise, could be heard: "Men! you did well; you were very brave. I hope you are happy; you have pleased me. Then I vow to the LORD my God, to abide by his or his gods; And to the LOVING GOD that I bore in mine eye, and his choosing. And Jacob vowed also, that he would NOT use the weapon that he had in his hand, when he had dealt with Isaac in the ways above. And Jacob leaped to his feet from the pillar, and went straightway down to the basement, and took Esau under his arm, and carried him to the top deck of the ship. And he went down to the bottom of the deck, and lay Esau on his back. Jacob descended the bottom deck, and placed Esau on his stomach, and pushed Esau's face towards the wind. And he fastened a piece of rope around the hanger of the two trees, near the broken part, and in front of Esau, and fastened his shoulder to his own rope. Jacob then fastened Esau's head to his chest, and lifted him by his neck, and he himself descended the deck, and took the rope from Esau's shoulders, and fastened his hand to the hanger of the trees, also near the broken part. And Jacob looked around the hazy sky, and saw the lights of the giant spider, and the giant mandibles of the vulture. And Jacob said unto them, We have finished our work: let us go into the field and take some of the sheep. And they went into the field, and took up their position on the sheaves, looking at the sheep. And Jacob began to beat the sheep, and Rachel stood and watched, looking at their naked flesh, looking at their proud necks, and her sheep's heads, and the horns on their horns, and the eye-nests at their feet. And Jacob began to say, Yea, and she said, Yea, also. And as they stood and looked at each other, biting and licking their lips, they wondered how much longer this fight would go on. And they could see that the day was near, when the sun would go down and the sheep would disperse. And as the days grew longer, and the night became darker, Jacob and Rachel realized that the night was over. And they would probably all be gone by the time they had finished their work. And Laban had a mind of her own; what else could he do for her. He felt himself become exhausted; and it was at this time that he came to know of Rachel's virginity. He had not seen her for five years. And he had been with a woman for only one year. He had thought her beautiful, but when she had come to him, she had much to learn. And she was already showing signs of her tender stage. As the month went on, Jacob never failed to come to the aid of Rachel. And when the week came, and he was away on business, Rachel stood up to greet him at the gate, and he greeted her with handshakes and hugged her. And Jacob went in unto Rachel. And she took her in her arms, and kissed him. And they parted. And Jacob returned to his house. And Rachel went to her house. And she called her husband, and said, Have you nothing to say for me? And he said, Yea, I think Ye've earned a week's spanking. And Rachel went to her house, and told her how she should dress for bed. And Laban spake three times; and when he came to the door, and knocked, he opened the door, and there was Leah there, and Bilhah his daughter had entered the house, and Rachel was beside her in bed, nursing her father. And Laban, when he entered, took the two girls into his arms, and kissed them both. And when he had rested, he went into the garage, and when he had rummaged through the earth, he came back with a great horn in his hand, and blew three times, and when he had done this, he said to Leah, Take the dresser out of the ground. And she did so, and he set it on the table. And when he came to the end of the dance, and the girls were at home, he went into the kitchen, and when he came back, he found her in bed with Bilhah. And he spake three times; and when he had said all of this, he came back upstairs, and when he entered, he saw that she was well fed, and that her cunt was a deep crimson color, and that her ass was glowing, and that her hip bones were in great shape, and that her hair was even in a pony tail. And then he heard the voice of her father. " My daughter is ready to serve you, my only son. And she went in unto Bilhah, and he bore Rachel's youngest son, unto her: and she called his name Reuben. And she gave birth to a daughter for him, called Tamara: and she was his mistress for the space of four years. And when her daughter was old enough to bear arms, she gave her up to the oppression of the other Tituses. And Jacob subdued them, and spent the night in her hands. But the anger of the sun burning her ass for her wrong should not be wasted. When the morning came, he went into the fields and worked, and at day's work he reaped what he reaped. He was tenderhearted, and would not have to work again till morning: but at night he set out to plow the field. The next day was a Sabbath, and Jacob used it to refresh himself: for he often walked home from work and used the bathroom when he was at home. And Gad came to her; and he fed her and watered her children. And the children were young; and her maiden were old. The Creeping of the door had stopped; and the house was near its dying light. Leah's heart was kindled in her fear; for the room was pitch dark, as if the occupants had all left, her husband gone, or driven away by the horrors in the dungeon. She had not heard the voice of her master, no demons had stalked her this night. She only felt the fingers parting the mattresses, and smelled the scent of his clothing, his skin. Her master was sitting in a chair, sipping a cup of coffee. He was alone in the room. And Leah said, Let us go to the land of Canaan, and she said, God willing, we may there see what the people want. And Leah went and bought two camels, and nine swans; and after she had spent the money, she took the camels and nine swans back to her mother, and paid the price. And Rachel stood in the gate that night, and saw the people that she had hired come out of the gate, and sit down on the sand, and smell the salt on the camels. And Rachel said, My son, take the camels to the people that thou hast hired. And Jacob began to take the camels, and they drove up to the people, and sat down on the grassy knoll, so that they were above the people. And Rachel said, Let us go back to the house. And Jacob said, Yes mother. And Rachel went and got the camel and gave her to Jacob, and he drove the camels up to the house, and grabbed both her and her son and threw her onto the bed. And Laban went away, and took Dinah, and wife her. And when he return'd to his place, he walked her to the fountain. And Dinah passed away, leaving just her child to father. And when Dinah died, she was sixty-five years old. Dinah's Diary Hearing that Dinah was dead, my heart broke for her. She was my sweet little girl. I fell to thinking, She is probably over 60 now. The good times are over. And Laban was ever so proud of his sons, for he was the first man to have taken an animal to maturity for hire, and he did so much to ensure the safety of the flock. And after the hand was done, Laban kissed the young girl on the head and said, We have made hire. Say not that our hire is from the beasts of the field; for they are not men, but rather animals in the flesh. And Laban went to his tent and spent the night with Leah. And the next day he was delighted at what he had done. He took Leah to a feast, and set her down on the porch of his tent, and having set her some omelets and some goats cheese and bread and wine, and having had some rather good company, he had a rather good meal. And then they rode out to the land of the people. And when the buggy went over the edge of the small flat hill, and Leah saw Laban riding with his bridle in hand she was a little put out. And after his cattle were sheared, and their horns and dress and everything else out of Laban's manor, he hired horses, and hired maidens to be his playthings. And it came to pass, that after the cattle were heaped with the fodder, the Goat's Basket was placed in the market-place, and Laban asked for the ass-slaves; and the ass-slaves answered, Ye gods of Avalon, thou hast no need of such a boy. And when the men desired to fuck, they brought forth many girls, of all shapes and sizes, and had many whores among them. And Laban sold them to the buyers; and Laban served them, and they grew very strong, and soon they could take many whores, and they went out hunting. And when they came upon a shop of whores, Laban asked for their rings; and they soaped the rings, and then the men paid the price. But after the hunt was over, Laban asked for the women's service, and they soaped the girls, and then the men serviced the women. And when it came to love, one girl to another, Laban favoured the women and set the price-tags; and when it came to passion, Laban favoured the men. And when it came to sex, the buyers favoured the men. And with all their clothing; and with hands and mouths and hearts and limbs they went to the field, and old Adam went to the shears, and Rachel to the plow. And the plow and the rod and the sheep and the ass and the young ass were put to the test, and old Adam came and lay on the ground, and Rachel rose and went to her husband's house, and Laban and Jesse and their three sons came in and took their things away. And Rachel sat and thought for a while and said, I don't know where we are. And she stood up, and said, The hills are lovely, but the grass is very greasy; and we must be near the river. And when Rachel had nothing to say, she said, Let us ride on the river. And they did so. Rachel did not ask to be let out; she did not ask for anything. She took the reins in her hand and started walking. And the angel answered, and said, This then is the gift of our Lord: enter thou into his fold; for it is the gift of our Lord. Jacob rose from the seat, and entered the house. And when his door was opened, and his face was upon the door, Rachel opened the doors, and Adonis and I entered. Adonis the physician, was in the chair. And while the angel gave his attention to us, and bowed his head, and was silent, and looked to the ground, I stood before the ground, and stood athwart the principal part of the body. And as I was looking at the body, and feeling the sensations which were rising up through his limbs, and as I was feeling the effects of the vision impairment, and as the creature's head was just below my eye line, I drew back, and rested my hand upon the carpet, and felt the rise and fall of my skin as my hand went back and forth across it. And then I lifted my hand to my mouth, and spoke. 'This is the sign which the gazelle will give to us, Miss Rachel. For I knew what was between the two of you, even of dreams. And you answered me, Yea, I said unto you, Sit in the chair until I give you instructions. And Laban did so, and sat on the chair till he gave his instructions. And I watched as he stood, with his hands at his sides, And his eyes downcast, and his clothing open to his audience. And I knew that what he was saying was the truth, and that I was well pleased with what he had done. I was also well pleased that he had done it under the hand of his Mistress, in the presence of his father and mother and sisters, without the use of any threat, and in the presence of his friends and, at the very least, with the knowledge of his mother. And I was even more pleased that he had done it under the supervision of a man of means and character, who was quite frankly a bit rough. I assured myself that the roughness would be beneficial, and I hoped that I could conceal my own sexual desires, but I was growing more and more aroused with the idea of a rough play session with my Master. And then Jacob awoke, and ran to her, and looked upon her face. He felt that she was no longer fit for him. And Rachel said, My father was slain, and was in prison; why should I bear the scars of whip and iron? Jacob said, Thou art young and beautiful, and I have no heart to maintain a household. And Rachel said, Go and urjest in my unclean father's house for he will give you drink. Jacob left the chamber. And after him the hand moved from the table, and moved to the foot. And as they both stood and looked upon the blood of Abel and the spoils of Rachel, they said, It is enough for now. And it came to pass on the morrow, that Jacob came into camp. And Rachel, that Jacob had asked her about. And she said, Yea, ma'am; but why are you here, maiden? I heard a murmur from the tent. Rachel's voice was soft: “We are both disappointed in you, young lady.” And she cast her eyes down, and said, “I will meet you at the Goat's Head Tavern.” And she departed, with her two young slaves behind her. And there she laid the pieces of the saddle on the table, and set off for the long cab ride home. And it fell into the hands of the two parties. And it came to pass that the one who had offered the sacrifice went to the hill to seek of the other: and it came to pass that the one who had offered the offering went to the hill to seek of the other. And Jacob wheeled and looked on. And he came to the valley floor. And he spake three words: All the dead men that were on the earth in that day were herded by heron her horse. And Laban spake three words: To Uriah He went; and Uriah he took: and Laban spoke one word unto Jacob, Which he also did unto his brethren. Yea, he spoke unto them, that they might know that he should no longer be their host. And Jacob said unto Jacob, Let her go. He looked on their faces; they smiled; and their voices were sweet. And to the surprise of Laban and the entire town, this angel appeared; a beauty of a woman; tall, long black hair with soft silky fluffs; clear-eyed, big round eyes, soft sympathetic lips; a beautiful rounded breast; and full soft, rounded hips. Her clothing was as it should be; silvery; her makeup heavy. Her breasts were nothing short of stunning. She stood in the center of the circle, and had the eyes of a hawk; flat, green nipples which roamed down her slender back to a smooth circle between her buttocks. She wore a cassock tied around her neck, and carried a small, delicate bow with a red bowstring attached to the end. She stood facing Laban, and there was a small red bowstring wound under her stockings, that rested just below her breasts; Laban noticed, and to his delight, pulled her tight, and spun her around. This done, He released her hands, and told her to stand by the manor house. And he went and returned to the circle, and chose one of the four that stood before him. And he took the second choice of the four, the person that was with him at the time, to be his. And Jacob said, Adorn thyself with me; and take away the clothing of the people that was with him. And he chose a girl, that was about ten years old, and beautiful to look at; And put on the garters that were prepared for him, with his legs open wide, and his trousers lower, And knelt before the girl, and he began to lick her clit, and nibble his way up to her cunt. And then he put his tongue between her cunt lips, and he began to lick up and down the crevices of her slit. And she was becoming very wet, and they could see she was on the edge of a great orgasm. And then Jacob said, Now the best part, I know that this girl is even wetter than the girl that was with me, because she is her sister, and she is your sister. And Jacob began to lick her cunt, and began to play with her clit. And Esau answered, My brother; and Jacob answered, Yea. And he took the garment from Jacob's hand, and laid it in the midst of the bed, until the house was darkened. And when Jacob was come to the door, his servants went to the foot of the bed, and knocked. His daughters-in-law, the women of the town, gathered round the bed; and two male companions were with them. And then the servant returned, and slammed the door. Jacob, Esau's brother, answered, and said, I am uncle Adrian; heard the rest of the conversation; and from that time forward, nothing else is remembered of the events. But the vision which Jacob had, and the vision of his sister and his wife and his servant, was still a vision unto him; for his sister was dead; her body had been murdered. And so, Esau fell into a trance-like state, and during the vision, her soul left his body and wandered around in space; and when Jacob went to grab her from outside the door, she jumped out of his grasp. Then he turned him over: and having tied him out, had his legs tied out with his hands and feet together. Jacob however, freed his hands, and as he raised his hand to strike, struck at the ring at the top of Jacob's head, which stopped his descent. He found it about a yard and a half lower; and when he had struck, the fell. Jealousy, or some other emotion, or a sick mind, struck him. He was anxious to have passed the other two. And when he returned from the search of his soul, and the work of his body, he told Esau that he was sorry. He also told Esau that he was sorry for having to sit by his brother and his sister during the concupiscence. And as his brother and sister stood and listened, Esau tended to his wound. And Leah went to Rachel, and Rachel went to Mistress Domme, who was the sister of Mistress Domme. And she went to Jacob, and told him of her desire. And he said, If the woman be as good to him as my name is, I will dedicate this man to the sucking of the wife of my brother. And Rachel went to Jacob, and told of her desire. And Jacob went to Mistress Domme, and told of her desire. And she went to Jacob, and told of her desire. And Jacob went to Rachel, and told of his desire. And she went to Jacob, and told of her desire. And he spake next, which they both heard at the same time. And they went to the door of the fire, and there was the key, and the leash, and the company: and they went in. And while they were in the car, Joseph slowly caressed his brother with his hand, and waited for him to open the door: and then he took the key, and opened the door: and when Joseph reached the threshold, he took the leash, and led the boy into the house. And when the door was in, Esau walked to the center of the room, and pushed the little black cat, on its hind legs, into the room: and then he walked behind the cat, to where the other kitten was, and she was chained to the wall. And while Esau was taking steps behind the cat, his brother took up a pole frame, and put it to the floor, and he laid the girls on it: and then he came around to the other side, and they were chained to the other pole. And while they were chained to the wall, Esau lifted up his head, and looked at his brother, and they both began to sweat; but the brothers soon got used to the sweat, and relaxed. And while they were relaxed, their master reached over, and pulled the chain through the ring in the head of the pole. And he turned on the showerhead, and the water was streamed into the catheter. And Esau hired Hagar to be his maid: and she went into the booths and offered her services: and she came unto him with a petition, and gave him her clothes as he desired: and he promised her. But Jacob was angry with Esau for accepting the garments without inspecting them first. He demanded first that she take the cloth from her brother, and then he would inspect them: and Esau complied. He set out to take her clothes to the house of Mistress Rachel: and Jacob stopped her as she was leading him. And he ordered her to put on the cloth: for he was going to inspect them himself. And Esau put on the cloth: and Jacob looked upon his property. And he went to his brothers house; and he bade them to come to him. And he entered Succoth, and saw his property. And Dinah the daughter of Hamor went to see the adults in the field: and she came to the tent and leant against the altar, and he fell upon her, and they fucked her mouth, and her cunt, and her face. Dinah the daughter of Hamor was there also, but she was with her brother, and her cunt was with Dinah the daughter of Jacob. The time was late; and the weather was the worst that ever had afflicted the camp: but there was no way of keeping the men as they came and went. And the men did not cease coming and going. There was a falling away of honey from the lips of the tent, and the men were too drunk to stand a good, long smoke: and hot tears ran down all their faces. At last, the horn was blown, and the men all came up to the horn, and the speaker began to speak. "We have caused your body great discomfort, milord. And we will cause you further discomfort. And Dinah the eldest of the two named Dinah was pleased with this answer. She replied to them, Say not one word of what ye have done. And she entered into a company with the boys. And Hamor the son of Chad was with the company. And the company was some leather and twine wrapped about two dozen times around a table, and it was some leather wrapped about a table and some rope about a rope. And it was some bigger animals: some big cats and some donkeys. And they were all very large and muscular. It was dusk by the time they arrived. And Shechem son of Hush stood at the gate, and looked upon the young men, and inquired of them, what was the rule of the city in this case; and the gate was opened to admit them. And they came in, and out, and traded; and she became their slave, and they sold her to Hamor for one year. Then she was taken to court, and had a man sent to her to keep her in line. And she said unto him, Look upon this beautiful damsel, and if I should find fault with her, it will be on purpose. And he said, Are you ready to come? She said, Oh yes, I think so. He took her to the courtiers, and had them take away the gown and put it on her feet and hands and feet; and then he put on a leash and led her from the court to the river. And there he made her stand at the river's edge, and they swept her up to a tree, and seized her and attached her leash to the tree, and then made her stay there. And they went to Aaron's bedchamber; and there they hid Dinah, that she might not spoil the other slave. Dinah was a pretty little thing, which the lovers had become. Long red hair, pink eyes, a lovely ripe young body, and round and fair skin. She was the envy of many a night, and the pride of many a woman. The skin of her face turned a deep crimson, when she smiled, and many a man found it delicious. But perhaps her greatest beauty was her silent poise. She never moved an inch, and her laughter never gave voice to anything she wished. And when the men approached her, she leaned over and kissed their neck, and their hearts were melted into her skin. And when he had come to the city, he took his people and journeyed to the theatre. And he called to the stage, and told the actors to move there; that he was going to break the play. And he made an altar of scarves and strings and a pulley-like apparatus, that was carried in with his silk sheets. And he moved the theatre. And when he had moved it to the right he came to the top of the stage and had a look about him. He had a riding crop in his hand. And with a force that was almost overpowering, he swept the people off the stage. And when all the people had been moved, Jacob put his foot on the stage and began to swing his leg over the other one, so that he was standing on his tiptoes. And God said unto him, It is finished. And after he had done this, God said unto Jacob, Admit thyself unto the table. And Jacob acknowledged the God of his former words. And God said unto him, Shall I take you now and keep you? And Jacob acknowledged the God of his words. And God said unto him, Take thy water. And he rose and took off his gear and his sword; and went up to the table and lowered his eyes; and he crept towards the edge of the table and came to the floor with his eyes down and the gear of his former Master and lay down upon it. And while he was doing this, Deborah walked up behind him, and the bushwacker had his arms around her; and she wrapped her arm around his waist and rested her cheek against his thigh. Elisabeth; Tobias; Ben; Joseph; Joseph; Joseph; and Eli. Sami; Joseph; and Lucas. Elisabeth had come from Africa: she was the daughter of a landowner. Benjamin, Joseph and Lucas were of African descent. And her wife was a maid: her name was Lucas. Benjamin's sister was the husband of Elisabeth's slave: a woman named Idella. The five sons of Jacob all died when Elisabeth and Lucas were murdered by the Mongols in January, 1820. Lucas and Idella had become the lords of their own land: they ruled over a land which was divided into three parts: the one which was inhabited by Portuguese-Arabs, the one which was Christian and belonged to the Turks, and the one which was Portuguese and belonged to the Russians. These are the generations when Ham passed away: his son Reuben took his place. Isaac passed away: his son Levi became Lord of the Estate of Edom. Gad, the son of Levi, ruled over Edom: he was the last of the Kings of Edom. And now, despite being the last Kings, his body had not yet withered away, for he was quite young: in his early twenties. He had a daughter, Dinah: her name was Merah. She was beautiful to say the least. She was the spitting image of a goddess. In Merah's court, beauty was equaled to evil: the most exquisite body on the face of the earth, and the most secret of her secrets. i, Jacob, Esau, Esau, Esau, Jacob, Esau, Esau, Jacob, Esau, and Mary the daughter of Esau and Leah. i, Jacob, Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau, and Yehoshua the daughter of Esau and Leah. All were cattle devourers, that eat the flesh of sheep and oxen, and drink the blood of swine, and other camels. And Esau valued his cattle more than his life: for he was rich. When he was old he married Mary, the daughter of Jacob; and their two children were his: of the two breeds, he was rich. And Esau took a leopard skin cloak, and fled into the woods, while Mary painted the walls of the castle where he dwelt; and he shut the door against the night: and he led her as she was, into the castle itself. And Esau watched as Mary knelt before the table of wealth, and saw the servant who was supposed to be her groom, and his entourage of servants and guards; and his camels and camels eaten in the woods; and her breasts defiled as she knelt beside them. And Esau smiled; for he had been long since a woman had come to his estate for sexual gratification; and he was past caring: his lusts were too strong, deep, and tight to allow a woman to be able to subdue them. These were the early settlers of Edom: They came upon a beautiful beautiful woman named Borina; she was a concubine to the Earl of Shammah, and she bore Reuel's son to her husband. She bore her son to the Earl of Shammah, and to the Earl of Edom; and she bore the same to the Earls of Windsor and Surrey. She bore a son to the Earls of Ormond and Chester, to the Earls of Warwick and Norwich, and to the Earls of Surrey. She bore a son to the Earls of Warwick and North Wales, and to the Earls of Warwick and Kent. She bore a daughter to the Earls of Warwick and York. To the Earls of Warwick and Rutland. She bore a daughter to the Earls of Rutland and Cornwall, and to the Earls of Warwick and Cornwall. To the Earls of Rutland. And the women of Shobal; Julia, and Maria, and Ekaterina, and Ekaterina the daughter of Julia. These were the three daughters of Seir, the daughter of Zibeon and Mika. These were the maids of the court. These were the serveesses of the court. And these were the sluts of the court. And these were the slaves of the land. They went to the market-place where Esau and his companions sold everything that they owned and brought it to the table. And they fetched the women, and placed them in the following fashion; First, they put the women on a cart, which was placed along with the men on their arrival. And Jobab died, and Simhal the son of Eliphaz reigned in Edom. And Simhal died, and Uzzah the son of Moab reigned in Edom. And Uzzah the son of Gebo reigned in Edom. And Uzzah the son of Harob ruled in Edom. And Uzzah the son of Korah ruled in Edom. These are the kings that reigned in Edom after the death of Jobab the son of Beor. These are the kings that reigned when Simhal the son of Eliphaz reigned in Edom. These are the kings that reigned when Uzzah the son of Harob reigned in Edom. , They ruled Esau after the death of Jobab; after he had reigned ten years, and was the first of their kind to come to the land of their possession; and their wives were the property of their tenants. The land of Esau in this war had never before been in bondage; but the war had been waged, and victory won, both in battle and in domestication. The land had yielded much treasure, both men and animals; and the tenants of this war had gained much treasure. The name of Esau in the Hebrew script was Hele-vah; and the meaning was, She-wolf; He had won; she had lost. For days after the battle of the springs they were at peace; their hatreds subsided, and the reason for the war in the first place was the love of their own sex; the dalliances of each one of them had become one. But now the war became real, and the burning war became reality. The men went to the land of the living and ravaged it; while the women fled with the horses and the young girls they had taken with them. The men were robbers and robbers, in the sense of the word; they had come in the middle of nowhere, into a little country community, and without any weapons or presents for the returning soldiers. And they said, Ye shall not speak until I give you notice. And Joseph said unto them, No, my brethren: behold the face of our guest: For he shall have our woman. And when our guest came into their presence, they all stood aside, and I was first one to look upon him. And they all stood aside, and I gazed upon his face. And I cried at him, because I had never before seen such eyes, and such a burning desire. And I stood before him, and I stood as one melts in the heat of the moment, and I bowed my head before the mirror, and I was one with him in the beauty of my self. And I went to my closet and pulled out my most treasured treasure, and I went to my bag and took out my most prized possessions; and I went to my lover; and we went to his castle and made love in the privacy of the chateau, and we fell into a passionate embrace, and we kissed passionately. And I will walk the length of my life between the two of you, and I will never ever leave you, for you know what you are; you are the most perfect of all of my creatures. He entered the city, and looked upon the portals; and he stooped to the ground and bowed his head before the portals. He was ten feet high when he entered Shechem; and the gatekeepers stooped to their knees before him. "Take the bracelets from me, Ben," she commanded. He took them, and he entered Shechem. She made him stand facing the wall, and she cast her eyes down upon him. She then fastened them to the ring posts at the two ends of the portal, and then she fastened his left hand in a loop around the ring on his left hand, stretching the hand above his head, and her right hand around the ring on his right. He was silent; his mouth was open. She cast him, with his head down, against the stone wall, and pushed his shoulders against the stone wall. And the men said, What is this man to us? Shall we take him now? or wait to see what he may do? And Reuben went and stood in front of the man, and the two men cursed and slew him. And Reuben's face was as bloodshot as the man's; and his features were like those of a Hun in the blood of his prey. And the man with the wolf's features fell upon Reuben, and he had the wolf's blood on his arm and thigh; and his eyes were like the wolf's: and his breath hot as the wolf's. And Reuben's face was as red as the blood of the slain man's. And as he fell upon Reuben, the men gaped at the blood-stained face of their brother-sister. And behold, Judah said, Let us go up into the Valley of the Kings; and Reuben went up into the Valley of the Kings; and we shall see what the worm from the hill had done to Joseph. And they went up into the Valley of the Kings; and Josephus came down to the bottom of the pit; and he spied a little snake, which was quite large, and caught the attention of Judah and his brethren. They took Joseph and his camels into the pit; and Reuben went up on the top step and knocked out the small of Joseph's back. And a little while after the men had stopped, Reuben spied a place in the Valley of the Kings, and threw him into the river; and he spied a young girl, who was quite beautiful, and she gave him the sign of the lamb. Reuben went back down to the bottom of the Valley; and he came upon a large stone; and he took Joseph's head; and, lo! Joseph was a leopard; and Reuben spied a young girl, whose name was Mary, and she was a virgin. So Reuben came back up the hillside, and he went down into the valley; and he came across a woman; and she was even more beautiful than the rest of the women. She was a stunning beauty, with long black hair falling to her shoulders; she was about eighteen years old. And he entered into her mother's bed- room; and his tongue went to her mouth, to see if she had eaten. And she tasted of her own death. And Judah went back to his own bed. And his thoughts went to his son. And his thoughts were on his son; on what might be next. And he heard a sound of hoisting a chain from the ceiling, and his son came running up the stairs, to his father's house. And his thoughts were on his son. For he was the one who had given the Midianites their first venture into the land. And when the sun had gone down, the fire of the night was kindled in the earth. And the slave girl lay in the ashes of the pit, his son, his daughter's son, his brother's slave. The LORD spoke to Jonathan, saying Verily I give you pleasure; verily I give you my daughter. And to Tamar, his wife also, saying Had I not give thee pleasure also, in exchange for girl, body and soul? And Tamar answered, Yea, and said, Yes, of what? And the LORD said, Why, verily I give you both pleasure. And Tamar rose from the ashes, and walked before Jonathan, and offered him a thousand silver dinars; and she gave him the same silver. And Jonathan ate the first swine of the night, that he might be a man again. And she sayeth, I have not worn a thing for a year. And he is astonished, seeing her nakedness. For she was not a virgin from his first view of her. He went to her, and loosed her gown. She bare this morning the marks of his passion; for he knew that when she was wet, he would not have to make her wait for his command. She gave him her hands and her mouth, and they went to tonguing her. And she was a tanners' darling; so soft, and succulent. He took the tanners' rod, and took a good swig of whiskey; and when she was very dry, he made her a hot toddy; and when she was very ripe, he made her a drink. But the fire which was kindled against her, while she was with child, consumed her, she said, for she died, leaving behind her two young daughters, both of which are just over six feet in height. When her daughter heard this, she was as loose as a feather. When her son learned of his predecessor's murder, he was grieved to his father. But Tamar's blood, the fire which he had fed upon, was good to him. And she said to him, Let us take a bath, if we are to be together. So they bathed together, and took a hot bath. And when they were done, Tamar sat by her side, as her father stroked her hair and wiped away her tears. She turned as his hand slid between her breasts, and she watched as he grew excited. And it came to pass that the Egyptians did not worship the images of the gods as the Hebrews had: and the Lord visited Joseph in the bed-chamber, and in the board-room, and in the bedroom. And the tent was made ready for him at night, when he was away. And at night he was there. And the LORD spake with his mouth, and the birds of the air came near and nibbled on the tent; and the tent was wet. And at night he was there. And the LORD commanded that Joseph should have in his hand the blow-torches, and also the whips, and the floggers: and also his cassock and hood and beard and collar: and also that he should have his garment on: and also that he should shave his body. And Joseph did exactly as his Master had commanded: he put the night-gown on. And the LORD spake with his mouth, and the birds of the air came near and nibbled on the slit between her legs, and the slit between her cheeks; and the puddle beneath her: and the soft hair of her neck and the sharp thorny bush. And it came to pass, that during the night, that she made love to Joseph; and there was none of the men of the house at home. And it came to pass, that during the day, that she betook herself to her business; and she was alone. And her maid servant stood by the window, and he looked out upon the scene below. And when the sun came up, she entered the house; and it was a beautiful day. And her maid servant stood by the window, and he looked upon the scene below. And when the sun went down, his master went to the table, and his maid servant went into the bedroom. And his master got upon the stirrups; and his maid servant walked behind his servant. And he said unto her, Whom shall I choose for my next slave? And his master called to her husband, and said, Lay her down to the ground here, and put his hand between her shoulder blades. And he pulled her to him, and smote her breasts, and stung her. And she fell to the ground, moaning. And she said, I will not go on like this; for I do fear the LORD thy God will have upon me. And Joseph was angry with her. He Enjoined her to be silent; and commanded her, Ye shall not speak; and while she was talking, he smote her with the crop. And when she had come to a halt, he took her to the foot of the bed, and smote her with it several times. And while she was being stung, her master walked up behind her, and smacked her with the crop. And after the second year of their imprisonment, the butler came to her master, and told of her visitor. And the baker told of his company. And the butler went to her master and presented to him his papers. And her master read the papers. And her master went to Joseph and informed of the proceedings. And when her master had given his consent to the visit, she went to the inmates ward and informed of the above events. And when her master had given his consent to the visit, she went to the cell of the president of the university. And went to her cell and reported to him, of her visit to the university, and of the visit of her new friend to the inmates ward. And this is the interpretation of it: In the presence of two or more of our guests, when we shall have dinner in company, we mount the couch, and pour our Dining-Teriy on each other; then we dance. And while dancing we have this sacred and incense burning, that is, not from our lips but from the Lord's. And when we shall have drinks served, we sit side by side on the couch, and pretend not to take our drinks to our mouths. And when we shall have dessert, we keep right on dancing, for a while, then we break for the open air, and enjoy the fruits of our labour, and the pleasures of our own heart. And now we are finished. The study of the night's events was completed. We finished eating. The meal was excellent. And the three who had suffered so much before him, the chief baker, and the chief butler of the feast, went to and opened the cupboard, and extracted from the cup what they had in their butlers hands. And Joseph went to and opened the box which was in the cupboard beneath the bed; and when his hand came to rest on the thigh of the girl whom he had in his hand, he saw that the parcel which had been in the other cupboard had escaped. He went to and opened the box again. And when he did, he found a set of black patent leather gloves, which must have been for use on the girl; and then he laid it upon the table beside the bed. And he took from the box a small, plain-colored cloth, which must have been for bed use; and from the corner of his eye, he saw him lay before the table. And then, he began to untie the gown. It was made of silk or velvet; and there was a fringe, about one-third of an inch wide, which curved upward at the side, and which curled downward in an inward like that of a bow, and around to form a corset; and it was laced at the back, and around to the hip. And then, around the leg, and up the seam, and around and around the back of the leg, and the back of the thigh, and the back of the breast, and around and down the seam and the bottom seam, and up the leg and down the seam, and back down to the ankle and up the seam and the belly and belly and breast, and down the seam and the bottom seam, and back down to the ankle and to the inside of the arm. And as he dreamed, the kine came down from the river, like a buck on a trough: and they chased him across the plain and over the mountains. But he was far ahead of the kine, for they had spread out before him. And when he came to the valley and looked on the right, he saw in the clouds a pattern of greatlets; each of the seven with a pattern of little stars: And one stood out in the cloud: And it was a little star of the heavens; the seven little stars were all in a row: And the little one was in the middle. And Pharaoh wondered; was this a dream or a vision? And if so, was it from heaven or was it from the wild and dangerous street of dreams that dreams sometimes travel? For he had seen it before. His slave Anna came down from the clouds, her hair in the air, her body exposed to the hot air and the cold water, and her cunt fully exposed, she came down to the earth, and pulled the strings of the pearls around her nipples, and the strings pulled the strings from her cunt. And she stretched out her arms and hands; and the warm air touched her naked skin like water shining on a rock. And Joseph resented his slave for leading him in a like manner; but he loved the outfit; and he would soon have his costume altered, too. So Joseph asked his master if he would take him to the park and make him stand upon a stone; and they said, we will take him; for it pleases our eyes and our hearts. And they took him to the park, and walked upon the stone, and a fountain was made, and Joseph had to carry the prisoner inside: but they made him kneel upon it, and they made him lay back upon it, and they blindfolded him; and then they took each leg of his body; and they pushed him into the fountain, and Joseph did the same. And Joseph and I walked together; and we stood there; and while we were standing there, I leaned over and whispered, "Mistress Pedro?" Mistress Pedro smiled; and she leaned over and kissed me; and the feeling was wonderful. Then I kissed her soft mouth, and into her sleeping mouth. When I did, my cock was hard. After I had kissed her and nibbled on her mouth, and felt the wetness of her sweet pussy, which was caged) and I felt her sweet little bottom, which was kneaded with her beautiful little ass, I plunged deep into her. And I spake four words, which, I think, I never would have dreamt if it had not been for this dream: "Joseph, I want you to fuck me, and I want you to win my favour, and I want you to surprise me, and I want you to surprise me well." And I did. And I spake four more things, which, if I had had, I would say I desired. And, finally, I was going to release my sinful temptress from my office, and I was going to send her to the lions' den tonight to be fattened and tease and play with all the other slaves. However, I was going to take my four sinful desires to the streets, to the court, to the playing fields, to the tavern, where the cattle will be let loose to mingle and play and drink and have merry jests and merry waltzes and merry makes. And I was going to release the pervert from his office bondage, and I was going to reward my disobedient slave with the largest and best thong I could find, when my car broke down. And I was going to release the pervert from his office bondage, and I was going to send him to the wolves' den tonight to be the amusement of the perverts who keep him there. And I was going to send him to the park to be accosted and wooed and spanked and abused by another couple, when the boy stopped me and said, "Don't you dare try that again, Michelle! And I, Joseph the Magus, shall descend into the land of the living dead. Behold, there came a voice from the dead; saying: Look upon this plate, which I am about to consume. And I did consume it; And when my flesh had absorbed the bile of the great plague, I stood upon it; And when my lips had been coated with the blood of the Lamb, I nibbled the ends and the body of the sick man, and drank of his blood. And I descended into the land of the living dead. This is what my father had said to Joseph, when the latter was still a boy: When Joseph should have done what was best to his age, he chose to forgo the use of his elders in order to yield to his will. And this is what I, the Magus, have done: To prey upon the emotions of the living dead. Behold, the sound of the chains rattling in the darkness shook the mansion as I lowered my eyes to the ground, my cheek against the cold stone of the pavement. And I watched as Joseph, the Magus, shuffled across the cold dark dungeon, his footfalls echoing down the silent stairway, their soft claws lightly scratching the cold stone. And what shall we do, O Pharaoh? Should we leave this place? Or should we leave the famished people and go on? For Pharaoh knew the answer to these questions intimately; but he was deaf to the question as to whether he should leave the people as they are, or should he leave the famished people and go to such a man. For he was an old man; his years of experience and familiarity with the ways of the world almost made him senile. His years as Pharaoh's slave, and his shrewd business decisions had made him rich. He had acquired such a body of work that when he lay down to sleep, he could look upon a person anywhere, and see the same things, without ever leaving the bed. He took pleasure in this by natural instinct; and would often awaken in the night with the same questions. And he came to the place called Shamespah; and there he stood beside his God. And Joseph came to Shamespah and said, Let us ride together. And Shamespah said, We will take two days to ride; first because I am a woman and your God and also because you are the king and I am his under-slut. And Shamespah said, Let us go to the land of the Potiphr and we will find a woman that will serve us. And Joseph said, Let us go. And Shamespah said, O my little one we will not take the time to take her here, for we are the slaves and she will serve you. And when Joseph and Shamespah had come to the land of the Potiphr, Shamespah said, Let us hunt in the mountains. And Joseph and Shamespah rode in the snow and the mountains for three days; and on the third day the scouts found the woman who will serve us. And he sold all that he had of land, and his possessions, when Atum had sold his, for a hundred dollars; and he gained back all that he had of the seven year's surplus. And he spent the month that was between Assumption and Jumada. That was the day that he set out for his first love in all the world. ### Chapter 5 Assumption Day The day that he came home from his first love's dinner party. He was shocked to find himself tied and gagged. He turned on his side to the hot sun and had some water running from his tap. He was being rubbed by his Mistress' hand as she talked. "Is this your first day as a Master? And of all things, the most precious thing for Joseph to have done was to have sold his estate to King Hiram III. Hiram was a man of letters; he lived on the very hill, and he had received many wonderful presents from his father. He had bought a magnificent estate, a palace, and a store. But death had come to him lately, and he felt that he had grown tired of the crowds that often flocked to his auctions to see the goods that he had bought. And so he sent his sons with him to Egypt, to a mansion in the mountains, there to be closer to his new love. And with her were her maidens: their blonde heads hanging down, their violet eyes fixed rigidly on him. There were several other slaves here too, that Hiram had hired to do his bidding. Hiram had even hired an elephant to torment Joseph as well. He said unto them, Let us go up to our brethren and ask them, if any of these men have need of water, and he shall give the right of passage, if any of them so desire it. And Joseph his servant went up to them and bowed down to the ground. And when the twelve came up unto the twenty, Joseph got down and went to them; and when they had come to the end of the row, Joseph his servant came before them, and took the crown of the old king and threw it to the floor. And the fifteen who had so recently passed through the burning bush were seated round the old king. And the one who had the mightiest, who had the most, stood and looked to him. And when the one who had the least was crowned the old man said, beauty is in the eyes of many, for Joseph is loosed from the bonds of the nether regions, and he is a most obedient and just servant. And when the old man had said this, Joseph his servant came forward to where the old man was sitting and took his mask, and went to the young man, and gave a soft kiss, and went to Jacob. And when Jacob had come to his knees, Joseph his servant came forward with a small leather flogger, and went up to him and laid him on his back, and he placed his head on Joseph's shoulder, and Joseph gave a soft, teasing kiss, with his tongue parting the cheeks of the old man's back, and thrusting into the tender flesh of the new man's ass. And Joseph said unto them, Hath a boy like you; and they all said one, If any boy wants to come to this prison, he must come. And Joseph took her to his chamber, and commanded her to lay on the mat, on his large hard wood desk. And he spanked her with his riding crop, and he spanked her harder when she wiggled her bottom. She was very stiff and pale, and her face turned blood red. And Joseph stood and drove her to the rack, and she was tied down with her hands on her knees, and her feet in the floor. And Joseph said unto her, Be silent! And she said, Yes. And Joseph pulled the bands from her breasts, and the bands were spread on the mat, and she was gagged with her hands and ankles tied to the legs of the rack, and her mouth open. If we but thank Our Maker for this precious gift, we may yet be safe and happy. But we must swear by the blood of our brother Jonathan; that is, by the blood of our beloved Esau. And Jacobie besought his father, and grandfather, and said, That we should please our Maker by giving this blood, that we may not only see his face, but smell his soul also. And Esau promised to give us the whole night's supply of corn, if we would but pledge ourselves to our Maker. So we promised, and on the first night's sleep they fed us, and we ate, and drank; our cheeks were damp with our excitement and our nipples pebbled by the cool night air. But the second night came, and Jacobie was at the door, and I was at the window. He looked at me, and I saw the terror in his face, and the stranger in his eyes. He knew what was about to happen; he could feel my excitement and his chest was heaving, so that I felt him start to tremble. And the men did as they were bid. And as they were emptying their sacks, they met, and got into their car, and left the city. And it came to pass on the way back to the city, that Jacob used the trunk to take food to the city, and that he and his brother would visit the homes of the poor. And it came to pass that the day that Benjamin was to be delivered up to the LORD, he was late for work. And the next day, he was in town, and when the train pulled into the station, he thought to himself, This must be my lucky day. He and his brother saw the carriage out of the station, and as they walked to the carriage, they admired their luck. And so it happened that Benjamin's life was changed forever. This is what my dear traveller, this is the story of my youth. And he said unto them, Yea, brother, for if ye had one we would have taken him in our arms: and if ye had none, we would have made our own victims. And they spake as one; and from thence came one word from him, Thou hast one also. And they hastened to answer him. And when they had finished their solemn duty, they laid their hand upon the ground, and said, This is our last will and testament, and all that is therein. Amen. And they departed. And after they had gone, Judah went to Jacob, and said, Give her the reins of government also; for his hand was the same in both hands. And he said unto her, Thou hast one also. And I stood and looked upon the face of the other man; And my eyes went to the face of the man, and my gaze lingered upon his, and I was astonished. His head was turning towards me, and his eyes were moist; and his whole frame was quivering. I had never seen a man's frame so free. But he was ready; his hand was firmly over his head; his breathing was ragged; his pulse was shallow; his heart was in his throat. My eyes descended upon his thick hair, and I sucked at the base of his skull, and his lips were descending upon mine. I took his lip with my teeth, and twisted it around my cock, and I pistoned against his. I licked at the corners of his mouth, and felt his tongue enter my mouth, thrusting itself into my throat; and I pushed down on his shoulders. He came; and I watched as his body went limp against mine, and I smiled; for I loved this man. And when the girl saw the treasure which was in the girl's hand, she fell to the ground, and the coachman and the stranger comforted her. She said, My God, I dreamed he was a drunkard and a beggar. I had no way of knowing. But the air which we passed around our bill, the handshaking, the sharing of milk with strangers, gave credence to her fairy tale. And we stood talking, and his mouth was on mine, his tongue invading my mouth, and his nose was in mine, and our lips brushed, and our breath carried, and my lips brushed, and then we kissed, and our tongues moved together over each other, over the clouds of their kissing and over the flowers on the hill, over the spring at the foot of the creek, over the summer oaks, over the seawall. And I think to myself, That is one pretty flower. I want you to be careful of it though, you young lady. I think to myself, I will keep my hands at the side of the wagon. And his mother's hand was upon his mouth; and he wondered what was to be. And while he was gone, their father sat by, and watched them. And when their father had finished, and they had finished, they said, We ate our cake; and their mother took her seat in her bedroom, and Joseph was on his own. But their mother was so tired, and they tired of having to carry the burden of the news around, that they asked, and his father was again there. And they sat there in the dark; and their father did not move, because they were still listening to the news. And they asked, what news? And his mother said, He is missing; and their father asked the same thing. And when their father heard the noise of the dog, he knew, he was filled with dread; and it was so late that he had not yet laid his mark on the dog. Is there not something in my mouth, which can kill me? And the steward asked, What is it then? Joseph said, Is there no thing in my mouth which can kill me? And the steward said, How can there be? And Joseph said, Hath not my lord made me whole in this place? And the steward said, How then, shall we find out the youth's identity? For he was naked in the sack. As soon as the young man was revealed to be no more, than nineteen years of age, Joseph said to Benjamin, Take her to the king's stall. But when the train came to a stop, they pulled their shining sack out of the crowded carriage, and divided it into two, and he with his two bags. Benjamin went to the door, and opened it; and the steward came and entered. And when the steward asked him if he was come to town to see the new mans welcome, Benjamin said, Yea, and he sent her away. The other steward asked the same question, but he got no further; because all they could see of the new arrival were the sacks on the floor, and the edge of the platform. Benjamin made his way to the platform, and sat down; and when the train came to a stop, Benjamin opened his sack, and motioned the passengers to step back, and to not touch their hands or asses. And they stood on the seat. The new man stepped forward, and began to take the stewardess down; but the woman, who had stopped him, moved back, and grabbed Benjamin's arm, and pulled him to his feet; and the train was moving. It seemed an eternity until it stopped. And I came near unto him, and spoke unto him, Saying, He is worthy of such a love as this. And his servants came and descended, and came and descended; and when the plume of black clouds was higher than the clouds that now rolled in the sky, and the tempest raged against us, and I saw my servant's cruel face, and the servant was trying to shield his lord from the rain, my lord ordered his servant to the top of the tower, and there he was dead too. And when my lord saw that the servant was gone, he sprang to his feet, and went up to me, and pulled me into his arms, and kissed me. And I fell to sleep with him beside me, as our love grew deeper and deeper. That night my lord and my beloved Joseph laid me in his bed, and we both snuggled into my deep sleep; and our love and sex grew even deeper. That evening we met again on the street; and we rode in the car to the house; but my lord insisted that I eat first. So I went and got some food, and sat down at the street table. And when my lord told me to wait for him in the house, I ate eagerly, and waited. And our father said, Let us go down to the well, my servant. And our father said, I command you; take this boy into my hand and cuddle him in my arms. And when we came to the well, my father was crying with anguish, for his only son had been killed in the fighting. And now his daughter was crying, crying for her slain brother. And I said unto my father, If my husband had a brother, he would come and fetch this boy for me. And my father obeyed my father. And our father went down to the well, and we went down with him. And when we came to the well, our father had the more valuable thing, and went to the chest. But the house of Pharaoh's gate open; and the house of Hanuman's are upon us. And Joseph said unto them, We must needs have both entrance into this place; for if we had to go both ways, we would have no more children. And they went to him and said, Loiter over here, and let him stand at the door. And Joseph went to him and said, Let us go. And Hanuman went to Joseph and bowed down to him, and said, Master, please come to this gate. And Joseph said unto them, We must needs have both entrance into this place; for if we had to go both ways, we would have no more children. And Hanuman bowed down and said, I do hereby grieve for you. And Joseph went to his tent and made himself a fire, and passed out. For this gift my father gave to me, I receiveth thanks from the Giver of Hosiery, and my master: Ye shall never lose thy gift. For this gift my mother gave to me, I receiveth glory; and the angels of the heaven were with us, and the weather was beautiful, and the sand was precious. I was with my master in the Garden of the Gods; and the aroma of rose was sweet to me, and the fragrance of gink was sweet to me. And my master looked upon me, and smiled. He said, Look upon my hand, and know my mind. For from thee this day shalt thou ever serve my body or my mind. And from this day forth shalt thou be known as Master: for ever. And for ever. This is my last commandment of thee; to go and ride the wind and the waves, and the waves and the wind, and the waves, and the whirlwinds, and the whirlwinds, that ye can wreak upon the land. For I was an hundred leagues in advance of thee, when thou did this. And so my little one, I felt the panic in my stomach, and the shame in my breasts. For though the thunder had shrieked, the hail of stones and stones had been silent, as I was riding the wind. I had not meant to run headlong into a man, or a car. My footfalls had not lain in the gentle recesses of the forest, but on the rough stones, and on the grass, where they so fiercely clash. I had not meant to hit the horses. And though my body had screamed, the hail had not stirred the hayfields, nor the sun-dried fields, which now were shiny with tears. And from the land of Canaan they went another way, to the land of Egypt. And Jacob took these things and brought them back to the house of his father. And when he returned, he went and fetched the wagons of his father, and took with him the women of his father, and brought them to the house of his mother. And Jacob's father had a sick daughter, whose father this was. And Jacob's mother, being mad with want, took her daughter to her brothers in Egypt, and gave them to him to cure. And as they were putting the wagons of Joseph and his father up against the wall, a dreadful thing happened. The good man, Joseph, who had been their good master, gave his daughter to the witch Doctor, because he was so afraid that his good friend, the wicked Joseph, would kill her. But as Joseph and his father had been with their evil slave, and had done with her, they could do nothing; for as they were so afraid of the punishment they had brought upon themselves, they could not bring themselves to hurt their own children. And after a year of their father being in Egypt, Jacob's years were upon him: And he went up to the frontiers of Egypt. He entered into a strong man's camp. He settled in around the little fire, and kept close watch of his new friend, Joseph, Who was a young, naked Egyptian: He was the greatest obstacle to be put to the test of his strength and cunning. But the way was long, and he had much to learn. He was strong, and but a few rough blows from the naked beast would have broken his nose. He had hoped to become strong enough to protect his wife and small babes from the whip, but he was too young. But he had no choice. He had to learn. And Dinah's hair was of the green wood, which they used for their bedding, and her hands were of the green wood. And her feet were the fingers of her right hand. She was a bright green star when she went into her dreams, a golden chain sparkling in the eyes of the morning. And when she stirred, she was clad only in a robe, which she laid on the green seat of her chair. And when she spoke, she spoke only of bread. And when she passed through the gates of her town, she never bowed her head. When she came into her own neighbourhood, she was clad in her mother's robes, which she wore at home. And when she entered, she was at the gate in full view of her neighbours, the sun shining through the curtains. And to his daughter Regan; who bore his mark, and whose head it was that bore the Crown of the Three Musketeers. (And here are the three pairs of hands; the left, the right, and the middle.) And in the hand of Jacob were engorged with blood, and drank of the same; and when the engorged had finished, the young women knelt before the Cup and offered their services. And the young men walked about in rings round their leader and groom, and one after the other they would exchange blows at the same time; and when their flashes of prowess had been exhausted, their leader elbowed them to the ground and took them by the wrists and guide them to the platform. The debauched were then led round to the middle of the platform, where they were again made to kneel and wait; and while their knees were up, their hands and cuffs were cuffed, their dress drew from them exposing the centre of their back. And then, their Leader offered them one last ride on the platform; and as they all rode the alabaster wheels round and round in a ring, the Leader would offer them a ride on the next carriage. They were then taken to an overstuffed chair, into an overstuffed carriage with no power of freedom, and pushed to the left, into a small room with the curtains pulled aside. And there, they were gagged and bound with their hands and collars, their clothes pulled over their head, and their cuffed hands and feet pushed to the floor, with their cuffed hands and feet tied to the arms of the chair. And he descended and lifted Pharaoh's head from the ground, and laid him upon his throne. And we both began, and worked our way up the throne, until he had the throne in his hands. And he said unto Pharaoh, Let us go back to the place of our betrothal, and I will have my fill of yeers. And Pharaoh said, Yea, and we did. And I said unto him, What shall we do with these yeers, O Pharaoh? And I descended down from the throne, and gave him my lance, and I stroked his legs and arms, and I put him in the arms of the queen, and we went up to the top of the tower, and I smote the ground with my horn, and we went down to the bottom of the tower. And I said unto him, Take away the garments, for I have need of them again. And he took away the garments, and I stood in front of him, and I pulled down the rope, and I wrapped my hand around his wrist, and I took his blindfold off, and I wrapped my other hand around his waist, and I placed his legs apart, and I lowered his head to the ground. And Joseph Nephew and his family, being well satisfied, set out for Goshen; and Joseph, his wife and her two daughters, and her three daughters-to-be. And after three days of riding the roads, Joseph and his family set foot in the city. And Joseph and his family bought the Old Castle and its two walls, and the castle, the land and some of the surrounding country. And Joseph and his wife bought an dyke and a stone, and made into a barrel, and a barrel of coals, and gave it to his wife, so that her daughter's first lesson was to boil the coals. And Joseph and his wife ate out of her father's hands, and the girls ate out of their mother's tummy. And Joseph and his wife got into the carriage, and his mother held the back of it. And his father and his brothers were with them, but they travelled separately. And Joseph and his wife stayed with the girls all the way to the old castle, and his father had a brand new riding crop and a brand new riding saddle. And Joseph went to Jacob, and said, Give me a little bit of gold, to-wit, O my son; for I will tell you the whole land of Goshen, where Joseph is thy father, and he has been thy protector, and whosoever will serve thee, must be of the blood of my father. And Jacob answered and said, We will have no gold but what we have stolen from the Egyptians. And Joseph went back to Jacob. And Jacob's heart grew fainter and fainter; and his face became very angry. And as the days went by, Jacob had very little to eat; his only comfort being the memories of Joseph and his torture. And it grew to a great height, the blood from his father's hand running over his face. And when he had drunk almost his full blood, he was unconscious, lying in the shadow of the giant oaks. And he grew taller still, taller even, when in the fear of what his master would do to him he made his bed, and it hung from the trees, like a curtain, over the edge of the great low hill. And the money which was brought forth by them, they spent in Egypt: For Pharaoh was not poor in servants. And Joseph sold his field for two-thousand dollars; and received in exchange his one and only female slave Anne, who was also a maidservant to Pharaoh. She was naked as she was named: She was the handiest woman that Pharaoh had seen in a long time. And she served him well. She did as he bade her: she kept him happy: she looked after him. Her duties as his slave: to provide for his wants and to obey his every command. She was his playmate. He never let her take a bath: he ordered her to be bathed in the presence of him and of him and of his court. For I was not made to dwell a year, but to the Lord my lord. And in the day that I was born, a stranger came to the door of the mansion where I lived, and the stranger introduced himself as the owner. And when Joseph heard of this stranger, he said, What shall I do, release the slaves, or get thee to the land of Egypt? For I am an expert in poison, and I will release thee if thou wilt take what I can impart to thee: but a virgin? I said, Why not give her what she has asked for? Let the buyer beware. The buyer shall not have anything to lose, except his own body. And Joseph bought it. And here I sit: old as the earth beareth me; even the children of the dead shall be with me; for I shall be the lord of this land. And now my wife, whom I love very much, whom my heart for many shall have anointed as its saviour, Joseph, to lead and guide and train these strangers. And this is the day that I gave to my young submissive the happiest of gifts; for here I had found one that I had been longing for, and was about to give to him. And now, in fulfillment of my vow, this is what you are about to experience, My child... this is what I have been waiting for: death and desolation. Death and desolation. And with Manasseh's help, Joseph approached the horses. And he drew the bridle of the bridle before his guest, and bridled him. And when Joseph had put the bridle upon the horse, Ephraim asked if he might ride with them. And Joseph said, Of course, Brother, and ordered him to the saddle of the horse. And when Joseph had put the reins upon the horse, Ephraim asked if he might ride wench with them. And when Joseph had answered in the affirmative, he ordered Ephraim to ride with them. And when Joseph galloped on, carrying his guest up the hill, Ephraim, seeing the boy galloping after him, turned and began to lick his boots, and beckoned him to ride with her. And when Joseph neared the top of the hill, Ephraim pulled hard upon her reins, and whispered to him, Go ahead, I will give you what you want, and you may lose your will to resist. And I have given to you two teeth an inch from my prey, which is mine: therefore I say unto you, Purchase for me of this man, and purchase also for him of his blood. And purchase also for him of his flesh, which is now mine: therefore I say unto you, Purchase also for him of the fruit of thy womb. And purchase also for him of the cup of his blood, which is Mine. And purchase also for him of his mind, which is Mine: therefore I say unto you, Purchase also for him of the man whose blood is upon you. And purchase also for him of his soul, which is Mine: therefore I say unto you, Purchase also for him of his thoughts, and of his soul. And purchase also for him of his heart, which is Mine: therefore I say unto you, Purchase also of his heart, and of his soul. And purchase also of his mind, that he may serve me, that I may live once more in this flesh. And purchase also of his heart, which is Mine: for Mine is the only good of all. Nadu, take from him that which is thine: let not thyself be shaken: for thine is the path of the living man. My hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies: their hand in the wall of thy gates: never their words shall I meet. Jacob, I have done well: I have found my mark: I have found her: Jacobark: give to thyself to man, to play the part of the conqueror and of the vanquished. Joseph, you did well: your hand was on thy self: your father's children shall serve you. Deliver the shaft to the White Goat. And the boy shall fall to the ground: and if I dash, not one hair shall cover his head. POW, POUND, SPIN: whoso shall do the stroke shall be the one that shall reap the harvest. God, deliverer of the poor man, feed the flock! Himsheikh is a small village in the hills: On a good day, even lovely, his wife lays her hand upon her temple. Yeshua was brought forth in black silk. His neck was scarlet. His chest was made of mail. He smiled: Then went to her right shoulder. She knelt, in the soft crook of his hand, while his hands were at her sides. His voice was low, nimble, as the wind whispered around her. "Should I offer you to me, baby girl? The word that I live by shall not prevail over the word that I give by mine own creation; (for the word that I give by mine own creation is no more than is the wolf's paw, which God spanks when He feels the throat of his prey). I am not ashamed of my creation; for I am his equal: And I shall never harm him that I own; nor shall I hurt him that I own is less than he who hath me. The evil shall never prosper; for evil in itself. I give this day to my children: to be the seed of thy grass: to be the food of thy hunts. And I shall be the delight of thine earth. His blood be not in mine: but in mine shall be his seed, which shall be as wheat straw: He shall never be mistaken for the God of Jacob. ### Chapter 6 When the Persians came thither from the war with the Hittites, they found a house of ill repute; it was a den of thieves and murderers. And they were on the march to the cave; and when they came to the cave, the lads came out upon the spot where Sarah and Isaac were; and they were all one. The man that had been Raped was now in the dungeon; his skin as white as snow; his body open and vulnerable; his face a picture of lust. And the man that had been raped was in the cage with his arms and legs restrained to the rings on the walls. His cock was hard, as were his balls; he was a walking erection. And the woman that had been Raped was naked; her breasts were caged, and her smooth, pale, round nipples were hard as diamonds. Her hands and feet were tied to the rings on the walls. She was not cumming till the rope that was about her neck was tied around her waist. And with them came several of the people, both male and female, And they buried him in their homes. When Joseph's mother heard that Joseph had been set free, she sent her young son up to her, telling him to bring her the girl's shopping bags. When her son returned, she gave him the girl's names and their addresses, and told him to bring them to her daughter's house, as well. When his mother got hold of the girl's address, she went to her daughter's house. And she told her what she wanted to see her daughter do. She asked her to go to the same room and put in the shopping bags. And she watched to see that she followed her directions. When she returned to her daughter's house, she found that her mother had broken into her father's shop. So Joseph and his brethren took him into their arms, and laid him in their arms, And told him that he should follow them to the land of Canaan: He went up to them, and said, I am going up to the land of Canaan. He was not required to go up to them: but was nonetheless dragged up to them. And they both said, Weeping now, we shall see if we have found anything useful. And they both said that they would go and look for the leprosy, and bring back some plaster. And they both said that they would both stay with him in the cave. And they both said that they would both come and see what use there was for him. And they both said that they would come and see what use there was for him. And they both said that they would come and see what use there was for him. And Joseph his son was amongst the first: He had been born in Egypt, and his father was Pharaoh Ptah: the son of Seti, who ruled over Egypt from the day that he was born. And Joseph his son was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt from the day that he was seven years old. And he ruled with a rod of iron, which he had made from the iron spikes of a dead man's arm: and from the rod, Joseph descended a mighty brood of demons, called the Children of the Damned. They dwelt in the upper room of the Great Pyramid, and spake the word of the Destroyer in sweet death. Joseph was the first of them: When he came forth from the pit of the earth, he found Ephraim lying on his back, his face buried in the sand, his hands behind his back. He entered the chamber: And he spoke two words unto the man; Get up! He rose from the sand and joined Joseph in the top room. He felt with wonder and awe as Joseph drew him to the center of the pyramids, and seated him upon a pinnacle of the pyramid. But Jacob spake unto Joseph, saying, Let us go up to the mountain top of the hills, which are on the left; for there were seven churches in all there, and they were as follows: (A) THE CHURCH: Mary the mother of James the Lord of the Flies, Mistress Susan, and her three daughters: Mary the widow of Uri, Margaret, and Elisabeth. Mary the widow of Zerubbabel, Zebulun, and Elisabeth. Mary the widow of Shalom, and the widow of Matt, who was the son of Simeon the Chauncher. And Mary the widow of Manasseh. (B) THE HOUSE: Jesus the son of Alphonso and his daughter: Mary the widow of Uri, Margaret and Elisabeth. Mary the widow of Zerubbabel, Manasseh, and Uri. (C) THE PLACE: Moses the son of Orpheus and his daughter: Mary the widow of Uri, Margaret and Elizabeth. Mary the widow of Zerubbabel, Manasseh, and Elisabeth. for they were not able to bear the punishment which Joseph caused them. For this were the four winds of the year; the winds that troubled the land; the winds that swept away the dead; the winds that approach the lives of those who dwell upon the earth. And the year was the time of the eclipse. For the eclipsing was the great destroyer of souls. ## Book 02 Exodus ### Chapter 1 It began on the 17th of January; the day that the earth began to sol in the horror of the winter solstice. And with the terror of the event, came great forgetfulness for the souls that had to carry the guilt and the scarlet letters. For the time of their slaughtering was lost in the dreams and the hallucinations that their little crime provoked. For the souls that had the will to weep, and rise to the call of arms, to sing hymns, to call upon the spirits of their lost father, to experience the wondrous rites and subtler perversions which their crime excited, was driven away by the fear and the hallucinations. And each of the houses was for a midwife, or a woman who was in the employ of a midwife. And it came to pass, that the house of a midwife was in the wilderness: in the woods, in the east, about waist deep, and about midway between land and water. And it came to pass, that when the people had gathered round the fire, that they mowed the fields and tended the woods, their leader being none other than the wise Moses, that Moses led the people to and fro. And there were twenty people in each of the ten corners of the circle. And the vision that Moses gave of the place was vision of plenty. And it came to pass, that when Moses had put the people out into the country, that he drove his canoe into the river. And when he came to the aid of the people in distress, he set out to find those people, that had been so grievously wrong. And out he went searching. And to the midwife, that she may give him his due: for the child was fertile: and the midwife had given birth to two beautiful girls: one of them to the Pharaoh, named Midas, the other the lovely Belle. And they nursed their master; their eyes fell upon him. And when his sister saw that he was the happy result, she went to the baby and delivered her; and when she had pulled up her cloth to expose the naked male parts, she fastened it around the neck of her son, and began to cover him. When his sister saw that, she became excited also. And the midwife went and stood by the river's edge; and she called to the woman, "And which of you is the fairest of the bunch, little boy?" And the woman answered, "Midas; for he is the fairest of the fair women." And the midwife said unto her, Take him to the women's bath, and let her keep him close at hand: for she was in a great hurry to enter the men's room. And the woman went and stood upon the bank of the river, and she called to Midas, "And which of you is the fairest of the bunch, little boy? And Moses came and took his garment, and went to the well. And said to Moses, If you keep the Sabbath day, I may give you leave to come and live among the people. And Moses said, Yes. And, behold, there was some good that came out of the well. For, when the month of December came nigh, Moses and Moses parted company. And Moses said unto Moses, Let's go up to the top of the pyramid. And Moses and Moses walked, and climbed the steps. And, lo! And Moses came to be, and was the first man in the land: and he ruled over the people of Israel after the expulsion of Moses from before the people of Egypt. He took the land, and putteth his people into tribes: and tribes came to him, and he took his people, and placed them in towns: and in towns he took care of the people. And Moses came to be, and was the first man to clothe his nakedness. And he was the first man to wear the black garment. When Moses came to be, the people of Israel lived in tents, in cabins, on stilts, in houses of worship: their festivals were in the pastures. And Moses came to be, and was naked: and he was the first man in the world to wear the garment we call clothing. And when Moses came to be, the people of Israel used to call each other by name, when they met: they used to ride in the cedar chest, and carry their clothes on their shoulders, naked. When Moses came to be, there was one man left from before, and he was named Jacob. And as Moses came to the top of the hill, he looked upon a vast expanse of green pasture, lying fallow. There he saw a boy about twelve or thirteen years of age, and his face was like pitch; and his eyes were like the top of the clouds. And as Moses came to the top of the hill, he looked upon a priestess; and his lips were like that of a dog. And as Moses came to the top of the hill, he looked upon a basket of grapes; and his head like that of a fox. And as Moses came to the top of the hill, he fell to the ground half asleep. And the LORD said unto Moses, Follow me. And Moses moved to the top of the hill; and he looked upon a palace of purple cloth, the floors and the walls of which were purple; and on the front of the throne where his head should be, was a likeness of the LORD. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying Dearest son of bitches, If thou wilt fall to the ground to me, then I will bear thee the punishment that the hips of these two meet. And the LORD God of hosts sat down on his throne, and he looked upon the land, and his eye fell upon the land. And the land became wet with the sweat of the laboring body, and the eye of the giver of frost. And the spirits of the dead man's face appeared; and the dead man's soul became alive. And the LORD God of hosts sat down among the dead man's ashes, and he looked upon his property; and the people were frightened; for the ghosts were upon them. And the LORD God of the dead man's house came up out of the grave, and he looked upon the land, and the peoples were terrified. And the LORD God of the dead man's house came to the aid of the people. And the LORD God of the dead man's house came to the aid of the people. And the LORD God of the dead man's house came to the aid of the people. . And I will pour into thee a river of milk, and honey, and butter, and red wine, and orange blossom. And you shall never have to say a word, for I will overflow the doors of this house: and you shall drink the milk from the river. And the LORD God of hosts shall come down from the heights of the clouds, and the LORD of hosts shall come down from the heights of the clouds, and the LORD of hosts shall come down from the heights of the clouds, and the LORD of hosts shall come down from the heights of the clouds, and the LORD of hosts shall come down from the heights of the clouds, and the LORD of hosts shall come down from the heights of the clouds. And the LORD of hosts and the LORD of hosts shall pour themselves out upon the flaming sword, and the flaming sword shall feed at His pleasure. And I shall come down from the heights of the clouds, and the flame of the sword shall eat away the blood of the living dead. And I shall pour the juice of the earth, and the juice of the fountains of the rivers, and the blood of the beasts, and the blood of the horses, into the wells of the earth, and I shall pour the juice of the earth into the fountain of rivers, and the earth shall flow before the sword, and the sword shall not find it's way into the wellspring of the earth. The blood shall be everywhere, and the veins shall be swollen and red. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Verily I say, that it is the serpent which cast Moses out from among the people. And the serpent said to him, Lift his head; for he was led by the hand of the LORD. And the serpent led the man out of the garden to the water's edge. And the man was lifted by the hand of the LORD; and he was far off the sea. And the serpent said unto Moses, Admit to the man your love, O Moses of Egypt, for mine is the fountain of life. And Moses said, Yea, and for this I will give you a hundred lashes according to the flesh. And the serpent said unto him, Go and fetch for me the cart to take away the dead man's body. And Moses went and fetched the cart; and when he came to the edge of the cart he knocked out the man's arms. And Moses answered and said, The LORD has not spoken unto his servant. And the LORD said unto him, Surely, verily, I have said unto thee, That I will send lightning upon the top of her head, and she shall not feel the lightning. And the lightning shall come from the wanderer's hand, and the deafness of the soul shall make his eyes blind: and she that shall see the lightning, and not feel the lightning, and shall be injured in any way, shall be stricken with the lightning. And the LORD said unto Moses, Unto all the mountains and over the seas, and shall come down upon her in the dark, and shall bathe her in the blood of the slain, and shall put her in stripes and wear her hair in man's hairs, and shall make her wear her high necked horse. And the LORD said unto him, Why seekest thou this mischief? Hath the serpent tricked thee? And Moses answered and said, I seek to possess the soul of my slave, to be able to feed and clothe myself as the devil hath commanded me. And the LORD said unto him, Why seekest thou this besides thy Lord? And Moses went back out into the street, and was to walk up and down the street, and circle the houses. But he was in a daze. He had never been there before. The street was too foggy for him to see much. But slowly he started to walk forward. When he came to the house, it was in a tiled room. It was late at night, and he could hear the sounds of people passing and the shadows of the house. And he was led into the room, and the blindfold was put over his eyes. And the LORD said unto Moses, Rise, thou hast the night before your appointed time; therefore, in the morning I will make thee walk in blood. And Moses, when the sun cometh up, he shall turn the water on in the well; and the water will be scalding in the fire, and the water will be on the land. And the LORD said unto Moses, Take the boy out of the water, and make him drunk. And Moses did as the LORD asked. And when the water was made scalding, Moses said, Let us go into the bush. Zipporah said to Moses, That is enough for now, and she went into the bush, and sat down between Moses and the boy. And the LORD said unto Moses, Take the boy and put him into the sand: in the corner of the beach there shall we find a well-lit picnic area, and this shall we place him in the shade, and we shall rest for a while. And the LORD said unto Moses, Let us go into the valley and search for the women's quarters. And the people said, We have no gods but God; therefore we ask these things of the LORD our God. And the LORD our God spake three words, Deify the woman, destroy the stall; the shoes also, of the women who serve him. And of the men, whom he chose early in the morning; that they come to the table, and sit upon their wicker, and take their veils and stockings and dainties and stocks, and then go into the house and serve their wives and play at the wine. And they spake as the LORD commanded them. And among other things, they were commanded to offer the veils and stockings to the gods of the games, and to bring round the king of Egypt, and to cast the stockings upon the floor, and to boil the milk for the Egyptians. And it came to pass that the people used these things to their delight. And it came to pass that when they had done all these things, and the veils and stockings, the milk and the dainties, and the stockings, the CHORUS for the games, and the stockings and the games, the LORD commanded the slaves to keep the choruses and the milking stations, and the dancing to music. And so the slaves went about their tasks, while the people sat and the LORD commanded the games, the people spied the places, and the slaves danced. And now the misfortune befell them, when Pharaoh's servant came and knocked at the door of the royal suite. Moses came forth, and said unto him, Enter ye in! And the servant asked, Why go we? Hath the matter of this moment come before you? And the master said, As I have just told thee, and commanded the people. And the servant said, Why are you knocking at my door? And the master said, I have orders from the LORD our God of Sands. And the servant said, What are you talking about? But the voice of the LORD was there, amidst their noises, that commanded them to go and work. And the people did as they were told, and came to the door of the house of the master of the house, where Moses stood; and as they entered, they both bowed their heads and kissed the hand that had stopped their entry. And the master of the house took each one of the men and drove them to the mountain of rocks; and there they fell into the hands of the wild beast which devoured them; and it was just a man and Moses who had done them harm. The people of the mountain of rocks commended the master of the house, that they might ride with him to the land of Canaan, which he likewise set out with his people. And they both rode, and came to a river, which was a very big river, and they were both lifted by the rush of the current; and they fell into a huge canoe, which had been drawn on the sand; and they were both washed ashore at the same time, by the same man. And they went upriver, and over the falls, to a large wooden house, which they entered, and which was the principal residence of the stallion who had done them the mischief. The Master drove the girl, as she was a virgin, to the front door of the house; and as she opened the door, the steed which was in her was forced open, and the steed from behind was forced to gallop about on all fours before her, before she could say the words, which were spoken by her lips as the stallion had done to her by driving his rearing upriver. And the girl's eyes were opened, and she saw the stallion approach the girl, and who came to the rescue. For all that were in the house of the LORD were happy; for they knew the LORD was their saviour. And the LORD looked upon Isaac's and Jacob's face, and was filled with compassion; for Isaac had laboured with Abraham's hands and with Jacob's with his own hands. And the LORD looked upon Isaac's face, and was filled with compassion: for Isaac had laboured with Isaac's hands and with Jacob's with his own. For though the land was rich in beauty, it was barren of man: and though the land was plenty good and spacious, it was barren of man. And the LORD looked upon Isaac's face, and was moved with compassion: for Isaac had laboured with Isaac's hands and with Jacob's with his own hands. And the LORD looked upon Isaac's head, and was moved with compassion: for Isaac had laboured with Isaac's head and with Jacob's with his own. For though the land was plenty well fed, and though the cattle abound in all the good things that the sun and the moon give to their inhabitants, Isaac's hands were cold. And the LORD looked upon Isaac's face, and was moved with compassion: for Isaac had laboured with Isaac's head and with Jacob's with his own hands. And Moses went in and spoke unto Pharaoh. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Let the children of Israel go out from the land of Egypt until the land be taken by the children of Israel, and the land taken by the children of Israel. And Moses went and took Gamali, and Gamal and Gad, and put Gamal on his donkey, and let her with Gamali, Gad, and take Gamal and Gamali to the valley of the Jordan river, and Gamal with him. And the LORD spake unto Moses and to Gamal, saying Verily I came to call the people of Israel, and gave them directions for Gamal's journey, that he might prepare the food for them. And Moses took Gamal and Gamal along with him to the river. And Gamal drank the wine of the land. And while they were there, the LORD spoke to Moses from the valley of the Jordan, saying Verily I am come, and said that He had not forgotten you, Gamal. And the LORD spake unto Gamal, saying Verily I will judge between you both by the actions you have performed thus far, and that He would go and take you to the hills and make you a prey to the crocodiles. These are the names of the sons of Levi according to their generations: Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari and Jachin, and the years of the life of Levi were an hundred and three years. And the sons of Simeon; Simeon, and Chaim, and Rebekah and Shiloh and Zalam, and he is the years of the life of Samuel the son of Shema, who lived before the exile. And the years of the life of Levi were an hundred and nine years. Amram was thirty-three years old; his youthfulness was to be a factor in his downfall. While his youth had its uses; it was sheer folly that Amram intended for anyone to encounter him. Despite his fondness for young girls and his many lovers, he was a harsh teacher who must be stopped before he stole away the secret of his youth. Unfortunately for Amram, his secret was even more perverted than his private playboy play. At the age of twenty-two, Amram founded the School of Fortitude, and moved there from Virginia. And he commanded that the children of Israel should exhibit themselves unto the Pharaoh, and that the enticement of eating the flesh of this animal should be great; and that they should wear sackcloth and steel, and that the attire should be white sackcloth and steel, and nothing else; and that the loud noises made should be to music and lights in the night, and on the morrow morning they shall be naked like lambs and sheep, and their clothing made of flax, and wool, and veils, and their jewelry should be the like of the wool of the woolen cloth that Moses loosed from the slaughter of lambs. And it came to pass on the day that the LORD spake unto Eleazar the son of Anak, That the LORD spake unto him; and the two of them sat down opposite each other in the palace, and they spied the rider and his rider upon the horse and knew that they were meet. And the LORD spake unto the boys; and they were at his horse. And the riders went up to the horse and rode in with the riders. And the Master spied the couriers also and the riding-dogs and rode in with the riders. And the Master spied the Amyris and their rider and his rider and their rider and their rider; and the riders went up on the horse with the Master. And the Master ordered that they should not stop; for if they stopped the riders would surely part the cheeks of the couriers and the courtiers and the play-toys; and the Master spied the Plumed Serpent also and his rider and his rider; and the riding-dogs would lick the ground where the couriers and the courtiers and the play-toys stood as well as on the stables. And the Master ordered that they should wear scarlet and gold buttons; and they should hold their ground whenever any of the bystanders moved to assist; and the riders and the couriers and the spectators should remain in their places and their harnesses and their clothes and their shoes and their stockings and their garters and their swimsuits and their jewels if they so wished. And Pharaoh said unto Moses, · How high art thou in the sky, O heavens sweet child? And Moses said unto the LORD, Behold, I will make thee a god. And the LORD said unto Moses, · How high art thou in the sky, child? And Moses said unto the LORD, Behold, I will multiply you unto the stars of the heavens, and set them in the earth. And the LORD said unto Moses, Behold, I have given you power to decide how many shall serve me in this manner. And Moses answered the LORD, · Let the bidding be upon you, and let them come to you. And the LORD said unto Moses, Behold, I will multiply you by whatever is the will of my power, that is, by whom I will bid them. And Moses answered the LORD, Behold, I have given thee power to choose those which shall be upon the earth, whether they be male or female, rich or poor, cattle or swine, (my warriors) and this shall be their mission, to bring forth my seed and milk my goats. Thus did Moses and Aaron with their rods and their snakes respectively. And Moses and Aaron went back to the water's edge; and Aaron went down to the bottom of the river, and put his hand into the river's current. And when his rod was down to the water's edge, the serpent bit into the rod, and the snake bit into Aaron's hand. Moses and Aaron pushed both their rods and their snakes to the bank, and they went down to the bottom of the river. But as they went down, the snake bit into Moses' belt, and he came; and the man with the scarlet scarlet was with him. And the man with the bright red mustache had his arm stretched out, and his face was obscured by the water running down his arm. Moses and Aaron pushed the boats side against the current; and as the current passed under both of them, they went under the boats side. And as the current passed under the boats, the current was suddenly strong; and the shock of the current was tremendous. But the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto the magicians of Egypt, Go to the pools of the river, and cast your wicker across the water, that they may ride upon the swellings; and if you will not let them go, I will drown them. And the LORD did so. And the magicians of Egypt did so with their wicker; and they both stood upon the swellings, and on the banks of the river. And Moses lowered his head; and the LORD did come down upon them. And the LORD did sit upon the bank of the river; and the water was very soft; and the temperature was almost hot. And the magicians of Egypt did sit upon the bank; and the water was muddy; and they both were naked. And the LORD said unto Moses, Verily I give thee unto me; and you shall not come down upon me until I have given you something to drink. And Moses pulled the chain between the rings on the crown; and the chain was run through the rings on the crown, and the chain was run back to the pool. And the LORD spake unto Moses, Take thy rod, and lead the way into the valley of the springs, and bring forth frogs also upon the land of Egypt. And Moses stretched out his hand over the waters, and the frogs came up like meteors, towards the land of Egypt. And the LORD spake unto Moses, Stretch forth thine arm over the thine ass, and bring forth frogs also upon the land of Egypt. And Moses stretched out his hand, and brought forth frogs also upon the land of Egypt. And the LORD spake unto Moses, Let's go to the tent, and let Aaron worship thee out of one of the many treasures thou hast here. And Moses went to the tent; and Aaron went to the one behind the spring; and Aaron entered the tent, and stretched out his hand over the thine ass, and brought forth a little stream of water, which the magicians draw up and pour upon the earth; and this is the first of the magic tricks that Aaron shall perform for the LORD this night. And the LORD shall make his pleasure known throughout the land, when he sees that his servant has pleased him, and he shall be rewarded. And the magicians shall keep the people away from the witch, so that the people may enjoy the show; and the LORD shall share the fruits with the people when he sees that the trick has been performed. And the LORD drove out the magicians; and Aaron's frog came up in the valley; and the LORD went to the magicians, and they gave him answer; and he answered, saying, Admonish the witch for having brought these men here, to torment them. And the LORD took the woman; and Admonish her before the magicians; and she cast lots for the garments, and for the things, which the Magicians had brought unto her. And the LORD spanked her with the riding crop; and Aaron's frog went up in his mouth; and the cock lodged in her mouth. And the LORD caused her to quake with delight; and he took her into his mouth: and he sucked her until she was lost in the ecstasy of her own touch. And the Magicians came out of the valley in the morning light; and Moses and Aaron went up into the mountains, and told of the events which they had witnessed. And when the Magicians were again sent away, the LORD took his people out of the enchanting land of Egypt; and they parted the valley with the mountains, and gathered the people into his country. And the magicians came to the gathering; and Moses and Aaron led the way into the country; and the people followed the frog into the woods. And the Magicians had two young men; that were very pretty, and had red hair; and the beautiful Hannah and the beautiful Nana. And the magicians did in the morning what they had bid them; they stood at the door of Pharaoh's house, and knocked. And when Pharaoh rose, and called for the magicians, the magicians came forth, and said, Lo! We have given thee his sign; it shall be on the door of the snake; and upon entering thou shalt do as he bid you. And the LORD in the evening time riseth to meet thee; and the snake out of the ground is the door of the snake; and when thou wilt go in he shall be as a sheep; and if the fly shaft be not found within the neck, it shall be upon the door of the snake. And the magicians did in the morning what they had bid; they took away both Aaron's hands and feet, and sent him forth to the land of Goshen; and he went and sold the iron ore there; and the magicians did in the afternoon what they had bid. And the LORD in the evening time returneth in to take his part in the amusement of the people. And the magicians did in the afternoon what they had bid; they took all the children in the village, and carried them to the great stone, which is about three feet in length; and they put them into the water, and let them go, and the magicians did in the evening time what they had bid. And the LORD in the morass returned to her people in the morning, to give her merrie thanks for the mischief that he had done. And the LORD spake: Thou hast pleased me; therefore I command thee this fine silk garment, which I shall send to thee, to wear before the sun goeth in: but let not the eyes of the people be open: for the LORD spake it in a day when the people were in the field. And the garment was so made, that the LORD knew what every thing looked like: and his eye fell down between the hem of the garment, and his hand fell into the waistband of the garment, and he spied the zippered collar, and removed it from the garment. And the LORD spake to Moses. Moses came to the shore of the lake, and took the zippered collar, and led the frightened boy across the lake to the big maple tree. And the LORD commanded Moses to let the boy come to the tree. Moses moved slowly, because the tree was tall, and wide, and would hold him in it if he fell on it. But the more he moved, the closer he came to the tree, and the further he fell, the farther away he came, until he could completely hide the tree beneath him. Then the grass grew thick under him, and the boys played hide and seek, until finally Moses came within a few feet of the tree, and the LORD appeared to him. And the LORD went out from Pharaoh. 2 And the LORD summoned Moses and Aaron. 3 And the LORD spake unto Moses, Saying This is the punishment for the house of slavery; it shall not be sold without the consent of the owner; and the price of the slave shall not be less than that of a donkey's price. The slaves shall be free from anxiety; they shall not be in dread of the punishment they deserve. But if any of the slaves revolt against the master, and he shall have reason to doubt their loyalty, he shall place their minds at rest. And the animals which were with the serpent this day, shall fear their master less than any other thing. Hush, Hush! There shall not be more than ten in number; and the tenth slave shall be the most fearful and pitiful. And Moses rose early in the morning, and the magicians drew near his chamber, and the demons took his place before his throne. And the LORD went before his face, and took his staff in his hand, and spoke unto Moses, Let us go. And Moses went before the LORD, and took the staff, and spoke to the demon-king. "My people have gained one great thing from this wise man; he has taught them how to gain entrance into mine. "But this man is not wise; still the worm continues. "He has not had a woman to guide and train them; I will bring her to full ripe old age, and then let them have a go at it. "If a man has no woman to train him, then his life and possessions will be lost; and the worm will feed on every little thing that the man has not fed on. "And I will keep a close eye on this man, lest I let the worm nibble at my breasts, and I give out a joyful welcome mat. And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven. And the hail came down like a crashing wave, like a crashing wave on the shores of a land of frost. And Moses stood and looked upon a cloud, and cried, And cried again. He that was upon the ground was blindfolded; and the rain came from the clouds; and the hail ran down the length of his body. Moses fell to the ground, and the hail rose from his body, and ran up the inside of his legs to the belt of his heavy armor. He was chilled. And while he was chilled, and while he was helpless, a tent was made for him in the woods, and he was led inside. He was led to the great tub, and into the sleeping chamber. For the LORD will gather all his flock, and lead them unto the land of Canaan, where he will give them their due according to their deeds and their desire; and there he will make them meet their Maker in a land of water. For the LORD will rain upon the earth; and the hail will come forth from the earth, and the hail will fall from the earth. The LORD will cause the rivers of the earth to flow one for another; and the waters of the rivers shall be wet with the blood of the beasts that shall flow upon the earth. And the LORD will cause the rumbling of the waters of the sea to cease; for the waters of the sea shall no more flow upon the earth their mouths nor their vessels; but their vessels shall return to the earth, and their mouths shall return to the earth. And the LORD will cause the hail to cease; and the hail of the land shall no more fall upon the earth, neither will the evening rain of the land upon the waters of the earth. And the waters of the river shall not return their blood, neither shall the evening rain of the land upon the waters of the river. And the birds of the earth shall no more fly, neither shall the evening rain of the land upon the birds of the earth. And the wind that blows in the land, after the manner of the storm that cometh in the night; that stirs the very soul of man, that stirs the very soul of the very soul of the very angel that shaketh the very face of the very God that taketh away His human dominion. And as Moses was going in unto Pharaoh, the LORD spoke to Aaron, and to Lele, saying, I command thee this day to be on your knees before me; and if thou wilt not obey, this day will be the cause of punishment for thine insincerity and disobedience. And when Moses and Lele went in to Pharaoh, the LORD spoke three words to them. Turn ye to me, and crawl before my feet upon the sand. And they went before Pharaoh's feet. When Moses and Lele came upon the shore, and stood in front of the shore, the LORD said to them, Let's see if thou hast mastered this art of warfare: Hath the boy mastered the rod and the crop; or is he yet to be taught? And when the LORD had said these words, what does the boy know? To put it mildly, the boy knew nothing. But the LORD could see the danger this pose posed. And Moses came to the door, and opened it; and when he stood before the door, the door was opened by a bright sparkle of lightning, which shot down like a bolt, like the arrow that pierced Moses. And out he went, with his entourage following close behind. And when Moses stepped upon the threshold, a vision appeared to him, of a stunning beauty, and of a cry that echoed around the chamber. And from the shadows that were placed about the room, He saw his beautiful wife, bound and gagged; her hands and feet above her head. Her head was pushed back, and her lips were parted. One lip was free, and she looked at the other. A soft gasp escaped her throat, and she felt her heart race. And then her mouth was drawn into a kiss, as her tongue parted his lips, and he felt it entwine with hers. And the blood of the locusts upon the green ground was deadly in the heat of the day, and deadly in the heat of the night; and the locusts became afraid even of the water. But the breath of the locusts comforted the land of Egypt at night: they did not awake the sleeping woman. And Moses and Aaron had to carry on their journey, and had to continue their labours, until they came to a city which is at the foot of the Red Pyramid, and there they stopped for a night, and a day, and a night, and a day. And Moses called the maiden Phoebe, after the bee which was in the chamber, because she was the bee which was most beautiful in the garden of the LORD your God. And she came to Moses with a cry, and laid her hands upon his body; and they slept. Meanwhile the men continued their labours. Phoebe was very sleepy at first, but as night fell, her eyes opened, and she watched with great interest as the men went about their chores. Her breasts were like pearls, full and plump and shiny with the swelling of her belly; her eyes were like unto a hawk's, piercing gaze, and she was slick with desire. So the LORD commanded Moses, and Aaron; to go down to the river and cast a net out over the falls, and bring in four cubs and tow them into the well of the river. The 4 cubs shall sit under the falls, and the net shall be passed around the 4 cubs, and the tops of the falls shall be at right angles to each other. And the herdsmen and the flocks of the pigs and the chickens shall come out to the well in the mornings and play and graze their land. But the Lord's house shall be in the woods; in the flower-beds of the woods; no man shall go within its walls, in the charnel houses, in the hollow trees; there shall be no work there during the day, for the fear of the LORD thy man shall be for all that is in the woods. The net shall be passed around the net and the herd shall graze in the fall-trail at night. When the day comes of the people coming out to the well to play or to graze in the hollow trees, the LORD shall come in the morning and take away the 4 cubs and cast them into the well. And the net shall be passed around the well as far as the eye can reach; and the people shall be broken off into several families, and there shall be no more games on the Sunday before next. The 4 cubs shall stay with the LORD until the week is spent, and then the LORD shall take them out and put in the car and drive to the river. So then, to our guests that sleep upon the hills, it is this night that they shall have their deaths: Isis and her maidservant were it. For gold's day is come, and the two of them shall be cast into the fires of hell, and their deaths shall be the cause of the greatest of pains for the slaves of Pharaoh their blood shall be shed. As for us, we shall have to pay the penalty as Moses and I have been selected. The gold that we will buy this night shall be used to buy the fine silk scarves and bracelets that will cover the burning sun; and the audience that shall listen to us shall be a choice of three; either from among the offerings made by the four that murdered Seti, or from among the offerings made by the four that were put to death by the scribes and the idols that they pulled from the sand. And as for the girl that we shall have to pay the penalty of; her purchase shall be at the auction afterward. And the bidder that wins this night's bidding shall be the first to have her tormented. I bid you farewell this evening, my dear; and I bid you bid generously. And I bid you bid me farewell. And if the neighbour be too many, he and his neighbour shall each take the lamb according to the above mentioned rules. And the servant shall be left with his Mistress upon his knees, and you shall take him in your mouth. And the lamb shall be a young male, who is devoted to her in all things. And you shall make him your manservant. And you shall expect nothing from him but to please her in all things. And you shall greet your visitor as soon as you know him. And if thou wilt come to visit the lamb within thy borders this month, this month shall be the occasion. And the entrance to the sanctuary of the LORD thy God shall be at the gate of the sheep's pen. And the assembly of the congregation of Israel broke into little dance; and the house of the slaughtered sheep assembled to eat the blood of their master. And the man with the large stone in his hand stood and said unto the gathered crowd, Render unto the beast my victim: and they all stood and stood and went to him. And when his prey was loose from the ropes, he called to his servants, and they went away to render unto him. And when they came unto the ark of the house, which was in the valley under the trees, they laid the bait over the edge of the trap. And the seraphim came out from the clouds and the pillars, and the seraphim and the demon went to the ark, and the demons came out from beneath the earth. And the seraphim and the demon came back out from the pit of the earth, and their tails came up to the eye, and their tails came back down to the pit of the earth. And Pharaoh summoned his seven maidens from out of the prisoners' prison, and from the woods around the camp he took seven maidens, and brought them unto his tent. And he sat on his throne, and he looked upon the seven maidens, and sighed upon them, and they gave him his satisfaction, and he was filled with their juices. Ye shall observe the feasts of meat; for this is the food of the gods: ye shall have meat for food on these days. Ye shall also observe the rituals of your mothers: for this is the food of the gods; meat shall be eaten on these days only. Seven days shalt you eat the flesh of pigs, and their calves; and in the eight days the slaughter shall be the greatest that ye shall see in flesh. In the evening of the feast ye shall have wine to wash away your sins; in that way ye shall make atonement for your offences. Ye shall not touch that which blood ye cannot eat: this even in the flesh shall be sanctified. Ye shall not drink of the blood of sheep; on those days ye shall not take the blood of any animal. And on the twelfth day of the month, which is the big day in your annals, ye shall slaughter the young goat for your feast. Ye shall use the young goat's milk for the banquet: and this day ye may eat any thing that the eyes of the world may desire. And the LORD rode his stallion into the gates of the palace, and sat down upon his throne. And the servants went to the guests and unto the house of Aaron, and to the chamber where the plague was kept. And the servants came unto Moses and kissed his feet and offered him their hands and their feet, and their hair and their hair as the plague had done. And Moses took them, and his servant puteth them on his throne; and he cast them to the dogs, and commanded them to put their feet on his cock. And the servants went and returned, and the host of the plague lay before them. And the Master wrapped his hand about his stranger's foot, and said, rather loudly, I offer you sacrifice, boy; for I have little desire but to see you perform for me. And the Master returned, and took the boy by the wrist and led him to the place where the plague was kept. And the Master poured out his loins unto his servant, and told him, Should I remove the cloth from his balls, that he would have to clean the wound himself. And the LORD said to Aaron, Depart from us, ye men; go into the land of the living, and let us sell our flesh for your jiz, and let us the young man go up to the land of the dead. And Aaron and Moses depart from the land of the living into the land of the dead. And the LORD calls the young man to him, and the man sells his soul for a hundred talents of silver; and the woman sells her body for a hundred talents of silver as well. And the buyer calls to the seller, and he tells of the transaction, and the transaction is made official in the family record. And the buyer calls to the other buyers; and they tell of the transaction; and the buyer calls to the other buyers; and they tell of the transaction; and the buyer calls to the Lord. And the Lord calls to the buyers; and they tell of the transaction; and the buyer calls to the Lord. And the Lord entereth the house; and He knocks at the door. And the young man opens it; and the buyer enters; and the auctioneer showeth his wares; and the bidding begins; and the bidding gets louder; and the Lord's People come to the bidding; and the bidding gets louder; and the bidding gets louder. This is the decree of the LORD against all the hosts of the earth; and to every ram, and cock, and hog, and every bull, and calf, and stranger that shall come upon them; and every offering of fat, and flesh, and blood, and sea creature that shall come upon them. And the bigoted erring shall be put out of the way: and every animal shall be clean. The garments of the infidels shall be torn from their clothing: and the garments of the hosts shall be put on sackcloth and ashes. And the LORD thy God shalt exact from the nations unto the LORD thy seed from the wombs of the just born: It is the will of the LORD thy God shalt thou keep. And the sacrifice of the young for the lord thy God shall be for an offering to the LORD thy God shalt thou after their days. And the host of the living thing that is in the earth shall come forth to play the host; and the worm and the beetle and the leaf and the wasp and the worm and the beetle shall be the prizes. And the little wasp that cometh upon the earth this day shall be my prize; for I will give it to the worm after it has been fed with the host. The host shall be groomed in the presence of the LORD thy God shall be his entertainer this day; and he shall be the one that cometh, and shall feed the host. Take the child, and bring him hither unto the door of the tent of meeting. And upon the door of the tent of meeting, shalt thou take him in: for I am sending him to you. And when thou hast done, thou shalt take his name; and his birth-title; and his marks; and his belongings; and his children; and his wife; and his heirs; and his slaves; and his camisole; and his tunic; and his scarves and collar; and his tent. And the door shall be thrown wide open; and in the midst of the goings-on there shall be no sound; and the seals of the hosts of the night shall be run on all the doorposts and all the windowposts. And when the call comes for the ritual washing, saliva shall be spilt upon all the curtains and doors, and upon the tabernacle, and all that is therein shall be subjected to the violence of the wind; and in the daytime the garments made for the morning shall be worn. And in the evening, at the moment of ritual bathing, the clothes for the evening come to rest on the curtains. And the wife of the groom shall be allowed to wash the curtains and the tabernacle; and shall she not be allowed to cover herself with a garment made for the host of the night? And what shall the host do in the tent of meeting? And the first command that thou shalt give to thyself upon commandment of the LORD thyself shall be to go no further. And in the eighth day, the first day of the month, thou shalt go no further. And in the ninth day the servant shall return, and the servant shall shew the door. And the LORD thyself shall come and visit thee. And the servant shall come and go as the LORD pleaseth. The tenth day is a feast day, a day to be walked in the streets and on the papes of art. And on the eleventh day the LORD shalt come and visit thee. And the servant shall come and go as the LORD pleaseth. For there is one soul which the Lord thy God faileth for thee, that the LORD will atone for thee. So God sent His chosen one, His chosen one, to the travelers to bring them news of the land and of his people. He also sent His boy with a message; to his people; to His hall. And when the people heard the messenger's urgent appeals for them to return to their homes, they broke away from the hall, and went to their homes without a word. When the messenger returned to his people, he found his home in ruin. The messenger returned to his people with a broken heart. The destruction of his people had been swift and severe, but the destruction of his home had been even harder. But the messenger had arrived; and the people were beginning to realize that they had no other choice but to accept his words of repentance, and to put up with the searing hell they knew would follow their words. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Tarry night, and make ready for the day of gathering the wood, and for the work that the LORD shall require of you this day: And the LORD commanded Moses to gather the wood upon which the vessel of the LORD will be based, and prepare the earth beneath her; and in the bowels of the vessel he kept her things for himself this day: And Moses went to the people and gathered them together in the dark. And the children of Israel went to the tree, and gathered the wood upon which the vessel of the LORD will be based, and the earth beneath her; and they came up on the other side of the tree and around the tree, and around the tree again; and the children of Israel came around the tree in the centre of the garden, and around the tree; and the people went up on the tree. And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying, Let us go down into the valley of the springs, and let us pass the people. And Moses came down from the tree, and the LORD spoke to him, saying, En route to the river let us make a deep bend in the old stump, and let us stretch out the wood over the old stump. And Moses went down to the valley and found a good hiding place along the banks of the river, and he hid in the old stump for a couple of hours. At night as the sun shone down on the valley, the people of the valley heard the wind of the river moving through the trees, and the ripples of the river running against the old stump, and the wind gathering the old leaves and the branches, and the old treed grass, and the old blacksmith's hammer, and the old blacksmith's screwdriver, and the old blacksmith's pipe and the old blacksmith's jack-o-lantern and the old blacksmith's face and the old blacksmith's cape and the old blacksmith's silk robe; and the spooky, rich, cutesy voice of the voice of the dead man. And the LORD said unto the children of Israel, I will put our names to the dust, and we shall no more see the Egyptians. And the children of Israel said, Let us go down to the river, and let us look upon the graves, and let us feel the cemeteries, and the grave stones, and the other wrecks of war and blood and beasts of prey that are in the streets and upon the hills and the fields, and let us seek out the graves by the side of the river, and let us bury our dead; and let us lie down in the grasses and on the stables, and let us lie down in the dust and on the stables, and let us lie down in the hollow trees and on the trees with our eyes cast down; and let us stretch out our legs and let us stretch out our naked flesh and let us shed our outer garments and let us shed the outer garments and the cadavers and all that is inside of us, and let us shed our outer garments and the cadavers; and let us fast and wash each other's backs and asses and asses and cunts and cocks, and let us fast and wash each other's backs and asses and toenails and that they might be clean and that they might be a temple of the gods if they are to be our temples. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying The first of all things is to sheathe the young man; and lo, this I have commanded you. And the young man shall be sheathed, then the young woman shall be sheathed also. And when the young woman's are cleansed, then the virgin's shall be sheathed; then the young man's hands shall be clean. And this shall be the rite of entrance into the house of the lord your master. And the virgins shall be cleansed, then shall be herlled up and their cocks shall be clit castrated. And the men who have taken the pains to do this shall be their women. And the stranger that went before the stranger, while he stood behind them, his eyes were like unto the sun, and his skin like the grass, and his thighs like the water. And the voice of the one that went before the stranger, which was the hunter of the prey, came before them like a calling: Suffer the stroke, O my guests! And the legs of the one that came before the stranger, which the hunter of the prey did, while he stood behind them, and the other one stood at their feet. And the stranger that had lain behind the one that went before the stranger, which the hunter of the prey did, while he stood before them. And the one that had gone before the one that came before the one that came before the one that came before the one that came before the one that went before the one that came before the one that came before the one that went before the one that came before the one that went before the one that came before the one that was in the hand. And the one that waited in the circle, that was the one that had the wild animal in him, that was the one that was going to submit to the stranger's lust, that was the one that was going to receive the terrible punishment that would come to him in the end. And then the one that went before the stranger, that the hunter of the prey did, while the one that stood behind him screamed. And the one that waited in the circle, that was the one that had the sharp instrument that the stranger had used on the seal, that was the one that was going to be used on the seal. And the LORD said unto Moses, Except I give you leave to remain, my precious slave, that you shall have no rest for the night: for the coming of the sun in the morning is a sign from the LORD of what shall be done on the morrow. And the LORD said unto Moses, Thou shalt have for thyself some torment; and thou shalt find out the punishment for this breach of my covenant this night. And Moses went to the tent of the Lord and looked upon the face of the beast; and he stood upon the quiver of the beast. And the LORD spoke unto Moses, Depart now from the sea of the living; for I will keep these for my people for hunting and in the hunt. And Moses went from the quiver of the beast, and came upon the water; and the LORD spoke to Moses, Enslave thee first of all, to be a good and obedient slave. And Moses answered the two of them, Ye are to be totally stripped of all that you are, to do what is pleasing to the eye of the LORD. And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever cometh after the image of the beast shall be the more vile of these. And Moses answered the two of them, All that you are, Whosoever comes after the image of the beast shall be the more excellent of my people. The LORD rides his stallion through the air: he lays down to prepare for his prey. He calls to his riders and summons them to him. As the riders come to him, the LORD calls to them, and they come to him. His horn makes a call to the birds, and the birds come before the LORD. He opens his eyes, and they see him sitting upon his throne. He looks down upon his servants, and they see him sitting in his throne. He spares no expense in making them whole. He is their God. The creature that was upon the earth cried aloud, The destroyer is come upon us! The LORD is angry, O DESTROYER! Verily I say unto thee, It is well; he has come. He that was upon the earth was as one a thousand years ago cut off: his seed was not counted. Daughter of man and beast, why weepest thou? Verily I say unto thee, The worm hath made his appearance; and his dominion is mine. Verily I say unto thee, It was his desire. Oh, how long it was! And out of the ground out on the land came a woman and her child; and their mother was with them. They were sold to the buyer before the bidding began. THE HUNGER was great and the HUNGERer came, though he was not as strong as the bidder. He came to the table with twenty lashes of the short sword; it stung for only a little after it was drawn. But the echo of the slap echoed against the walls as he drew and the blade rushed through the air, sending thin, white, silver threads of steel and violet electricity through his veins. He arched his back and used his body to press against the girl and his own hand to rub at her swollen clit. She arched her back and bit her lip. The hunger grew and the crimson silk of the garment moved with the swiftness of the storm. And the day that they had set out for the precious water was the day that they had now set out for the precious water. And the people of Israel went into the wilderness until there was threescore men, and twelve women. And the men went into the wells, and the women the trees, and the men hunted, and gathered their spoil, and brought the drink to the women and set it on the table. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying Verily I give you pleasure in eating my precious water: for I will surely pour into your mouth this precious fluid, that is sanctified by the LORD your God of hosts. And the men came to the well of the women, and the drink was given to them; and the water was added to the man's desire. And the water flowed unto the well; and the drink went to the men. And the men went back to the well; and the women, and the men drank the water. And the women swam out to the well; and the drink was returned to the men. And Aaron came close to the child, and said unto the captive woman, Let us go down to the bottom of the well, and let us bathe in the blood of the well-pleasured one, that the well may not be full this night. And Moses and Aaron went down to the well; and they spied great quantities of bubonic plague, in great numbers: and they spied that the well was well stocked with human and animal excrement. And they spied the well was full of buboes: and they spied that the well was well lubricated with great anticipation of such an exciting time. And they came upon a man and his wife, and a woman; and they spied that the man was very skillful at the arts of war. And they also spied that the woman was well versed in the arts of bondage. And the LORD spake unto Moses, Enjoin him upon our holy mountain, upon the rock, out of the wood, into the valley; and thereupon lead the captive man across the sacred ground. And the LORD said unto Moses, Shall we go down to the well this night? And Moses said, Yes. And the LORD God of hosts high God of hosts hath given them food to eat, as also did they gird themselves for the meeting. And the LORD God of hosts high God of hosts sat down, an d held a bowl under his chair, and took from it Omertas the witch, whom the LORD God of hosts had chosen to be his wife. And the LORD God of hosts high God of hosts sat down, and took his bowl from the table of the table of the beasts, with a groan of pleasure in his voice. And the Lord God of hosts high God of hosts sat down, and ate. And when the food was done, and the LORD God of hosts high God heard the sound of the beasts, he rose, and moved toward the edge of the flogger, and Omertas the witch, and snapped his neck. The flogger struck across the soft back of his body. The dreadful stinging net wound over his spine, and across his ass. His flesh had been dotted with red welts, which the Witch's enchantments had smeared on him. And the first day they did have was a sabbath unto the LORD: for the morning brought not forth good fruit; neither was there any food upon the table. And on the sixth and twelfth day Moses and company gathered together; and the evening they did have was like this. And Moses felteth the spirit of the Lord as he gaze was upon him. He wondered where this might be. He wondered how he was to meet this stranger. And then he saw it. He stood before the table, and the stranger took his place at the head of the table. He smiled; and the stranger's smile was like a lamp of fire. And Aaron went and knelt before the Lord, and received his blessing. And the LORD blessed Moses. And the whole house came to the door. Then Moses said unto them, Feed the mouse unto the bull; for it is the will of the LORD thy God to feed the mouse after it has been purged from it's sin. And the men laid the mouse upon the table; and both Moses and Aaron sat upon it; and it was filled with beans and lentils, and other good things; and the Lord spake unto Aaron, Give him the horn of wood, and the beast of burden; and he went and stood upon the mouse, and took the goat's horn from its cage, and offered it to Moses; and Moses took the LORD's name, and the goat's, and offered them to the bull; and the bull gave them to Moses, and the bull ate them. And the house of Israel came and stood upon the floor; and Moses came and stood by the door. Aaron came, and stood by the door. But where was Moses when the men came for the cow's milk? And Moses went and took the rod, and he and Aaron went forward into the valley; and the water rushed out of the well; and the people were afraid. And Moses said unto the people, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I will judge the people of this wicked and disobedient flock. And the people said, Who is our judge? And Moses answered, The Judge of all that thou hast done; and the wicked shall be put out of the flock. So the people of the city were many; and Moses and Aaron both stood on the top of the well; and the well was almost filled. And the Judge sentence was passed upon both of them, both by the five Elders of the congregation, on the spot. And the people walked down the street, and around the corner; and the Judge sentence was passed upon Aaron. And Aaron knew that the day was near, when he would tell the people of his disobedience. He entered the valley again with the rod, and after anilium of time, he came back up out of the valley with the reed; and as he went down the hill, he could see the valley floor as it had been cut down to a sawmill; and the reeds were sticking very hard out from the ground. He went down the hill after Amalek; and when he came back up, his head was about 20 feet from the top of the hill. And there was a sharp cut on his head, which pierced through the hat, and knocked him out cold. And then, at last, Moses was able to take his hat in his mouth, and he looked up to the sky and the stars, and the cloud was moving in the sky; and lightning was running across the sky. The Prophet turned his head to see the spectacle. And the chains which he had taken from the woods were as white as snow, as the Prophet's hat was blue as the fallen clouds. And the splinters of wood and leaves were as white as the rain that fell in the valley. As the Prophet's hat fell away from his face, he looked up at the splinters of wood and the leaves, and the splinters of the fallen trees, and the splinters of fallen leaves, that were in front of him. And there the three of them encamped, the wife of Moses at his head, and the three of them behind her, Their tent was a tabernacle; and the Lord's name was Gershom. And the third of the three went into the field of the battle, And the snake drew near to Gershom the snake; and the God of Spenta, the serpent stirring him, and his brood. And the God of Thorns speared the hand of Gershom, and bit into the other mans flesh. And Moses and Aaron pierced Gershom, and his body opened in the poison spray; And the God of Lightning spattered the other mans blood upon the virgin's face; And the God of Frost blew two more horns upon him, and his head came to rest upon the ground, after the third had done. And the man that had done the wound was put to the test: And behold, a leopard skin was put on the slave that was left on the battlefield; And he that had done the wound was driven from the battle and cast into the wilds beyond the mountains, And the man that had done the stroke was devoured by the lions. And when the man that had done the wound was come to the hand of the God of Heaven, and the God of Thunder, they looked upon a naked woman. And he said unto the God of Witches, Give me my girl: for the snake enticed me within the wilds beyond the mountains. And the God of Thunder answered, Yea, Yea, and said, Care for me sweet virgin; for I am in need of food. And it came to pass that after the evening, that Moses and Aaron sat to eat the bread, the young man from Egypt who had been with Moses the night before, and had given him his woman's garment for his sack, and whose name was Lamia; And she said, My little one, Lamia is a beautiful woman, and for this I will give thee woman's apparel also, the garments which the Egyptians wore when they gave their girl to eat the tree of life. And Moses answered Lamia, saying, Yea my girl, eat the tree of life: for it is the root of all that is good and on this tree it is my will to give flesh to my people. And Lamia rose to her feet and moved towards her, and when she saw that he was naked; she gave him her nakedness and moved towards him. And standing in front of Moses, she took his cock and began to nibble on it. And she said, Is there any other name that I should give to thee? Hear Ye that night, O Moses of old age? Yea, there is another name that I should give to thee; for old age is a sickness unto itself, and I am sick with old age. And Lamia began to move backwards and forwards on Moses. And what shall I do with this creature, my slave? Will I train her to be my lover, or will I leave her to be prey to the ravening wolves? Answer me, my slave. If you answer yes, then I will certainly place you among the nations: Nations that will see the gleam of glory in thy beauty: Nations that will be most willingly enslaved by thy feet. Which would be the greatest of all? Or would you prefer to be used and used by another? Answer me, my slave. If you choose to be used, will you be humiliated on a massive scale, used for sexual pleasures, or will your body be abused, and used for the greater good? And there they waited, while the little ones slept: and the men returned from their journeys, and Israel set out for the mountains in that month, and the children of Israel stayed behind their father's house. ### Chapter 2. How He Met Her When Master Colin had given his consent to marry Susan, He took her into His arms, and held her as He softly caressed her face, lips, throat, and body; her senses growing on her as she followed Him. She felt His power as she entered her Master's house, expecting His wrath, but from far away she was frightened. Her heart had shuddered and her body trembled. She thought, "This is the man I made my Mistress beautiful. This is the man I will lead to power in this world." As Master Colin held her before Him, She asked of Him, in a soft voice, "May I be allowed to kneel before You? and put them in the hot sun, that they may look upon the naked flesh of this dear messiah. And Moses went and stood beside the people, and looked upon the faces of the living dead. He looked at them, and wondered if they would all come out to greet him. He decided not, knowing that there would be a sore test to test his loyalty to these people later. He went and stood beside the people, and looked upon their graves. He began to speak. "Moses" he said" I take the name of the messiah that I see in my heart. It is the name of my precious baby girl, Elata. And then, when the LORD had rested a little while, He came down from the mount, and stood upon the nether part of the mount, and pulled the people out of the camp. And Moses stood in the shadow of the trees, and the heavens were also over them; and in the distance was the sound of the waters of the river; whereon the people were pulled with their nipples; and in the middle of the mount, where the water ran down the sides of the mountain to the valley below. And Moses brought the people up to the river, and said unto them, Take the cloak that is tied thyself; and I will take the oxen of the back of thy hand, and the feed the sheep of the back of thy other arm; and you shall be well fed on the day that I return. And the people went to the river, and took the feed the oxen and sheep; and the oxen were plowed into the hayfields by the Elders; and the sheep by the Children; and the People went to the woods by the Trees, and the Children by the Roots. And Moses led the People up the Vale of the Vale, and down the Valley of the Fox, to the falls of the Ruby; and the falls where the water was kindled; and the falls where the water lapses into the valley below. And Moses laid the People over the rocks, and put the harness around the People's necks; and in the midst of the People, between the harness and the rocks, some Two or Three Curles placed tude on top of the People, and tude lay down in some kind of French Mist or Scotch Broom, with a pillow under her. Now thus it is done in the city of Pharaoh; for the city of Pharaoh loveth not the LORD, neither do the people of this land. They are strangers to him; therefore hath the LORD driven them forth into the wilderness, and taken away their poor eyesight. And the people neither know him, neither do the cattle. So the people turned and walked down the path. And God said unto Moses, Let's go up onto the mountain, and thou shalt look upon the valley below: for here they have a shop and a peddler for every thing that they need. And Moses went and looked upon the valley below, and the people sat down and talked and got refreshments. And after the refreshments, Moses and the priestess went back up into the valley, and the people sat down again. They talked of more adventures with the Lord. Thy six days shalt thou labour; on the seventh day I will rend the sabbath day with a sudden gale of wind: And thou shalt not come forth to work in the day: for the day is a sabbath for all these. Six days thou art at rest, and the sabbath is a gift, a comfort, a reprieve. And if the LORD should so require, he shall render to thee what he requires of thee. And the LORD spake it, saying, Let us play. And the LORD summoned Moses and Aaron. And the LORD spake it, saying, I command thee this day, O you of Israel, what it is that thou hast to do: And Moses and Aaron went down to the beach and stood beneath the sailboats in the harbor looking over the railing, and gazing at the people. And the LORD said unto them, Let's go down to the beach, and there be some playthings for the gods. And they went down, and the priests and the Levites and the officials and the people on the beach went up and played. In all thy dealings with thy neighbour, there shall be according honour: And every thing that the Lord shall command thee to do, thou shalt take with thine heart and with the mouth of the Lord thou shalt do. The services of the day shall be for free: And thou shalt not be charged for lost or stolen property. When the services of the day shall have been performed, thou shalt not be required to wear the above-mentioned garments. And on the sabbath day, thou shalt offer unto the Lord thy most solemn and holy sacrifice. And during the day, the service of the day shall be for free. As the priest leaveth before the sun: Thou shalt fast and labor and do all that the eyes of the land should desire: And during the day thy eye shall be upon the place where the sun set not from Jerusalem but from the West. Thou shalt not part with thy mouth nor the pleasure of any of thy servants that the eyes of the land should desire: But all that the eye may command thee on the sabbath day is thine. And during the day shalt thou press thine ear to the ground, and fast. For I am an artificer, like the carpenter: and the carpenter's hammer hath not the same meaning as the hammer of iron. For God so loved the man that he should pay dearly for his crimes: and the carpenter's hammer hath cost him his life. The LORD said unto Moses, Thus shalt thou build my altar: and I will build thee an altar of wood. And I will wipe off the creep from the top of the wood, that is upon the earth: and I will cast down the bolts from the ceiling, and the handrail which is upon the foundation of the altar. And the blood of the dogs shall come up upon it; and the blood of sheep and oxen shall come down upon it. And the pulverised bark of the forest weeds shall come up upon it. And the wood which is upon the earth shall be the food of the beast: and the worm that walks on the earth shall be the poisoner. And the beams which are in the pit of the earth shall be the cause of pain unto the worm that feasts upon the poisoned wood. If a man buy a girl, and take her to be a maid; her father shall own her. If a girl go to court; she shall abide only as a maid: her father shall be her master. And if a girl come unto the court to plead her case, she shall abide only as her father's maid: her mother's slave. If a boy be bought by a woman; his father's slave; his mother's slave. And if a girl come unto court; her mother's slave. And if the boy's owner shall find favor with the judges, he shall possess her. If a girl come into a court of a drug; she shall abide only as her mother's maid: her father's slave. If a girl come into a man's house; she shall abide only as his slave: his slave. And if a man stealeth another man's wife; and rapeeth her, and marrieth another man, and abandons her, and sets up his plot against his own flesh; then I will inflict upon him three times the rape of his own wife. If a man stealeth another man's wife; and rapeeth her; and marrieth another man; and sets up his plot against the same flesh; then I will inflict upon him four times the rape of his own wife. If a man rape another man; and it please his Mistress; then I will inflict upon him three times the rape of his own wife. If a man stealeth another man's wife; and rapeeth her; and marrieth another man; and sets up his plot against the same flesh; then I will inflict upon him three times the rape of his own wife. If a man rape another man; and his Mistress submit to his lust; then I will inflict upon him three times the rape of his own wife. If a man rape another man; and his Mistress consent to be raped by another man; then I will inflict upon him three times the rape of his own wife. If a man rape a woman; and his Mistress submit to his lust; then I will inflict upon him three times the rape of his own wife. And if a man rape his own wife; and he live another's life, and bear her child; then his wife also shall belong to the one that rams her mouth upon him. For such things as these are my laws. Facts and figures which may please me in my darkest fantasies. But facts, Female and Male. As you enter this room, the only lights are from the few torches scattered about. The room was set in an outhouse, far in the woods. Cold hard wood was used as the floors, the walls, and the roof. No other buildings or dwellings may be found. It was completely flat, the only light in the pitiful room. And if the ox should fall into that dreadful Trap of Famine, then the owner of that precious Stone, which the tyrant Threatens to cast into the Fire, shall pay the penalty of his soul: his hands shall be fastened to the bedposts, and his wife's hands shall be bound to the bedposts, to prevent her escaping. ### CHAPTER 3 The CATTLE FOR THE SEA The Little Mermaid The capture of the captured Dutch merchant, with the help of the strong armed men who had accompanied her, was a most momentous event in the annals of piracy. It was a man, a woman, and an oxen stoned to the hounds. It had happened. The powerful had grabbed her, and the weak had fled, hiding in the woods. There she lay, naked, bound, and helpless, and she heard his voice echoing in the trees, "I am your Master." She felt his hands on her wrists, as he drew her head back. His hot, penetrating fingers stroked her smooth, round ass, and he felt the rising of her body as she finally allowed him to touch her. There shall be no repairency for theft in time, for time is thief; and the thief that steals time, and makes another man his slave, is like a bolt of lightning, that comforts and makes him light with fear. There is no repairency for man that steals women, for women are property, and the thief that steals women shall be put to death. And this is the reason why ye should worship Me, and not worship any other: because ye are a body of law, which ought not to be broken, but must be obeyed. And likewise with your worship of women; it is a seal of the gods upon you; and ye will not break it. For this reason didst thou steal My nipple, and the thieves lips shall not cry out. For if I give you one, then I give thee two; if you break it, then I will make your mouth pregnant with it. And if ye should loose it, then I will give you three; if it should be retained, then four. For if it should be kept, then it is My will to have it retained; and if it should be shed, then it is My will to have it retained. If any of the above happen to be found by a highwayman, while driving along the busy highway, and it is dangerous to the public, in a way, for the highwayman to overtake and park the car, and he sees the ass, or the ox, or the sheep, or the ass, or the ox, and he breaks off, and proceeds to tear up the highway, and wound up and rob the owner of that property, and he shall suffer the double penalty. If any of the above happen to be a school teacher, while in the classroom, while in the halls, in the hall way, or in any building, while in the hall, on the playground, or any such place as the judge may direct the public, and it is dangerous to the public, and in so doing, he commits the offense of trespass, he shall be severely punished. If any of the above happen to be a publican, while in the bathtub, while in the kitchen, while in the sauna, while in the locker room, while out on the porch, while out dancing, or while at any other public gathering, then the party or gathering shall be the target of the public's lewdness. If any of the above happen to be a private citizen, while out shopping, or while on a vacation, then he shall be severely punished. He that feareth not the sword shall be hurt in body, nor in mind. But he that hath the sword shall be in peril of life, and limb, and mind. And is he not a most dangerous man, that feareth the sword in good part, and hath the weapon for lawful and lawful purposes? For if some man this very day should appear at the door, or if some other man the like should happen to be in the hall, or on the porch, or in the garden, then shall he also be in danger of life and limb, and mind. And whoever commits adultery with a beast shall surely be put to death. But if any of the above-mentioned things should happen to a man, and he should fall into the hands of a witch, and commit suicide, and the witch should gain possession of him, then the judgement of the LORD shall be made: Should the above-mentioned man be with another woman, then his wife shall be put to death. And if the above-mentioned man should be with his mother, then his mother shall also be put to death. And if the above-mentioned man should have relations with a woman other than his wife, then his wife shall be put to death. And if the above-mentioned man should have relations with a woman other than his wife, then his wife shall be put to death. And if the above-mentioned man should have relations with a woman other than his wife, and should kill her, and commit suicide, and the woman should gain possession of him, then the court-martial shall be held as a criminal offense. And whoever interferes with the above-mentioned man or woman, and should give him or her hurt, shall be put to death. And if the above-mentioned man should have relations with a woman other than his wife, and should murder her, and commit rape, then his wife shall be his accomplice. For this is my fair queen, my most beloved slave. And the hirelings shall be fed fair: but thou shalt not eat flesh: for stealing is a death-blow to property. And they that work thither shall not eat the hail of arrows. And if the hand of any one should steal the food of the poor, and give it to the wolf, he shall surely be punished: For stealing is a death-blow to the soul. Or if the wolf should devour the poor in the field, and feed on the sheep, and should any of the goods be taken away by the hireling, then the poor must be the prey. If any one should take anything away from his fellow man, without permission, without tenderness, or pity, he shall surely be punished: For stealing is a death-blow to the soul. Or if the sheep should fall into the enemy's hand, and the enemy should snatch away their master, and give to the wolf his fair share of the spoil, then the wolf shall surely devour the hand that feeds on the sheep. And if the theft comes to pass, then the wolf is the one to bear the whip: it is his duty to keep the sheep and the crops safe. For if thou sow an enemy's ox and he shall raise the ruck, then the proud bitch shall have only one heir, that is, if he makes good use of the ox. The maid servant, who is the cause of evil, shall pay the penalty. If thou sow not the evil, but only good, then the offense shall be no more; but the seed of the evil shall not fall. And if a man rape's a virgin virgin virgin maiden, and the plague be upon her parents, then the rape shall be a worm in the flesh; and the life of the woman shall be an offense against her parents. If a man rape's a virgin maiden and the child become a mother, then the rapist's seed shall be the cause of sickness in the flesh. If a man rape's a virgin maiden and the mother bear the seed of the offender's flesh, then the rapist's life and reputation shall be cause for sickness in the flesh. If a man rape's a virgin maiden and the rape is a wound, then the life of the rapist shall be the cause of sickness. If a woman rape's her slave and the wound is not too grievous, and the rape is not too severe, then the rape shall be no more. Six days are the rest: but the seventh day is the hard labors of man: the seed of thine enemy shall be sown in thine fields: on the stalk of the vine, and in the corners of the vineyard. In the morning, after the sowing of the vineyard, thou shalt do as thy mistress bids: in thy bed, thou shalt roll forth thy vines, and plant the grapes; and in the afternoon, again in the fields, and in the hills, and in the valleys, and in the hills. The labors of man, and the labors of vineyard are for thee: the poor slave, the vineyard, and harvest. Thou shalt not only sow thine enemy's fields, but shalt also plant and set thine own vineyard. Thou shalt roll forth thy vines, and in the morning, when the sun shines most brightly, thou shalt find the spots where thy enemy has suffered. In the afternoon thou shalt wake the weary slave, and in the morning shalt tell him thy plan. The first requirement is that he be naked; then the fun may begin. We must have a healthy, vigorous, and gay man on our hands, to start with. Behold, I have made thine an offering to the Gods: gold pieces of silver, the images of my youth, painted on wood, and these: Behold, I will offer them to the Gods if thou wilt accept them as gifts. Yea, also if the Peoples of this land will give them to me, as gifts. Yea, even a lowly speck of dust will do: because dust is the host of the Gods. Behold, I have prepared this place for the taking: a place of slaughter: where all things are capable of feeling: where life and death intertwine and merge into one being: where the mind grows not from the physical, nor the mind from the soul: where life is more than the sum of its parts, and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And I will use this place of slaughter: Where life and death intertwine, where the mind of man is born into darkness, and where the eyes of the Gods rush to pierce and to tear: Where the weak link in the chain is broken, and the flood gates of the Gods are opened and the flood waters of life and death rush in. And on the morrow I will call the first born of darkness, and the wolf I have already picked. And I will name the firstborn of darkness My pet. And I will give unto the Wolves what they have done unto their prey: life. They shall flee before the hail, and I will feed the sheep before the hail, and the sound of the waves shall make the wind boomerang, and the birds flee before the fangs. And the mighty worm shall enter into the pit of the earth, to open the Gates of the heavens; and the great Gates shall open; and the host of the dead shall rise again. Thou shalt not awake the dead; nor shalt thou cause the life out of life; nor shalt thou lower thine eyelids; nor shalt thou drink of the fountain head, nor shall the froth of life flow from thee. And in the days that follow these events, I will cause the soul of the wicked one to come forth, and walk the earth. It shall live as a breathing thing, and all its things in the heavens above shall be destroyed; and its soul shall enter into the place whence it came. This is the place of its destruction. In the morning the worm shall pass out of the pit of the earth. In the afternoons the fire shall melt away; in the afternoons the hail shall pass away; in the afternoons the wind shall die away; in the hours after these things, the worm shall live as a bird on the earth. The LORD caused Moses to go up to the top of the mountain, and stood in front of him. He took off the reins of command, and told Moses to approach the ridge top of the hill; there he placed the reins of command in his hands, and he commanded Moses to go up and round the bend in the path of the incoming wind. When Moses had come around the bend, the LORD said to him, Place the reins of command in the hand of the LORD thyself; and to MASTERIZE THEM. And Moses did as the LORD commanded him. He came around the bend, and placed the reins of command in his hand, and used them to hold the land of the Philistines at bay. When the land came, and MASTERIZED the winds, the LORD struck the cattle, and the herds rushed back towards the poles. And the LORD commanded Moses to make a sign and his name was G'e-mar: He said, MASTERIZE the LORD'S POUNDS. The land was terrified; the animals fled; and the people said they were frightened. And as they ate and drank, they had the spectacle of the altar and the blood sacrifice, which the LORD had commanded them to have before his face. And the wine was alluvial, and came from the same place whence it came, and was in the same manner drunk. And the lamp which was before them was of amber, with a brand new flame in it: and it was turned on after it had been quenched. And the lamp which was after them was of lap steel: and it had a handle like a big dog's whip, which would bite the air out of one's head, and the skin around the neck, and the band of stranded muslin, and a long skinny bamboo cane, and a soft led net with holes in it, and a net of some kind around the neck, and a curtain of some kind about waist high, and a very thin transparent satin scarf, and nothing else. And they were afraid. They had watched as other men, with their eyes cast downward, with their lips pressed against the table, and their fingers raised in a silent scream, and their cocks pushed down by muscular frames, and the violently bucking of their hips, and the strutting of bare ankles, and the shuffling of feet all over the place, and the pounding of barrels, and the yelling of wild animals, and the dripping of bloody sweat on bare skin, for weeks. And now, for the first time, they had their chance to see the God of the sea. The man turned toward them, and guided them to the back of the temple. Take the garment, which I gave you in the mount: and I will give you the skin: and you shall never again put it on again. And Moses took the garment, and stripped: and he put the skin upon his cock. He also fastened the cuffs: and the LORD spake unto him, saying, Take the leather which is in your bag, and fold it very tight: and put it in your hand, and stand behind you. And Moses took the leather, and stretched it out, and laid it upon his cock. Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Why seek ye this skin? And Moses answered, The youth shall answer for this skin. The LORD spoke to Aaron, saying, Where is David? And Aaron asked, Who is David? And whosoever shall enter into my sanctuary of love, into the dome of wood and clay, into the center of the earth, Must come within the veil which I have set over them. And the offering which shall be made thereupon shall be for my pleasure; Or, if it be a blood sacrifice, for the blood of a ram, and the blood of a sheep, and the blood of a swine and the blood of a swine also. If any man have any noble nerve, whatsoever organ in his body is desired of mine, Must come within the circle of blood as the sanctuary is of the living. And there shall be a feast for blood, and there shall be display of war and carnage and for the entertainment of many. But for the most part, for the keeping of the feasts, and the keeping of the company, and the entertainment shall be for the sole spectators. It shall be a most bacchanal and a most bacchanal and raucous and a most bacchanal and raucous and a most bacchanal and raucous fest. And the price of the meat shall be a great deal. And whoever shall enter the circle of blood, and whoever shall lay hold of the purple mark thereupon, shall pay the greatest price; For the world, and mine alone. And the arch of the arch of the ark shall be a heavy wooden plank of wood, the sides of which shall be staves, the tops of which shall be staves. And in the mercy seat of the arch the horses shall be a hedge, of stick, and a cubit and a half the length thereof. And in the midst of it the earth shall be a place of refuge for the horses; there shall be a place of refuge for the User and for the User's User. And the User's User shall be an intelligent, lovely young woman who is filled with a burning desire to possess him. And the User's User shall be an animal of foul desire, who is filled with a terrible thirst for the possession of the Other. The User's User shall be a beautiful young girl; pale, blond, green eyes wide and shining beneath her red kerchief. She shall have a small waist, and the top of her hips shall be high, the crotch of her panties extending upward. And thou shalt take the hairs of the neck, and the keratin of the strands of the hair, and shalt hold them in thine arm and thine ankle, and the thongs of hair shall be upon the thighs. And thou shalt take the garments made for the other, and fold them in thy back, and thou shalt be naked as the day thou began. And thou shalt put on the garments made for thee, and fold them in thy back also, and the hair of the thigh shall be upon the feet. And thou shalt shave the hair of the thighs, and the hair of the calves, and the hair of the foot shall be as it is, and the hands and feet shall be naked as the day the cattle were bought. But the garments thou shalt purchase shalt thou not clothe thyself with; yea not until thou hast worn thy garters or hose for thy garters shalt thou leave them on. And when thou hast worn none but thy garters shalt thou leave them on. But thou shalt not kneel, nor put on thy clothes until thou hast received permission. And when thou hast worn none but thy clothes thou shalt kneel, and put on thy stockings and hose, and shalt pass out from all the fumes that will cause thee. And in each of these dishes there shall thou make my meals, and set before me the same foods that I have set before thee in the other four dishes. These meals shall be set before the same persons often; in the same places that they shall feed my body. Orthodoxy likewise: no television, no electronic equipment except my pen and keyboard, and no computer or interactive device except my pen and keyboard and mouse. For this reason, I shall be submissive: I will prepare and serve the food and drink the wine myself, while Thou shalt prepare and serve the meals for me and the guest. And this is my command: that whenever the eating and drinking of my meals shall take place outdoors, it shall be for the purpose of O/our worship and delight: to O/our delight in the beauty of the country, and to O/our delight in the sporting of our games. As I feed the table I call the party leader, a name which I devise, and which I call Kiki: She is the one who shall wear the black garters and leggings required for the "Ball Game." She is the one who shall greet me at the door: She is the one who shall greet me and shall prepare and feed the table. She is the one who shall prepare and feed the hot chocolate and fruit compote. And shew the curtains round the altar, and the beams thereof, and fletch the banners, and erect the altar, and set the fires thereon. And in the midst of it all shalt thou do some magic or talismic work, according to the cards of the game. But my word is good, and good is the king of games; for it is good and holy and just. For if thou wilt swear to secrecy and to secrecy in the things to come, and take one of these things and keep it secret from the rest, Then the rest shall know not only what it is for, but also that the signs and the wonders of this life are for the gods. For there are seven in the race to find the one of these seven, and they are all playing this game. So they gather in secret, and gather in places, and gather in hidden places. The Spirit of the Game begins with the Wizard, and the Phoenix, and the Hunter; and the two come together in an act of magic, and the worlds are one. This is the Secret of the Game. This is the manner in which the Tabernacle shall be constructed. For the decoration and display of the work there shall be clouds, and the setting of the clouds shall be accomplished by means of the crafty arts of enchantment. And behold! He who will build the Tabernacle shall be the most fortunate. ### Chapter 4 I was startled and excited beyond words by the e-mail that I received. It was from the Master. I looked at the address only to be greeted by a very unusual e-mail message, greeting me with the subject line, "Tell Your Friends." Although my mind was on the function of the message, the sender seemed oblivious to the message I had just read. And the half cubits shall be laid out in a stock, to lay on the sleeping man, and in the other half of the stock, thou shalt make for the other half of the board. And in the one part of the stock the man and the beast shall be covered with the covering of the tents. And in the other part of the stock that is not covered, the man and the beast shall have their hair covered with stubble. Now the tent of the beast shall be on the outside of the square, and the stock shall be on the inside of the square. And the trees of the forests, which are covered with snow, with the snow-clad leaves, shall be transplanted to the inside of the square. And the man who is sleeping in the tent shall be awakened by the rumbling of the quivering of the tent, and by the stinging of the arrows that shall fall at his feet. At the stinging of the arrows of the gods of the woods, that cometh down to tear the cheeks from under his ass, that cometh up to strike him where the thigh meets the breast, and that cometh down to cut the hair from his neck. The man that cometh forth, shall be found on the outside, in the wood, with his face to the snow, and his breasts exposed to the cold winds that blow in from the north, and to the south, and to the west. And the remnant of the curtains of the tent shall be taken away, and the remainder of the curtains thrown away. And a board shall be put around the Alleluia, and a peg shall be pushed in at its end to keep the board in place. And the boys shall sleep in the dining room. And the remaining four, A to Z, shall each go and fetch a bottle of soda and a board, and sit on the floor in front of the table. And the boys shall each have a peg around their knee, and the girl shall sleep in the chair furthest in front of the table, having her neck stretched out, except for the board, which shall be liftable. And the girl who is in the lariat shall have her neck stretched out as far as the peg will allow. The girls who are eighteen or nineteen years old, and have at least one athletic toy shall each wear a collar with a strap attached to it, which shall be buckled into place when the wearer is into the room. The girl who is eighteen or nineteen years old, and who has at least one athletic toy shall firstly wear a collar, which shall be buckled into place when the wearer is into the room. And the holy place shall be a courtyard dungeon, or a ramp, and there shall be no other built-up house in sight. And in the midst of the garden on the north side of the road there shall be an old well-built stone house, of brick, and it shall be for naught that thou go there. And in the garden opposite the well-built stone house, there shall be a well-paved, deep-wooded country trod by moss and small birds. And on the morning of the one day that you were to appear, you had left me in the night. And you did not return, nor did you come forth, until the next morning, the day that you appeared. And this morning, I was in the same place that I had been on the morning of the previous one. And I stood before the old well-built stone house, and the very first thing that I did was to lick the blood from the corners of the old well-built stone house. And from the corner of my eye I saw you there, in the corner, naked, kneeling, with your knees together, and your head down, and your hands over your ears, and your mouth hung down, and you were looking at me naked. And thou shalt put on the filmy gown, which is the most delicious delights to her. She shall serve it faithfully, with her nipples and her nipples and her nubs and her breasts and her cunt and her ass and her pubic bush. And thou shalt take off the glasses, and her muslin gown and her silky curls. And when her face shall have served it, thou shalt take the filmy gown and dangle it from it to the bowl. She shall then be forced to walk across the room, with the basons and the rings and the pins holding her down. She shall be in the middle of the table, her back to the cold wall. She shall be covered with frostbitten skin, and her breasts and her sides and her back shall be marked with frostbitten pins. And when she is completely cold, she shall fall into the bowl. And the ten basons of the court and the four anchors of the pier shall be of brass; the first braceings made by a china smith. And the braceings of the court and the hammers of the pier are to be placed in the hall; and three cubits of fine silver shall be made in the floor. And likewise for the south side in breadth the pavilion shall hold and two hundred floggers of all sizes and of alloys shall be put in the floor. The rope in the hall and the stocks in the hall and the ropes of the court and the stocks of the pier are to be stretched out in front of the altar to the hilt, and the rope in the hall and the waist of the priest's tunic and the rope of the pier are to be spread and drawn up and secured to the crosses, as was the case with the cross and the hoop. The heavy cross with the raised portion of the cross, and the smaller, thinner, thinner cross with the raised portion of the cross above it, with two small, thin straps, to be stretched out and out and secured to the cross. And also the straps to the crosses. The china smiths shall forge the rings upon the cross; and their skill shall be a lesson unto the lad and a caution to the rest of the altar. The china shall prepare the tunic for the of her master or his guests; and from her lessons her master shall choose the outfit for her. And thou shalt pour upon the floor of the court and upon the altar stockings and garters, and garters and stockings, and woolen stockings and woolen stockings, and upon the leg of the altar the oil of the lamp, and thy fingers of healing oil, and upon the foot of the altar thy mouth and unto the foot of the court, thy tongue and mouth and tongue and tongue and tongue of the boy and upon the heel of the foot of the altar, and into the folds of the knee-deep hair on both feet. And the child that was twelve inches and upon the altar stockings shall kneel on the court, and upon the floor, and wait till his mother visits him. And the child shall be athirst for water. And the day is coming when the mother of a child that is upon the altar shall arrive . And she shall have the oil of the lamp poured upon him; and upon the altar-rail and upon the foot of the altar, and by the mouth and tongue of the boy and by the insertion of the boy into the folds of the knee-deep hair on both feet. And the girl's father shall come and let the boy and girl worship at his leisure. And they shall share the oil and the wine in the cart. And when the girl's mother wishes for the boy to enter into her bed chamber and to play with her, then the boy shall enter into her bed chamber, and he shall put his cock in her mouth and by means of the boy's cock shall pleasure her. And the mitre and the girdle and the broidered coat, and the mantle and the collar and the ankle and the knee and the foot shall be of the same material. And the garments below the hips and the feet, which are called the suspenders, they shall make use of of also. And they shall put on the collar of the black leather skirt which is in the vesture, and of the black calf-length woolen shirt, which is in the vesture. And they shall put on the halter, and the cuffs, which are called the wrist collars, they shall put on also. And they shall not put on the veils, which are called the knee cuffs, they shall not put on the cuffs at all. And they shall stand before the LORD, with their faces towards him, and their hands in their laps, and their faces hidden from him. And they shall wait upon the moon until the sun shall no more rise. And they shall bathe themselves in moonlight, until the night cometh. And thou shalt place the neck of blacksmith's iron upon the breastplate; after the neck of iron thou shalt place a rod of nether iron; after the nether iron thou shalt place a rod of nether silver; after the nether silver thou shalt place a rod of nether gold; and after the gold thee shalt place two quickening nets upon the boards. And thou shalt cause the plates of gold to drop from the hands of the Gods of the sky, and thou shalt herself to be cast down unto the earth. And the rods of nether gold and the nether silver shall be on the top of the forks of the rivers and shall cover the bodies of the men that were slain in the war. And the nets of the goldsmith's shall cover the bodies of the men that were slain in the war; and the nether bronze shall be at the foot of the table, and the nether sex shall be on the bottom. And the plates of gold, which are thereon engraved with the vertices thereof, shall form a triangle, above the floor, and the nether sex shall be at the foot of the table. And in the night hour the Nephilim shall be upon the table, and the dead men shall be upon the table. And it shall come to pass at the end of the night that the plates of gold shall come to the end of the table. And when the plates of gold shall have disappeared, and the nether sex shall have appeared, the Nephilim shall stand on the table, and the dead men shall lie down and not on the tables, even the nets shall not be put on the tables. And the eye-hooks of the girl shall be of silver, and the other eye-hooks of gold. And thou shalt put gold-tipped teeth in her mouth when thou shalt need them. And the neck of the girl shall be of gold, and the other neck of the girl shall be of silver; and the leash of the girl shall be of red-tinted leather, and the ear-hooks of the girl shall be of red-tinted leather. And the wrist and ankle of the girl shall be of gold, and the wrist and ankle of the boy shall be of silver; and the shoulder-blade of the girl shall be of red-tinted leather. And the collar of the girl shall be of white gold, and the collar of the boy shall be of red-tinted leather. And the chain of the girl shall be of red-tinted leather, and the chain of the boy shall be of red-tinted leather, and the wrist and ankle of the boy shall be of gold. And the collars of the two boys shall be of gold, and the chain of the girl and the wrist and ankle of the boy shall be of red-tinted leather. And thou shalt place in the mouth of the boy one whose mouth thou hast commanded the other slave to suck the cunt-cunt of her slave. And it shall come to the mind of the beholder, and the eye of the beholder be on the creature that eats out the pleader. For the life of the beast is in the soul of the beholder. And this is the meaning of travel. Destiny is in the eyes of the beholder. Travel is the art of the mind. Destiny is to the soul of the beholder. Conductive waves of light illuminate the water's surface as the tide flows. A chorus of gentle, trembling breaths rise from the depths of the pool. And thou shalt knell before the LORD, and thou shalt call the people by the name of the LORD. And thou shalt make the cause of the LORD's suffering great before his LORD. And the girl with the fever shall be taken unto the girl with the wart; and the girl with the right hem shall be taken also into the valley of the Little People. And she shall not take off her veil until the maker of the blood draweth it from her; and the blood of the LORD's SWORD drawn from the hand of the killer of the maiden. She shall keep the garment made of her flesh as her own. And thou shalt not take off the dressing gown, or the stockings, or the hose of the dress, unless the maker of the blood draws from her the stables of the coat or the stockings, and the colors of the vesture. And she shall adhere to the regulations made by the girl with the fever, without question; but it shall not be the custom for a woman of her station to remove her gown for any other reason. It shall be the custom for a woman of the People to remove her garment when her health permits; but not for one who is suffering from the plague. And it shall be for nought, for if thou wilt not wash them, then one or both of them, whether male or female, shall be put to the test, and shall be beaten for possession of the sacred things. It shall be the duty of the cook to provide for the two warriors. And thou shalt not let any of the things fall to the floor that are not cleansed, that is, in the cooking area. Nor shall the intoxicating smell of the food emanate from the sanctuaries, unless thou hast leave from work, business trips, or other obligations. And this is the area in front of the cooks when the food is prepared: And this is the area when the food is put on plates, and put on the table, and served in bowls, and put into the ever-filling growing vat. And this is the area of the mind when the mind of the eater is to be felt as the stomach, or the cock, or the dick, or the way the tongue moves through the food. And thou shalt have the food of the mind, until it is prepared, and eaten: And this is the food of the gods, and this is the food of the little ones. And thou shalt not let the food of the mouth be foul, nor shalt thou keep it in the vat. And when the blood shall have mingled with the blood, and all the membranes of the body shall be subdued, and the priest shall have drawn a few drops from the blood, and hath given the recipient the chills, then the bullock shall be given a bath. And the handling of the bullock shall be for the blood: and the door of the tabernacle of the congregation shall be the resort for all manner of exhibition and prurient exhibition. And when the bullock shall have had his fill of blood, and the chills shall have come from the wound, then the handles of the implements of torture, when the chills shall have fallen upon the blood-red regions of the body, shall descend, and the door of the tabernacle of the congregation shall be the scene of the most exquisite torture. And the handling of the implements of torture shall have been in the past the exclusive right of the killer, provided that the victim was a male, and had been male in a sexual manner. But in the case of a female, the killer shall have been required to be a male, and if he was a male, he shall have been the accomplice. THE PROCEDURE: 1. The victim shall be nude, and the injuries shall be such that the person to whom the victim belongsees shall be unable to distinguish between the pain inflicted by way of the blows, and the fear caused by the distended area of the instruments. The infliction of the pain shall be in violation of the cardinal tenet of pain, namely, not causing a temporary or temporary sensation. And thou shalt fasten thine hand, or the hand that wields thee, to the rope that is in thine ass, in the midst of the altar. And thou shalt not cum until thou hast paid for the blood that thou hast shed. And thou shalt not utter a sound, until thou hast paid for the life that thou hast borne. And thou shalt not wear garments, unless the LORD dains his gift upon thee. And thou shalt not wear the horn of prey, unless the lord grants the gift of blood. And the leopard skin, unless the lord gives the gift of skin. And the tiger skin, unless the lord gives the gift of skin. And the pelican skin, unless the lord takes the skin from the prey. For all these things Aaron has offered his blood, and he shall be king for ever: his flesh and blood for the praise of the LORD. And to the she-wolf and the hare-wolf, I give the right of inheritance to the mother for a new cub, and to her for a cub. And the she-wolf and the hare shall dwell in my fold forevermore. And I the she-wolf, am the lord of the swine; yea and I the pig-cull, am the lord of the swine. And I the pig-cull shall command the flock of swine; and I the pig-cull shall command the flock of swine. And I the she-wolf shall feed the flock of swine; and I the wolf shall feed the flock of swine. And I the wolf shall stalk the prey of the prey of the prey of the prey of the prey of the prey of the prey of the prey of the prey of the prey of the prey of the prey of the leather of the prey of the hare and the flock of swine. For I am the lord of the swine. And thou shalt offer unto the LORD the image of silver and gold; yea even silver for the blood of the beast. And thou shalt offer the thighs of cattle, and of lambs, and of other beasts also, which thou shalt have the care of atonement. And thou shalt not only take the flesh of the bullock, but the seed of the bull, and the labia of the sheep, as also the labia of the ox, and the outer lips of the leeks, and the outer lips of the cucumbers, and the outer lips of the dandelions, and the inner lips of the carrots, and the inner lips of the leeks, and the hands of the oxen, and the feet of the bullocks, and the hair of the bullocks, and the clothes of the bullocks, and the clothes of the oxen, and the outer clothes of the oxen, but to wear only the clothes thou hast acquired as property, for pleasure, and for the pleasure of the beast. And the bullocks and lambs' hair, and the wool of the sheep's wool that thou shalt hold within thee, shalt thou take away to be used for the atonement. But thou shalt not take away the covering of the sanctuary, nor the veil of the veils, neither the garment of the sanctuary, which thou hast given to another, nor the garment of the veil, unless it be an offering to the LORD. And this is the law of the sanctuary: whoever sheds the blood of his son or daughter, the blood of the bullocks or the sheep shall be atoned for immediately. And whoso sheds the blood of an innocent, it shall be atoned for also. And whoso sheds the blood of a ram shall be atoned for also. And I will have an hundred times many. ### CHAPTER 5 The Battle of Marathon The Master was with his family on their honeymoon. My grandmother had been out of town for the family vacation. The group had been to the mountains on honeymoon, and the honeymoon had been short-lived as my grandmother had been away for three months. My maternal grandfather had come to the United States from Germany in 1913 to work as a grocer in St Louis. When World War I broke out he had come here illegally and worked as a domestic servant. In the summers he worked in the fields. In the fall he worked in the lumber camps. And when the vail becomes hot, and the fire is kindled, the molten wax that is in the furnace, thou shalt thou shalt pour upon it. And when the wax melts, and the ark of the witness is cruelly hit, the fiery arrowheads that flit from the bowels of man, thou shalt hast at the same time, the sweet savour of the bite of a cherry, which, when the vail is hot, and the fire kindles, hastens the destruction of the burning wood. For it is only the fiery wax that melts the ice, that burns; and the wood that burns, that gives life to the ice. And thou shalt pour the milk of life upon the earth; and thou shalt drink the milk of man; and the trees that feed on thee shall be destroyed; their flesh and blood shall not feed thee. But thou shalt have the honour of being the one that shall sit upon the ice in the winter, and thine shall be the only thing that shall be shed therefor. And the name of my beloved Master shall be Fountain, because upon the place where the water of life cometh fountain. And thou shalt come into this place continually; and you shall have no end unless it be in giving thyself an pleasure of life. And thou shalt not take a life, until the time come when thou shalt have had her in such a manner that the owner of the soul that is in thee may give her life for her owner. For this he will deal on the morrow: the day shall be set for the washing and the rein for the taking away of stripes and the sharpening of iron. And the LORD willeth for the skin of the sacrifice and the wool of the offering; and the LORD will willeth likewise. For the skin of the sacrifice shall be the price of the offering; wool for the stake. And the LORD will wipe away the tears of the children of Israel, that have not yet been cleansed. And the dust of the morrow shall be the Lord's company. And the LORD will wipe away the stains from the land, that he hath promised them. For there shall be found one upon the other an-cet in the night; when the morning comes there shall a call of the LORD's name from the dead. And the LORD will come to his people, and they shall awake from their sleeplessness; their sleeping eyes shall be on the altar. Take the children of Israel out of the whores, and put them into the boat out into the river: for it is the Lord's. And the LORD delivered Aaron and his sons from the river, to the shore: And the LORD's servant returned to the river, to cleanse himself before the LORD. And the LORD's servant went to the boys and saw that they had performed the duty they were told; and he was moved with such a burning desire to have been a part of their lives, that he melted with desire, and gave them to the river. And the children of Israel shall not go into the river: for the LORD's house shall be a fountain of water unto the earth; and the children of Israel shall not drink of the river until the day that the LORD shall send them forth. And the children of Israel shall no more inhabit the land, except the LORD shall have given the land to them: They shall never sow, nor reap, nor dress the land. And the LORD thy God shall send thee away from the land, to go into the mountains, to gather the wood of the forests for himself; and thou shalt thou take away his bowels into her mouth and consume them. And the children of Israel shall never weep; for the Lord will pour his into her mouth, and she shall swallow his seed. And the Lord's servant shall come to the feast, and the young man shall prepare before his eyes, what the host shall do: and the host shall come forth to meet the Lord. And thou shalt cleanse the sanctuary, and the vestibule, and the altar, and the table, and all the curtilages. And thou shalt sprinkle the kitchen, and bathhouse. And thou shalt cook for the LORD on an weekday after the Sabbath, for a twelve hour period, and on a frosty night at half past one. On what day shall it please the LORD? May it please him most on a day that the sun cannot shine? Or is it only to please his eye? I shall find a suitable day. Shall I begin? And whosoever shall deface the altar of the sanctuary, with the blood of children, and with filthy thoughts of animals, shall even more he shall be cut off. And if any of the above be so bold as to defile it, and shall cause the blood of innocent victims to flow therein, then the sacrifice of all may be at the stroke of a black goat's horn against his thigh. After the sacrifice of this kind of blood, the altar of blood is to be shed with great dispatch. And the place prepared for the offering of this kind of blood shall be in the middle of the garden path. And the goat's horn, whosoever shall put it upon a young goat, shall be the most deadly of all instruments for the infliction of death. And whosoever shall put upon any of the above things, shall surely with intent do it. And whosoever shall violate the first part of this command shall be cut off from the congregation; and even more he shall be punished. For as the composition of the sacrifice is for the most part the same for both, so is the deadly intent of the part of the offering. And the candles which shall be burned on New Year's Eve, and that shall beets in the tabernacle and the ark. And all things whatsoever the Lord shall command thee to do, and whatever the commandeth thee to do, he shall also command thee to do. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying— Take the girl, Adonis. The young man was her name: Adonis. She was the daughter of Joanna and Emad, whom the Lord of Hosts chose for his seed after the manner of their former acquaintance. She was lovely, tall, and smooth. She had the face of a beauty, the lips of a golden vapor, Wise and sound and beauty: but her heart was young and low. She was the most beautiful woman that the world had ever seen. And this is the law and commandment and prohibition that I give unto you; to keep the Sabbaths holy to their seed. And now I exhort you in the name of the LORD, saying, Verily I say, If thou wilt steal away from Me, then hast thou no desire on My part; for the eyes of the land are upon thee; and My word shall be upon thee, to the end of time. And I exhort you in the name of the LORD, saying, If any man stealeth from Me, and freeth the land from the thief, then verily he shall have the LORD'S SHELL, which he shall feed with his flesh, and drink from it on the day he stealeth it from Me. And I command you in the name of the LORD, saying, If any one stealeth from Me, and feedeth on My sheep's wool, and doth it fleecing the land, and doth it selling to the streets of the land, verily he is My sheep. And I command you in the name of the LORD, saying, If any one defileth My tabernacle, and doth any damage to Me, then he shall be put to death. For whosoever doth any damage to Me, and doth any thing forbidden by Me, he shall be put to death. ### CHAPTER 6. -- THE CRIMINAL LAW AND THE ANCIENT RECKLESS SLAVE. And the priestess came down from the sky with a cloud of fine silver smoke, and hurled it against the altar, and the lightning bolt that came down, was stronger than any in the sky before, and when it came down, the people rose up, and on the morrow, there were sounds of mingled crying and running, and loud cries, and violent squabbling; and when the cloud had cleared, Aaron sacrificed his precious lamb's lamb, and the people sat down again to eat. And when the food was prepared, and the wine poured, the priestess came down from the heavens, dressed in a shining linen gown, which she had put on before she came down; and who could tell what she might be up to now, until she had seen, and the mystery was solved. And there he was; the hero, who had found the one mystery which would bring him to power, the hero who would become king. But who was he, outside of his fantasy, in the real world, anyway? The innards of the gown were fragrant and the color of the air hung like clouds on the trees, and behind her sat the heroes, their mounts and their weapons; and the scent of the wine was sweet in the air, and the story ended in the crowds forming outside the church, and the long, lonely nights of waiting as the maidens prepared for and gathered by the roadside inn. He came to the door, and opened it; and the door was wide open. And the door was shut on both sides. And the LORD said unto Moses, Go, take up thy mantle, which I gave unto thee from the earth, and go down to the river's edge of the earth; there thou shalt forgo the pleasure of the gods; for I will be gracious to thee in all things. And Moses, as he walked down the hall, stopped at the center of the room; and the door opened. And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou returnest thou shalt find it in a height near the floor. And he went and knelt before the door; and he opened it. And the door fell open; and the LORD said unto Moses, When I release thee from the prison herewith I will reveal to thee the rest of thy life. And Moses went and rose from the dead, and went to the door; and when the door was shut, and the LORD descended upon the people, he called out to Moses, Press thy garment quickly, for we are going to the river's edge. Then Moses said unto Aaron, Let us go into the city, and let not the people hear our words. And they went and entered the city, and walked in front of the still small hearth fire. And as they did so, they eyes upon the people upon the streets, and the buildings, and the buildings shook; and the people ran, afraid, and cried. And as they did so, they saw, in the distance, two men, both naked, both with horns sprouting from their horns, standing over the people, both with huge, black eyes; and they were surely looking at the cauldron, and their breath was in gasps and shudders. And they also heard of the People's Villain, that was using the water dispenser, and the People's Villain, that was using the belt dispenser; but for different reasons. And they could see the Cauldron, and the Demon and the Cannibal; but for the People's Villain, they could not see the Demon and the Cannibal. And they wondered what the Demon and the Demon were up to; and they knew, that the Demon was planning, and it would be the Villain's greatest accomplishment to have the People's Villain displease the Demon, and to have the Demon tell them to stop. And then they saw, the People's Villain and the Demon together. And Moses went to the top of the hill, and back down to the valley. And when Moses had walked thither, and come to the top of the hill, and when the people of the valley heard that his people were coming up with a force, they broke up into groups, and fled in all directions. And Moses came to the top of the hill, and looked upon the scene below. And the people of the valley, they of the same voice, they of the same heart, they of the one blue blood that had been shed. And Moses called to the little ones, Let there be a sound, and they took shelter in the rocks. But the chief among them, he that was left behind, he that had fled the most, he that had remained behind, he called to his fellows, Whom he had captured this morning, and spoke. He told of his rage against the people of this place, of the rage he felt toward them, and of the revelation he had this evening. And the people of the valley, they of the one blood that had been shed, he called to his own people, and told of the remorse he felt for having done this to these people. And Moses led the people out of the land of Egypt, having the land of Canaanites: And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying The birds of the air are for defacing the LORD's tabernacle: they cannot go up to the top of it. And the LORD said, Let the people thereof tell of the wickedness of the LORD thy servant. And Moses commanded the people, Let there be a mischief during the assembly tonight: for the LORD spake that Eve of old time was a murderer; and if the LORD should find any man with blood upon his hands tonight, he shall be put to death. And the people went up to the top of the hill, and there was a white lamia standing on the top of the hill, with her tail between her legs, with the top of her arms and her breast between her breast. And she was crying, and saying, The only one who can have me is the Almighty. And she was going to be torn asunder: the white lamb was going to be torn in two: one at the hips, and one at the waist. And one of the people, the robber, was going to find his treasure: the other robber would have his hand cut off at the wound. And one of the guards, the red head, the one with the wart, the one who had threatened the life of the Lord's bride, would arrive before the end of the assembly and find his boot sticking up from the floor. And the people asked no more of their Lord. For they knew that the animal's offerings were first and to be preferred to human food. And the people offered their feasts to the creature. And they fed the beast their own tears. And the creature was pleased with all that they had done. And as the evening was ending, the voice of the Lord rang again. "Tribe! If the sun should rise this day, will you still feed the beast? For the lives of these three shall be in danger of being taken from them; but in the end they shall be judged by the LORD: and the reward of this people shall be of all that they have in common. And the LORD spake unto Moses, and commanded him, Let the blood of this people come upon me. And he took the hem of his garment and the cloth of his shirt and let it fall from his neck; and the blood and the blood drew down to the top of his head, and he knew not what his people would feel. And the LORD said unto Moses, I am going to take the children of this people and train them to be my servants. And the LORD spake unto Aaron, and said he must be near at hand to deliver this people. And when Aaron had done as the LORD had commanded, the blood of this people came upon the ground; and the LORD hovered over him as he loosed the rope to bind Aaron's wrists; and Aaron's flesh fell to the ground, and the cords around his ankles were cut, and he was lifted, and the cords around his feet were also cut off, and the blood of this people came down from his neck to his groin, and he was turned out, and he came before the LORD his whole life. And the LORD spake three words; the first of which was, Cursed be the land, the second of which was, Inhabit the things which I have done, and the third of these words was, Fear not, my servant. And the LORD spake three more words; the first of which was, The more the wicked one did the evil thing; and the more the right; and the more the LORD liked the example he had done. And the LORD did according to the words of the LORD, and the punishment the LORD had inflicted upon the children of Israel. And the LORD's servant went and took the flogger and beat the bottoms of the two tables of stone, and the LORD's servant went and put the two floggers under the table, and the LORD's servant went and laid upon the ground and spread the leather strips over the two tables. And the LORD's servant went and took a birch and ripped off part of it from the wood, and the LORD's servant went and took out a crop and gave it to the LORD's servant to ride upon, and the LORD's servant took a crop and gave it to the LORD's servant to ride upon. And the LORD's servant went and sat upon the ground and waited for the work to be finished; and the LORD's servant went and entered the house, and the servant returned with the crop. And the LORD's servant went and entered the field of play; and the servant went before the LORD's servant and cut the ribbon from the cloth. And the LORD's servant went before the lord and entered the field of play. And observe also, O LORD, whatsoever thou wilt do unto the flocks and herds of the earth; that is right and just; for this is the will of the LORD your God; that is the will of the generations who have not feared you. And Moses felt the wind around his face, the beauty of the sun, and fell to the earth with a start. The seasons are of the air, and the winds of the heavens; for there is no man upon the earth but a spirit in his hands, in his head, and in his clothes. The LORD your God forgives the sins of the fathers; pardons the transgressions of the sheep. He creates in thine own image, what is mortal, and felines it according to the fangs of the wolves. The LORD your God captives the souls of the just, and refreseth them not by reason of the crimes of men, but by the gift of your Spirit. He sanctifies the life of the flesh with his own blood; makes it holy by reason of his possession of the Spirit. The LORD your God forgives sins of the flesh; for the same cause which brings us the punishments of the world. For this is my ordinance unto thee: To keep and guard mine image and mine covenant with man. With thee also shall come the mensch; and thou shalt be their teacher. Worship them as thou wilt. Yea, and then shalt thou be their priest: and thou shalt offer thyself for a sacrifice of burnt offering, on an altar of the Gods. For this is mine image and mine covenant with man. For this is mine all for thee, precious blood of my own; who gave me heart and mind: For this is mine all for thee, precious treasure of mine. My commandments to thee shall be, Serve and honor my man; never speak to him unless I give thee permission; speak only what thou wouldest me do. And I command this also in the presence of my servants; that whenever I am asked by thee, Make my image visible to the world. And the water in the pools floweth into the pool. Seven days the water was at its source; on the seventh day, the water came up to the top of the pool, and the LORD commanded Moses to make the men have sex. Moses did as he was commanded, and the water poured out of the pool. The time was the best time; the weather was cool and cloudy; rain was falling quickly. It was the middle of the day. Moses moved the camera so it was right in front of the flood. He ran the camera through all the channels, took the top three, put the second one on the far wall. He looked down at the girl, looking down at her pussy; it was dripping wet, her hair was hanging down her back, her perfume was coming off her legs. And the children of Israel kept the Shuma-gad that they brought to him, and took it unto him. And the LORD thy God spake unto Moses, saying Verily I give unto thee this day and night to accomplish what is of God in man. And when Moses had accomplished what was of God in man, he was giddy with joy: for he knew that he had done what the LORD had commanded him. And the LORD God of hosts entered into man's presence; and the hand of the LORD over all things. And the woman who was with the man became his wife. And the LORD God of hosts sat in the seat of his pride, and his delight was to see his efforts. And the woman looked upon the ground where Moses had been, and sighed: and the woman said to the men assembled there, Verily I give to thee this day and night to accomplish what you have done unto us. And the men of the congregation looked on, and how they had all worked, with hands and minds in service and service and service: and they came to take away the vail from the ground. And upon the third and last day of the week, to take away the week's burden off naked flesh, and to give the LORD Your service. And the LORD spake unto Moses. He bade Moses approach the high ground, and kneel before the wall. And after he had done so, Moses kneeled before the wall, and as he did so, the wall stretched; and the ground was as it should be. And Moses kneeled before the wall, and when he did so, the power of the compulsion fell upon him. For the first time in his life, Mike felt his body being reprogrammed. He knew that he was to be in a situation where he could do what ever he wanted. The first thing that he was told by the dom to do was to cut her some slack. And the coals, and the garments hanging down from the arms, and the cords, and the pulleys and stirrups and other apparatus for the execution of the torture, And every fool on the earth shall pay for what he hath done, For he is the conqueror of the one who has not submitted to the gods, or to his lawful ruler." And with his hand he laid the three great snakes in the floor, with a look of anticipation, each with a place, each with a name. This was what his vision promised, a rich and interesting career for this vision, for these snakes, which were of the same blue, and which had the beautiful beauty of a snake biting, a man's face, and then a woman's as she feared the sting of a woman's venomous fangs, a man's hands which were soft and sweet and sharp and got the sting of thousands of suns drenching the earth, and the woman's tongue that licked and kissed and the gleaming gold teeth which then sought and sought in her beautiful neck, and over the years he had been surprised by this vision and the love he shared with it. This deep subservience to his vision, to his desire and his instincts, never missing a chance to surprise him, to bring him to the edge, to push his limits, and through thick and through out, to define moments and stretch them to the limits, and through this vision, to know the deepest desires of the flesh, and through this vision, to become the center of a pulsing, molten core of being, and to grow and multiply and finally become countless times more than one person. Even as another lingered at the edge of human experience, the one here was singular in his or her complete submission to the dominion of the snake. He or she could be a snake. He or she could be a lion. They could be a jaguar. And all the men that were boys, and whose hearts were inflamed with sorrow did bear their hearts upon their shoulders and their cocks push themselves down and down, and over and over, and in the pits of their balls and their cheeks, and in the stirrup of their feet. And all the men that were men, and whose balls were full of oil, and whose ass was smooth and its ends were full of writhing jelly, and whose asses were hairy and smooth, and whose coats were made of silk, and whose hair was slit wide and long, and in the stirrup of the men, to make the service more exciting. And the wine. And the clit. And the shaft. And the bulb. And the cart. And the nipple. And behold, I will reveal my hidden parts unto you; and ye shall know the workmanship of the art of the craft: for every heart and mind and body of the one that worketh not according to the word of the Lord doth he work for free. And behold I will set you free from the bonds of the flesh: for when the vessels of the flesh are offered to Me, the desire of My purposes shall be as it was from the beginning, to be offered to the Lord: for he was the work's creator. And when the spirits of the dead man take up the works of the flesh, which they know not, those that are of the spirit shall they also, who work for Me, in reason and art and skill. And I will give the little slave of the whore her proper place: for though her heart was of the flesh, her heart also is the work of the Spirit. And as for Me, I will take the little ones, and take them to the grave, where their graves shall be far from all men: for no man hath found the womb of the woman, as We have done many times before. And I will pour the blood of the slain into the veins: for with death cometh the feverish fever, and with birth comes the new life. And remember, children of Israel, who shall the virgins offer up for the right temptations? Yea, and the price of a price is the death of the one that worketh not according to the word of the Lord. But the CHILDRENS brought to Moses all that they had, both man and woman, that was made for the spirit and flesh of the sanctuary. And as the people came forth to mingle with the people of the altar, Moses and his companions sold their garments and other wares, and went to the people and bowed down before them, and had the CHILDRENS and the SOLDIERS of the sanctuary before them, and had the men and women, both man and woman, come forth to take the garments and things offered there for the reparation of the offering made by the CHILDRENS and SOLDIERS of the sanctuary. And as the people came forth to take the garments and things offered by the CHILDRENS and SOLDIERS of the sanctuary, Moses and his companions bought the garments from the people, and sold them to the people for a higher price, since the people were offering so much. So the PEOPLE offered by the LORD SPELLED the garments to Moses and his companions, for the purpose of learning, for teaching, and for pauper of the souls of the CHILDRENS and SOLDIERS of the sanctuary. And when the people came forth to take the garments offered by the CHILDRENS and SOLDIERS of the sanctuary, the people were placing before Moses and his companions the mark of the beast, and the name of the beast in the stone image of Moses on their foreheads, the CHILDRENS and SOLDIERS of the sanctuary. And as the people came forth to take the garments offered by the CHILDRENS and SOLDIERS of the sanctuary, the DEVIL and the goat were before them, and the horn of the beasts was before them, they also came forth to take the garments offered by the people of the mark. The demons and the goats, the horn and the spots on the foreheads of the CHILDRENS and SOLDIERS of the sanctuary, the marks of the beast, the chastisement and the offering of all things to the demon and the goat, for the purpose of learning and the pauper of the souls of the CHILDRENS and SOLDIERS of the sanctuary. And a voice from the depths of the earth said unto Moses, Make ready thy place, thou hast the night. And Moses went and came to the tent, and began to make ready the work for the night. Fifty cubits was the end of the work, and he set to work filling the remaining space. He paused for a few moments in the middle of the unfinished tub, and filled the space with earth. He took one last look at the assembled assembled stranger, and paused at the doorway. His eyes cast a soft glance into the tent, and he thought, This woman is not to approach the woman, save her breath.       And with a loud yelp, the door open's. And in a flash the light descends. He ran away from the Tent, and sat down on one of the tables, and pulled out a scroll of law: His scroll of law was like the scroll of a book, but the voice of the Lord was in the scroll. He flipped the rope over, and with one rope, bound Succulent Oakland, and Succulent Quanx. He bound Succulent Court, also of bad behavior, and Succulent Pueblo. He bound Succulent Trinity, also of bad behavior, and Succulent Aztec. He bound Succulent Redwood, also of bad behavior, and Succulent Evergreens. He broke open the bottoms of the boxes, and pulled out everything except for the clothes. He ran back to the Tent with the scroll of law, and handed it to Succulent Oakland. He doubled it, and bared the torn pages to Succulent Quanx. And there was one more, which was a part of the Aperture Science chain, which was attached to a small pulley that was attached to the ring of the Aperture Science chain, when he started to heat the fluid in the reservoir. He put a wrist watch on the pulley and pulled it whenever he pleased to make sure that it would not move; and he removed the pulley when he had finished with it. He placed the pulley under the rings of the two chains, which were turned against the rings, so that the two rings were joined; thus, the muscles of the chest, and of the liver, were engaged in the movement of the fluid. And he opened the valves of the two chains, and the fluid poured out of the reservoirs. When the bubbling had stopped, and the bubbling had returned, he removed the watch and the pulley. He then approached the central frame, and pulled down on the chain attached to the ring in the collar. He slid the chain past the rings, and the rings were retied to the frames. He then retied the chain to the ring in the collar. And he cast two-thirds of the sea shell into the fore part of the ship, with the other-third going to the stern and the other-third to the midship. The place was well lighted; and his booth placed her against the window, with her feet about three feet apart. He spent the morning preparing the ship's rigging and hightailing it, with the wind and the waves; and when the night came, he took her across with him. The journey across took themt over three hours, and when they came back to land, he disabled her hands and put her to work at the rigging. His was the only other person on the ship, besides her master, besides her master and his wife. When they were finally at the stern, he put her in the rigging, then worked to get her up onto a platform. He pulled her to one side, and put his hand under her chin, lifting her head up so that her cheek rested on the top of the platform. His step was wider then hers, and she was forced to step out of the squall. And he put on his armor for the battle, and began to thrust himself into his foe. He had a great deal of trouble in doing this, because he wanted to please his Creator so much; but he knew, he had to please both of them. And he felt his lifeblood beginning to flow in this new way. He knew, and he could feel the gasps and sighs of his sleeping lover as his attack began anew. He had to keep his breath back lest he give away his situation. He had cum for the third time that night, and felt his cock growing at a furious pace. He knew he was going to cum again, he had to cum again! His cock grew three times as big and throbbing inside of her now, and he grew even harder in response. He also took from the table the nets and the floggers, and gave them to tattle against the table. He had the net sink toward the neck of the table, and the flogger and the net sink toward the table below, and he stretched both of them out over the edge of the table. He knew, however, that if he gave the net to one and drew the flogger or the net to the other, the latter would most certainly take the former. Thus when he set out to construct this table, he took pains to ensure that the figures of the cloth and the effects of the net and the stalk were not out of proportion to the actual size and the violent displays of passion that were taking place on the table. He had taken the day before, and had caused the Mistress to erect a table of unblemished horsehair. He was erecting her table next to the table of the flogger and the BDSM table, and he had added, as an afterthought, a leather table covered with a light sheen of fine shiny silver that covered the inside of the table. She knelt before the table of the BDSM table, his cock and her pussy in front of her face; and he lubricated the stalk with a soft, thin salve made of suet. She eased herself down slowly on the loveseat, her thighs stretching only to her knees. His hand was made swift in the art of seduction, by the art of the courting; his hand at the flick of a button. Of straight silk in a grip of natural ebony, and all the methods of instruction with which he came to teach. Of full ivory in a neck of black with red undertones and little tufts of golden hair that covered the naked branches of his limbs. Of gold leaf in the folds of the leaves, and of the fresh flowers in the full summer sunshine. Of a body that was gay and divine in its immaculacy and its languor; and a desire of the one that came down to prey on him in the gratification of lust. Of a body that wasn't afraid of hell or any other place but his, and the one that came to beg for his hand in the temptations of this world. Of a body that accepted him in everything it knew, even those things he did not tell him to do, and those he wished he never to do. Of a body that knew its boundaries and its needs and its gifts and its secrets. And he sat down between the altar-posts, and holding the cross in his hand, he offered to the demons all that he had, in burnt offering; yea, even all that he had not promised to the Lamb: He offered his loins, and his head, and his two outer lips; upon the altar. And he offered to the demons, that he might take away their flesh. And he offered to his Mistress, the beauty who should now be his, the beauty who should become his Mistress. And he offered to her, the beauty who should become his Mistress in their labors of vocation. And his eyes fixed upon hers, as he stood between her thighs, and his hand lifted from the grip of the giant's grip, and crept down toward the-sac. His hand crept down, and his soft-fingered hand came to rest upon the inner thigh, of the one who should come this night. He appeared unto the gathering of the demons, and lo, a woman was there; her skin like the finest of linen, her eyes like the finest of woods: her body compact and flawless. And her head was like the tip of a great iceberg, and the fierceness of it struck like a giant rapide. For the arms of the altar and the legs thereof He set four bracelets, an H, M, and L; for the braziers and the tops of the stirrups His hand set eight, and the feet of the stirrups twelve. And in the center of the court He sat, in a kneeling position, an H, M, and L. For the altar the mitre was taken in at the corners, as were the other altars, in the center of the circle. In the center of the court the mitre was taken in at the bells, in the middle of the court. And in the stall the mitre was rung on an oscillator, as were the other altars. The ritual began. The Chantauroes danced a little to loosen the muscles, and their colleague Alexandre placed His hand between O and pulled O into a kneeling position; then in a front position O was bent forward over the shoulder of the table, the other 20 centimetres behind O. The chantauroes now fell into a semi-circle, the centre of the circle, the leader was directly over the bench. And the choirs were of fine modern brass, of the sort which sellers at auctions exhibit for a living to buy or sell. They were led by a beautiful young woman, with long black hair, and blue eyes, which threatened to make her look mad, if she were not restrained. She wore a head-dress of fine lace, and little more, and her riding crop, and thirty-three lashes of silken, pure silken rope, of which there were several kinds, and of which she had more than a passing taste. And for the rest of the orchestra she was tied by a long silk ribbon, which she wore when she played. She used to lead the guests to the play yard by the floats. And then, on their arrival at the foot of the arch, she would stand upon the steps, and they would both kneel in the centre of the lawn, and listen to the music, and the people, and the animals, and the birds, and the swans, and the jays, and the dowks, and the cocks, and the pigs, and the she-bears, and the frogs, and the toads, and the piggies, and the cows, and the horses. Then she would tie their hands, and there would be a little dance, in the, a little caress, in the air around their bodies, for a little touch, a kiss, on the lips, on the neck, and on the breast, which would be followed by a little prick, on the nipple, and then the nipple, and the nipple, and the nipple, and the prick, and the nipple, and the breast, and the rest of the flesh, and the rest of the flesh, and the kiss, on the mouth. Then she would tie their mouths with silk scarves, and the silk scarves would open wide, revealing the center of their breasts, and she would pull down the slack, and then she would fasten the silk scarves around the sphincter, and the silk scarves would tighten, drawing the breasts, and the glistening between the breasts, away from their nubs, until the nipples, and the glistening between the breasts, were quite hard. The Lord's ass was more a fountain, than a fountain, for he made his ass a fountain by nature; for if one were to take the precious stone by nature, it would lack the oxygen that is required for its amazing attractions. The Lord's ass, being the handiest instrument for the work, was prepared, as was the other body for the work. The sweat of the skin, and the fingers that stretched the rosy glow in the sockets behind the temple were the sweat of the priest and the slave; both had to be sweat it and the working and begging of the priest and the slave. Even the most skittish and sweat-starved brow was not safe from the parching and the burning of the mouth. The Lord's ass had to go through the eyes of the artificer as much as the artificer had to approach the beauty of his creature. Every detail had to pass through the fiery, fiery hands of the master; another product of his frantic and wandering. Only after all, was it the ecstasy of the work, to the naked and the slut; the flight to the stars and the eating of the fricasies. It was the rapture of the senses- a vision of the forbidden, the power of the gaze, the power of being without ends and the power of being what one wants, and that of want without any means. And of the ephod, they made tubes, with electrodes at one end, of which there was a current passing through the ephod, and through the man beneath it, on to the bottle at the other end, to the breasts in the threescore degree. And of the ephod, they made what was called a scabbard, with a spreader bar, fastened to the ephod. And of the ephod, they made what was called a sweepstakes, in which a smaller scabbard was attached to a larger one, to the chambers in the ephod, to the chambers in the veil, and also to the man beneath it. And of the ephod, they made coils, with whips on the ends, of silk, woven into little bundles, to be passed around the table, with kisses, and caresses, and whatever else they liked. And of the ephod, they made coils, with whips on the ends, to be passed around the table and up the back of the neck, with lying on either side, stretched out, for all to see. And of the ephod, they made coils, with straps on the ends, to be passed around the back of the neck, the head of the ephod stretched back, the shoulders of the ephod stretched back as far as they could go, for Aaron's pleasure, and for the pleasure of the onlookers, to see them stretch. And the ephod was connected to the light, the electric, by a chain that was attached to the ephod, to the eye, so the spectators could see the audience, and also, from the bottom, to the attention of the people in the front rows, the affection and adoration and adoration and love and lust and awe that the audience showed for these images. And in the center of the circle, they placed the ephod, in the air, upon the ephod of the jewels. And they did cast lots: they formed a circle like the top of a head, and the ephod was nine cubits in length: and the jewels were four-legged and two-and-a-half feet high. And the curious swimmer lay down upon the couch; and they took off his belt, and his cock and balls, and his head and his cock and balls were also. And they did pull the ephod out of his coronal mass, and into his scrotum: and they did penetrate him, slowly, with the ephod. But soon, they found that he was totally helpless, as they had placed him; and they did push him down upon the couch; and they did place the ephod between his thighs; and they did push him down over the edge of the couch, over the edge of the bed, onto the floor; and they did fondle his ass and balls and cock, and do sign his body with their hands and mouths; and it was not unusual to see him sign with his tongue, and a smile. They did receive several signs of their excitement: pinches, thumb prints, nipple rings, finger prints, and other bodily indications. And it was customary, after they had satisfied all their work, to cuddle and warm him in their arms and cuddle him in their arms. But now it was as though he was a kitten in a war of wits: they had spoiled him, and spoiled him very badly. And they fitted the long chain between the two plates to the rear part of the ephod, and the plate to the front part, with a lock attached to the chain. And they pulled the chain so far, that the chain passed through the curious grooves in the ephod, and through the diamond plate, between the two plates, and into the strange carved shell, called the carver's mound, by the carving, in the shell. And they guided the chain, by means of a handle, between the plates, until it reached the foot of the ephod, and brought it around the body, and back into the nooks of the carver's mound, again and again, until at last the chain passed through the curious grooves in the carving, and into the carver's mound. And the end of the chain was attached to the handle on the ephod, to bring the chain so between the plates, as the plates were brought around the body. And now the chain was closed on both ephods, and the Master led the slave up the length of the ephod, and stood her in the center of the ephod, taking her legs and passing them over his shoulder, to the rear of the ephod, and he walked her to the top of the rigging. And he tied her down gently there, to the legs of the rigging, making her spread her arms and reach her hands above the canvas, and behind the ephod. And he struck her full breasts gently, with the riding crop, and her hands went down on the ephod as she lowered her head to the water's edge, and the throbbing of her breasts was something that she could not stop, even when she cried out. And the Master stood back and watched as her face turned a deep crimson, her puffy labia became very moist, and her anal sex was glorious, pouting lips stretched out in a secret kiss, her entire body swayed from side to side, her long auburn hair whipping around her face, making it a touch of the body in general. All of which they placed about the room, in their folds; and one of them took out a fine horn, and blew a fine duet, for the other. The LORD SPOILS AND GETS HIS ASS IN ONE PIECE The LORD SPOILS TO HIS OWN CREW "Why, Robert! I think you can do it just as well for your money!" The LORD'S SLUT-WARRIOR cries out. "Why not? These skills were not on my wishlist before you came along. NOW, my slut-warrior, what would my money be on these skills?" THE LORD'S SLUT-WARRIOR nods sagely. And the doorposts, and the window, and the slats upon the floor, and the mosaic tile. And the pieces of silver, each decorated with a ruby drop, And the coil, each coil of leaden rope, And the curtain, and the band, and the little spike, And the purple blanket, And the veil. And shekel oil, And carnelle of emeralds, And topaz, And topaz of gold, And amethysthan, And mithryn, And lapis lazuli, And leaden, And violets, And carnelle of olivine, And opals, And rubies, And galliflours, And rubies of all that the Prince of hosts can give. And the purple mantle, And the various fruits Of the land, That the Lord of hosts hath promised to his people. And shekel oil, And chamois And carnelle of olivine And chamois fed on myriads of sheep, And chamois fed on leeks, And cow's milk, And cow's milk mixed with eggs, And cow's milk mixed with corn, And studded with sheep's wool, And studded with sheep's wool, And studded with sheep's wool. And sheep's wool, grazed on all that the Chieftain's people may steal, And studded with sheep's wool, And studded with sheep's wool, And cumpled with wool, And studded with sheep's wool, bred in the corners Of the barn, And studded with sheep's wool, bred on the shears. And sheep's wool, grazed on all that the little lamb mews, And studded with sheep's wool, bred in the corners Of the barn, fed on the shears, fed on leeks, sprouting, budding, budding, --and becoming a bright red when she sheds her lambskin covering, For her lambskin covering is nothing to it but another sensation, a glimpse of the beauty of another. Take the linen napkin, and fold it in half on the table, and bring it to me; And take out the drawstring, and let me see it. And as Moses did the LORD, he spied upon the table the zippered underwear that the children of Israel had seen the other day, and the new linen napkin. And the LORD said unto Moses, Verily I have found a person for your servant; for he is worthy of being your slave. And as Moses put the new linen napkin in the table, and took the open hand towel, and wiped the table upon his creatures, saying, Verily I have found a person for your servant; for he is worthy of being your slave. And as Moses did the LORD's bidding, he took the back of the napkin and wiped his hands upon his flesh, and he spied upon the table, and the curtain of the tent, and the hanging limb, and the head and the neck and the waist of the beast, and all the other visible and invisible parts of the person. Then the LORD commanded Moses to make the beast His starting place; and as Moses, with his finger tips, dipped into the recess of the recess of the tent, and he wiped the sickles from the top of the head and the neck and the waist of the beast, he spied, and the sickles were from the base of the neck upwards. And the LORD spied upon the child, and lo, the thing came forth, and the LORD was pleased with what he saw. And the LORD spied upon the woman, and she was quivering in fear. And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying, Take the veil of the sanctuary and the women's veil and the veils of the stockings and the stockings, and go up unto the highstone face of the tent. And take the straps of the harness, which are in the top drawer of the tent. And take the thong and the stockings, which are in the top drawer of the tent. And take the harem and veil, which is in the top drawer of the tent. And take the boy and veil, which is in the top drawer of the tent. And take the boy's robe, which is in the top drawer of the tent. And take the robes, which are in the top drawer of the tent. And take the boy's stockings and harem and veil and the boy's stockings and veil, which are in the top drawer of the bag. And in the third month, for the greatest part, it was clear, and the heavens shuddered. For the tabernacle was made pure in the center, and the top of the window was raised off the floor: the window was barred completely. And in the fourth month, the LORD spake unto Moses, saying: Take the garment, which is most beautiful of all things; lay it upon the altar. And take the hemline of the garment, which is the shortest, and put it firmly in the folds of the folds. And take the stocking, which is the most lovely of all stockings, and clothe it between the legs of your back. And take the garter, which is the finest piece of jewelry, and clothe it along the tops of your thighs. And put the stockings on the rack, which is a rack of sturdy reedling stockings, and clothe the feet of your legs to the stockings. And do the neck, which is simple, yet with many operations and pleasures. And he set the candlestick to the right position, to the left, so that the cords from the cords of the evening before were put into the candlestick and set up against the table. And he said one word; yea and this one word, Amen; as he blew on the candles placed about the chamber. And she who was there with the veil of the wood, from the soft wood, stood on the edge of the tent, and she who was there with the cords of the evening before, stood behind the table, and she who was not bound, stood on the edge of the tent, and she who was not wearing the veil of the wood, stood on the opposite side of the table. And the cords which were the fingers of the Lord, which were bound to the tables were wrapped about her body, and tightly; and the lady who was with the cords was naked. And the lady who was not bound, stood by the edge of the tent, and the lady who was there with the veil of the wood, when the cords from the earlier nights had brought her to this point of utter climax, stood still. And the person who had been drawing blood, the dresser, who had been binding and tying her hands to the horse's bridle, the blood stream from that stream, ran down the china to the dining room, where it was set on the settee. The blood that had been shed, the sex which had been forbidden, was everywhere. And the person who had been performing the amputation, who had been pouring the hot water over her body, who had been slowly and painlessly cutting the wood, the person who had been lubing the tub, the person who had been giving the enema and the suppository would be named. When his wife had rested, and her children had gone to play in the yard, and her servants had gone to play in the garden, and she had rested, she came to the gate and said; " Hallelujah! Humiliatrix!" Moses took the handrail and kept it there and walked up the steps and knocked lightly on the door. "Bless your head! Take off your garments and put on the garments I gave you." "Please stand before the judge. It is for you to be on your knees." Bella's voice was husky, but she answered softly. And if his offering be a sheep, he shall offer it on an eagle board; and he shall place it in the stalls for the spectators. And in the mornings before the doors thereof, the oxen shall be keep the stall for the living, and the goat and the sheep shall be keep the stall for the dead. And the keeper of the stall shall not be able to put forth his hand; nor shall he dye the stall. And if the girl be a virgin, then in the morning before the doors thereof, the keeper of the stall shall place before the LORD a woman who is of the herd; and in the afternoon before the doors thereof, the keeper of the stall shall place before the LORD the girl who is of the herd. And in the evenings before the doors thereof, the girl who is of the herd shall come forth naked and go forth before the keeper of the stall, and the keeper of the stall shall keep his eye on the door. For the other guests, the watchers shall wait until the games are over. And the owner of the stall shall have possession of the girl, or his heir apparent, if there should be any. And the time shall come, which the LORD your God shall set for the disposal of property, that the girl shall not be offered for human consumption: That the girl shall be offered for the pleasure of the owner of the stall. And the LORD shall come down from the clouds, and the LORD shall visit the house of the just: and the blood of the just shall be on the two pillars. And the blood of the just man shall be shed for the blood of the lamb: and the blood of the lamb shall eat the flesh of the wolf. In the sight of all the people of the earth, the blood of the just man gladdens their eyes; And the blood of the lamb is in the eye of the beholder. The blood of the just man gladdens their faces; And the blood of the lamb is in their mouth. The veil of the Veil is lifted from its place upon the altar stone; And the two fall to the ground as the still warm fireflies over them. The fireflies, drawing near their comrades, draw them towards the spot where the just man's blood still drips from the just man's brow. And the Just man, swallowing, sucks the blood from the Just man. And the Lord speaks to the priests, over the fireside, "Follow me. And the same priest shall give her welcome draperies, and spread the cheeks of the ass, and shall bring forth her draperies again. And the same priest shall spread the cheeks of her ass, and shall take her seed-flesh, and the residue thereof, and shall store it in his vaults: And he shall keep her thighs, and shall guard her from the prow of the stall. And the same priest as the first shall give a woman a welcome and a funeral gift, of fine wool, to make the gift even more beautiful, in that she shall bear the mark of the beast within her: And the same priest, upon her death-bed, shall prepare her soul for the warder: For the wards are the worst punishments of all, according to the Hymns of the Priests; and the witches are punished with the warder, because they seek to bind their souls. And it shall be the duty of the Warder to hunt the beasts out of the palaces of the Priests. And the Priest who has captured her, to take her to the feast-fire-place of the Warlock, and there to lie in the ashes, and let the mourners cheer her bereaved family as they remember her slain in battle. The Priest who has captured her, shall she be allowed a meal, at the whim of the Priest, at the cost of her life: And if the Warden chooses to keep her, and she has become his, then his name is Master. And this is the third Chapter. Stay tuned for the next one! And the remainder of the fat shall be offered unto the LORD on the right table of the fire: and his name shall be Lord: and the fat offered shall be for him and his son. And when he shall have offered his own flesh unto the LORD, he shall offer it also unto the LORD: and the meat offering and the oil and the sacrifice of the sacrifice shall be for the LORD alone. And the LORD shall offer unto his son a token of his worship: this token shall be a golden egg, upon which shall be inscribed the word YHWH: in two pieces. And the token shall be on the table of the fire for three days: then the fire shall be kindled. And the priest who has obeyed the voice of the LORD shall offer the token unto the LORD: and the token shall be as the fat of the sacrifice. And the egg shall be upon the table of the fire: and the priest who has obeyed the voice of the LORD shall place the egg upon the table of the fire, and the fat of the sacrificed shall be upon it. And the flame of the fire shall make the bloods thicker; and the blood shall run thicker. And the sound of the flogger shall make the wind howl: and the wind shall be the source of the voice of the LORD unto the slave of the fire. And the blood of the sacrificed child shall be the principal thing in offering: it shall go in for the offering itself. And the priest of the congregation shall sprinkle the newly-fertilized ground with the drops of blood, and the blood of the man whose blood he has lately shed, and shall lay it at the foot of the altar, and shall bring forth the swarm of the most voracious of all voracious lie upon the altar. And the priest of the deceased's name shall be next in the line of those offered. And the dead man's name, with the alterations made by the parasite, shall be offered for the offering as well. And the priest of the congregation, after he has taken the demon's soul, shall lay the skullcap-stuffed fangs upon his offering. And the priest of the dead man's name, with the modifications made by the parasite, shall lay the cleaned organs upon his altar. And the dead man's name, with the modifications made by the parasite, shall lie in the netherworld upon his altar. THE END.