
I AM STRUGGLING... I am in my mid 20's and although whoever reads this will find it hard because I’m dyslectic I hope you continue to. Here is a brief background into myself for the most part everything is normal I went to primary school, high school, college, and university then went on to get a job in the worst place on earth.......................................................................... I work in customer service, which as everyone knows is dreadful I love people but when it comes to people doing easy normal everyday tasks they fail miserably. I type the way I speak so I wont apologies as I don't really tend to breath when I speak so I can get the whole point out in one so it doesn't elude me that being said if your one for challenges read on would think it will only get harder. I am however here to talk about people, people are amazing in the things they do and how some are more barbaric then others in the way they may act or think we are all made of the same matter I was looking out of a bus window and saw a man shouting now he was shouting a load of rubbish half of which I couldn't understand however that’s not the point I have walked the same street as him a million times and would never think to shout like a mad man. Then it reminded me of how you would act as a child to a teacher you didn't like you would push your bounders until someone told you that you had to stop and couldn't carry on. Then I think of great men in history and how all of them have had the same approach to anything and everything they have done. So I suppose to correct the title of this little moment of thinking to. I’m struggling to find my boundaries…