
##Three exercises for increasing punching speed There are lots of articles on the internet which give you advice on increasing your punching power. They all promise slightly different things - more punching power, develop a knockout punch, train to punch harder - but the gist is always the same. Unfortunately, there is a theme running through most of these articles; they don't actually teach you how to throw a harder punch! Instead, the majority of the articles out there promising to teach you how to punch harder actually focus on giving you techniques that *you think* will increase punching power, or training methods which make you *feel* like you're punching harder. When people search for advice on how to develop punching power, most of them are already hoping to come across advice that tells them to do things lik bench presses, gimmicky pushups, and so on. But in reality, such things will not help you throw a harder punch. The kind of workout that will genuinely help you punch harder is typically one that looks boring on the surface. Take the [Saitama workout](https://www.onepunchworkouts.com/one-punch-man-workout/) - the training routine followed by Saitama while he became the One Punch Man. This workout was originally intended as a joke, but it ironically mirrors the kind of workout that boxers *genuinely follow* when they're building their fighting prowess. To throw a harder, faster, and ultimately more effective punch, you need to focus on technique. To back up that technique work, you need to work on muscular endurance, stamina, explosive power, and fluidity of movement - the kind of things that will make technique work more productive and more realistic.