
This Mastodon instance is brought to you by...

[Write.as](/), a writing tool [I'm](/matt/) building. In short, Write.as is pursuing certain lofty goals before profit -- some of which involve supporting a service like [Writing Exchange](https://writing.exchange). Today our business makes enough money to cover many of our expenses -- but not yet a profit. The goals we're pursuing are: * Developing tiny, focused tools accessible by people of all computer skill levels * Making people more private on the web, by default * Keeping users safe from corporate surveillance * Encouraging the decentralization of power online * Providing spaces for free expression As a business, we're after wisdom, independence (I'm the only investor), and something more human (hi! 👋). Right now, every dollar Write.as makes stays within the business to pay for infrastructure, new projects, and regular overhead. While Writing Exchange isn't directly tied to our main product, it provides another online space to further these goals we're chasing, so we'll continue taking care of it as if we'd built the service ourselves. Going forward, we'll happily keep Writing Exchange under the Write.as umbrella to get the community off the ground. But the end goal is to have it run more by the community itself, ideally with an independent funding source so we can fully cut the corporate ties. We'll do everything we can to move it in this direction. **If you'd like to support Writing Exchange today**, you can do so by buying a [Write.as subscription](https://write.as/subscribe) (you'll even get a nice writing tool in the process). You can also send money via PayPal (hello@write.as), or email us if you'd like to support us in other ways. If you ever have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact [@matt](https://writing.exchange/@matt). And if you'd like to keep up with Write.as developments, you can follow [@write_as](https://writing.exchange/@write_as) or [@readwriteas](https://writing.exchange/@readwriteas) on Mastodon.