
5 Apps for Sparking Enjoyment of the Bible

First, no app can replace an inner desire for reading the Scriptures. But, I believe there are some amazing apps (most free) which can help motivate and sustain a daily habit of reading and/or listening to the Bible. Here are some excellent Bible apps to spark your reading habits this new year... ## 1. Read Scripture ### The Best for Reading and Understanding the Bible Daily <IMG STYLE="padding: 0 25px; border=black" SRC="https://i.snap.as/wA03B4g.png" ALIGN="left" ALT="ReadScripture Reading Plan" WIDTH=200> * Format: Video and Text * Price: Free * Features: * Bible Project videos embedded with each book of the Bible * Daily reminders to read * Chronological reading plan to help make stories connect * Daily Psalm included with each reading. ![ReadScripture Reading Plan](https://i.snap.as/LftQ7X3.jpeg) * What’s missing: Syncing between multiple devices (no account login) and highlights, but this is easily overcome by long pressing on the date you have read up to and marking it as such. ![read scripture video](https://i.snap.as/8V15sI6.png) * *Verdict:* one of the best ways to enjoy reading the Biblical text and engaging with its ideas. Its layout, video integration, and beautiful interface encourage *enjoyment* of the Scriptures.[^1] ## 2. Bible.is[^2] ## 3. Daily Audio Bible ## 4. Olive Tree Bible ## 5. #Blogs/jhopkinswriting [^1]: Footnote test