
2019-09-04 AUR Pruning

Since following my post about the [life circumstances since getting my job](https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2019-August/035332.html), I took some time to comb through my current package list to see which packages I need help with maintaining. Below is the list I've compiled to help out potential adopters. Even if a package is listed in a kept section, don't be afraid to ask if you can adopt or co-maintain it. ## Kept Packages ### Co-Maintainers ASAP ``` compiz-core compiz-gtk compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-experimental compiz-bcop ccsm ccsm-gtk3 compizconfig-python emerald emerald-gtk3 emerald-themes fusion-icon libcompizconfig compiz-core-git compiz-gtk-git compiz-fusion-plugins-main-git compiz-fusion-plugins-extra-git compiz-fusion-plugins-experimental-git compiz-bcop-git ccsm-git ccsm-gtk3-git compizconfig-python-git emerald-git emerald-gtk3-git emerald-themes-git fusion-icon-git libcompizconfig-git ``` ### Build needs (minor) fixing ``` hypervc-qt4 gpw ninit pidgin-cmds qosmic ``` ### Okay to keep or orphan since stable upstream sources ``` apwal gtk-theme-anewstart-blood gtk-theme-black-widow hpoj httraqt mse-extrafoils-fracture mse-extrafoils-ghost mse-extrafoils-insanity mse-extrafoils-jss mse-extrafoils-oil mse-extrafoils-old mse-extrafoils-parallel mse-extrafoils-polishedstone mse-extrafoils-ribbon mse-extrafoils-ripples mse-mtg mse-mtg-m15 mse-mtg-new mse-mtg-new-clear mse-mtg-new-doublefaced mse-mtg-new-flips mse-ygo otf-rebecca pyswisseph pyswisseph3 qtnotifydaemon spacefm-plugin-clamav tmux-tcl-git ttf-averia-serif ttf-dasroy ttf-futhark-adapted ttf-optimusprinceps zsh-directory-history-git ``` ### Kept because self-developed upstream Of these, mikidown likely needs a co-maintainer upstream. ``` compiz-pipeitems compiz-boxmenu chronoslnx-git locky-git mikidown mikidown-git python-asciimathml python-asciimathml-git qtarot-git qarithmancy-git qbiobeat-git slickpicker slickpicker-git ``` ### Kept because self-developed, but should submit patches upstream? ``` kupfer-plugin-volumescc menumaker-compiz ``` ### Kept, but can't remember what initially used for ``` fbterm-git nodejs-squiffy python-markdown-sections python-pyment-git python-vcs-move-git python-wordcloud-git vim-zencoding ``` ### Unsure where to locate updates for ``` magicseteditor ``` ### Broken Sources ``` lunifybg-wpd-git ttf-enochian ttf-lightfoot ttf-masterforce-solid ttf-tangiers ttf-totem wallpaperd ``` ## Orphaned Packages ### No Longer Use ``` fchat-pidgin-git ``` ### Needs updating before/after orphan ``` python-textile ``` ## Unsure if version is up to date ``` swisseph_12 swisseph_18 ```