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You've probably heard this early weight loss is water weight, rather than fat. especially if you're exercising and reducing calories, but if you're using more energy than you're replacing as food and drink, the first weight you'll lose will be water. Why? It's because the energy source your body turns to once it runs out of its small store of carbs (sugars) is glycogen. Glycogen is a large molecule made up of a protein core surrounded by glucose. It's stored in the liver and muscles for use during energy-intensive activities, like running away from danger and supporting the brain when food is scarce. Glycogen is quickly metabolized to meet the body's need for sugars, but each gram of glycogen is bound to three to four grams of water. So, if you use up your body's glycogen stores, a lot of water is released over a short amount of time. It only takes a few days of restrictive dieting for glycogen to be expended. So the initial weight loss is dramatic. Loss of water can lead to loss of weight. But! as soon as you eat enough carbs (sugars or starches), your body readily replaces its glycogen stores. This is one reason people often see an initial weight gain immediately after going off a diet, particularly if it was one that restricted carbohydrates like Keto or Paleo. It's not all the fat coming back, but you can expect all the water you lost the first couple of days of a restricted diet to return. [online](https://blog.libero.it/wp/jviktastig/wp-content/uploads/sites/68431/2021/01/Achat-HGH-191aa-Blue-Tops-100iu-En-France-1-kit-Wuhan-Vanz-Pharm-Inc..pdf)