
INFINI RF Acne Scars Treatment For Reclaiming Your Youthful Skin Acne can be extremely frustrating for many people. With no definite solution available to get rid of those vexing facial irritants, people are forced to keep looking for solutions that they believe will work in acne removal. If you have been battling acne and related scars for long, there is good news. Skincare experts have finally found a reliable way of reducing acne scars and improving the look of your facial skin. Infini is a revolutionary treatment designed specifically to help overcome the problem of acne scarring. It is considered the most reliable way of minimizing and eliminating acne scars. Why Infini Is Different? Infini combines the power of radiofrequency (RF) and the healing properties of microneedling. It works by helping your skin create new collagen and elastin. When the process is completed, you can get an improved skin texture, and tightened skin. This results in the reduction of acne scars. Infini RF acne scars treatment is a proven way of making your skin look great again. The procedure involves using a special device to deliver radiofrequency RF energy through little channels in the skin. These channels are created using microneedles, which are very fine and have the circumference of a strand of hair. Each microneedle delivers radiofrequency to deeper levels of the dermis. This helps trigger the production of collagen and elastin while ensuring treatment of scars of varying depths. The Treatment Process Infini RF acne scars treatment stands apart from other types of RF treatment primarily because it encourages fractional heating as opposed to bulk heating. This makes a difference to the quality of treatment delivered, which is more customized to match the individual skin condition and needs of patients. The Infini treatment is also unique because the needle depths can be varied to match the individual needs of patients. The epidermis is fully protected from heat, which makes the whole treatment safe. The needles are insulated, which eliminates the risk of any infection happening after the treatment. The best part is that Infini works on all skin types and delivers visible results quickly. Comparatively Safer and More Effective Unlike other invasive skincare treatments, Infini does not cause any scarring or change in skin pigmentation. There is no skin atrophy seen. Dermatologists who have researched this revolutionary procedure are sure that long-term complications do not happen with Infini. Infini treatment for acne scars does not take much time and can be completed in as little as 45 minutes to one hour in most cases if only the face is under consideration. It may take some more time if the neck and other visible areas also need to be treated. Most patients may experience some redness and swelling initially, but that subsides fast. For the swelling to disappear completely and the skin to appear normal, it may take another 36 hours on average. Patients must use only creams and medications prescribed by the doctors and not experiment with their own solutions.