
its all i can say.. how we are now is what we should be.

is no longer any matter. since you passed away

through smiling eyes ill always remember that back then you stood a little taller that I was a little shorter but

deep in those memories that I keep close those moments in life that terrify me the most are the ones where i forget you memories those diamonds shimmering when i never even call they are here and are with me before I asked them to appear

how i miss you so much and I never ever thought you'd go I never thought you could a permanence – now just streaked blood

I try so hard to never care and you always knew how to look at me and stare to look at me and hold my head in your hand without words, we had understanding that this world wasn't made for us but we could

at least stand before the ocean and watch the waves come in

when all this is done for me I hope we can play again I hope you can find me


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