A Story's Structure:

Blade Runner 204

by Adam W. Parker

What establishes the tempo of a movie? Why do some action movies bore us while some one-room dramas have us on the edge of our seats? Maybe we just “don't like that type of movie”.

No, I say.

One of the quickest ways to bore your audience is to have an inconsistent tempo (the quickest way being faulty dramatic structure). So, how is a consistent tempo established? It's established by moving through dramatic sequences (Premise, Problem, Dilemma, Paradox) within a similar amount of time.

Blade Runner 2049 is an interesting case study in this regard. While it remains consistent on the Act level (the first three are ~40 minutes with the last being ~30 minutes), the length of the scenes varies wildly – the shortest lasting 5 minutes while the longest clocks in at over 11 minutes.

This is similar to a song slowing to half speed and picking back up. It can work (as I think it does here) but if handled sloppily, it can cause the viewer to lose interest. Again, I think the artists rein in the tempo by limiting the time variance to the scene level and not letting it slip into the Act level which would have emphasized the pace even more.

But most importantly, this story never strays from actually telling a story – as each intended scene is a valid dramatic unit.

*ACT ONE (40:00)*

Credits (0:00:00 – 0:2:00)

SCENE 1 (11:30)

Premise 0:02:00 – 0:05:30

K in LAPD vehicle over smoggy view, solar panels, indoor farms

A worm farmer in protective gear sees K land close

K exits vehicle, approaches house, and enters

Sapper also cautiously enters house. K is waiting. Silence

Problem 0:05:30 – 0:06:45

K apologizes for intruding “I was careful not to drag in any dirt”

Sapper – “I don't mind the dirt. I do mind unannounced visits”

'Are you police?' – 'Are you Sapper' 'a farmer' (of designed worms)

K – prefers “empty stomach until the hard part of the day is done”

Dilemma 0:06:45 – 0:09:45

K knows Sapper hasn't always been a farmer – bag Military issue

Sapper – 'plan on taking me in?' K reveals gun. Plans to kill

Sapper refuses eye scan and they fight. K wins

Sapper to K 'You kill you're own kind because never seen a miracle'

Paradox 0:09:45 – 0:12:30

K kills Sapper and checks in with HQ in his car

K sees a live flower infertile soil – 'a miracle'

Delays his return and scans the earth with drone

Finds a box buried far underneath the tree – excavation team sent

SCENE 2 (11:00)

Premise 0:12:30 – 0:16:00

K travels through dark, gritty, neon, city to LAPD HQ

Baseline test inter-cut with abuse from human colleagues

Test continues. “Constant K” always passes. He's never emotional

K passes hostile tenets – his door's tagged “F**K OFF SKINNER”

Problem 0:16:00 – 0:18:00

K activates a console as he enters his home. Chats with Joi

K drinks a drink that he pours for her

She says she's making him food even though he cooked his own

Joi is a hologram and offers K holographic food

Dilemma 0:18:00 – 0:20:30

Joi tries to cheer K up, talking, reading, or dancing

K – “..or do you wanna open your present”

The occasion? Anniversary? No, but “Let's just say that it is”

An emanator – the device allows her to go 'anywhere'

Paradox 0:20:30 – 0:23:30

Joi embraces the “feel” of simulated raindrops

She approaches K and they caress each other

Joi – “I'm so happy...with you” K – “You don't have to say that”

K “kisses” hologram but she is frozen during most intimate moment

SCENE 3 (6:00)

Premise 0:23:30 – 0:24:45

Buried 30 years, Sapper's case contains bones and hair

A woman's bones that were cleaned and meticulously laid to rest

Cause of death? no trauma a except fracture to narrow birth canal

She died in child birth

Problem 0:24:45 – 0:25:30

'What's that?' – K notices marks on the hip bones

Notching in the iliac crest – “fine-point, like a scalpel”

Looks like an emergency C-section – tried to save her?

Went to the trouble of burying – “a sentimental skin-job”

Dilemma 0:25:30 – 0:26:45

Where's the child? No other bodies in the field

Coco and other officer leave, K takes controls of autopsy machine

He zooms in and scans finds serial code in bone

“That's not possible” – she was a replicant that reproduced

Paradox 0:26:45 – 0:29:30

Madam warns 'no wall' = war – “So what you saw...didn't happen”

K – “You want it gone?” Madam – “Erase everything”

Even the child? K's reluctant to retire something born – it has a soul

“You've been getting on fine without one” – without “a soul”

SCENE 4 (7:30)

Premise 0:29:30 – 0:31:30

K goes to Wallace HQ with hair sample for info

Clerk – It's old – pre-blackout. “That's gonna be tough”

Luv gets K's alert while on call with client, reschedules call

Everything digital was wiped – everything was digital (baby pics)

Problem 0:31:30 – 0:34:15

Replicant was pre-Prohibition. Standard. Luv arrives is “Named”

Ancient models give bad name. Praises Wallace. K a customer

Archive room – Listens to Deckard & Rachael audio

“It was unclear what she was...at least to someone”

Dilemma 0:34:15 – 0:36:00

“We were difficult to spot then”

Luv asks if anything was unusual about her to warrant investigation

K – “She likes him” Luv – personal questions show desire, asks K

K – “Please thank Mr. Wallace for your time”

Paradox 0:36:00 – 0:37:00

Partner – “[Deckard] liked working alone – so we worked together”

Said Deckard wasn't long for this world – “something in his eyes”

Contact? No, he's “retired”. K – “What happened?”

“Probably got what he wanted – to be alone”

SCENE 5 (5:45)

Premise 0:37:00 – 0:38:15

Luv welcomes Wallace back “you wanted to review the new model”

Wallace “...never enter kingdom of heaven without a gift”

“Can you at least pronounce 'a child is born'?”

“A new model... Well let us see her then” – Wallace is blind

Problem 0:38:15 – 0:39:30

A newborn replicant woman takes her first breaths

Wallace seats near her and feels her face

Wallace remarks on the replicant's fear instinct as he caresses her. “Before we even know what we are, we fear to lose it. Happy Bday”

Dilemma 0:39:30 – 0:41:45

Luv connects Wallace with his drone eyes that inspect replicant

He's taken us to nine new worlds but “We should own the stars”

Needs more replicants/slaves but can't make them fast enough

He kills the newborn replicant

Paradox 0:41:45 – 0:42:45

Needs procreation. Then he could “Storm Eden and retake her”

“Tyrell's final trick. Perfected, then lost”

“But there is a child” He wants Luv to find the replicant's child

“The best Angel of all. Aren't you, luv?”

ACT TWO (41:00)

SCENE 6 (6:45)

Premise 0:42:45 – 0:45:15

K is alone in a crowd, pondering the photos of Sapper's tree

A group of women told by old woman to find out what K knows

They approach flirtatiously but one recognizes he's a blade runner

Others leave, Mariette stays saying he's just “a guy eating rice”

Problem 0:45:15 – 0:46:15

She asks what the picture is – “a tree” – she's never seen one before

“It's pretty”, she says – “It's dead”, K retorts

“Who keeps a dead tree? Not gonna kill me are you” – she flirts

Joi rings – “Oh, you don't like real girls”, she says as she leaves

Dilemma 0:46:15 – 0:48:00

K returns to the house, wanting more answers

He notices a piano key that is stuck – it doesn't play

He opens the top and reaches in – a tin box

Inside a baby sock and photo of a woman w/ baby by the tree

Paradox 0:48:00 – 0:49:30

K is outside examining the tree

He sees carving near the base of the trunk – '6 10 21'

A flash of shocking vision – horse toy, fire

K burns house (evidence)

SCENE 7 (9:15)

Premise 0:49:15 – 0:52:00

Luv is taking the bones of Rachael

Coco walks in on her – she's not supposed to be there

Luv says she's has papers, “hold this” as she searches

She kills Coco with one blow and continues like nothing happened

Problem 0:52:00 – 0:54:15

Madam comes to K's apartment venting

Madam asks K to share an implanted childhood memory

It's a memory of him being chased by kids for a toy wooden horse

He stops the chase by burning the toy (it appears)

Dilemma 0:54:15 – 0:56:30

K searches DNA record for child

“Mere data makes a man”. ACTG vs 1s & 0s. Does it matter?

“You don't prefer your Madam?” K omitted detail from “memory”

The same date on the tree was on the carved horse in “memory”

Paradox 0:56:30 – 0:58:30

Joi says he's special, born rather than made – “...wanted, loved”

If it were true he'd be hunted for the rest of his life

“It's OK to dream a little” she says – “Not if you're us” says K

The records show boy and girl with the same DNA. Impossible.

SCENE 8 (5:45)

Premise 0:58:30 – 1:00:00

They fly in spinner past sea wall, it's raining heavy

The enter San Diego – “Here we are”

Mountains of trash with machines dumping more

Landfills are the location of an orphanage

Problem 1:00:00 – 1:01:45

Lightning flashes – K lowers altitude

Fired on by scavengers – has to go a bit higher to safety

A scavenger hits K's vehicle with a harpoon which releases a kite

It's a lightning rod – lightning strikes the vehicle. They crash

Dilemma 1:01:45 – 1:03:00

K is unconscious as Joi tries to wake him

A group of scavengers approaches

They open his vehicle, K regains consciousness and is attacked

He maims a couple carrying firearms and warns the rest

Paradox 1:03:00 – 1:04:15

More scavengers approach on the horizon – no way out

It starts “raining fire” – missiles ravage the Scavengers

Luv wipes out scavengers but spares K – to save him

She's controlling this deadly weapon while getting a manicure

SCENE 9 (11:30)

Premise 1:04:15 – 1:06:45

K secures car and walks into orphanage

Group of bald kids are waiting at the entrance

They surround and examine him, one guides him through crowd

Boss threatens to put lazy kids outside “where it's raining fire”

Problem 1:06:45 – 1:10:00

The overseer explains his operation – is apparently abusive

Asks K what sort he has in mind – K flashes badge “I'm not buying”

They travel to Overseer's office for files – a sense of deja vu for K

The records have been torn out of books to both their surprise

Dilemma 1:10:00 – 1:14:00

The horse ashtray sparks a thought – Could his memory be real?

The furnace is the same as his “memory”

K searches the hiding spot from his “memory”

The toy horse exists in the same place it was in his “memory”

Paradox 1:14:00 – 1:15:45

'6 10 21'... Joi – “I always told you – you're special. Born – not made”

Joi – “A real boy needs a real name” She names him “Joe”

Joi – “Your mother would have named you” K – “Stop”

K wants to know implant or real – “Who makes the memories?”

SCENE 10 (7:15)

Premise 1:15:45 – 1:17:30

Woman with a device alters a VR scene in a forest

K enters – she's happy to see a visitor

She doesn't mind a visitor, it's just unusual

“A life of freedom so long as it's behind glass”

Problem 1:17:30 – 1:19:30

Couldn't go off-world because bad immune system at a young age

He asks if she will help with the case. She delightfully accepts

She explains why and how she creates. Freedom in work

Authentic memories = human responses. She blows virtual candles

Dilemma 1:19:30 – 1:21:15

K asks if they can be real memories – it's illegal, she says.

Not about detail but feeling – she offers to scan and judge

She scans K as he thinks of the memory

She begins to shed tears

Paradox 1:21:15 – 1:23:00

The memory is real

Silence as her tears stream, and he simmers

“I know it's real”, says K. He erupts in emotion and exits calmly

Officer K is arrested

*ACT THREE (40:00)*

SCENE 11 (9:30)

Premise 1:23:00 – 1:25:15

K takes another baseline test, hesitating and nervous

He fails. An angry Joshi – “You didn't look like you on the inside”

K – “I found the kid”... “Even he didn't know who he was”

“It's done” Joshi wants clarification – “What you asked, it's done”

Problem 1:25:15 – 1:28:00

K travels home, followed by someone, admits Joi was right

Mariette shows up, invited by Joi – “I want to be real for you”

“Let's do it” – Mariette and Joi sync

“Merged” woman advances towards K – they touch hands

Dilemma 1:28:00 – 1:30:45

Joi/Mariette removes K's jacket

K pulls her/them close

They kiss and she disrobes

Ad for Joi – “Joi is anything you want her to be”

Paradox 1:30:45 – 1:32:30

Mariette wakes, gets dressed, and plants tracking device in K's bag

The wooden horse catches her eye – Joi kicks her out

Mariette insults Joi – there's not as much to her as she thinks

K offers Joi coffee, they laugh

SCENE 12 (8:00)

Premise 1:32:30 – 1:34:00

K – “They'll be coming after me soon”

Joi wants to join K but needs to be transferred to emanator

K is reluctant, if emanator is destroyed she dies

Joi – “Just like a real girl”

Problem 1:34:00 – 1:35:45

Luv loses tracking on K / Toy horse is real wood and valuable

Badger offers him a real horse, K just wants to know where it's from

“Smells like old dirt but the structure is new”, Radiation? Bomb?

Only one place that dirty – a place no one lives

Dilemma 1:35:45 -1:37:45

Luv finds K's apartment empty / K searches landscape for any life

Stops and zooms in on an area

Heat analysis reveals a strange swirling cloud

Life. Joi – “What is it?” K- “Guess we're about to find out”

Paradox 1:37:45 – 1:40:30

Luv intrudes and asks K's location, Joshi says she doesn't know

Joshi says Luv's too late, she knows all about her plan

Luv – kill “the fabulous new”? can't hold back the tide with a broom

Luv – I'll lie – kills Joshi – uses Joshi's dead face unlock to find K

SCENE 13 (10:30)

Premise 1:40:30 – 1:43:30

K walks, sees a bee on his hand, leads him to a bee keeper's hives

He hears music – it's coming from a casino next to the hive

He enters the casino no signs of life

It has an active trip wire

Problem 1:43:30 – 1:46:30

K explores the dusty ruins for the source of the sound

He finds piano but no one playing, presses key... a dog appears

Deckard appears wielding a gun – K tries to remain peaceful

Deckard shoots at him as he tumbles over the balcony out of sight

Dilemma 1:46:30 – 1:48:45

Deckard tells dog “stay” as he searches for K who's hiding

K accidentally sets of trip wires and explosions

Through the smoke, the showroom doors can be seen shutting

Deckard flips a switch – activating Elvis hologram show

Paradox 1:48:45 – 1:51:00

K uses light to find a better hiding spot – thinking he's safe

Gunshots nearly miss out of nowhere. Hand to hand combat

K – “I don't want to hurt you” – refuses to punch Deckard back

Deckard stops and says “I like this song”. Invites K to drinks

SCENE 14 (5:45)

Premise 1:51:00 – 1:52:15

Deckard explains Vegas used to be. Millions of bottles of whiskey

Deckard pours whiskey for dog

K asks if dog is real

Deckard – “I don't know. Ask him”

Problem 1:52:45 – 1:54:15

Deckard ask's K's name, they settle on “Joe”

K – “I wanna ask some questions” Deckard – “Like what?”

K begins his interrogation about Rachael – no answers

Deckard – “Too many questions”

Dilemma 1:54:15 – 1:55:15

Deckard – “I had your job, I was good at it” – He avoids questions

Deckard breaks down and answer's one of K's questions – “Rachael”

K asks what happened to the kid. Deckard says he was long gone

K –“You didn't even meet your own kid?”

Paradox 1:54:30 – 1:56:45

Deckard – “Everyone had a part. Mine was to leave”

Blackout came and made it impossible to find the child if he tried

K – “Did you want to?” Deckard – “Not really” – they'd be hunted

Deckard – “Sometimes to love someone, you gotta be a stranger”

SCENE 15 (6:15)

Premise 1:56:45 – 1:58:45

Other agents are closing in as K relaxes

An alert of incoming vessels – Deckard – “Who'd you bring?”

K – “I came alone”. Deckard runs for vehicle

K bursts through wall to pull him back from vehicle explosion

Problem 1:58:45 – 2:00:00

Escape vehicle is destroyed. Agents enter and seize Deckard

K manages to get up, but another agent appears pointing a gun

K takes agent's gun, kills him and other two agents

Luv comes out of nowhere and puts him down with two kicks

Dilemma 2:00:00 – 2:01:30

K continues to struggle to get up, Luv kicks him down

Joi appears telling Luv to “Stop”

Luv approaches the emanator, raises her foot over it, pauses

Luv – “I do hope you're satisfied with our product”. She “kills” Joi

Paradox 2:01:30 – 2:03:00

Mysterious group of people search the rubble

They find K and pull tracker from his pocket

He briefly regains consciousness in a campsite with strangers

Mariette is there looking down on him

*ACT FOUR (29:45)*

SCENE 16 (5:45)

Premise 2:03:00 – 2:04:45

K wakes up in an abandoned building, bandaged , Mariette is there

Men approach – She says somebody wants to meet him

Mariette insists “You can trust us”

Freysa jokes about looking up and to the left – she has no right eye

Problem 2:04:45 – 2:05:45

Freysa was there with Sapper when Rachael's child was born

She helped hide it and vowed to keep it secret

Sapper let K kill him to keep their secret

If a baby can come from us we're “More human than humans”

Dilemma 2:05:45 – 2:07:00

A revolution is coming – she's building an army to free their people

Freysa asks K to join their revolution

Freysa hands K his gun and points it at herself – the cause over life

Tells him to kill Deckard to keep his child safe

Paradox 2:07:00 – 2:08:45

In time, she will be revealed to world “She?” A daughter, not a son

K insists it was a boy. It was a diversion to throw off the trail

K thought he was the special child – other replicants thought so too

The memory creator he met is the Deckard's child

SCENE 17 (8:00)

Premise 2:08:45 – 2:10:30

Deckard awakes alone in Wallace's HQ

Wallace walks in and greets Deckard saying he admires him

He grabs Deckard's hand and holds it – “You are a wonder to me...”

Wallace has “lock” and “key” but door is still shut – needs the child

Problem 2:10:30 – 2:13:00

Wallace reveals Rachael's skull, quotes Scripture 'Rachael's womb'

Wallace plays Rachael audio – does if it feels like first meeting?

Wallace questions if Deckard was called just to fall for Rachael

Wallace – Was Deckard & Rachael “Love or Mathematical Precision”

Dilemma 2:13:00 – 2:14:00

Deckard kept himself free of info and it cost him everything

Wallace – “...you can still help me. You had help...” wants any info

If Deckard helps good things can come to him, Wallace promises

“You don't have children do you?” – “I have millions” Wallace replies

Paradox 2:14:00 – 2:16:45

Wallace says Deckard loves pain – it reminds him of the joy was real

Offers Deckard 'more joy' – A clone of Rachael approaches

“Did you miss me?” she asks – “Don't you love me?” she pleads

Deckard rejects her saying “her eyes were green”. Joi kills her.

SCENE 18 (11:00)

Premise 2:16:45 – 2:18:30

A giant Luv ad approaches K – “What a day”

strips K of his last bit of humanity by calling him “Joe”

He ponders action as he reflects on Freysa's “Dying for right cause”

he reflects on what Sapper said about never seeing a miracle

Problem 2:18:30 – 2:21:30

Deckard is being transported over sea to off-world by Luv

K attacks the convoy carrying Deckard away – forcing them to crash On shore of the sea wall, Luv orders pilot to get them back up

K approaches on foot, Luv says open door, pilot is shot

Dilemma 2:21:30 – 2:24:15

Luv and K exchange fire close range

K is hit in the belly, Luv pounces on K with a flurry of kicks

battle it out as Deckard slowly sinks into the sea, handcuffed

Luv mortally stabs K and kisses him

Paradox 2:24:15 – 2:27:45

She walks away to free Deckard who is close to drowning

Thought dead, K suddenly explodes out of the water, strangles Luv

Luv fights back as she tries to drown K, all while Deckard flounders

K rescues Deckard who “died out there” – free to see his daughter

SCENE 19 (5:00)

Premise 2:27:45 – 2:28:30

K and Deckard arrive at facility where Deckard's daughter is

Problem 2:28:30 – 2:29:15

K gifts the wooden – “All the best memories are hers”

Dilemma 2:29:15 – 2:31:30

Deckard asks why K helped him – K evades, smiling

Paradox 2:31:30 – 2:32:45

K lies dead in the snow as Deckard meets daughter for first time


Examine the story structures of the following breakdowns:

A Story's Structure (Overview)


12 Angry Men



more coming soon