A Story's Structure:

12 Angry Men

by Adam W. Parker

I chose to examine 12 Angry Men because it presents a continuity of action that is uncommon today and will allow me to highlight a few things. The artists chose to have the vast majority of drama play out in the jury room. The implied story time and screen time are very close as scenes play out in chronological order.

But what scenes are there to be found in a continuous play? Isn't it all just one scene? In a script, doesn't the change of location (slug-line) denote the change in a scene?

No. This is a great misconception that I seek to debunk through this analysis:


Neither is the completing of a goal, the end of a conversation, the passage of time, or a change of perspective – a completion of a scene.

So, what is a scene?

A scene is simply a smaller fractal of a story – a story within a story within a story (in this case). What name you give this 3rd degree of story makes no difference. The important thing is its function. And like all stories it must pass through the stages of Premise to Problem to Dilemma to Paradox in order to be complete. (please see previous post on the definition of these terms)

If I could be so bold to say this:

The lack of understanding of what a scene is, is the number one reason for failed storytelling across all media.

In this classic example, one can see the beauty of the craft. I went in with no preconception of the number or length of the scenes but it all fell into placed.

Each fractal is of similar length:

3 Acts (each ~30 minutes)

15 Scenes (each ~6 minutes) with 5 per Act

60 Movements (each ~1 minute 30 seconds) with 4 per Scene

240 Beats with 4 per Scene

As you get farther down into the fractal, picking out certain beats can be more and more elusive (as breaking down molecules to atoms to quarks, etc, becomes more and more difficult) and less critical to the overall job of telling a story well. I've chosen to stop at the Beat level.

But as you can see, each fractal contains the units of drama. You can scan the breakdown and see (almost) every Act, Scene, and Movement ends with a corresponding Paradox.

Thank you.

ACT ONE (32:45)

SCENE 1 (5:45)

Premise 0:00 – 1:15

In a courtroom – the halls of justice Track on a man waiting for elevator – a stressed man exits He is very stressed another man extremely relieved A guard shushes a celebrating family

Problem 1:15 – 3:00

It's the end of a 1st degree murder case – the most serious The jurors are faced with a charge of duty If guilty – death, if not – free, must be unanimous The accused murderer is very young looking – a boy even

(CREDITS 3:00 – 4:00)

Dilemma 4:00 – 5:30

It's hot as men enter room The fan doesn't work A lingering silence between two men, rejected offer of gum Hottest day of the year with no AC

Paradox 5:30 – 6:45

Bailiff finishes taking names and exits Locked door – takes men by surprise What did you think of the case? Two opinions Juror thinks should slap those kids down before they start trouble

SCENE 2 (5:00)

Premise 6:45 – 7:30

Start with 5 minute break – one is in the bathroom Sit in order? Causes Adman to go to window and talk to Davis Lucky we got a murder case says Adman Adman lived here all my life never been inside Woolworth's

Problem 7:30 – 9:00

Runny nose. Two men discuss having a hot-weather cold Baseball fan wants to start – man is still in bathroom Courier tries to impress Broker with his business resume Baseball fan has tickets for later that night

Dilemma 9:00 – 10:15

While sitting – impression of prosecutor... he did great Ready to start – call Davis who seems to be daydreaming Juror 10 says maybe it served the victim right Everyone here? Old man is still inside – door knock

Paradox 10:15 – 11:45

All seated – Foreman not going to make any rules Preliminary vote? They agree Foreman restates the procedure Davis only 'not guilty' – not easy to vote for boy's death

SCENE 3 (7:00)

Premise 11:45 – 13:30

What do we do now? – I guess we talk... Doesn't know if he believes the boy or not Why vote 'not guilty'? Fast decision vs. Sure decision Let's sit for an hour – game doesn't start til 8

Problem 13:30 – 14:45

Davis – owe the boy their time because he's unfortunate Juror 10 doesn't think they owe him a thing Juror 10 thinks 'they' are born liars Old man stands – you weren't born with a monopoly on the truth

Dilemma 14:45 – 17:30

Rather than Davis explain – each will give arguments to Davis Banker is first and has weak arguments Next juror states facts – “only 18, but he's still gotta pay” Boy was at the movies but couldn't remember titles 1 hr later

Paradox 17:30 – 18:45

The woman across the street, at night looks out the window She saw kid stab father, she's known kid all his life Able to see thru the El? No passengers Why believe woman, not boy “she's one of them too”

SCENE 4 (7:00)

Premise 18:45 – 20:45

No motive no case right? Argument between father and boy was overheard – slapped Boy's been hit many times – no murder – one time too many? Bad father vs. bad kid (chicken and egg)

Problem 20:45 – 22:30

Juror called his father “sir” – has a kid, 22 years old When 9 kid ran from a fight – vowed to make him a man When 16 had a fight almost broke Juror's jaw Hasn't seen him in 2 years

Dilemma 22:30 – 24:00

Slums are breeding grounds for crime Juror objects – “I've lived in a slum all my life” Some argue not to take it personal some think it crossed line Procedure gets out of order “Stop being a kid”

Paradox 24:00 – 25:45

”...the boy looks guilty. Maybe he is.” Peculiar feeling – “...Nothing is that positive” Bad lawyer? witnesses could be wrong? Adman – “it's not exact science”. Davis says “exactly”.

SCENE 5 (7:00)

Premise 25:45 – 27:15

Topic changed to the switch knife... ask to look at it The facts – murder knife, bought that night, unique He met friends and they saw him with the knife His friends identified the murder weapon as the same knife

Problem 27:15 – 28:15

Boy says – movies, returned to see father dead, lost knife No one saw boy go out or saw him in the theater Boy has no witnesses and no alibi Do you really think someone picked up boy's knife and killed

Dilemma 28:15 – 29:45

Davis – It's possible a similar knife was used by another Unusual knife – never seen one like it. Incredible coincidence Davis slams an identical knife on the table. Wow vs. So what? Odds are still million-to-1. Possible but Improbable

Paradox 29:45 – 32:45

Still 11-1. Hung jury = boy dies anyway Other jurors are becoming impatient, sarcastic, and angry Secret vote, abstains, if unanimous – guilty, if not – talk Votes are cast and counted... guilty, guilty... 'not guilty'

ACT TWO (33:45)

SCENE 6 (6:30)

Premise 32:45 – 34:30

They suspect juror from slums changed his vote. But “he didn't change his vote, I did” says old man. Baseball fan storms to bathroom while old man explains why Davis calms old man saying “He can't hear you, he never will.”

Problem 34:30 – 36:30

Take a break since man is in the bathroom. Returns knife Stuck / Adman tells an unsuccessful story Halfhearted apology for false accusation Fan still broken, can't get it to work

Dilemma 36:30 – 38:00

Juror compliments Davis on “soft sell” – he uses comedy “...what are you gettin' outta this... kicks?” insults Davis “...what are you wasting our time for?” gonna get sore throats Davis – “...here or at the ball game?” what's the difference?

Paradox 38:00 – 39:15

“Nice bunch of guys” — “....about the same as anyone else” “...what a murderous day!...he's guilty for sure” “...wasting your time...” — “Suppose you were on trial” “Suppose you talk us out of it and he's guilty”

SCENE 7 (6:15)

Premise 39:15 – 41:00

Start us off...mounting evidence from witnesses... Davis still doesn't think it's enough...starts on El — Catches sight of men not listening and playing tic-tac-toe Davis – “This isn't a game”, snatches the paper away

Problem 41:00 – 42:45

How long does it take an El train to pass? 10 seconds The El is so noisy you can't hear yourself think Take 2 testimonies and put them together in time Old man would have to hear boy with El roaring past his nose

Dilemma 42:45 – 44:00

Impossible to hear / possible? Boy yelled it Even if yelled, identified? Can't be that accurate / should be Why lie? whats to gain? – attention maybe Juror threatens father Juror about respect for elders

Paradox 44:00 – 45:30

Why lie? Old man's jacket was torn, leg dragging. Ashamed. Insignificant. Nobody seeks his advice after 75 years Needs to be listened to. Made himself believe testimony “What do you know about it?” – Juror was describing self

SCENE 8 (7:15)

Premise 45:30 – 46:45

“I'm gonna kill you” did he mean it. We say it all the time. Father says anyone that says that means it Banker yelled last week. would boy shout it? Much too bright Bright? “he don't even speak good English” — “doesn't”

Problem 46:45

Juror from slums changes vote to “not guilty” 9-3 “...kids own lawyer knew he didn't stand a chance” Public defender, no glory, no money Who could possibly defend him? Maybe his mother

Dilemma 48:30 – 50:45

A few notes, if boy killed father at 12 and came back three Why would he come back? came back to get knife? State of panic? where did it start where did it end? Woman screamed – wouldn't that affect behavior of killer?

Paradox 50:45 – 52:45

Maybe the boy did do it maybe not – there's reasonable doubt He's twisting the facts and flip-flopping Calls for vote – watchmaker changes vote Explain why you changed your vote – that's not the knife

SCENE 9 (7:00)

Premise 52:45 – 54:30

What about the old man who witnessed – “ran?” 15 seconds Wait.... “Did the old man say he ran to the door?” They argue whether it was 15 seconds vs 20 seconds How could the old witness be positive about anything?

Problem 54:30 – 56:30

Recalls the old man's testimony Layout diagram – 55 feet in 15 seconds Do you think he could have done it? needed help vs not far “What kind of bum lawyer...” — “That's what I've been asking.”

Dilemma 56:30 – 58:00

Marks off the room for demonstration “Insane...wasting everybody's time...” Starts walking... “OK I'll go a little faster” It takes 41 seconds – almost triple the time

Paradox 58:00 – 59:45

Davis says the old witness probably assumed he saw the boy Angry juror claims the rest are “bleeding hearts” “...Are you his executioner?” — “I'm one of them” — “sadist” “I'll kill him” — “You don't really mean you'll kill me...?”

SCENE 10 (6:45)

Premise 59:45 – 1:01:30

They settle back to their seats Watchmaker's speech about the strength of democracy “...cat licks it up” joke – it looks like it'll storm soon Broker denies he ever sweats

Problem 1:01:30 – 1:03:45

One asks for another vote, open ballot, none object Foreman calls off each first is himself – “Oh, that's me” Some vote 'guilty' others 'not guilty' Number 12 juror is called twice before he answers “Guilty”

Dilemma 1:03:00 – 1:05:00

Vote is 6-6 – “...extra innings” Older men argue about 'type of boy' vs 'facts' “How come you changed your vote?” You think too much like the rest

Paradox 1:05:00 – 1:06:30

Starts raining so they push windows down – Coach helps Davis This reminds Coach of a big storm last November Right in the middle of a game – down 7-6 – moving the ball Started moving the ball – started raining “that was murder”

ACT THREE (28:45)

SCENE 11 (5:15)

Premise 1:06:30 – 1:07:45

Salesman is hot and bored Tries fan, it works! Enjoys breeze, shoots paper into blades bounces off Throws another it hits old man in the face – he apologizes

Problem 1:08:15 – 1:09:15

“We're going nowhere here” should declare a hung jury Haven't been in long enough for judge to accept that Maybe you don't understand the term “reasonable doubt” 'They' come over here telling 'Us' how to run the show

Dilemma 1:09:15 – 1:10:30

The boy couldn't remember the names of the movie The boy was questioned under great emotional stress Boy named them in court – coached by lawyer? He'll take the evidence, emotional stress or not

Paradox 1:10:30 – 1:11:45

Davis to Broker “Where were you last night?“and nights before Broker gets the movie title wrong Broker can't remember the names of the actors Broker who never sweats, sweats.

SCENE 12 (5:15)

Premise 1:11:45 – 1:13:00

Old man think points been made – juror 10 disagrees “Look at that rain. There goes your ball game.” “It's only a shower... infield covered” dinner? banker knife Banker says “there's something I'd like to say”

Problem – 1:13:00 – 1:14:15

Boy was shorter than father Awkward to stab down into a taller person Demonstration “Real” fake stab – down and in...

Dilemma 1:14:15 – 1:15:30

Juror from slums – “ever see a knife fight?...I have” Switchblade never used overhanded always underhanded Could it have been any other way? Why not... Adman says “I don't know” when asked if he believes it

Paradox 1:15:30 – 1:17:00

Baseball Fan – “not guilty” because he's “had enough” The others pounce on him for not having a good reason Watchmaker – “What kind of man are you?” wants better reason Fan fumbles as he says he doesn't think they boy's guilty

SCENE 13 (6:00)

Premise 1:17:00 – 1:18:15

Calls another vote Now 9-3 – Adman and Foreman have switched Juror 10 gets on the other jury members for believing the boy Juror 10 “You know how these people lie. It's born in them.”

Problem 1:18:15 – 1:19:45

Juror from slums storms away from the table while he's talking More Jurors leave as he continues his racist rant “Listen” “I have. Now sit down & don't open your mouth again.” Almost in a trance, he goes to sit

Dilemma 1:19:45 – 1:21:15

Prejudice obscures the truth “I don't really know what the truth is.” “We may be trying to let a guilty man go free” Reasonable doubt – “...how you three are still so sure.”

Paradox 1:21:15 – 1:23:00

Two reasons – woman eye witness, method of stabbing seen No rebuttal from Davis Adman says “I-I don't know” as Broker pushes him for reasons Adman abruptly changes vote to 'guilty' – now 8-4

SCENE 14 (6:15)

Premise 1:23:00 – 1:24:15

Ready to declare hung jury if no arguments Davis wants to go over it again Juror tries to start a discussion on time-limit – rubs nose Old man interrupts asking if he's OK – why rub nose

Problem 1:24:15 – 1:26:00

Eyeglasses bother, makes two impressions on nose Woman witness had same marks on her nose He didn't think about it then...but now... She was about 45 trying to look 35

Dilemma 1:26:00 – 1:28:00

“How do you know whether she wore glasses?” Other jurors confirm marks “Could those marks be made by anything other than eyeglasses?” Maybe she thought she saw the killing but only saw a blur

Paradox 1:28:00 – 1:29:15

All I know is the woman's eyesight is in question now “...identify a person 60 ft away, at night, without glasses” Is it possible she made a mistake – 3 jurors flip 'not guilty' “You said we could throw out all other evidence”

SCENE 15 (6:00)

Premise 1:29:15 – 1:31:15

“You're alone.” 11 vs 1 Silence...“We want to hear your arguments” Father juror recites all the condemning evidence and rebuttals Says he has all the facts – photo falls out of wallet

Problem 1:31:15 – 1:32:30

“That's it, that's the whole case” The other jurors stare at him in silence – “Say something!” “...bunch of bleeding hearts” “...not gonna intimidate me” He breaks down – “rotten kids...not guilty”

Dilemma 1:32:30 – 1:34:00

The men exit the table, Davis and father juror are last two Father juror still has his head down, Davis grabs coat for him Davis offers to help him with his jacket, he accepts Davis looks back at the empty table as if reminiscing

Paradox 1:34:00 – 1:35:15

Everyone is departing Old juror waves down Davis He introduces himself and asks Davis's name... ...Nothing more is said except 'bye' as they part ways


Examine the story structures of the following breakdowns:

A Story's Structure (Overview)


Blade Runner 2049



more coming soon