A Story's Structure: My Neighbor Totoro

by Adam W. Parker

Each scene has been broken down as follows:

Scene # (Duration)





For all the musings about the sense of atmosphere, make no mistake, “My Neighbor Totoro” stands on a rock solid structural foundation, with ~20 minute acts and ~5 minute scenes – never failing to tell a story at any moment.

(CREDITS 0:00 – 2:15)

ACT ONE (18:15)

SCENE 1 (3:45)

Two sisters and dad moving

A man is on the road – sisters hide – not police, they wave “hi”

Meet boy, tells new neighbors to stop by

Excited about how creepy new house is – maybe haunted!

SCENE 2 (3:30)

Huge tree, what is it?

Walk on knees in house, acorns

acorns are falling from ceiling – squirrels or rats?

little creatures – soot gremlins or ghosts

SCENE 3 (6:00)

Dad tells girls to find stairs and open window, they do, but it's dark

Go upstairs, gremlins scurry, Satsuki opens window & leaves

Mei stays, stares, finger in hole – burst! catches one!

Granny is downstairs, Mei's catch vanished! – they're 'soot sprites'

SCENE 4 (5:00)

Fetches water to clean house – cleaning montage

Nervous boy delivers package – “your house is haunted!”

It's cake, harsh winds, prepares dinner, storm moves in

Satsuki's scared, Dad laughs loudly, it makes scary things go away

ACT TWO (20:30)

SCENE 5 (3:30)

Wash clothes, done with chores – time to see mom

Bike ride to hospital, boy sticks tongue out

They travel, get lost, take a break, arrive

Tell mom about haunted house, Mei sleep with mom / not scared

SCENE 6 (5:00)

Dad oversleeps, Satsuki makes lunch for everyone

Satsuki has school friend already, Mei runs “errands”

Mei – “Lunch time yet?” – Dad “We just ate”, Mei explores

“Ghost Rabbit” appears, Mei follows, it disappears, under house

SCENE 7 (6:00)

Ghost Rabbits try to sneak past Mei, she catches them, chases

They run into a secret tunnel, Mei follows, falls into tree hole

Encounters big animal, it's asleep, she tries to wake it

Mei introduces herself and names Totoro, falls asleep on him

SCENE 8 (6:00)

Satsuki gets home, Dad lost track of time, Mei's missing

Search, finds hat, tunnel, and Mei lying down

She wakes up – “Where's Totoro”, was she dreaming?

Finds tree – no opening, trees and humans – friends, Letter to mom

ACT THREE (20:30)

SCENE 9 (5:00)

Mei left with Granny, Boy admires Satsuki, teacher catches him

Mei appears at school with Granny, demanded to see Satsuki

Mei's in classroom – drawing Totoro, dark clouds

Heavy rain, Boy shoves umbrella to Satsuki runs away – smiles

SCENE 10 (4:00)

Satsuki wants to take umbrella to Dad, returns boy's umbrella

Sisters wait at stop, Dad's not on the bus, next one for sure

Getting late, Mei's sleepy, sleeps on Satsuki

Totoro shows up to wait at the bus stop

SCENE 11 (5:00)

Leaf on head – too small, rain hits his nose

Satsuki offers him umbrella, he uses it

Enjoys umbrella, stomps so ran patters on it. Catbus arrives

Gives Satsuki a gift, takes umbrella, leaves on catbus, Dad arrives

SCENE 12 (6:30)

Letter to mom, Totoro gifted acorns, planted but won't grow

During the night Totoro shows up, performs ritual, sprout appears

Seeds continue to grow to form one huge tree

Totoro spins top, takes Sisters on ride high in the sky

ACT FOUR (22:30)

SCENE 13 (4:30)

Dad is out, Sisters & Granny pick vegetables, garden's like a market

Mom is visiting home, plan to give her veggies to heal her

Telegram – Dad won't be home til later, opens, hospital – bad news?

Go to find phone, Mei runs after but gets lost

SCENE 14 (4:00)

Satsuki manages to call dad, he calms her and says he'll call back

Mei catches up with Satsuki, Mom isn't doing well, no visit

Mei refuses to accept, Satsuki – “You want her to die, Mei?”

Granny says “just a cold”, Satsuki “...dead already?”, cries

SCENE 15 (6:00)

Mei runs away towards hospital alone, they can't find her

No passersby have scene Mei

Boy says everyone's looking but no luck, found sandal in the pond

Rescue searchers probe pond, Satsuki arrives, not Mei's sandal

SCENE 16 (8:00)

Satsuki runs to big tree, asks to see Totoro, in tunnel

Trips and falls on Totoro, asks for help, he calls catbus

Satsuki boards catbus, trees part as the scamper

Finds Mei, to hospital, Mom is OK, girls spy from tree


Thank you.

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A Story's Structure (Overview)

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