A Story's Structure: Sicario

Something unique about this work is the B story sprinkled throughout the narrative following Silvio's Son. Interestingly enough, it is divided into four parts. Coincidence? :–)

FORMAT: Scenes are divided into their four parts – Premise, Problem, Dilemma, Paradox. Furthermore, each part has it's own Premise, Problem, Dilemma, Paradox in the four line descriptions below it.

ACT ONE {38:00}

SCENE 1 {6:15}

Premise 1:00 – 2:45

Soldiers in suburbia, Kate & Reggie in truck with FBI teammates

Truck rams through house, taking perps by surprise

Agents arrest perps, Kate clears rooms, empty, empty...

Shots miss Kate, she returns fire, hits – suspect down

Problem 2:45 – 3:45

Man's dead, a hole's in the wall, Kate's OK, Reggie enters

Reggie sees something in the hole in the wall – WTF

Peel away dry wall, massive stench forces them back

Two dead bodies, bloody with plastic wrapped on their heads

Dilemma 3:45 – 5:45

Throwing up outside, Kate and Reggie gather themselves

Subordinate asks what to report, Kate says “the truth”

Dave arrives to survey scene, How many? Lots and probably more

They know Manuel Diaz is involved – no way to prove it

Paradox 5:45 – 7:15

Reggie breaks outside, PD is clearing shed

A floor door is uncovered, a lock is on it, call for cutters

“PD found something”, Kate goes toward the door —

Explosion! – dust, debris, blood — a severed arm

SCENE 2 {5:45}

Premise 7:15 – 8:15

Kate showers off the blood from the catastrophe

Kate's hands tremble as she tends her head wound

Kate stares into her reflection in the fogged mirror

News report – “Such a heavy body count this close to Phoenix...”

Problem 8:15 – 9:15

In DHS with Reggie – “What's going on”, officials talk Kate's resume

Official calls her a “Thumper” – her 5th Officer Involved Shooting

Reggie? Matt – “No lawyers on this train, just give me the girl”

Kate turns around – all eyes on her

Dilemma 9:15 – 11:00

They call her in, Manuel Diaz is senior member of a cartel

They inform Kate who's ignorant of Diaz's brother and cousin

Kate “This is not my department”, runs kidnap response team

Matt – “Are you married?” Kate – “Am I married?”

Paradox 11:00 – 13:00

Told to wait outside, Who are they? No clue, Matt wears flip flops

call Kate in, introduces Matt, expanding scope, she'll act as liaison

Where – “El Paso 'area'”, objective – “dramatically overreact”

Find men responsible? “The men who are really responsible”

SCENE A (part) {1:45}

Premise 13:00 – 14:45

Son wakes up father to get ready for his soccer match, says “OK”

Excited Son tells Mom to make eggs and coffee, father reflects

At breakfast, Father sneaks alcohol in coffee, wife catches him

Father winks at son, son “winks” back with both eyes

SCENE 3 {4:15}

Premise 14:45 – 16:00

Reggie's driving Kate to airport to ID checkpoint

Reggie not on list, he has to turn around

Kate diffuses, will call Reggie, he leaves

Matt leads her to board a luxury private jet

Problem 16:00 – 17:00

“DOD flies around in private jets now?”

Alejandro intro – “Been to Juarez before?”

Kate thought El Paso, Matt sleepily dismisses question

Awkward silence from Alejandro

Dilemma 17:00 – 18:00

Jet takes off from tarmac

Over desert with mountains in the distance

Over more radical, indistinct territory

Two unidentified pilots at the helm

Paradox 18:00 – 19:00

Alejandro is sleeping, his hand is shaking

He suddenly wakes up from nightmare, startling Kate

Kate – “Are you OK?”, probes Alejandro for more info

Alejandro – “Asking how a watch works ...keep an eye on the time”

SCENE 4 {5:00}

Premise 19:00 – 20:00

Steve gives them ride, small talk with Matt

Matt talks about Fiji, Steve – “Leave Fiji alone terrorists”

Matt – “Who's going over there today?” marshals, DEA...

He pulled a team, Matt “...'team' makes me feel all warm and fuzzy”

Problem 20:00 – 21:45

Leader explains Juarez mission to room full of police and soldiers

Calls Matt “man of the hour”, he plans to come along

Jokingly, Keith asks “you sober?”, Matt jokes back

Leader “Anyone not in this room is a potential shooter”

Dilemma 21:45 – 23:00

Kate hangs back and probes Alejandro – was a DA

Kate “Who do you work for?” Alejandro – “I go where I'm sent”

Kate “Where were you sent from?” Alejandro “Cartagena”

Alejandro “...you'll doubt everything...in the end you'll understand”

Paradox 23:00 – 24:00

Matt enters, Kate – “Is he CIA? Are you?”, Matt, DoD just follow

Kate not authorized to obey Alejandro, especially in Mexico

Matt “Fine...stay here”, Kate “...want to know what I'm getting into”

Matt – “You know you're doing nothing in Phoenix”

SCENE 5 {5:30}

Premise 24:00 – 25:30

Landscape of nice orderly houses in grid streets

beyond neighborhood, land is indistinct desert

A fence separates similar roads, but one is paved with power lines

Nestled in the wilderness – Juarez

Problem 25:30 – 26:15

Steve – “President Taft went to visit...took 4,000 men with him”

“It almost was called off...some guy had a pistol”

”...just walk up and blow [Taft's] brains out...but it was avoided”

“4,000 troops – think he felt safe?”

Dilemma 26:15 – 27:45

SUV Convoy quickly crosses into Juarez

Heavily armed policia joins to escort convoy

The policia accelerate beside them

Alejandro readies himself for possible attack

Paradox 27:45 – 29:30

Citizens hanging out, not minding the police activity

Closed bridge alters path, Alejandro – “Welcome to Juarez”

Mutilated bodies hang from the bridge with a banner

Steve – “It's brilliant, what they do” – make it seemed deserved

SCENE 6 {4:30}

Premise 29:30 – 31:00

Convoy stops

Gunshots in the distance

Missing women posters

Steve – “Those aren't firecrackers”

Problem 31:00 – 32:00

Convoy pulls into facility, Matt and others enter

Alejandro – “Nothing will happen here”

Alejandro – “Keep an eye out for the State Police...”

The large group exits with one man with a bag over his head

Dilemma 32:00 – 33:00

Convoy takes off with prisoner

Spotter vehicle tracks their speed

They call it out – “Eyes on rooftops”

Spotter vehicle disappears from view

Paradox 33:00 – 34:00

Policia escorts peel off, authorities wave convoy through

Traffic jam at border crossing

“What are we gonna do now?”

“Car broke down up ahead...gonna take a while, stand by”

SCENE 7 {4:00}

Premise 34:00 -35:00

Cars of unsuspecting people drive bumper-to-bumper

Suspicious car, Alejandro tells Kate to take her service weapon out

They call out red Impala and green Civic as potential threats

Alejandro points gun at the cars, telling Kate to roll window down

Problem 35:00 – 36:00

Alejandro – “Gun!”, rules “...must be engaged to engage”

They are denied permission to exit vehicle until suspects do

See lane clearing, “If it's coming it's coming now”

“Sleeping” gangster is holding a gun

Dilemma 36:00 – 37:00

Convoy stares down cars

Tattooed gangster exits car, soldiers establish perimeter

Standoff with young gangster, Alejandro – “Do you want to die?”

First car group killed, Kate – “WTF are we doing?”

Paradox 36:45 – 38:00

Guns on second car, Steve shakes head 'don't try it'

As they retreat – second car group attacks, gets killed

State Police attempts to kill Kate, she shoots him

National news? Steve – “Won't even make the papers in El Paso”

ACT TWO {40:00}

SCENE 8 {5:30}

Premise 38:00 – 39:15

Team all exit and go inside, Matt – “...got a little nutty, huh?”

Kate confronts Matt – “that was f'n illegal”

Matt says she's here because he knew Reggie wasn't ready

Matt – “This is the future, Kate”

Problem 39:15 – 40:15

Steve is giving Guillermo water in interrogation room

Matt – “You didn't think we'd get you...” G. – “No hablo ingles”

Matt – “I love it when they 'no hablo ingles'”

Matt – “I brought and old buddy of yours, I'll bet you'll hablo to him”

Dilemma 40:15 – 41:45

Visitor kept prisoner alive, apologizes for difficulty of mission

Alejandro asks about Visitor's family

Visitor informs about Fausto's tunnel into Arizona, time ticking

Alejandro tells visitor that it's better that he not go into the room

Paradox 41:45 – 43:30

Matt hums patriotic song as Alejandro enters

Steve steps out and turns off camera

Matt – “...keep looking at me for? No hablas ingles, remember?”

No questions asked, struggling is heard

SCENE 9 {4:30}

Premise 43:30 – 45:15

Kate gets a cigarette from a soldier

Another soldier – “Like fireworks? Wanna see something cool?”

They travel up rooftop, gunshots can be heard

Explosion – Juarez in chaos, Kate “Unbelievable”

Problem 45:15 46:15

Matt's on the phone setting up things in Tucson

Reggie “They let me on base when you need a ride, don't they”

Reggie asks Kate if she's OK, Matt – “She's fine”

Reggie – “Who's that?” Kate – “We're going to Tucson”

Dilemma 46:15 – 47:15

They pull into an immigration facility and are confronted by Official

Official “...Matt, why are you holding up my transport

Official “How's the auditor gonna react...$8,000...Dominoes Pizza”

Reggie – “..what happened in El Paso” K. – “...we weren't in El Paso”

Paradox 47:15 – 48:00

Kate walks to hundreds of immigrants sit on the floor near buses

A group of men, some look at her

Kate averts her eyes, then looks up

A group of women, all stare at her

SCENE 10 {5:00}

Premise 48:00 – 49:15

A. – “We want to talk to the people caught around Nogales area”

Translator tells groups A, D, and E to stay, everyone else on buses

The people hesitate to move, but comply

Kate – “What are we looking for?” Matt – “Just keep watching”

Problem 49:15 – 50:30

Alejandro asks where immigrants are from, about their families, etc

Reggie wants to get some answers as to what's going on

Kate already asked, “You think you can do better?” – Reggie – “Yeah”

Kate – “Go ahead”— Reggie immediately and loudly calls Matt over

Dilemma 50:30 – 51:45

Reggie – “I want to know objective or I walk” Kate – “I walk too”

Matt – “What do you wanna know?” Reggie – “Everything”

Guillermo told about a tunnel, trying to find where migrants avoid

Kate doesn't believe Guillermo 'just told' them where drug tunnel is

Paradox – 51:45 – 53:00

Reggie – “Just tell us the truth”, Matt “...get Manuel to go see boss”

Alejandro on Fausto, everyday people are kidnapped/killed for him

Reggie – “just don't keep us in the dark” Alejandro “...afraid?”

They get sent home, Reggie “drove 100 miles”, Kate – “blessing”

SCENE 11 {4:15}

Premise 53:00-54:15

Kate lays in bed dejected

On computer looking up gruesome images of drug war

She continues to click through faster, expressionless

Can't take it anymore, slams computer closed, grabs cigarette

SCENE A (part) {0:45}

Problem 54:15-55:00

Mother calls Son to come eat, they sit at table

Son – “Where's Dad?” Mom – “He's working”

Son – “When's he back?” Mom – “I don't know”

She pauses eating and looks at him concerned

SCENE 11 (cont'd)

Problem 55:00 – 56:00

Reggie probes in Kates personal life, K. “Ask me something else”

Reggie warns Kate about Matt, CIA or DoD

Reggie – “You need somebody watching your 6...”

K. – “not scratching surface” R. – “Sure picked... MFers to show us”

Dilemma 56:00 – 56:45

Kate and Reggie arrive at motel

Matt cracks door and jokes “What's the password”

Told to observe as immigrants explain crossing locations

Alejandro – “This is our spot”, the immigrants collectively “No”

Paradox 56:45 – 58:00

Immigrant – “[It's] drug land...never cross where there are tunnels”

Immigrant – “For years it was the best place to cross...”

Alejandro asks him to mark the trail, hidden behind and old car

Matt – “So Guillermo was telling the truth”

SCENE 12 {6:30}

Premise 58:00 – 59:30

Bank surveillance cameras

Matt points out target and importance of receipt

She leaves bank, SWAT raid and arrest her

Matt “Even if his dog opened an account...freeze it”

Problem 59:30

Officer – “Mobile money launderer”, dumps out banded wads

Kate – “You coming?” Matt – “Don't go in the bank”

Kate gets recorded by cameras, Investigator has frozen accounts

Line of credit – Investigator – “This money is invisible”

Dilemma 1:01:00 – 1:02:15

Matt – “It's a bogus bust, Kate. You can't prosecute it...”

Kate – prosecute, Matt – “gotta get Manuel called back to Mexico”

While his kids play in the pool, Manuel Diaz gets word

Diaz holds the same colored band in his hand

Paradox 1:02:15 – 1:04:30

The criminal activity is suspect but isn't illegal

Prosecuted more than last 2 years combined – feeling it?

Bring in people like Matt to stir the pot – create opportunities

FBI Director “The boundaries' been moved”

SCENE 13 {6:15}

Premise 1:04:30 – 1:06:15

Kate grabs beers, spaces out, Ted is at bar

Reggie talks about her “bra situation”

Team says Kate used to look the best, but now, no

Kate “You sound like my mother”, R. – “Maybe I am your mother”

Problem 1:05:30 – 1:07:15

Ted at bar is looking over as Reggie continues to chatter

Kate – “Where have you taken me”

Ted comes over, “You gonna introduce me?”

Kate remembers Ted struck out in slow pitch softball

Dilemma 1:07:15 – 1:08:15

Reggie – “Ted, he's a good guy...divorced”

At table Ted tells Kate something in her ear, she smiles

Kate and Ted enjoy dancing

The dancing transforms into kissing

Paradox 1:08:15 – 1:10:45

Ted and Kate kiss in Kate's apartment

Kate sees Ted has same colored band, she stops

Kate tries to fight Ted and get her gun

Alejandro is there with gun pointed at Ted

SCENE 14 {5:30}

Premise 1:10:45 – 1:12:00

Kate – “You used me as bait”

Matt – “You used yourself as bait. I told you not to go in the bank”

Pretend like it was planned. Good news, plan is working

Reggie – “I thought he was a friend”

Problem 1:12:00 – 1:13:45

Ted asks how he's going to talk if they keep hitting him

Matt asks him about other dirty cops, Ted avoids question

Alejandro pulls Ted's hair, Ted – “OK, OK!!”

M. – beauty of beat to pulp “No one...notice a few more scratches”

Dilemma 1:13:45 – 1:14:30

Matt will get to decide if his daughter gets federal protection

Ted stalls, says he's in over his head

Alejandro gives Ted a 'wet willy' – he screams “get it out!”

A. – “which phone” T. – “The sh*tty one” A. – “That's the sh*tty one?”

Paradox 1:14:30 – 1:16:15

Alejandro asks how Kate's feeling – “You should have shot him”

Kate – “I just tried to have sex with my hitman”

Alejandro, it wasn't a hit – “They're after us, not you”

Alejandro – “You remind me of someone very special to me”

SCENE A (part) {1:45}

Dilemma 1:16:15 – 1:18:00

Son brings Father breakfast

Son asks Father if he's working today? Father – “Tonight”

Son – “Do you want to play soccer in the park?”, Father agrees

Son reaches to touch father's gun, Father “Never touch that!”

ACT THREE {37:00}

SCENE 15 {4:30}

Premise 1:18:00 – 1:19:30

Kate – “...what's the plan”, Matt – “We're going hunting”

Alejandro greets Kate, gently asks her about how she's doing

Soldier briefs his team, Matt – “...consider [Uniforms] bandits too”

Soldier asks Matt for RoE, Matt – “We'll save that for later”

Problem 1:19:30 – 1:20:30

Soldier – “...clearing and placing an agent...creating a diversion”

Confirmation on Diaz moving, 'not dressed', 'didn't tell us'

“CIA can't operate within borders w/o domestic agency attached”

Matt – “That's it. That's why you're here”

Dilemma 1:20:30 – 1:21:30

In shock Kate walks out to the car, plates, “Front and back”

Reggie – “Kate, f*ck these people...we don't have to do this”

Reggie wants to walk, Kate – “No. I have to know”

3 SUV convoy pulls out from cheap motel

Paradox 1:21:30 – 1:22:30

A load of drugs are carted out in a garage

The Father from earlier is waiting with an open trunk

They load the drugs into the State Police car

He pulls out on his way, a storm is on the horizon

SCENE 16 {4:45}

Premise 1:22:30 – 1:23:30

Diaz crosses the border

Gotta hit tunnel as soon as they get there

Update on target location, everyone is suiting up incl. Kate & Reg

Soldier – “Don't shoot anyone on my f*cking team”

Problem 1:23:30 – 1:24:45

Alejandro suits up in black

Alejandro tests night vision, looks at Kate

They split squads and move out

They descend into horizon and vanish in the darkness

Dilemma 1:24:45 – 1:26:15

Weapons drawn, they travel and scan area

Soldiers running, see car body that's a sign the entrance is close

Satellite image of two teams splitting up

Two teams meet up – leader gives look back (don't shoot my team)

Paradox 1:26:30 – 1:27:15

“12 meters straight ahead”

Matt – “Need to boogie...quiet 'til we find the center”

Alejandro – “Draw fighters...Don't follow me, I'll be fine”

RoE? Matt “Weapons free, my friend. Weapons free”

SCENE 17 {4:45}

Premise 1:27:15 – 1:28:45

They position themselves at the tunnel entrance

Leader enters tunnel wielding knife

Knife slashes are heard, gagging and grunts

Follow a trail of dead bodies to Leader

Problem 1:28:45 – 1:29:45

Kate and rest of team move down into tunnel

light in tunnel – A soldier removes his helmet and advances

Kate bumps her head, keeps moving...

Kate and Reggie remove helmets and advance

Dilemma 1:29:45 – 1:30:45

Shooting and yelling starts

Soldiers lay down suppressive fire, Matt joins in to help

Shooting intensifies as they move deeper into the tunnel

Kate is hit in the weapon, Reggie – “Leave it, stay on my 6”

Paradox 1:30:45 – 1:32:00

Alejandro goes deeper in tunnel

Kate leaves Reggie and follows

Father argues with worker to hurry, he's shot by Alejandro

Kate tells Alejandro to freeze, Alejandro shoots Kate in vest

SCENE 18 {5:00}

Premise 1:32:00 – 1:33:00

Alejandro reports in, gets directions from radio

Alejandro tells Silvio what to do

Silvio – “I have a son”

Alejandro – “What you do now is for your family”

Problem 1:33:00 – 1:34:30

Matt congratulates team on clean op

Reggie – “Where's Kate?”, Kate appears, punches Matt in the face

Matt trips her, Reggie fights soldiers – pinned gun to face

She struggles as Matt tells her to stop moving

Dilemma 1:34:30 – 1:36:15

Matt – “...wrong tunnel, you saw things you shouldn't have seen”

Kate – “What is Medellin?”, he explains it's about control

Kate thinks Alejandro = Cartel, Matt says he works for whoever

Matt – “So he can get the person who cut off his wife's head...”

Paradox 1:36:15 – 1:37:00

Kate – “He can't do this”

Kate – “I'm not the person you're gonna hide it all behind”

Kate – “I'm gonna talk” Matt – “No, you're not”

Kate – “I'll tell everyone...” Matt – “That would be a major mistake”

SCENE 19 {5:45}

Premise 1:37:00 – 1:38:00

Ride in car, see car on road, Alejandro confirms it's Diaz

Alejandro tells Silvio “Accelerate. You're going to pull over that car” Silvio does, Diaz looking in rear-view – “This motherf*cker”

Diaz slows, Alejandro – “Very good”

Problem 1:38:00 – 1:39:30

Diaz pulls over, removes gun from bag

Silvio told to order Diaz to 'leave the car', stays in, again, leaves

Raise jacket, Diaz – “You know who I am?”, Silvio – “I'll kill you”

Alejandro – “What a good police officer you make, Silvio”

Dilemma 1:39:30 – 1:41:00

Alejandro tells Silvio to exit the car, he hesitantly complies

Diaz – “What do you want?”, Alejandro kills Silvio, wounds Diaz

Diaz – “Do you know who I am?”, A. – “I know who you are”

A. – “If you try anything, your daughters will be violated by 20 men”

Paradox 1:41:00 – 1:42:45

Diaz gets in car at Alejandro's gunpoint, Silvio lays dead on road

They arrive. Guard – “it's Manuel Diaz. Clear”, instantly shot dead

Diaz – “What happens when we get to the house”

Diaz creeps, guards investigate, he's bleeding out, all shot dead

SCENE 20 {5:00}

Premise 1:42:45 – 1:44:00

Alejandro enters house, Radio “6 remain”

Moves thru the house, shoots guard dead

Sees family of 4 eating. Maid and him lock eyes, she stays silent

He spits in the house as he approaches

Problem 1:44:00 – 1:45:30

Alejandro pulls gun on Fausto – “Stay calm or we're dead”

Alejandro asks if children speak English, no, then they will

Alejandro – “Eat, eat”, no one moves

A. – “Every night you have families killed and yet here you dine”

Dilemma 1:45:30 – 1:46:30

F. – “Do you think the people that sent you here are any different”

F. – “Your wife, you think she'd be proud of what you've become”

A. – “don't forget about my daughter”, Fausto – “It wasn't personal”

Alejandro – “For me it is”

Paradox 1:46:30 – 1:47:45

Fausto – “Not in front of my boys”

Wife starts crying as Alejandro stares at Fausto

Alejandro – “Time to meet God” Alejandro kills Fausto's family

Alejandro – “Go ahead and finish your meal”, kills Fausto

SCENE 21 {6:30}

Premise 1:47:45 – 1:50:00

Kate smokes on balcony, senses a presence

A. – “I would recommend not standing on balconies for a while”

Alejandro sits with gun, tells Kate to sit

A. – “You remind me of the daughter they took away from me”

Problem 1:50:00 – 1:51:15

He needs her to sign a paper saying the operation was by the book

Kate – “I can't sign that”, Alejandro – “Sign it”

Kate stares at the paper, begins to cry

Alejandro comforts her “It's OK”, leads her hand to the pen

Dilemma 1:51:15 – 1:53:00

Kate – “I can't sign that”

Alejandro puts gun to her head, “You would be committing suicide”

She thinks as tears stream down, he wipes them

A. “You should move to a small town...rule of law still exists”

Paradox 1:53:00 – 1:54:15

Kate points a gun at Alejandro as he walks away

He stares at her and calmly faces her

She breaks down trembling and tearing up

She lowers the gun, he walks away

SCENE A (part) {1:00}

Paradox 1:54:15 – 1:55:15

Son stares at father's empty bed

His soccer game begins, no lines on field

Son takes shot – distant gunshots ring out pausing the action

Whistle blows and they continue playing


Thank you.

Examine the story structures of the following breakdowns:

A Story's Structure (Overview)

12 Angry Men

Blade Runner 2049


Fake Scenes vs. Real Scenes

more coming soon