Thinking about this drive to diversify what one does. Whether it’s writing too many things at once – be those fiction or my attempts to maintain this log and a newsletter – or the desire to create in various media.

I know people who just write, or just draw, and that’s it. I don’t know if they have better or happier creative lives, but I do know that some of them have a more consistent output.

But then, is the idea to put out as many things as possible? I know writers who write too many books too fast, and too much of the comics medium works around this idea of compromising between quality and quantity.

I have no conclusion here – I struggle with the right number of books on my plate to letter, let alone the other things I do with my time.

I do know that I wouldn’t be happy simply lettering and then being an audience member the rest of the time. I’d need to create something or the other. The question is: is it better to think more deeply about what that something is before I do it, or is it better to do and figure out while doing whether it was worth it?

#journal #writing