day fourteen

A Museum Artifact Kind Of Love

A small joy A momentary pleasure Just a thing to gaze upon Convince yourself And make believe It means something real Something of historical significance Once important.

Long forgotten Viewed on occassion Viewed on a long walk A walk in a circle that never ends A train that got off nowhere A new ticket to the past In the warm messy circle of my life.

I'll pick up the dewy gossamer snow globe then Place it my jacket Hope time doesn't play pick pocket So you won't slip away again.

But no, oh no No you can't take it home with you Nestle it in your pocket Or place it in your heart Let it slip Let it stay In the historical museum Of your glassy memory.

Just enjoy the The lingering niggling surviving dewdrops Before they too vaporize, Just like my memories of you.

#100DaysToOffload #NotAPoet