day twenty three

Quotes – Part 2

(A continuation of Quotes – Part 1)

The White Book by Han Kang

“Standing at this border where land and water meet, watching the seemingly endless recurrence of the waves (though this eternity is in fact illusion: the earth will one day vanish, everything will one day vanish), the fact that our lives are no more than brief instants is felt with unequivocal clarity.”

“The fortresses of the old quarter, the splending palace, the lakeside villa on the outskirts where royalty once summered — all are fakes. They are all new things, painstakingly reconstructed based on photographs, pictures, maps. Where a pillar or perhaps the lowest part of a wall happens to have survived, it has been incorporated into the new structure. The boundaries which separate old from new, the seams bearing witness to destruction, lie conspicuously exposed. It was on that day, as I walked through the park, that she first came into my mind. A person who has met the same fate as that city.”

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

“Truly amazing, what people can get used to, as long as there are a few compensations.”

“Nevertheless Moira was our fantasy. We hugged her to us, she was with us in secret, a giggle; she was lava beneath the crust of daily life. In the light of Moira, the Aunts were less fearsome and more absurd. Their power had a flaw to it. They could be shanghaied in toilets. The audacity was what we liked.”

The Big Bang Theory Series Finale

“And now, speaking of not listening, my husband, Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Sheldon. What? Did you finish? Great job. Thank you, Dr. Fowler. I have a very long and somewhat self-centered speech here. But I'd like to set it aside.

PENNY: Yea! WOLOWITZ: Way to go! (whoops)

Because this honor doesn't just belong to me. I wouldn't be up here if it weren't for some very important people in my life. Beginning with my mother, father, meemaw, brother and sister. And my other family, who I'm so happy to have here with us. Is that Buffy the Vampire Slayer I was under a misapprehension that my accomplishments were mine alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have been encouraged, sustained, inspired and tolerated not only by my wife, but by the greatest group of friends anyone ever had. I'd like to ask them to stand. Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali. Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski Wolowitz. Astronaut Howard Wolowitz. And my two dearest friends in the world, Penny Hofstadter... ...and Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.

I was there the moment Leonard and Penny met. He said to me that their babies would be smart and beautiful. And now that they're expecting, I have no doubt that that will be the case. Thanks, Sheldon. I-I haven't told my parents yet, but thanks. Oh. I'm sorry. Don't tell anyone that last thing. That's a secret.

Howard, Bernadette, Raj, Penny, Leonard, I apologize if I haven't been the friend you deserve.

But I want you to know in my way, I love you all. And I love you. Thank you.”

Schindler's List Ending Scene

LEVARTOV We've written a letter trying to explain things. In case you're captured. Every worker has signed it.

Schindler sees a list of signatures beginning below the typewritten text and continuing for several pages. He pockets it, this new list of names.

SCHINDLER Thank you.

Stern steps forward and places a ring in Schindler's hand.

It's a gold band, like a wedding ring. Schindler notices an inscription inside it.

STERN It's Hebrew. It says, 'Whoever saves one life, saves the world.'

Schindler slips the ring onto a finger, admires it a moment, nods his thanks, then seems to withdraw.

SCHINDLER (to himself) I could've got more out...

Stern isn't sure he heard right. Schindler steps away from him, from his wife, from the car, from the workers.

SCHINDLER (to himself) I could've got more... if I'd just... I don't know, if I'd just... I could've got more...

STERN Oskar, there are twelve hundred people who are alive because of you. Look at them.

He can't.

SCHINDLER If I'd made more money... I threw away so much money, you have no idea. If I'd just...

STERN There will be generations because of what you did.

SCHINDLER I didn't do enough.

STERN You did so much.

Schindler starts to lose it, the tears coming. Stern, too.

The look on Schindler's face as his eyes sweep across the faces of the workers is one of apology, begging them to forgive him for not doing more.

SCHINDLER This car. Goeth would've bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people, right there, ten more I could've got. (looking around) This pin —

He rips the elaborate Hakenkreus, the swastika, from his lapel and holds it out to Stern pathetically.

SCHINDLER Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would've given me two for it. At least one. He would've given me one. One more. One more person. A person, Stern. For this. One more. I could've gotten one more person I didn't.

He completely breaks down, weeping convulsively, the emotion he's been holding in for years spilling out, the guilt consuming him.

SCHINDLER They killed so many people... (Stern, weeping too, embraces him) They killed so many people...

From above, from a watchtower, Stern can be seen down below, trying to comfort Schindler. Eventually, they separate, and Schindler and Emilie climb into the Mercedes. It slowly pulls out through the gates of the camp. And drives away.

Hang on around for Part 3 – a collection of some of my favorite song lyrics. There are SO MANY that I might restrict it to a single band (Radiohead). We'll see.