
<2018-08-26 Sun> : Mention org-babel-demarcate-block, tweak the org-meta-return advice.

<2018-08-23 Thu> : Use M-return instead of C-return for splitting blocks, support upper-case blocks (though I don't prefer those!)

Problem {#problem}

If I have a huge Org Src block, I'd like to split it into multiple Org Src blocks so that I can write my explanations in-between.

So I'd like to quickly split up:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(message "one")
(message "two")


#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(message "one")

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(message "two")

.. like this.

Click for animation.

Action Plan {#action-plan}

  1. Write a function to return non-nil if point is in any Org block — Not just “src”, “example”, “export” or any of the inbuilt Org blocks.. but also any Org Special block like #+begin_foo .. #+end_foo.
  2. Write a function that does this imagined block splitting.
  3. Overload the M-return binding so that this block splitting function gets called only when the point is inside an Org block (detected using that first function).

<2018-08-26 Sun> Thanks to the comment by reader Mankoff, I learnt about the org-babel-demarcate-block function (bound by default to C-c C-v d and C-c C-v C-d).

This function varies from the solution in this post in at least two ways:

  1. It works only for Org Src blocks.
  2. It splits the block exactly at where the point is, whereas I would like to always split only at EOL or BOL.

But I can see that org-babel-demarcate-block can cover most of the block splitting use cases.

Am I in an Org block? {#org-in-any-block-p}

Before venturing into writing this function, I looked at these existing ones, but none did what I exactly wanted:

org-in-src-block-p : Returns non-nil only if the point is in a #+begin_src .. #+end_src block; not when point is in any other Org block.

org-in-block-p : Returns non-nil only if the point is in one of the pre-defined block names passed as a list ('("src" "example" "quote" ..)). So this again won't work as I cannot pre-define all Org Special blocks.

So I define the below modi/org-in-any-block-p function that returns non-nil if the point is in-between any #+begin_FOOBAR .. #+end_FOOBAR. Thankfully, I was able to reuse a lot of logic from the org-between-regexps-p function (org-in-block-p uses that function internally).

(defun modi/org-in-any-block-p ()
  "Return non-nil if the point is in any Org block.

The Org block can be *any*: src, example, verse, etc., even any
Org Special block.

This function is heavily adapted from `org-between-regexps-p'."
    (let ((pos (point))
          (case-fold-search t)
          (block-begin-re "^[[:blank:]]*#\\+begin_\\(?1:.+?\\)\\(?: .*\\)*$")
          (limit-up (save-excursion (outline-previous-heading)))
          (limit-down (save-excursion (outline-next-heading)))
          beg end)
        ;; Point is on a block when on BLOCK-BEGIN-RE or if
        ;; BLOCK-BEGIN-RE can be found before it...
        (and (or (org-in-regexp block-begin-re)
                 (re-search-backward block-begin-re limit-up :noerror))
             (setq beg (match-beginning 0))
             ;; ... and BLOCK-END-RE after it...
             (let ((block-end-re (concat "^[[:blank:]]*#\\+end_"
                                         (match-string-no-properties 1)
                                         "\\( .*\\)*$")))
               (goto-char (match-end 0))
               (re-search-forward block-end-re limit-down :noerror))
             (> (setq end (match-end 0)) pos)
             ;; ... without another BLOCK-BEGIN-RE in-between.
             (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
             (not (re-search-backward block-begin-re (1+ beg) :noerror))
             ;; Return value.
             (cons beg end))))))
Code Snippet 1: Function to check if point is in any Org block

Caveat : I haven't gone extra lengths to support nested block cases, specifically where the point is outside the inner-most block, but still inside the outer block:

text #+begin_src org ▮ #+begin_src emacs-lisp (message "hello!") #+end_src #+end_src

If so, split the block {#org-block-split}

With the “point in an Org block” detection working, I now needed the split to happen with these rules:

  1. If the point is anywhere on the line, but not at the beginning of the line (BOL),

    • Go to the end of the line, and then split the block.

      So if the point[^fn:1] is after the first message identifier, or at the end of that first message line:

      #+begin_src emacs-lisp
      (message "one")▮
      (message "two")

      Split the block at the point after (message "one") and move the point to between the split blocks:

      #+begin_src emacs-lisp
      (message "one")
      #+begin_src emacs-lisp
      (message "two")
  2. Otherwise (if point is at BOL),

    • Split the block exactly at that point.

      So if the point is at the beginning of the second message line:

      #+begin_src emacs-lisp
      (message "one")
      ▮(message "two")

      Split the block at the point before (message "two") and move the point to between the split blocks:

      #+begin_src emacs-lisp
      (message "one")
      #+begin_src emacs-lisp
      (message "two")

So here's the code that follows that spec:

(defun modi/org-split-block ()
  "Sensibly split the current Org block at point."
  (if (modi/org-in-any-block-p)
          (let ((case-fold-search t)
                (at-bol (bolp))
              (re-search-backward "^\\(?1:[[:blank:]]*#\\+begin_.+?\\)\\(?: .*\\)*$" nil nil 1)
              (setq block-start (match-string-no-properties 0))
              (setq block-end (replace-regexp-in-string
                               "begin_" "end_" ;Replaces "begin_" with "end_", "BEGIN_" with "END_"
                               (match-string-no-properties 1))))
            ;; Go to the end of current line, if not at the BOL
            (unless at-bol
              (end-of-line 1))
            (insert (concat (if at-bol "" "\n")
                            (if at-bol "\n" "")))
            ;; Go to the line before the inserted "#+begin_ .." line
            (beginning-of-line (if at-bol -1 0)))))
    (message "Point is not in an Org block")))
Code Snippet 2: Function to split the current Org block in sensible fashion

Now make M-return do that {#M-return-split-block-dwim}

With these two functions evaluated, M-x modi/org-split-block will work right away.

    But where's the fun in that‽

I needed to have the Org block splitting happen with an intuitive binding —– like M-return.

So I advise org-meta-return to call modi/org-split-block when the point is inside an Org block.

The advising function modi/org-meta-return is the same as the advised function org-meta-return (as of <2018-08-26 Sun>), except that a new context (modi/org-in-any-block-p) is added.

You can tweak the precedence of this new context by moving the ((modi/org-in-any-block-p) #'modi/org-split-block) form in that cond form.

(defun modi/org-meta-return (&optional arg)
  "Insert a new heading or wrap a region in a table.

Calls `org-insert-heading', `org-insert-item',
`org-table-wrap-region', or `modi/org-split-block' depending on
context.  When called with an argument, unconditionally call
  (interactive "P")
  (org-check-before-invisible-edit 'insert)
  (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-metareturn-hook)
      (call-interactively (cond (arg #'org-insert-heading)
                                ((org-at-table-p) #'org-table-wrap-region)
                                ((org-in-item-p) #'org-insert-item)
                                ((modi/org-in-any-block-p) #'modi/org-split-block)
                                (t #'org-insert-heading)))))
(advice-add 'org-meta-return :override #'modi/org-meta-return)
Code Snippet 3: Advising org-meta-return to add context of point being inside any Org block

Now with the point in any Org block, M-return away!

Full code {#full-code}

Look for the source of modi/org-split-block (and dependent functions) added to setup-org.el in my Emacs config.

[^fn:1]: The point is denoted by the BLACK VERTICAL RECTANGLE unicode char (▮).