

So, you've made the decision to switch to Linux. But... where do you start?

Let's be honest: There are a lot of Linux distributions out there. While you're usually safe going with one of the bigger names, like Ubuntu or Fedora, it can be pretty hard, especially for a newcomer, to sort out the good from the bad. There are some great tools that help smooth out this problem, though; I can very much recommend LibreHunt if you're stuck on choosing the right Linux distro. However, you will still be presented with multiple options; even then, you have the choice of which desktop environment to choose. Now, more choice isn't inherently a bad thing, but it can be very daunting for Linux newcomers. So... Where do we go from here?

There is no one right answer for everybody. Every individual has their own needs. That being said, I'd like to tell you about the Linux distro that I believe is the best option for Linux newcomers, whether they opt to stick with it long-term or not: elementary OS.


In a previous blog post, Why I Use elementary OS, I went over the various aspects of elementary OS that I like, and why it has become my favorite operating system to use. However, I haven't talked about why I use Linux. Or, more accurately, Linux-based operating systems. Note that I'll be going over only desktop operating systems here, not mobile.

Let's start with why I don't use other platforms. Take macOS, for instance: Not only is the whole Apple ecosystem a walled garden, their products are also fairly expensive. A Mac tends to be much more expensive than non-Apple computers with similar specs. Honestly, though, if for some reason I had to choose between macOS and Windows, despite being much more familiar with the latter, I'd go with the former. Windows is just awful.


The latest version of elementary OS, 5.0 (codenamed Juno), has been fantastic since its debut back in October 2018. While the overall look and feel is the same as before, many aspects of the OS were further refined and pollished. All-in-all, Juno was a great release, however, like many things elementary, it wasn't without some bits of controversy.

A notable omission in 5.0 was support for application indicators (perhaps better known as “system tray icons”).


Ever since I began using Linux in 2016, I've gone through quite a few distributions in search of one to call “home.”

I started with Linux Mint and Ubuntu, I've dabbled in openSUSE and Fedora, and, for quite a while, my favorite distro was Solus.

Three years later, the one that finally put a stop to my distro-hopping was elementary OS.

So, why did I settle on elementary OS, above all other Linux distributions?