
An amateur scientist (biology, JavaScript, linguistics, music) searching for rationality



Rainforest Connection

There’s a deeper problem…


According to International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

> Over half of the tropical forests worldwide have been destroyed since the 1960s, and every second, more than one hectare of tropical forests is destroyed or drastically degraded.


The loss of forests leads to a number of problems in different aspects


a) decrease of biodiversity

> Forests are home to over 80% of terrestrial biodiversity.

In the Amazon basin alone, more than 1,300 species of forest plants are used for medicinal or cultural purposes.


b) climate change

> 17.4% of global greenhouse gas emission resulted from deforestation and forest degradation.


> The world’s forests absorb 2.4 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, one-third of the annual CO2 released from burning fossil fuels.


social & economic

the sustenance of 1.6 billion people depends on forests

> 52 per cent of all land used for food production is moderately or severely impacted by the erosion of healthy soil.


> Forests provide US$ 75–100 billion per year in goods and services such as clean water and healthy soils


> Tropical forests provide a vast array of medicinal plants used in healing and healthcare, worth an estimated $108 billion a year.

> Tropical forests provide pollination services to agriculture valued at US$12 billion per year.


Deforestation occurs due to agriculture, road construction, logging, and damages done by insects, forest fires and diseases.

> With the world’s rainforests now shrinking so fast that they may be gone by 2100, the need for ways to prevent illegal logging and monitor forest wildlife is urgent.


Rainforest Connection

Whether or not you believe in climate change, it’s obvious that the Earth’s forests play an essential role in our lives. In this post I’d like to tell you about Rainforest Connection – an organization headed by Topher White that came up with a cheap and effective way to protect the world’s forests from illegal logging and poaching.

Their technology (software and hardware) has been

> deployed in 9 countries, 5 continents and protecting nearly 3,000 square kilometres of rainforest.


There has to be 3 components for their system to work:

a) people

It’s the local communities and law enforcement/government agencies in the forest-rich countries, which can actually take actions against illegal activities.

b) connectivity

Surprisingly, a high-quality mobile network can be found in the/near forests

c) trash

Millions of smartphones are thrown away by people worldwide (most likely due to planned obsolescence by the way). Now a lot of them are donated by people to Rainforest Connection what gives them a second life. For more info on how you can get involved in their initiative go here.

That’s what White managed to use to create a network of “Forest Guardians”.

Basically, he took a smartphone, added solar panels to it in a special way, and placed those devices on the trees. The smartphone listens to sounds in the forest, sends the data to Rainforest Connection cloud API in real-time, which, in its turn, analyses them with the help of AI and sends messages/notifications to the aforementioned law enforcement/government agencies and local communities, so that they could react to the threat.

So, basically, the systems developed by Rainforest Connection provide them the notification system with the data on what kind of violation happens and where.

Note that the system can not only to pick out the noise of chainsaws, but also the sounds of trucks, road building and the sounds of rare/important species.

> They can listen to all the sounds and we can pick out using artificial intelligence, the sounds of chain saws, or really any species.


So, the system also helps communities to prevent animal poaching and ecologists to study wildlife populations in a given area (ecosystem monitoring). And it will help to create a huge audio-library of animal sounds.

“Rainforest Connection technology has surpassed its proof-of-concept phase and has moved into expansion with over 60 new projects in the pipeline.

> The amount of land protected will be the equivalent of taking 6 million cars off the road, 400 million trees protected, and 30 million tonnes of CO2 sequestered.”


The plan of Rainforest Connection is to expand the system application for protection of marine ecosystems.

As mentioned at the beginning, illegal logging is not the only reason of deforestation.

> Agricultural expansion continues to be the main driver of deforestation and forest degradation and the associated loss of forest biodiversity. Large-scale commercial agriculture (primarily cattle ranching and cultivation of soya bean and oil palm) accounted for 40 percent of tropical deforestation between 2000 and 2010, and local subsistence agriculture for another 33 percent.


(2019 Rolex Awards Associate Laureate Documentary: Topher White)


> We have the resources. Money is an interference. Because it limits our ability, and it limits our dreams.

source (Introduction to a Resource Based Economy)

In this series of posts I’d like to talk about what social science knows and what business does when it comes to motivation.

We will talk about extrinsic and intrinsic motivators, their benefits and disadvantages, biological foundation of motivation and some other stuff.

As far as I can see, the traditional business model is based on the assumption that the more $ rewards one gets, the better the performance he/she shows.

However, let’s take a look at the “Candle problem” developed by Karl Duncker in 1945 [1].

“Candle problem” for fun

a) The real “Candle problem”

(source – Wiki, Public Domain)

So, you have a box of thumbtacks, a candle and some matches. Your task is to mount the candle on a wall and light it in such a way so that the candle wax won’t drip onto the table or floor.

The majority of people try to melt the bottom of the candle and then fix it to the wall.

Doesn’t work. The wax starts to drip onto the table or the candle drops.

However, after a while these people realize that the box with thumbtacks may not only be used as a place for the latter, but also as a platform to place the candle. Eureka!

(source – Wiki, Public Domain)

The problem is based on the cognitive bias called functional fixedness.

> is a cognitive bias that limits a person to use an object only in the way it is traditionally used.


It takes some creativity to accomplish the task. Initially the function of the box is “fixed” to serve as a container. Participants have to use a familiar object for a new purpose (use the box as a platform, not a container). They have to overcome their past experience.

b) “Candle problem” for Dummies

There’s a simplified “Candle problem” which looks like this:

(source – “Case Study #1: Innovation—The Candle Problem”, Creative Commons, Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) )

Now, when the thumbtacks are out of the box, the task is much simpler, right? If the box is empty, then it’s for some purpose. There’s no functional fixedness here anymore. And the people solve the problem much faster [1].

“Candle problem” for $

Sam Glucksberg modified the experiment. Now participants get rewarded with/motivated by $. The faster you solve the task, the more $ you get.

Surprisingly, in case a) (see above) the participants (motivated by $ now) solve the problem much longer than in Duncker’s version of the experiment.

However, in case b) (see above) the participants (motivated by $ now) solve the problem much faster that in Duncker’s version of experiment.

It means that the $ narrows our focus, dulls thinking, blocks creativity and restrict our possibility.

> when the correct habit is dominant, a high drive should facilitate problem solving.

… high drive prolongs extinction of the dominant habit (Perin, 1942) and thus retards the correct habit from gaining ascendancy (Kendler & Lachman, 1958).

(source – [2])

By “dominant habit” they mean the initial state of the box in this case (box with thumbtacks or without them).

But when the task doesn’t require creativity, when there’s a simple set of rules and a clear understanding of what you need to do (case b)), the $ enforces people to do the job faster, compared to those not motivated by $ [2].


Hello and welcome to the “Guess the melody” contest

I (an amateur musician) will run “Guess the Melody” contest in collaboration with my sister (@AlexiPiano).

I’ll publish a post with audio/video-files of some quite famous musical compositions (classical, jazz etc.) played and recorded by my sister.

Even though this contest is called “Guess the Melody”, I hope it’ll be more about making conscious choice, rather that random guessing.

I hope you will enjoy this contest (just like me) and consider those 5 XRP as a bonus.

Audio (and some text sometimes) is the clue for you to guess a riddle (the name of the composition in this case).

Introduction post for this contest can be found here


1. promote some musical masterpieces;

2. have fun;

3. train brain/memory;


I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 10th task/riddle on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.


(UTC / Universal Time Coordinated / Coordinated Universal Time / Universal Time / Greenwich Mean Time)

This contest lasts for 6 days.

You need to provide your answers on Twitter.

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

The right answer will be provided and the winner will be announced on Twitter on the 6th day.

I'll send the XRP bonus on the 6th day with tipping on Twitter.

If there's no correct answers provided by the users, then 5 XRP will be distributed equally among all participants with guesses.

The riddle goes below.

The header image source - *Pixabay*. Thanks to Radfotosonn


This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest (especially if you're new to it) read

“Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


“Identify the molecule” league #22. Prize: knowledge + 5 XRP + 200 TMN


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

You need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given on Wednesday (20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN (if the winners/participants provide me their NEO-address)) to the winners/participants on that day.

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 2nd week’s riddle for September on Saturday, September 19, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.


Telegram Translator shows how machine + people blockchain-powered TMN-incentivised translation solution could look like.

Let’s start with the bonuses.

The 1st one comes from TranslateMe. TranslateMe is about to launch a competition where the user/s with the top correction contributions and the best voting results will be rewarded with 1 BTC. There’re some requirements to be qualified for the competition. It’s not everything clear yet (like whether it’s just 1 user who is going to be rewarded with 1 BTC or it’s the top contributors for each language who are going to get part of the 1 BTC). I’ll present details in one of the next posts.


> Earn TMN and help us build better Russian machine-translated solutions. You could even win one entire Bitcoin! Details coming soon.


Note that the competition is not just for Russian speakers. There’re the same pics for other languages.

As for the 2nd bonus (1000 TMN bonus), you’ll find 2 questions somewhere in this post (without question words or “?”, so that it won’t be easy for you to find them with “Ctrl+F”). The first user/s with the right answer (left in the comments section) will be rewarded with 500 TMN for each one (will ask the winner/s to provide Neo-address).


It’s been a while since I published my last post about TranslateMe version of Telegram (web-version at that time) and TranslateMe in general. TranslateMe made a great progress since that time in spite of the current economic/health crisis. In this post I’ll present you some information about these topics again (Android version of TranslateMe Telegram Translator this time).

It’s important to understand that TranslateMe Translator Unofficial Telegram is just an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)/prototype to demonstrate how decentralized TMN-powered translation done by machines + people could look like.

In other words, TranslateMe is in the proof of concept stage.

And the concept is to combine AI with human power (incentivised with TMN for their contributions (corrections and voting for the best translation results)) accompanied by the benefits provided by Neo blockchain like security, privacy, and transparency.

You can find more information about TranslateMe benefits on their official web-site.

TranslateMe has already released several versions of its API for French and German (+ web-interfaces to test them).

> “German is now live on our test UI. We have also made a free API for developers to test our service.”


And this API could be ultimately used by Discord, VK, Hive, Twitter or any other social platform, chat application or web-site.

TranslateMe is not just about translation solutions for social platforms. For example, TranslateMe Menu is to help hotels and restaurants with translation of their menus. There’re also TranslateMe Docs and TranslateMe Freelancer. You can find more details on

Well, personally I have a hope that TranslateMe will also help to solve “lost” (due to language barrier) science problem.

But these are topics for the next posts.

In this post I’m going to focus on the recent improvements done with TranslateMe Telegram Translator.

Tutorial on how to use the app

So, basically this unofficial version of Telegram is the same as the official one but with translation feature enabled and an opportunity for your to earn TMN for your contributions. Currently (September, 2020) it is available for Android on Google Play (iOS version exists, but you need to contact TranslateMe admins on their Telegram group to get access to it).

Until recently users could be rewarded with TMN for their contributions (providing corrections, leaving messages with the app enabled) by using the app in any group/chat on Telegram. This helped TranslateMe to spread the word about the project and was used to test/tune the validation pipeline.

However, now TranslateMe has moved to the next phase and you can only be rewarded for corrections done on the “Suggest and Vote” page.

> Thank you to all that have come to support our rewards algorithm, we are excited to report that the validation pipeline is now fully functional. This means the old legacy contribution method will now stop issuing tokens as we switch to the next phase of our proof of concept.


So, we can still see the option (“Rate and Earn TMN” button) for us to provide corrections and vote for them in the groups, but it’s obsolete now. I guess it will be removed soon in one of the next updates.

(the screenshot was taken by me)

Once you got the app installed on your smartphone, you can register with your phone number and give the app some permissions required. Then you’ll be presented with tutorial on how to use this version of Telegram.

To enable translation feature for Telegram groups/chats, you just need to set incoming (“First Language” section; this is the one the app will translate the messages left by other people in groups/chats to) and outgoing (“Translate to” section; this is the one the app will translate the messages left by you in groups/chats to) languages (click a hamburger button (top right; (a))) and choose “Change language” in the menu ©)) and click the button located right before the aforementioned one (b)):

(the screenshot was taken by me)

You can set different languages in different groups.

Then just click “Translate” button to get the messages translated.

At the time of writing (September, 2020), the app provides us 28 language:

Turkish (TR), Urdu (UR), Uzbek (UZ), Vietnamese (VI), Thai (TH), Spanish (ES), Russian (RU), Romanian (RO), Portuguese (PT), Polish (PL), Persian (FA), Malay (MS), Korean (KO), Kannada (KN), Japanese (JA), Italian (IT), Indonesian (ID), Hindi (HI), Hebrew (IW), German (DE), French (FR), Filipino (FIL), English (EN), Dutch (NL), Chinese (ZH), Catalan (CA), Bengali (BN), Arabic (AR).

Note that there’re some quite rare language presented like Catalan and Hebrew (4 and 5 million of native speakers correspondingly).

This (rare languages) is where TranslateMe especially has good chances to beat traditional machine translation services, when it comes to translation quality (but I believe TranslateMe has good chances to beat them with widely spoken languages as well ;)). It’s because they lack the data for such languages (to see what I’m talking about, go to, and TranslateMe with its potential worldwide community incentivized with TMN will have a chance to collect data for any language (as long as the users have Internet access and are aware about TranslateMe (this is what its community could help with)). There’re currently 7,117 languages detected in the world.


> It is estimated that about 96 per cent of the languages are spoken by only 3 to 4 per cent of the people. 2,000 of the world’s languages have less than 1,000 native speakers.


Activities done by TranslateMe community will help to preserve our languages diversity which is extremely important (you can read in detail why in my post here (“ … ”)). language TranslateMe has built its API for/the language TranslateMe was primary working with (one word). In short, according to linguistic relativity theory, the languages we speak shape the way we think. Hence, every time we lose a language, we lose a potential way of thinking/world view/cognition type. And

> We're losing about one language a week, and by some estimates, half of the world's languages will be gone in the next hundred years.

(Lera Boroditsky)

Plus, thinking in different languages on scientific topics could help to make more discoveries (because thinking in different languages helps to look at our problems from different perspectives) (for more information, you can read TranslateMe (Decentralization + Translation industry) #1. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview).

Back to the app.

Then you can specify your Neo-address (this is where TMN for your contributions will come to) by clicking another hamburger button (top left) –> “Earn TMN” tab – > “Suggest and Vote” page. Then just click on the field to specify the address.

(the screenshot was taken by me)

You can use Neon wallet of others ( to create your Neo-addresses.

That’s it. You’re all set to go to use, earn, and enjoy with TranslateMe Telegram version.

Note that initially you are given a “Free Subscription Plan” with 100,000 characters available for translation. kind/type of token TMN is (one word). To unlock advanced features like “Automatic translation” and “Remove Ads”, you can upgrade your plan to Pro (–> “Earn TMN” tab – > “Subscription Plan” page):

(the screenshot was taken by me)

As far as I understand, you can also just buy additional characters (even with TMN). You can see the characters left in the “Remaining…” tab of the main menu.

How to earn TMN

a) Making corrections

On the “Suggest and Vote” page (click “Earn TMN” tab) you’ll be presented with a menu with “Referral Code”, “Suggest Translations”, “Vote Translations” and “Languages” options. Well, I guess the names are pretty intuitive and speak for themselves. Just choose “Suggest Translations” option and you’ll get to the “Suggestion” page with the source and target messages (translation version created by machine), click in the “Suggest a better translation” field and provide your own (improved) version of translation (by retyping the entire sentence in your first language).

(the screenshot was taken by me)

You can use machine-generated version as a basis, but provide corrections only if you can improve it (and it’s enough to know just 1 language to do this (you don’t need to be a highly-skilled translator)). There’re some rules for making corrections:

1. submit corrections only in your first/native language and if you can improve a sentence (don’t copy/paste);

2. your suggestions should be a sentence (there needs to be at least 5 words);

3. don't repeat your suggestions, each suggestion needs to be NEW and UNIQUE;

Otherwise, your TMN claim will be rejected (and future claims will most likely be rejected as well). Graphical guideline can be found here and here.

(sources: 1, 2, 3)

Once done with your version of translation, click “Submit Suggestion” button, and you’ll see TMN credited to you (currently 10 TMN) on the “TMN Credits” tab (main menu) and page.

(the screenshot was taken by me)

We need to get 1000 TMN to be able to redeem them (”Redeem TMN” button).

We’re limited to make up to 10 corrections per day (but we can increase our limits by submitting the best suggestions).

More info can be found here.

TranslateMe is the work in progress, not everything is perfect yet.

For example, if we provide corrections on the “Suggestion” page and close it, then we need to skip suggestions by clicking “Skip Suggestions” button to get to the one where we stopped the last time. It’d be great for users to start from the suggestion they provided previously (or the next one) and see what sentences they have already provide suggestions for. I suppose TranslateMe will fix this in the web-based contribution portal.

Plus, it’s known that the context (one sentence before and one after the sentence we need to translate, which is important for making high-quality translation) will be displayed on the web-based portal.

b) Voting

As for voting, users with the winning suggestions are going to be rewarded with TMN (it’s not clear how much yet). However, note that there’s no suggestions available for voting for some languages yet. It’s because there’re still quite few users in TranslateMe groups for a number of languages

> Voting for a language will show up once enough suggestions are reached for a Particular sentence. For each language we need a minimum of around 50 participants to make sure the pipeline moves to new sentences and then opens new votes.


(the screenshot was taken by me)

By the way, you can find and join the group for your language here –

> To contribute and earn TMN please join the language that's applicable to you, do not join this group unless it's your primary home language.

And if you don’t see the group for your language, you could ask TranslateMe admins to create one.

Voting also will help to increase you reputation score.

> “ This increases your reputation score by voting. Higher reputation means higher payments and opportunities”


The portion of TMN paid to contributors for voting and providing corrections is not fixed and will most likely be adjusted by the amount paid by customers (source).

c) Referrals

Plus, you can also earn 100 TMN for your referrals (friends will also earn 100 TMN) (you can get your “Referral Code” on “Suggest and Vote” page):

(the screenshot was taken by me)

To get TMN for your referrals, they must be active and use the translation tool.

Only one account is allowed to claim TMN (1000 TMN minimum), otherwise, you will be banned “TMN credits” page”.

By my estimates, we can currently earn $4-7 per month, if contribute daily (depends on TMN price, number of your referrals, voting feature availability for your language).

Final thoughts

TranslateMe has moved to the next phase (moving all the tested work (now, when the validation pipeline is ready) from telegram to a web-based contribution portal).

TranslateMe Telegram Translator is the only solution (well, known to me) which provides monetary incentive to the users for their translation contributions. This is what (along with other benefits provided by Neo) should help TranslateMe to ensure high-quality translations. TranslateMe Telegram Translator is just a demo which demonstrates how machine + people blockchain-powered TMN-incentivised translation solution could look like.

In the next posts you’ll find information about translation quality control, the upcoming competition for contributors, and other TranslateMe solutions.

Useful links:

Official web-site:


Telegram group:

TranslateMe Telegram Translator app:




You can buy TMN on Probit and Switcheo:

All images (without the license specified)/videos are used under the doctrine known in USA as “Fair Use” (similar doctrines are used in other countries). For more information visit the US Gov website.

The image separator was created by me with the help of this set of flags from Pixabay. Thanks to sinisamaric1.

The header image was created by me by combining TranslateMe logo (by TranslateMe owners' permission) with flags from Pixabay (thanks to GDJ))

Other posts of this series:

TranslateMe (Decentralization + Translation industry). Introduction

TranslateMe (Decentralization + Translation industry) #1. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview

TranslateMe (Decentralization + Translation industry) # 2. Chat App (preserve languages, break language barriers and be rewarded with TMN)


Hello and welcome to the “Guess the melody” contest

I (an amateur musician) will run “Guess the Melody” contest in collaboration with my sister (@AlexiPiano).

I’ll publish a post with audio/video-files of some quite famous musical compositions (classical, jazz etc.) played and recorded by my sister.

Even though this contest is called “Guess the Melody”, I hope it’ll be more about making conscious choice, rather that random guessing.

I hope you will enjoy this contest (just like me) and consider those 5 XRP as a bonus.

Audio (and some text sometimes) is the clue for you to guess a riddle (the name of the composition in this case).

Introduction post for this contest can be found here


1. promote some musical masterpieces;

2. have fun;

3. train brain/memory;


I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 9th task/riddle on Sunday, September 13, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.


(UTC / Universal Time Coordinated / Coordinated Universal Time / Universal Time / Greenwich Mean Time)

This contest lasts for 6 days.

You need to provide your answers on Twitter.

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

The right answer will be provided and the winner will be announced on Twitter on the 6th day.

I'll send the XRP bonus on the 6th day with tipping on Twitter.

If there's no correct answers provided by the users, then 5 XRP will be distributed equally among all participants with guesses.

The riddle goes below.

The header image source - *Pixabay*. Thanks to Radfotosonn


This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest (especially if you're new to it) read

“Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


“Identify the molecule” league #22. Prize: knowledge + 5 XRP + 200 TMN


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

You need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given on Wednesday (20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced in the Telegram group/in this post on Coil and on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, September 11, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN (if the winners/participants provide me their NEO-address)) to the winners/participants on that day (Friday).

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 2nd week’s riddle for August on Saturday, September 12, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.


Hello and welcome to the “Guess the melody” contest

I (an amateur musician) will run “Guess the Melody” contest in collaboration with my sister (@AlexiPiano).

I’ll publish a post with audio/video-files of some quite famous musical compositions (classical, jazz etc.) played and recorded by my sister.

Even though this contest is called “Guess the Melody”, I hope it’ll be more about making conscious choice, rather that random guessing.

I hope you will enjoy this contest (just like me) and consider those 5 XRP as a bonus.

Audio (and some text sometimes) is the clue for you to guess a riddle (the name of the composition in this case).

Introduction post for this contest can be found here


1. promote some musical masterpieces;

2. have fun;

3. train brain/memory;


I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 8th task/riddle on Sunday, September 6, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.


(UTC / Universal Time Coordinated / Coordinated Universal Time / Universal Time / Greenwich Mean Time)

This contest lasts for 6 days.

You need to provide your answers on Twitter.

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

The right answer will be provided and the winner will be announced on Twitter on the 6th day.

I'll send the XRP bonus on the 6th day with tipping on Twitter.

If there's no correct answers provided by the users, then 5 XRP will be distributed equally among all participants with guesses.

The riddle goes below.

The header image source - *Pixabay*. Thanks to Radfotosonn


This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest (especially if you're new to it) read

“Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


“Identify the molecule” league #22. Prize: knowledge + 5 XRP + 200 TMN


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

You need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given on Wednesday (20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced in the Telegram group/in this post on Coil and on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, September 4, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN (if the winners/participants provide me their NEO-address)) to the winners/participants on that day (Friday).

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 1st week’s riddle for August on Saturday, September 5, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.


Hello and welcome to the “Guess the melody” contest

I (an amateur musician) will run “Guess the Melody” contest in collaboration with my sister (@AlexiPiano).

I’ll publish a post with audio/video-files of some quite famous musical compositions (classical, jazz etc.) played and recorded by my sister.

Even though this contest is called “Guess the Melody”, I hope it’ll be more about making conscious choice, rather that random guessing.

I hope you will enjoy this contest (just like me) and consider those 5 XRP as a bonus.

Audio (and some text sometimes) is the clue for you to guess a riddle (the name of the composition in this case).

Introduction post for this contest can be found here


1. promote some musical masterpieces;

2. have fun;

3. train brain/memory;


I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 6th task/riddle on Sunday, August 23, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.


(UTC / Universal Time Coordinated / Coordinated Universal Time / Universal Time / Greenwich Mean Time)

This contest lasts for 6 days.

You need to provide your answers on Twitter.

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

The right answer will be provided and the winner will be announced on Twitter on the 6th day.

I'll send the XRP bonus on the 6th day with tipping on Twitter.

If there's no correct answers provided by the users, then 5 XRP will be distributed equally among all participants with guesses.

The riddle goes below.

The header image source - *Pixabay*. Thanks to Radfotosonn