#Guitar “Something instrumental” (15 XRP prize) (played by @alexbiojs; cover; instrumental)


(header image source (Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash))

Good day, people.

This was my second contribution to Open Mic contest.

Today I present you…

…yeah, the problem here is that I don’t remember the title of the composition I’m playing above! ).

If someone (on the face of the Earth; this is very important) could tell me the correct title for this composition (providing evidence and being the first one; actually I seriously doubt that someone would even try it), I’d tip 15 XRP to that person via Twitter or somehow.

I’ve tried to figured out that with Google help and the help of services which help you to detect the title of the compositions by uploading sound files or singing to microphone. Nothing helped.

I learned it a long time ago. And I haven’t been playing guitar for years.

I just recently began to try to remember what I knew.

So, if I don’t even know the title, then (obviously) I can’t tell you anything about it. And I don’t have the notes for it.

That’s why (and also because I’m a biologist by nature) in this little post I’d like to focus on the process of remembering something.

It took two days to remember this composition.

I remembered. I remembered everything.

[Jason Bourne, “The Bourne Ultimatum”, 2007; The End scene]

; )

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