Thank you, crypto world, for everything. The next stage of my life (it just took 6 years)

This week is one of the most important in my life.

The reason is that I finally managed to move from the region where the war is taking place with corresponding consequences (like no/very limited banking system). This is exactly where the crypto world may come into play.

I have a bachelor degree in biology which I got before the war started.

And for the last 6 years, I’ve been trying to collect some money to get out of my region to other regions where I could get my master degree in biology and got the corresponding job.

In this post I’d like to say THANKS to all the people of Hive community, Narrative (now rebranded as PubNooks), PublishOx, Coil and some others communities.

For the last 2-3 years I’ve been working as a translator of the materials related to web-technologies for one organization. The project was paused later, but I found out about Steemit in summer, 2018, and my journey into crypto world has begun.

It’s because of the aforementioned communities that I found out very useful information which I used to invest my hard-earned money into crypto. Even though I lost half of my money in summer, 2019, later I was lucky enough and ultimately got quite a lot of return on my investment (I guess I’ll write one day a post which describes my crypto portfolio).

Crypto world is not just about money, of course. There’re plenty of users who tried to present valuable information about Covid-related stuff. For example, it’s with the help of one Hive user that I found out about Dr. Rashid Buttar"

and his website and super valuable information on it like

and about the documentary series called “The Truth About Vaccines”"

which just opened my eyes on a number of health problems.

I don’t talk much on aforementioned platforms, don’t post much, rarely leave any comments, but I read a lot and I want you all to know that just because you don’t see much comments/interaction under your posts, it doesn’t mean that they are worthless. You can’t imagine the level of my gratitude to everyone (well, except for abusers/spammers) on those platforms for everything you do.

All the platforms mentioned above have a great potential and may change a person’s life (like mine).

So, again, I won’t go into details and try to mention all the users in this post who helped me out a lot (some of them most likely don’t even know about me), but I want to say THANKS to all of you and the day I found out about Hive/Steem community which introduced me into the crypto world.


The header image was created by me.