TranslateMe (Decentralization + Translation industry) # 2. Chat App (preserve languages, break language barriers and be rewarded with TMN)


TranslateMe project evolves gradually.

This post provides some theoretical considerations on how Chat Apps can help to preserve languages, break language barriers etc.

as well as a short explanation on how to work with the App.

TranslateMe Chat App evolved a lot since I initially wrote this post (there's Android version improved a lot and iOS version coming soon).

I'll post a post with information about all that very soon (1+ week).

However, given that the post still have some useful information (especially regarding theoretical considerations), I published it,

so that we could keep track the evolution of TranslateMe project.

(cover image source – Pixabay)

This is another post of the series devoted to TranslateMe project (all the links regarding it and little glossary of the terms used in this post will be given at the end).

The purpose of the series is neither to destroy TranslateMe, nor to blindly promote it, but rather to provide/analyze some information on this topic.

If you’re new to this project, it’s highly recommended to acquaint yourself with an Introduction post (and Disclaimer given there).

In the previous post we’ve got the general overview of TranslateMe project and an understanding of why we need to somehow preserve the language diversity (“living things”).

In this post we’ll see what TranslateMe Chat App is, how it might help to preserve some languages, how you could be involved (and rewarded with TMN) in this project and what makes TranslateMe solutions (including that TranslateMe Chat App) different from tools provided by Google (Google Translate), Microsoft (Microsoft Translator) and DeepL (DeepL Translator).

As I said in the previous post, in the internet age web-resources/-tools also might help us with language preservation. They can help us to store (at least):

* sounds (for example, (“Seeing Speech”. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and Ultrasound representation of speech) or (International Phonetic Association. They try to provide us phonemes of all languages)).

* words (their meaning) (for example, (Merriam-Webster dictionary) or (Macmillan Dictionary)

* grammar rules (for example,, (Online Writing Lab (OWL)) or (GrammarBook))

And we have a huge amount of e-books (which you can find for example on (look into “Foreign Language” section))

Also there’re such resources like ReversoContext ( and Linguee ( which provide us kind of corpora of bilingual texts (or segments in translation memory) in different language combinations among other features.

What makes TranslateMe solutions different from Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and DeepL Translator?

Based on the information found on Wikipedia and official web-sites of Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and DeepL Translator,

all these web-tools

* use artificial neural networks to generate translations;

* provide their APIs as a paid service (Google Translate and DeepL Translator) or paid/free service (Microsoft Translator);

Also Google Translate and Microsoft Translator

* give community an opportunity to provide their feedback (human touch) on the accuracy of machine-generated translations, thus improving their algorithms;

Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and DeepL Translator support (as of March, 2019):

* 103, 65 and 9 languages correspondingly;

TranslateMe Chat App has an MVP (Minimum viable product) version in the form of Telegram web-based Chat App (kind of prototype). It can be found on

Also there's a version for ANDROID. You can find the link to download it (on Google Play Store) on the official site –>

It's important to note that the MVP web-version is currently doesn't work properly.

TranslateMe team will fix it soon (I hope).

I don't have devices with Android. So, in this post you'll see what MVP web-version is, but the version for Android is similar. As far as I know (as for now (June, 2019)), you need to pay 2$ to use the version for Android if you exceed 10000 translated characters limit (I found out today (June 23) in TranslateMe Telegram group that “We will be working on adding TMN to buy subscription soon at 30% less”. So, people will be able to pay with TMN soon). On the other hand, both versions of TranslateMe chat app allows you to earn 1 TMN for every message left in Telegram groups (with the app activated) and every message correction provided by you to TranslateMe in order to improve its translation algorithm. I can't say if you'll get any profits eventually every month.

TranslateMe Chat App for IOS is scheduled to be released in July.

The web-version supports

12 languages including Italian (IT), Russian (RU), Chinese (ZH), Japanese (JA), French (FR), German (DE), Korean (KO), Dutch (NL), Portugese (PT), Hindi (HI), Spanish (ES), Arabic (AR)

If you don't see among them your language, you can ask to add it by asking the admins in the TranslateMe Telegram group (you can find the link of the official site – – see “Live Chat” link on the top left)

The app allows you

* get the messages written in any Telegram group translated into languages mentioned above;

* write your messages in any of the Telegram group in your native language (other than English) and get them translated into above-mentioned languages;

* correct existing machine-generated translations and submit your proposals of better variants, thus teaching that algorithm to make better translations (Note: you don’t need to be a translator. You just need to know at least one language);

* be rewarded with TMN for corrections/messaging (when the app is activated);

* train your skills (if you’re a translator);

* rate machine-generated translations;

There’re currently some ways to abuse that Telegram app web-version (for the sake of getting more tokens). But the tokens won’t be provided to you immediately, and I do hope you understand that organizations like TranslateMe (which has created such a complex system already) have foreseen such kind of behaviour, and you won’t get any tokens by doing that after all. It’ll be much more interesting to follow fair play principles.

Also you can help TranslateMe by buying their tokens listed on Switcheo –> or Probit –>

and being an end-user.

To get financial information (about token sales) visit talk with the team members on TranslateMe Telegram group.

The idea of the real-time chat translation is not new. Microsoft Translator has already sort of implemented it.

For more information go to

So, what’s make TranslateMe solutions (including that TranslateMe Chat App) unique is that (at least):

* you can get rewarded (with TMN) for your activities done there (messaging, corrections, ) (which is important in our current society (monetary society));

* spectrum of the languages supported is supposed to be much wider;

With over 6500 languages to translate, we want to include every language in our venture and offer translations for even the most obscure of languages.


* all advantages typical to blockchains (including high level of security, low-cost decentralized computing compared with traditional methods (up to 90% cheaper))

For more info on advantages of TranslateMe you can visit


or their official web-site.

So, how to use that TranslateMe Chat App.

* first of all, you’ll need to install the Telegram app itself on your device (which you can download on Telegram official web-site). It’s needed before signing up for that Telegram Chat App because a special code will be sent there.

* then visit and go to that Chat app. While registering you’ll be asked to provide your phone number and NEO-address. If you search for “NEO scam” with Google you’ll find dozens of sad stories, so be careful. Visit NEO official web-site (find it on Wikipedia) and go to “Client” tab of the top menu. I recommend you “O3 wallet” (it’s also used by TranslateMe team), because “NEO Tracker” currently has some problems with showing TMN. I'm not sure if “Neon wallet” shows those tokens.

* As far as I remember, you’ll be redirected to TranslateMe Telegram group automatically.

* All you need to do to use the app is to activate it by clicking the button (with two characters) on the top right corner next to the search button. Choose your language, click “Yes”, and presto! Now you can rate machine-generated translations, edit translations… Note, that you can use it for free as for now in any group. It’s recommended not to use it in a lot of groups simultaneously (just 3-4 should be OK).

TMN amount can be seen, if you click that “hamburger button” on the top left. There you can change languages as well

As I mentioned above TranslateMe supports 12 languages: Italian (IT), Russian (RU), Chinese (ZH), Japanese (JA), French (FR), German (DE), Korean (KO), Dutch (NL), Portugese (PT), Hindi (HI), Spanish (ES), Arabic (AR).

By the way you can watch a demonstration (TranslateMe – First Decentralized Translation Solution – Telegram App – With Ryan Lloyd; beginning from 13th minute)

I can say only about the accuracy of translations into Russian. Personally I was able to communicate with English-speaking world by using only Russian (the app was translating my messages from RU into EN and the messages in the groups from EN into Russian for me). The accuracy sometimes is very good, but of course in some cases is not at all. So, the app and the algorithm behind it definitely needs the human touch. It’d be great if you provide some kind of feedback about the accuracy in case of your native language if it’s listed there.

The trick with translations/corrections is that the same idea could be expressed with the help of different words or sentence structure. But you can’t (aren’t allowed) to submit several proposals for the same message. What you need to do is to provide the best variant just once.

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