Before moving on to the next section, I’d like to point out a few differences between my views and the generally accepted views of the pre-wrath community.

* I believe that the “new Jerusalem” (see Revelation 21:2) descends from heaven after the millennium of Revelation 20:6, not before.

* Most, if not all who hold to pre-wrath, believe that the “restrainer” in 2 Thessalonians 2 is the archangel Michael. I am undecided on this topic. However, I believe it is likely that the restrainer is the Holy Spirit.

* A large number of pre-millennialists believe that the Antichrist is described from Daniel 11:36 to Daniel 11:45. Adherents of pre-wrath believe that the events of Daniel 12:1-3 occur in direct succession to Daniel 11:45 (they believe that the events of Daniel 12:1-3 take place shortly after Daniel 11:45). They do not believe that the events of Daniel 12:1-3 elaborate on prior circumstances, nor do they believe that the Antichrist comes to his final end in Daniel 11:45.

As mentioned, adherents of pre-wrath believe that the archangel Michael is the “restrainer.” They believe that the anticipated withdrawing of the restrainer in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 corresponds with Michael “arising” in Daniel 12:1. Therefore, they believe that after the Antichrist comes to his end in Daniel 11:45, he returns and is revealed at some point during Daniel 12:1.

NOTE: It is believed that the resurrection of the Antichrist is referenced in Revelation 13:3, Revelation 13:12, Revelation 13:14, and Revelation 17:8. Some people believe that the Antichrist will die and come back to life in a literal sense. Others believe that the Antichrist’s resurrection will be an illusion. Given the context of 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11, some people think that God Himself will resurrect the Antichrist.

Outside the typical pre-wrath perspective, there are those who believe that the Daniel 11 account of the Antichrist starts further back in Daniel 11:21—they believe that the story of the eschatological Antichrist runs from Daniel 11:21 to Daniel 11:45. They do not believe that the events of Daniel 12:1-3 are successive to Daniel 11:45. Instead, they believe that Daniel 12:1-3, Daniel 12:7, and Daniel 12:10-12, elaborate on circumstances found within the Daniel 11:21-45 narrative, similar to how Matthew 24:15-28 elaborates on Matthew 24:9-14. They believe that the Antichrist comes to his final end in Daniel 11:45, and that he does not return afterwards—they believe that the Antichrist’s “resurrection” takes place at some point prior to Daniel 11:45.

When it comes to Daniel 11-12, I’m not completely sure which of the two interpretations is correct. I will have to spend more time on this topic before I can reach a decisive conclusion.

* Proponents of pre-wrath believe that there is only one, individual Temple being discussed throughout Ezekiel 40-48. They believe that the Temple of Ezekiel 40-48 is the Millennial Temple.

I believe that there are two Temples referenced in Ezekiel 40-48. I believe that the Temple described in Ezekiel 40-46 is the Second Temple, and that the Temple described in Ezekiel 47-48 is the Millennial Temple.