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Was getting this error from Visual Studio 2022 while debugging a unit test. Moq error in Visual Studio 2022

The solution for me was to uncheck the “Call string-conversion function on objects in variables windows” checkbox. Solution for Moq error in Visual Studio 2022

Tags: #Debugging #Moq #Tests #VisualStudio

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To cause Azure to keep sending emails repeatedly for your Heath Check alerts, you need to uncheck the checkbox that says “Automatically Resolve Alerts”.

If you want to see what kind of error Axios throws, it is better to use console.log(error.toJSON()) than console.log(error). That's because the former option will list out all the properties from the error variable, while the latter option will only list out the error message itself.

Instead of adding todo comments, track it as a task so it doesn't get lost.

Source: TODO: Post an Article

Looking for a new way to do end-to-end testing on modern web apps? Check out Playwright. The tests are pretty easy to follow because it's basically a set of instructions written in code. So as you might have guessed, it's catered more to developers than non-technical folks.

I am going through the Pro ASP.NET Core 6 book. After trying to run the command libman install bootstrap@5.1.3 -d wwwroot/lib/bootstrap from page 72 (Chapter 4) of the book, I started getting the error listed below:

[LIB002]: The "bootstrap@5.1.3" library could not be resolved by the "cdnjs" provider

Turns out it was an issue with the library manager package that was installed. The fix is to install a newer one. More info can be found here:

Was looking for a way to add a list of objects to the appsettings.json file, then retrieve that list and turn them into something I can check against in a controller class. This answer works wonderfully.

React Hook Form — seems like a cool alternative form handler for React.

SQL to MongoDB Mapping Chart — good reference on how to write MongoDB queries based on expected SQL Server queries.

Reasons to blog if you're a software developer:

  • It helps you write better emails at work.
  • It helps you write better user stories and acceptance criteria.
  • It helps you communicate your ideas better.

If you're noticing a pattern there, it's all about being a better communicator. And you would want that, because that also helps you advance in your career.

Series: #DevNotes Tags: #Axios #ASPNetCore #Azure #Blogging #JavaScript #MongoDB #Playwright #React #SqlServer #Tests

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What is the best way to prove that your bug fix works? Well, you test it. How do you make sure your bug fix keeps working years into the future? You write a test for it.

Specifically, you want to write a test that can reproduce the bug. Only once you've been able to do this, do you actually try to fix the bug. There are several of benefits for using this approach to fixing bugs:

  • First, you don't have to manually go through the steps to reproduce the bug just to see if your fix works. Sure, you need to do a manual test to confirm that it works, but ideally you do this after you're done coding most of the changes. Having to do a manual test every single time you make a small code change will consume a lot of your time. Time that is better spent writing code and fixing more bugs.
  • Second, when working on another bug fix in the same class or in the same part of the application as a previous bug fix, an existing test will let you know if your new fix breaks an existing bug fix. Actually, this benefit is not restricted to just “previous bug fixes”. If you have tests, that cover the behavior of your whole application, then it is easier to verify if your new code changes break existing functionality.
  • Third, tests can be another way of documenting the behavior of an application. If you have a test that is named CustomerManager_Cannot_Save_Customer_Without_DriversLicenseNumber, that immediately tells me one of the requirements needed when saving Customer data. It also tells me what class or service is used to save Customer data. If I was a new developer and I was trying to learn how the system saves a Customer record, this test is a gateway to learning about that process. Having new developers go through tests is actually a great way to have them learn a new application/system.

Depending on the application or system you are working, writing tests might not be easy or might take too much time. If so, then that is a hint that the application or system you are working on might be so tightly coupled, that you cannot write a small “test” to test a specific part of the code. You should look into decoupling classes and making their methods smaller and modular, to make it easier to test various parts of the application. If you want to learn more about making your code easier to test, I suggest learning about SOLID Principles and looking into Test-Driven Development.

When I started out working professionally as a software developer, I actually didn't write any tests. I would just write code and test my changes manually. Nowadays, I feel uncomfortable about any code changes that I don't have tests for.

Tags: #Tests

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Have you ever had to do testing wherein you had to move your system date/time forward or back? If so, you will probably agree that one of the annoying things is remembering to reset the system date/time back to the current date/time. Most people will manually do this, which can be tiring when done multiple times during the day. If you are working in an office environment, then your workstation's system date/time can most likely be synced to a domain controller. Here is how you can easily do that using the command prompt in Windows.

Open up the command prompt and type in the command listed below:

net time /domain /set /y

You might have to open the command prompt in Administrator mode to get it to work.

Taking this a step further, what if you can automatically reset the system date/time on your workstation after a test finishes? I've had to do something similar since I've had to maintain some Coded UI tests, that can change the system date/time as part of their testing. So I wrote a utility method in C# that will reset the system date/time after a Coded UI test ends. This is called via the TestCleanup method that will run after a test ends.

public void CleanUp()

private void ResetLocalSystemTime()
    using (Process netTime = new Process())
        netTime.StartInfo.FileName = "NET.exe";
        netTime.StartInfo.Arguments = @"TIME /DOMAIN /SET /Y";
        netTime.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        netTime.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;


Hope this helps some of the devs out there doing some testing. If you have a different way of doing this, do share them in the comments below or share them in a message.

Tags: #CSharp #DotNet #Tests

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