I'm sitting here drinking tea and it's a nice rainy day. So time for a blog post!

I am so sick and tired of the modern 'net and a huge reason why is bad interfaces. Algorithmic feeds. Companies blatantly not listening to their users. I know why they do it. It comes down to making the user see more ads. But no company that insists they listen to feedback should be doing this stuff. They DON'T listen. They must think we're really fucking dumb.

You fundamentally DON'T DOGFOOD YOUR PRODUCTS. All these new shitty designs are done from the marketing/finance departments, not the more engineering-focused in the company.

Did anyone think we'd be here in 2020 where Google/Facebook/Twitter (likes in the feed along with retweets? You fucking serious?) and a billion others actively go against what “good design is”? If we had a notion things would become as bad as they are and that they fundamentally wouldn't listen maybe we'd have thought a lot harder about using the internet in future.

There's so much momentum that it's hard to just stop using these services. They probably know that.

They won't read this of course, but there you go: I'm upset. Congratulations.

A tidy UI is a tidy mind. Go on Facebook and tell me if you don't get stressed out because they try to squeeze blood out of a fucking stone. STOP DOING SHIT LIKE THIS.

LISTEN to your fucking customers.