First opportunities to teach “The Words of the Faith.”


Vicki and I traveled the five-plus hours to the city of Ribeirão Preto May 19 for me to teach “The Words of the Faith” on the following Saturday and Sunday. It was held in the building of the congregation. Some 35-40 people participated. We returned home May 21. A story and photos were published on our Brazilian website.

On May 1st, I taught the same material just down the road, an hour from here, in Taubaté. The congregation hosted us in the Army Aviation Officers’ Club. Over 30 people were present. Aside from saints and visitors from Taubaté, participants also came from the cities of São José dos Campos, Santo André, Ubatuba, and Atibaia. During the afternoon break, they brought out a cake and sang happy birthday to Vicki. A number of photos can be seen here.

This material seeks to fill needs of the congregations. In the format I'm presenting it, it's an outline of 22 pages. Later, I'll share with you the main topics in the material, but you can see the banner of them that the Ribeirão Preto congregation had printed up here.

I stated five challenging objectives for the material:

  1. Center all doctrine in God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything has to be related to the center of our faith, which is Jesus.
  2. Provide an overview of what the Word of God says and suggest teaching points and lines of investigation that we consider important and that perhaps have been neglected for the needs of God's church today.
  3. Draw attention to the simplicity and unity of the Scriptures. We can read, understand and practice what is written.
  4. “Offend”, or bother, you with the truth, to provoke reflection, correction and change.
  5. Provide you with resources to teach others.

(If you'd like to see a PDF copy of the material, just let me know.)

More going on!

Please include these items in your prayers:

We're grateful to everyone who shares in our work, in whatever way. God bless you, each one.