The Year of Truth


Last Sunday, Dec. 31st, I was asked to preach here in the congregation. I chose the topic that is my theme for this new year: Truth.

Each year I choose a theme to emphasize as much as possible in my teaching. This is not something I suggest to either the congregation or the brotherhood. After all, who am I to make declarations or impose on others. Instead, it's something personal.

In 2023, my theme was the Year of Mission. I have a document with outlines, articles and messages on this topic. Who knows, maybe I can complete the remaining parts and put them in the hands of those interested.

My lesson last Sunday had these main points:

  1. Know the truth, 1Tm 2.3-4
  2. Obey the truth, 1Pt 1.22
  3. Live (walk in) the truth, Gl 2.14
  4. Tell the truth, Ep 4.15
  5. Defend the truth, Php 1.7

It was well received and one of the most commented afterwards.

I chose this theme because the pressure on the church to abandon the truth grows every day. Congregations are being influenced, even by people within our midst, to become Protestant and imitate their practices. See 1 Samuel 8:1-22. Also, emotionalism and subjectivity grow stronger. The brethren are being influenced by society, rather than changing it by “clear statements of the truth” 2Co 4.2 ISV. Doing so will show who is for the truth of the gospel and who is against it.

SUPPORT. As of Dec. 2023, the Iuka, Miss., congregation has concluded their support of our work. We thank them for the 39 years of partnership with us.

COUNTRY. Socialists and communists are now in power here, and are acting according to their nature. One newspaper here said, “Brazil is taking great strides towards an authoritarian, perhaps dictatorial, model, and economically speaking we have only one certainty: more taxes are coming.” The president’s people are also strangling media and tamping down on dissident voices.

Because of the new government policies, prices are rising sharply. For example, gasoline rose 12.5% in 2023, a good part of that because of taxes. We were waiting until the first of the year to buy a new refrigerator. Now the government is making new rules about home appliances that will drive prices up.


Later, I hope to do provide an overview of 2023. If I can remember it.

God bless each one as you serve the Kingdom and bring glory to the name of Christ in this new year.