Film Feature: Carol (2015)

Image: Carol (2015)

There's just something intriguing in the overall mood of this film that totally drew me into watching it. I was just randomly scrolling through a random list I found in the internet when the poster popped out and it got me curious right away. I mean, that's Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara! How am I supposed to look away from that? And judging from the title, I had a feeling it will be a sad one and as a sucker for sad films so what more reason do I need to not watch it? Yes, it's sad.

The film is actually just your typical forbidden romance – plot-wise – but what really sets it apart from the rest is its stunning visuals, choice of timeline and the way the characters were portrayed. Let me start with the visuals and walk my way down.

The colors used are a little bit toned-down but not dull which makes its viewers feel just the right amount of “vintage”. The camera direction and angles that are very well-thought of, and partnered with long silences, it really helped emphasize the emotions of longing in the film. And to intensify that, the events took place in a time – 50s – where this kind of love is not you know, acceptable. On the other side of it though, since the film was set way way back, the interior as well as the costumes really left a satisfying feeling in my heart since I am a fan of vintage-themed things. As for the characters, the way they were portrayed is I don't know how to word it but “realistic” which lets the audience absorb every emotion in the film. The eye talking, the awkwardness, the secret glances, the painful smiles, the longing, everything was just familiar to me and that made me enjoy each scene without having to figure out what to feel.

I'm not going to talk about the events in the film though as I don't want to spoil anyone but trust me, this is something you must not leave in the dusts. This is a must-watch. A classic. And a beautiful one.

#Film #FilmFeature