Rain, I give almost nearly no special attention to. Whereas, cold wind, I do. Wanna start an informed and enlightened conversation on intermittent, inclement coastal breezes?. I gave serious consideration to relocating across the world to Chicago, once. Until, a hardened city native hit me with two words: “Winter” simultaneously with “Wind”. Yet, I knew even back then, and sI still know, from intensely intimate, lived experience, what can be considered to be seriously windy outdoor conditions. No question. I was raised on a small, exposed land mass in the midst of the South Pacific Ocean, where wind weather patterns also frequently intersected and interacted with the Southern Ocean. Closely followed by Antarctic-inspired cold temperatures, that will definitively, instantly drain the life out of any even remotely warm-blooded being, immediately, and on contact.

Anyway, somewhere in the back of what now passes for my mind, I'd tentatively planned to do a work-out while being partially outdoors, today. I'm way, way, past overdue on keeping up with my stretching, and my core strengthening, as well as with my reconditioning. As I'd mentioned in an earlier post, my routine has gotten turned upside down (yet again), with still further contacts with local law enforcement. That has an inevitable tendency to collide head-on with everyday life – in ways and means that are impossible to rationalize unless you've been in it as deep up to your neck and while still occupying an over-thinking brain as someone like me has been. My morning daytime routine starts with me checking my VINElink notifications, because if any new smack has gone down while I've been dozing, it's still all on me to keep ahead of it, as far as is humanly possible. Just like the Prosecutor bluntly, flatly explained to me from minute one of my first interview, it's now firmly on me to limit my becoming collateral damage, not on them. VINElink's database is designed to update and refresh itself every 15 minutes, but it varies both by state and by agency. Not really an optimal way to live, long-term. But, you know, here we are. I'm just going about my business, on the daily.

Yet, one, rapid, random glance outside of my solitary exit door told me all of the information that I needed to decide. Crispy, crackling corpses of late Fall leaves swirled right on in, and made themselves very much unwelcomed underneath my cozy bare feet, while a stiff breeze immediately squeezed the air out of my sleepy lungs. Also, I deliberately tend to wear the most dishevelled, ugly, tattered work out clothes, which aren't always climate-friendly, nor street savvy. So, as a working compromise, I kept myself-to-myself, indoors, and did my 90 minutes under artificial lighting, instead. It was after that, I had the realization that I'm falling behind, and not in a comforting way.

As a quirky re-hydrating 'treat' I ordered Hi-C from McD's. One, for immediate consumption, with ice. A second as a chilly chaser. It'll keep. As will I.