
Hi, we´re Better OrganiX, we grow and make veganic bio-organic fertilizers. Our aim is to bring on a greener and better tasting future.

As a grower, one of the most important things to understand is plant transpiration and one of the handiest skills is learning to play within the boundaries of the drying power of your air, otherwise known as Vapour Pressure Deficit, or Difference.

To understand how to measure this difference, read our post about Vapour Pressure Deficit. To understand the natural processes involved and why it is crucial to achieving full plant potential, keep reading.

Since plants need to work against gravity to get nutrients and water from the ground up to their leaves, but have no heart to pump liquids, they rely on transpiration.

Transpiration like perspiration is the release of water, but with one very big difference. Perspiration is an active mechanism whereas transpiration is a passive one, which relies on the ever-present combined forces of osmosis, gravity and surface tension of water to drive the movement of water throughout the plant. This drive is the water potential.

To understand plant transpiration, it’s easiest to imagine how water moves through a plant.

Nutrient-dense water gathering starts at the tiniest root hairs (rhizoids)

as mineralized water comes in contact with the root & travels through layers of cells (via osmosis) to reach the xylem (central vein) then rises to the leaf.

Since nutrients are often found in forms both accessible and inaccessible for plants, when a plant can’t access or process available nutrients, it signals specific microbes, bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi who have evolved to help the plant. If they are present and turn up, they create symbiotic relationships and help the plant to get the otherwise inaccessible nutrients.

Though water is the nutrient carrier for almost all life, different organisms utilise water differently.

The one major difference between animals and plants is that animals cool down by perspiring (panting or sweating) and plants by transpiring (controlled sweating). This means they cool off by releasing moisture onto their leaves and use the Difference between the Vapour Pressure in the plant and Vapour Pressure of the environment to help them draw water and nutrients through the plant.

Mechanisms of Plant Transpiration

So, as plants cool off, nutrient dense water absorbed by the tiniest root hairs moves up via the xylem to the stem and leaves.

The xylem is a one-way chain of vessel-like transport tissues.

As nutrients travel through the xylem, they are separated from the water, which is then disposed of via the stem and leaves. There are three distinguished areas of transpiration in the plant, the stem (lenticular), the top side of the leaf (cuticular) and the underside of the leaf (stomatal).

Lenticular Transpiration

Lenticular transpiration refers to water released via the surface of the stem, and the cells managing it are called lenticels. To the left you can see lenticels on a birch tree.

The porous lenticels allow air to reach the inner cells of the plant and water to evaporate. As photosynthesis does not occur in the stem, carbon dioxide (CO2) entering lenticels does not matter.

Below is what a lenticel looks like up close.

Cuticular Transpiration

Transpiration happening on the surface or top-side of the leaf is called cuticular transpiration. Leaves are covered with a variable waxy layer of cuticles which help reduce the amount of transpiration taking place, allowing the plant more control over water loss. The cuticular layer is the smooth waxy part of the leaf which has no visible openings.

Stomatal Transpiration

On the undersurface of the leaf, you have cells called the stomata (singular ‘stoma’).

Stomata are little mouth-like openings on the underside of the leaf that allow the movement of gases and vapour from and to the plant.

The opening and closing of stomata are regulated by guard cells (the lips of the opening) taking in potassium (K+) and chloride (Cl−) ions as well as sugars.

The excess of these larger ions causes osmotic water flow through the semipermeable guard cells and as a consequence they swell up and the stomatal pores open. Since the inside of a plant is extremely moist, the air between the mesophase cells (semi-liquid/semi-solid) becomes saturated (100% humid).

As the stomata cells open, the external (non-saturated) environment begins to pull and disperse the saturated vapour from the cells closest to the stomatal openings. These cells, in turn, start to pull vapour from the next closest and so on down the xylem to the root hairs. It is this pulling force plants use to help suck up nutrients and water from the soil.

The stomatal openings allow water vapour to exit and carbon dioxide (CO2) to enter and enable photosynthesis.

To further help the plant to control the rate of transpiration, there is a variable thin boundary layer of still air around the surface of the outer layer of a plant. The plant changes the thickness of the boundary layer in different structural ways, either by growing hairy leaves, sinking stomata or just growing (since as the leaf grows, so does the boundary layer, thus reducing transpiration rates).

Should water loss be greater than intake, bubbles can form in the xylem, causing unnecessary stress to the plant.

Of all the water absorbed by the plant, up to 95% is lost to transpiration and only around 5% is utilised for plant growth.

It is also important to remember that rates of transpiration depend on the water potential gradient from the soil to the atmosphere and the related resistances to its movement through the plant.

In summary:

- Water enters the root and travels through the layers of cells to reach the xylem then ascends to the leaf.

- Water lost to the plant is replaced by simultaneously absorbing water from the soil. Meaning a continuous column of water and nutrients via the main vein, called the xylem.

- The process of drying (by transpiration) provides the plant with a constant pressure difference between the air and the leaf. Plants use this pressure difference to provide an evaporative cooling and nutrient delivery system; gaseous exchange and a rigid plant structure.

Plants need to grow within the correct balance of temperature and humidity they have evolved with. To grow anything near its full potential you need to find and maintain the right balance between the temperature and moisture of the growing environment, because:

1. The drier and hotter the atmosphere, the greater the force pulling water from the underside of the leaf, increasing nutrient uptake, transpiration, and cooling.

When the transpiration rates become intense (too dry or/and too hot) plants can pull up too many nutrients (and develop nutrient toxicity), which can negatively affect plant growth and health. If more water is being transpired than pulled up, the plant can experience water stress from bubbles forming in the xylem. Alternatively, if temperatures are too high plants can overheat, wilt and eventually die.

2. The wetter and cooler the atmosphere, the lesser the force drawing water from the underside of the leaf, decreasing plant nutrient uptake and transpiration. If the environment becomes too moist or cold, plants can develop mould or freeze and die.

Now that you know how the plant gets its goods, we suggest you up your grow and read our post about Vapour Pressure Deficit.

Peace and adios for now

To understand what is in your soil and what you will need to grow what you want, you’ll need to do a simple test first.

Test requirements

- A small spade or digging implement

- Well mixed soil samples taken from the areas you intend to use.

- A clear container

- Some clean water

- Some time

- A measuring ruler – in cm/mm works best

- A copy of a Soil Texture Triangle (Click here for printable copy)


When we take soil samples, to get the best average results, we take them from several locations around our planned growing areas. To get good mixed sample(s) we dig in a few spots, to different depths with an average of 2-10 inches in depth.

Then we can place amounts of the soil from separate locations into a clear glass or plastic container. Preferably with a lid.

Samples need to be sufficient enough for you to see, so take about a 1/3- ½ by volume based on your container.

Fill the container with clean, preferably distilled, water.

Give the vessel a quick shake to mobilise the matter in the solution, a good stir will work. A lidded container ensures nothing else falls into the sample post mixing. But just covering it will suffice.

Then place the vessel on a flat surface and wait for the particles to settle out. Typically the sand will settle first, then the silt, finally clays, which can take up to 24 hours.

As each layer settles out, take a magic marker and draw a line to mark the top of the layer. These you will use later to measure the volumes using a ruler.

After 24 hours, you should see layers have formed.

Using the measurements, we use mm’s (millimeters) or cm (centimeters), you can calculate the volume percentages of your soil make up, so x% clay, y% sand and z% silt.

So let’s create an example where we say that our clear bucket shows.

Sand = 30mm

Silt = 22mm

Clay = 25mm.

We add these together to reach a total volume so 30+22+25 = 77mm

Next we need to convert these to percentages, so taking our example here, we say:

%Sand = 30/77 x 100 = 39%

So we can say our soil is 39% sand.

We repeat this conversion for the remaining layers.

% Silt 22/77 x 100 = 29%

% Clay 25/77 x 100 = 30%

Now we have this information as a percentage, we can use it to determine our soil type by referencing it against the Soil Texture Triangle above. Once we do we can safely say we have X soil type and we can use this basic information to better plan for future planting success.

Lack of layers in soil

If you don’t see layers, test again from another area. It may be you have only one soil type, although this is rare, it’s not impossible. Eg if you lived near the beach, it’s a high chance you would have lots of sand and little else right. The test is still a valid one, since it can tell you what you might need to add in, in order to offer future plants a home they can thrive in.

Using Microbes is very important. Most people take our drinking water from the tap for granted and thus forget it has been treated with chlorine so we never have to worry about pathogenic microbes cramping our style.

Though you have to remember that this same chlorine is a beneficial microbe killer as well.

So when performing any hydration work, it is important to de-chlorinate this water beforehand, which is as easy as peas.

Whenever applying water to your Hydro-Organic tanks, seedlings, or anything organic and living you can choose to de-chlorinate in a day, 20 minutes or in a few minutes.

De-chlorinate water using Patience

Place the water in an open-mouthed tank, bucket or container and let it sit out for a day. That’s it. I told you it was easy. Alternatively, if the quantity of water isn’t large and you’re in a hurry you can just boil your water for approximately 20 minutes (this will also remove the chloramines, if that’s what is used to treat your municipal water).

Chlorine (Cl2), over time, separates from the water and bubbles up and out. You can see that by filling a glass container up with tap water and letting it sit. Soon you will see the bubbles of chlorine gas on the edges of the glass.

Why is chlorine used for water treatment?

Chlorine has made its mark by virtually eliminating waterborne pathogens. This allows the world to drink it down safely. It is easily applied to water sources. Small amounts have the ability to be effective throughout a municipal distribution network, from the water treatment plant all the way to the faucet tap. The discovery of these benefits coupled with its low cost resulted in chlorine being chosen as the preferred chemical.

De-chlorinating water using air and sunlight

However, chlorine dissipates quickly if exposed to the atmosphere and sunlight. In as little as 10 hours of exposure. But if you have chloramine, a newer additive, used in place of chlorine in some water systems in the United States and Europe, it will not leave the water when exposed to air. You have to check with your water supply company to find out which is in use.

De-chlorinate water using vitamin C

Vitamin C is a somewhat newer chemical method for neutralizing chlorine. Two forms of vitamin C, ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate, will neutralize chlorine. The United States Department of Agriculture Technology and Development Program has done a lot of work with this. Basically what it describes is simply adding 1 gram of Vitamin C per 100 gallons of water, stir for one minute and voila, no more available chlorine to kill our little friends.

Adios for now!

Often seen as a complex component of soils for growers, at a very basic level clays are essentially little bits of rock and minerals/silicates. Unlike the previous two major components of the worlds’ soils, clay contains a slight electrical charge, we will discuss the possible fallouts and benefits of this as we progress this blog.

Typically clays contain particles less than 4 micrometers (μm), that’s many times smaller than a sand particle for example. This fine particle size, along with the electrical charge, presents a number of unique characters, and under prepared growers with clay in their spaces will certainly face challenges such as seed germination; poor root penetration and growth; poor water drainage and infiltration & reduced pore spaces. Clay soils can be subject to compaction; swelling; cracking and crusting and swings of pH.

Clay nanoparticles under a microscope

With all of these negatives, it is no surprise to hear people asking questions that help to understand any role bio organics can play in reference to assisting plant growth where growers are faced with heavy clay soils.

Rest assured, whilst there are certain negatives to clay soils, there are also positives, for example, it is forgiving of error, such as the odd over feed and it has excellent nutrient retention. Some clay types suit reduced irrigation and overall nutrient use, and for those that master clay, there is a rich bounty of character to support crops.

Of course we shall cover the challenges and benefits in detail below, but first let us take a look at the origins of clay.

Where does clay come from?

Clays form as a result of the weathering and erosion of rocks, particularly those rocks containing the mineral group feldspar. This weathering of rocks is taking place over vast spans of time and so it is not possible to replace clay within human time frames. As such we need to do everything we can to protect what we have.

During weathering, the feldspar content is altered by the effects of water through a process called hydrolysis, to form clay minerals such as kaolinites and smectites (the principal minerals in the most well known commercial clay, kaoline and bentonite). Wikipedia describes clay as: “a finely-grained natural rock or soil material that combines one or more clay minerals with possible traces of quartz (SiO2), metal oxides (Al2O3 , MgO etc.) and organic matter.

Geologic clay deposits are mostly composed of phyllosilicate minerals containing variable amounts of water trapped in the mineral structure. Clays are plastic due to particle size and geometry as well as water content, and become hard, brittle and non–plastic upon drying or firing. Depending on the soils content in which it is found, clay can appear in various colours from white to dull grey or brown to deep orange-red”.

Hand testing for clay in your soil

As a rule we can quickly test our growing spaces for the presence of clay and others by performing the ribbon test. Here’s how, simply grab a sample of moist soil, roll it into a ball in your hands and then using a thumb or finger, press in and outwardly on your sample. If the sample breaks and crumbles, we can say that you have very little clay however if the ball stretches into a tape like shape, e.g. resembling a piece of ribbon, then we can say you have clay.

Just how far you can push this ribbon without it breaking up, very much correlates to the level % volume of clay present. Of course to know exactly, you could perform the soil type test we discussed at the start of this blog, but the ribbon test is a quick and easy way to get started with making choices.

So we have decided to go ahead and grow and we know we have clay soil in our spaces, what can we expect and is there anything we can do to improve the quality of the soil and increase the success of our plants from day one?

Working with clay

Unless we know what plants are best suited for clay systems, and there are quite a few, and we are happy to grow this limited range, then to be frank, we can expect losses unless we try to mitigate some of the limitations of growing in heavy clay before we begin.

Many growers have lost faith and interest because of living in a clay dominant soil location but there are some simple tips that can really help to get the benefits of clay and reduce the losses from the outset.

Work that needn’t be done

Firstly, anyone who has, or is trying to dig clay soil will know it’s hard work. The sticky fine particles of clay bind tightly to each other and a shovel full can feel like a wheelbarrow of lead.

Not only is digging it over possibly hurting your back, but its glue like nature means it sticks in clothes to tools and boots, and it’s hard to keep a clean edge making tools dependent on smooth clear sides, inefficient. It’s hard to wash off and clean up too after a back breaking day trying to loosen it up.

All of this work clearing and digging will often be in vain anyway, since the clay will quickly return to its heavy, thick state unless we have added a mass of organic material first, and this can be a challenge on day one. For example, what organic matter, where do we find the organic matter, what are the limitations and so on?

Getting clay to crumble

Compost is an example of organic matter often used to amend heavy clay. It does of course work to improve the quality of clay however it is expensive if you don’t have your own composting facility. It can be a massive hit, and for many agricultural scale operations, it is usually out of the question economically, to layer 6-8 inches of compost across acres, or worse, hectares of land up to twice a year.

Compost teas

Brewing compost teas may provide us with some assistance. Again, correct compost is not as easy as throwing out our kitchen waste with this years lawn clipping into a pile & hey presto an ideal compost appears some time later. Composting is, in itself, an art. Balancing carbon to nitrogen inputs, ensures that we have the relevant biology and that we have sufficient protein content to produce sufficient humates. We will be discussing composting and the making of compost teas later in this blog series.

Other organic matter

Other examples of organic matter that can be used to improve the structure of clay soils, so helping make it better suited to a wider range of crop types, are things like non composted grass clippings, wood chips, animal manures, gypsum and so on. All are again in limited supply in many instances, and often come with the risk of chemical or antibiotic residues, not ideal for those of us following organic methods. Unless you can authenticate (which we highly suggest) that everything is from organic sources, then it’s a minefield.

Domestic home growers in backyards & on housing estates might struggle to access manures and so on, if not, then perhaps rural farmers who might struggle to get enough.

Better Organix does of course still recommend that, where we can, we should mulch clay soils with limitations and, as ever, we have been working to find both human practice and biological solutions, that mitigate the limits of clay soils.

Mycorrhizal fungi

At BOX HQ, the go to question stream is typically something like this, why does that happen? Followed quickly by, what does nature do, that we do not? Biologically, natures immediate answer to growing in clay is mycorrhizal fungi, and so this is also the lead component of the clay puzzle for Better Organix in our Root Better.

Where tightly packed clay soils present a problem for many plants, especially seedlings, and/or juvenile transplants with smaller root systems, we see that plants successfully inoculated with mycorrhizas, have a much greater probability of success.

Moreover, mycorrhizas release glomalin, this is an amino acid rich substance, and given that humates are a creation of soil chemistry, itself dependant on amino acids as essential building blocks, we can use Root Better to build the very humates that will improve the top soil for plant growth Mycorrhiza fungi, found in Root Better and globally in healthy, undisturbed soil systems, have ultra fine mycelium, a type of root structure for the fungus.

This fine but highly charged and penetrative mycelium, is able to track and bust with immense force into the minuscule pore spaces between clay particles. The symbiotic fungus begins mining parent nutrients from the clay surface, and water trapped between the clay structure, and passing this between the plant and the root based biome of bacteria, protozoa, viruses, yeasts and so on, who then all mobilise to improve the local conditions, and provide direct benefit to our plants via a huge increase in metabolites, used by our plant, to reach its true potential in the otherwise harsh conditions of heavy clay.

So, while others are busy trying to collect organic matter to mulch the clay to improve its structure, we can get going on increasing available biomass, by always using Root Better when we plant up in clay soils. Simply, Root Better allows us to grow healthier plants, that are, if required, the basis of tomorrows’ mulch and so we think it’s the go to option, for combating clay and getting growing on day one.

Root Better can be seen as a solution to reduce the risk of compaction. There are various factors which cause soil profile collapse, of course we can immediately think of the obvious, say traffic by machine, animal or human, another way we can suffer profile collapse in soils with clay, might be via the over application of synthetic or organic cation based nutrients. For example, any nutrient has a positive charge, there are many, some we can use as part of a mitigation system for our advantage, but others cause an increase in stickiness of the clay.

The positive side of the negative charge of clay

Clay has a light, negative charge, this means the surface of any clay particle is held away from its fellow/neighbouring particle since each one is, by nature in most of the world, negatively charged. Now, because the particles are fine, this gap between each is small, hence too small for most roots, but not for our Root Better mycorrhizzas, as we heard earlier however where we choose not to use Root Better and we apply a heavy dose of fertiliser, we find any positively charged ion is being attracted to the surface of the clay. Here cations can bind to sites on the clay surface and this means a few things:

· Clay can hold far higher higher levels of many desired plant growth nutrients (cations) such as calcium, magnesium, potassium & sodium.

· It can hold onto acid forming positive ions, hydrogen and aluminum and these can cause acidification.

· If overfed, it can adsorb a large number of excess nutrients the surface charge can change, altering the natural balance of the clay in a system.

The negative side of the positive charge of clay

The initial negatively charged clay now possesses a positive signal as the surface is overloaded with cations and these clays begin to attract their neighboring particles of opposite charge, this binds the clay into ever tightening platelets, squeezing out any oxygen, driving out aerobic microbes, reducing water infiltration, root penetration & nutrient uptake, all bad markers for most plants

· As conditions continue to worsen, water trapped by collapsing clay, now depleted of oxygen, goes anaerobic. The conditions drive pH down into the lower acidic levels, making many harmful metals mobile in the soil solution, while making plants unhappy and exposed to wider risks associated with a lack of critical nutrient access

Common responses\treatments such as liming, to combat pH climb, are simply compounding the collapse of the system through the addition of more positive charged cations, therefore temporary pH effect is countered by the compaction of lime bands in over treated soil profiles.

Uprooting the damage

Root Better with its powerful mycorrhiza fungi and partnering biome of microbes, helps reduce the risk of compaction by scavenging nutrients from clay and those free radical ions in the system. Storing them both on their own negatively charged bodies, using them as food, and further, to generate powerful metabolites and soil antibiotics for pathogen suppression, compounds that up-regulate our plants ability to resist stressors like drought, high UV, insect, fungal, bacterial and viruses otherwise relating to pathogenic attack.

The ability for microbes to store ions on their person, greatly reduces the stress on clay, preventing the excess cations from overloading the slight negative charge, or where excess ions have already caused damage and profile collapse, then remediating the entropic state of clay.

This reversing of past damage, assists in the prevention of an accumulation of radical ions from causing acidification thus unblocking many key nutrients that require more neutral conditions to be fully available. This mechanism also helps to prevent nutrient loss through leaching, and reduces pollution risks associated with eutrophication.

As well as the neat trick of storage, mycorrhizas, soil fungus and the related biomes of bacteria, protozoa, beneficial yeasts and so on, all have the ability to determine soil aggregation and so are largely responsible for building soil structure, which they do in the best interests of their plant hosts. Fungus can ball up clay, with sands, silts, organic matter, humates, mineral rocks, entire communities of bacteria, water molecules, coating them with a protein called glomalin. This constructs sustainable, plant ready soil profiles, equipped with all the components required for healthy roots and to deliver nutrients to our plants.

By establishing the presence of mycorrhizas through applications of Root Better, we are ensuring the beginning of the transformation of clay soils, that bolsters our efforts where we have applied mulch, through the inclusion of both decomposing and humidifying microbes, thus giving a kick start to the conversion of organic matter, enabling the journey from heavy clay to a nutrient rich, plant root friendly, growing medium. Bio Media Pro can be used to replace Root Better on all non mycorrhizal associative annuals grown in clay soil.

It contains many specialist bacteria and soil yeasts, molds and DSE type fungus such as trichodermas, that work collectively to improve the conditions for mostly everything we grow for food.

Microorganisms in Bio Media Pro secrete compounds and proteins which work to aggregate clay particles, technically tilling the soil from within by opening up pore spaces, creating channels for both water, air and roots as well as mobilizing nutrients previously locked up in the composition of clays, and/ or out of reach to roots unable to penetrate its lattice.

The life in Bio Media Pro is able to draw down the organic matter we are heaping on to clays and speed up the process of altering the structure of heavy clays, helping to build the matter we apply in to a more friable system (more easily broken into small pieces).

The conversion of organic matter is a time and labour consuming process, and because of this, it’s riddled with challenges, especially for organic growers.

Problems such as, provenance, mean we are often left with choices, to apply or not. We, at Better Organix have also studied the impacts of humus on heavy clay soils and looked for alternative methods that might allow us to knowingly take advantage of the benefits offered by stable, traceable and measurable humus. This has led us to Bio Balance Media and Bio Balance Foliar.

Bio Balance Media is a highly concentrated blend of Humic Acid and is used on most soil systems, Bio Balance Foliar is more often used where soil conditions lean toward the acidic, and plant choices demand this state is maintained.

Without going into too much detail about each product at this stage, we want to keep this blog focused on the impacts of humates, humic and fulvic acids with reference to soil.

In healthy soil, biomolecules of humus (decayed organic matter) help retain water and the ionized nutrients that are produced by the natural cycling of organic biomass, compost, or other sources of fertilizer. This makes them a valuable assistant for us growers, especially in clay conditions where organic matter is often at its lowest, especially where we also have higher soil temperatures, and this heat greatly increases the rates of decay and often losses of our added organic mulches and so on, meaning repeat applications are often required, this is both resource and labour intensive. Conversely, where we have cooler environmental conditions, we see a slow down in the rate of conversion of organic matter, so its impacts on application are barely noticed.

Here we can use the character of Bio Balance Media to darken our soils, thus helping them to absorb more sunlight/UV energy, this in turn warms the soil, improves conditions for microscopic organisms and so speeds the rates of metabolism among our living micro biome, to better suit fast growing crops. This thermal change in our soils’ profile allows us to take better advantage of any applied biomass or fertiliser.

What does humic acid do?

Right now let’s have a look at the the physics of humic acid, since this will help us better understand why it’s a beneficial addition to our growers tools. Humic acids are awesome donors and hosts of vital plant growth nutrients.

They work to balance the complex dance of electrical charge in our soil systems. An easy way to visualise them, that works for us here at BOX, is to imagine the compound as having many pairs of hands which it can use to hold onto and reach out and attract many of the things our plants and soils systems need. They are complex and long compounds which can boost the cation capacity of our soils, attract water, radical ions and better still, hold onto these things, wrapping them up amid the many anchor points, so preventing their loss. They are electronegative; which means they can lock onto positively charged ions and molecules. This helpful character means they are always attracted to the depletion zone of the plant root where they seek to balance levels of nutrients which are used by our plants; they also clean up any excess radical ions, released by our plants in to the soil system as they respire.

This really cool trick means that beneficial cations are presented to our plants roots, and that radical ions are scooped up and locked away, either from forming non available compounds with other vital plant growth nutrients, or from over accumulation on the surface of our clays, which can otherwise be a major contributing factor to soil profile collapse and compaction, or pH swings, e.g. acidification.

As our plants feed, nutrients within the immediate vicinity to our roots, are constantly diminished. Any plant not connected to symbiotic root fungus and bacteria, can quickly suffer in heavy clays. The roots simply can’t reach newer sources of nutrition and/or water.

Humic acids can help alleviate the problems of depletion. Positive ions (cations) are attracted to plant roots through a negative charge. Bio Balance Media holds onto cations and presents them in such a way as to make them more available to plant roots. This process is known as chelation, a word which literally means ‘to claw’.

Summing up

This truly is a battle of the charges, with the plant root charge being stronger than that of the humic substances and the clays, thus if you like, our plants can pick the pockets of humic acids like those found in Bio Balance Media, taking the ions of nutrients and also the water molecules wrapped up in the chains for themselves.

Through the process of chelation, nature is helping our plants by preventing often volatile elements, calcium, magnesium, iron and so on, from binding into forms unavailable to plants.

Just as humic acids like Bio Balance Media help maintain plant growth micronutrients in a ready state, so it is also true, that soils rich in humic acids can hold up to 40 times more water than those systems devoid of sufficient humates.

We can now see how applications of humic acids can greatly improve drought tolerance, as well as allowing our plants better access to many micronutrients, critical for the creation of enzymes etc that are needed for healthy plant growth. Bio Balance Media not only boosts the performance of our plants, but it also provides this benefit to our recently applied Root Better mycorrhizal inoculates as well.

As mentioned previously, compost and other sources of decomposing organic matter are not an efficient way to build soil humus levels in certain conditions. In high heat, high moisture, compost rapidly decomposes and leaves its minerals behind, releasing carbon into the atmosphere as CO2. Humic substances such as Bio Balance Media and Foliar, on the other hand, are stable, long lasting biomolecules.

If you need to fix or rehabilitate a soil, increase its nutrient holding capacity, improve its structure and porosity and improve water availability, & thereby making that soil healthier for all plants, roots, microorganisms, then you can depend on Bio Balance Media and Bio Balance Foliar.

When used in conjunction with Root Better, Bio Media Pro, as an integral part of our range of dual purpose liquid biostimulants and plant nutrients, becomes part of a powerful, naturally based system that has been the basis of soil construction since the dawn of time.

There are literally hundreds of research papers found online to help uncover the full science behind applications of living biology and critical soil substances like Bio Balance Media reference its application on clays and other soil types.

Each of our products could form the basis of a book on their own and in this blog we have only just scratched the surface. In time we will of course cover each product and any conditions they favour in more detail, but for now, happy growing.

Most people have heard the term silt, even if they are not quite sure what silt is. These days it’s often associated with rivers clogging up and widespread flooding. Certainly recent floods in the UK have been blamed in part on build ups of silt. But this is due to a reduction in clearance management practice which stems from government spending priorities.

Build ups in silt levels have been attributed with raising the water levels in many southern river systems, making them more prone to flood in the event of heavy rainfall.

**Silt is actually a granular material, smaller than sand, but larger than clays. It is typically quartz and feldspar in its origins. Silt is typically a result of weathering, where sand sized particles of quartz are broken, into ever smaller particle sizes, along weaknesses in their chemical lattice structure.

When silt is dry, it feels a bit like a powder, almost flour like, hence its other name, “rock flour”. When it gets it wet, it becomes slippery, almost greasy to touch. Much of the silt deposits on earth are actually as a result of glacial grinding, but silt can form from chemical weathering as well as physical.

Silty glacial runoff aka. “Glacial Milk”

Silt particles are pretty small, somewhere around 0.0039mm up to but less than 0.075mm. Roughly 1/3 of the thickness of a human hair. Keep in mind that this is still larger than clays. The size ranges of silt mean they tend to overlap, and this is how the particles form cohesive profiles, this is unlike clays, which are plate like, and from through electrostatic force.

What makes silt somewhat unique is that each silt particle is approximately the same size in all dimensions.

Silt particles under a microscope

Silt particles are small enough for transportation by either liquid, as in the case of rivers, or by being blown by winds. Silt is known to be responsible for refreshing the nutrient quality of soils along the banks of the great river Nile.

Recent studies have also implicated the degrading of silt levels in parts of the USA. This due to the implementation of man made water control systems, which have impacted both diversity and future security. Silt deposits have been created through the destruction of vital wetlands and barrier islands.

**Growing in silty soil


So, now that we know a bit about the stuff, what’s it like as a growing medium, how can we use it, what are its characters?

Silt can really help water retention. Where we have soils that tend to drain and over dry, adding some silt is often a good idea. It can reduce the need to water every day when we balance the ratio of clays with enough aerating material such as sand.

Just as we learn silt can hold water, adding too much silt can result in any growing soil remaining wet for too long. So careful attention should be paid to monitor drying times, adjusting watering schedules to best fit.

Silt and nitrogen leaching

As waterlogged / flooded soils are the number one cause of nitrogen leaching into our water supply, be sure to monitor the moisture levels and temperature of silt based soils. These factors will affect how you need to manage nitrogen inputs and reduce the cost through efficient application.

Nitrogen losses occur most dominant in soils that remain waterlogged for a number of days and where temperatures are also higher, problems are worse. We will go into more details about managing soil Nitrogen in later blog posts, and so no doubt you see more of this topic as we strive for best practice nutrient use.

So what can we do if we have large volumes of silt in our soils?

Adding silt to soil

Well we can add chunkier materials. Sand, for example. Whenever we amend silt based soils, we should always be sure to dig a little bit more than or around a depth of 1ft before adding extras.

Silt can have a tendency towards compaction. Compaction is where the soil system collapses in on itself, and this drives out essential air pockets, in turn it can also trap pockets of water, which then without oxygen, begin to switch state into a being of anaerobic favor. This can be terminal for most of our plants.

As oxygen is a crucial growth element required by plants, so it is that healthy rates of oxygen in soil are critical. We must strive to have a soil that has a good balance of water retention, but not to the extent that it drives out the oxygen.

Many of the organisms we have been discussing, like soil fungus and bacteria that support our plants growth and development, all need oxygen to function in symbiosis with our plants.

When levels of available oxygen in the soil system drop below a critical marker (this being 6 parts per million of DO2 – Dissolved Oxygen), the system of soil itself changes. Which tends to be less hospitable with regards to us and our plants.

Many of the microbes who were once friends, now in desperation, begin to feed on our plants in the hope of out living the drop in Oxygen levels, whilst many other microbes that prefer anaerobic states begin to flourish in the absence of Oxygen. These characters typically come packaged with all the plant pathogens nature has in the locker.

Keeping our soils from over compacting is a primary concern. BUT it’s not just the ratio of soil particles that lean our soils towards compaction, there are many causes and opportunities for unwitting growers to induce compaction.

As such we will treat the topic of soil compaction on its own merit in a later blog post. Keep in touch by signing up to our newsletter.

Summing up on silt

The uniform particle size of silt allows us to use it to adjust water loss in our soils. The nature of its size regularity and its overlapping design do however, make it a prime candidate for high compaction.

Now that we understand more about silt, we should be better prepared to spot any possible hazard, or know better when and where its use case is correctly applied.

On its own, silt has many plant friends, especially among those water loving varieties – these can be grasses, but also many flowers and vines.

Silt can be used to help retain moisture and prevent over drying, which can lead to plant damage. Equally where soils need to be improved in terms of water drainage, understanding how much silt we have can help us determine how much and what type of drainage material we might need to add. Knowing this might also allow us to predict future hazards and provide integrated management plans to mitigate nutrient leaching through denitrification and compaction risk.

Where we have higher levels of silt, we may need to look to boost both Oxygen carrying elements and improve soil tilth.

**Better products for silt soils


We do this with regular inputs, of humates, such as Bio Balance Media and Bio Balance Foliar. We can also use Bio-Hydrate with our water / nutrient inputs, either as a soil watering solution, or as a plant leaf spray, this will increase water efficiency, but more, it contains Salicylic Acid, known to play a positive role in plant stress signaling systems as well as assisting in the reduction of salt accumulation.

Again we should be sure to treat our growing spaces and plants with beneficial microbes, which can be found in Root Better and Bio Media Pro. Where silts have compacted making plant root growth hard work, ultra fine and ultra tough, fungal roots can more readily slip between the layers of silt particles and clays and so on, providing our plants with access to resources they might otherwise never reach alone.

**Where silts are at risk from environmental weathering, we can better aggregate them through microbial soil protein release. This anchors the system as a whole, preventing soil erosion and the loss of economy that follows.

Through a deeper understanding of natural plant and fungus symbiosis, we can look to mitigate some of the risks associated with complex soil types like silt, in many instances, without adding extra labor.

If we add the right blend of microbial life at the point of planting, we can boost the types of characters whose presence assists our plants by gently tilling (preparing) the soil profile from within. This maintains the critical structure of soil and thus integrity by converting and returning nutrients as well as providing both plant growth and plant-soil health-promoting benefits through natural secretions of enzymes, organic acids etc.

Adding Root Better and Bio Media Pro provides assurance that we are providing these benefits from day 1 and so we have the widest chance today, to capitalize on the many benefits growing with active biology brings to any and all soil systems, including those higher in silt.

Now that you've familiarized yourself with sand and silt, it's time to get to know clay and the finest grained secrets it has to offer.

If you want to find out more about how nitrogen in our water supply affects health, then read this post on the nitrogen runoff troubles of Pretty Prairie village in Kansas.

Images credit

Cover – James W. Teaford

Glacial Milk – Andrew Koro

Silt particles under microscope – Evelyne Delbos, James Hutton Institute.

Sand in soil

In this post we will cover sand and hopefully by the time we are finished, you will better understand its properties and use cases and adjustments for your growing operations.

- A close up of some of the rich organic history found in sand

Sand is soil in its most basic form. It is the largest and heaviest of soil particle bases. It is naturally occurring, finely granular minerals and bits of rock.

Silicon in soil

Most sand is composed of Silicon, eg Silicon dioxide (SiO2). Itself, silicon is an element typically found in many compound states, which can be both negatively charged and positively charged. This makes it an interesting partner for growers.

Calcium carbonate in soil

Next in line is calcium carbonate (CaCO3), the stuff that deposits in your tea kettle. In terms of its frequency in the sand this is perhaps the second most abundant. Which makes sense right? Since sand is often associated, for me at least, with the sea and calcium carbonate deposits typically originate from seashells and corals, as in the case of aragonite (a crystalline form of CaCO3). Calcium carbonates tend to lean towards a base or alkaline pH and again this means without serious management many plants just don’t grow in Sand alone.

Since pH has consequences for the type of additional life that is favoured, and as it is in these subtle shifts, we find the magic to growing anything. We will later discuss more about the importance of pH in soil management and plant health.

Sand becoming a scarce resource

Sand is not a renewable resource within human time frames and we use lots and lots of it in construction for example, so much in fact that, it´s on its way to becoming a scarce resource. Does this overuse not conflict with its scarcity and renewability and how can its high pH make it a suitable partner for growers?

The traits of sand

Whilst sand is an excellent media to boost drainage, it’s not ideal for many plants as a solo media type. If you want proof of this, go down to the beach and count the number and type of different plants you see actively growing in it.

Part of the quality of sand, on one hand, makes it tricky to live with on another. Its capacity to freely drain water means it can make it difficult to retain the right mix of plant and soil nutrients in and around the root zone of our crops.

People growing in sandy soils, (those where sand % is 85% and higher) often need to use many times more nutrients, especially Nitrogen and Potassium which can get used faster, or be hard to establish due to higher Calcium levels. Where we do use sand as growers is generally to improve water drainage in tough soils, and help reduce issues such as soil compaction, often with great success and limited percentages.

You son of a soil

Sand is basic, basic soil. Think of soil as a right of passage if you like. Where sand is a newborn child, forest soils are the wise old grandparents and we have a range in between.

Given its position in my “journey to adulthood” metaphor, it is no real surprise to find that sand is home to a limited range of plant life in nature. It leans towards a bacterially dominant environment and this is really pertinent since it is more often the supporting biology that determines the eventual level of complexity of life that might exist in any one soil type. In coming posts we will further explain much more about how the ratio of microbiology in soils can determine the complexity and opportunity for soil to support wider forms of life, plants and more.

The life sand supports is as basic as sand itself, and often the plant types we enjoy, are way too complex to be supported in a situation of such limited range. So where we can, we boost sandy soils with lots and lots of organic matter, or we really struggle with diversity and plant choice.

There are some really tricky reasons as to why sand can help reduce soil compaction and thus ease water penetration. These stem around the high content of calcium and its dominance as a divalent ion in the system of Cation Exchange in soils, and its downstream impacts. Again we will cover this in more depth in later blogs as well as why high calcium may mean more nitrogen and how it makes it harder to apply potassium and/or phosphorus in high calcium environments.

Why does sand drain?

Part of the reason sand is so free draining is a lack of humate content. Humates are soil components of balanced vibrant soils, such as those we find supporting the world’s greatest forests.

What are humates?

Humates come from decaying animal, plant and organic matter, often being processed over non-human scale timeframes, via interactions with microbial life. During decomposition, complex organic matter is reduced by microbes in favourable environmental conditions into stable forms of Carbon-based material. These forms, resistant to further decomposition, go on to act to absorb excess water, nutrients, which prevent them simply washing away out of the system, each time it rains or we water our crops.

Humus acts like a giant sponge, soaking and retaining water and passing ions (plant food) from the soil. Even stripping excess ions from soil particles themselves to help prevent overloading.

Over time this activity builds long-term soil fertility and can reduce the impacts of pollution and or fertiliser overuse, helping restore a more natural balance. It acts with the microbes who help generate it, and it supports their ongoing health and presence (these microbes typically being fungus types, but also their surrounding biomes of bacteria).

Together, the soil humates and secretions of microbes, act to join/bind soil particles together into larger forms called aggregates. Over time these aggregates are what we see as soil structure.

Soil aggregates

Aggregates are essentially parts bound together by the activities of soil fungus, who actively reduce past organic matter into humates by pulling all different particle sizes and types of particles together with base organic matter.

This reduced particle collection creates a block of media we call soil, complete with air pockets and trapped water sources as well as all the elements such as the NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium) range and so on. All of which our plants need to live, plus all of the biological helpers that the plants and system needs to maintain energy.

Because sand lacks the organic matter required to form complex humates, it will never be ideal when it comes to its use a single structure for most plants, nor will it be ideal when it comes to practice and economy since we need to spend more money on it per plant cycle, to retain its best operating range.

It is and should be a vital part of a healthy balanced soil, but where we are stuck with it, is at high percentages. This is why we must use our new understanding of its limitations to overcome them and effect a change for the better.

How to grow Better in sandy soils

Better Organix makes a range of high purity organic humates, these being Bio Balance Media and Bio Balance Foliar. These can be used by growers in high sand zones to boost the efficiency of the media. As discussed, humates help to bind particles, and its this that gives us soil structure and this enables us to store and use added resources like water and plant food, more efficiently.

Both BBM and BBF can be used on all media types, but BBM is particularly effective where there are high levels of sand, and also high levels of calcium. For more information on about Bio Balance Media and Bio Balance Foliar, please the product page visit our store.

Better Organix also makes a range of high power biological inoculants (microbes that promote plant health). Root Better is a highly recommended additive to those growing in higher sand content media types. It is a package of beneficial plant soil fungus types and a plethora of beneficial bacteria which are found in the presence of these mighty soil fungus types in the wild.

Root better can be used to quickly boost populations of soil fungus, further enhancing the quality of transformation in sandy soil zones, increasing the ease of growing and widening the choice of plant types far beyond the usual suspects.

Next we will discuss Silt based soils and uncover the secrets hidden in this often maligned resource. How we can use it as growers to super boost microbial activity, reclaim saline soils and more.

Adios and until next week


Put simply, soil is quite possibly the single most important resource to human survival.

Soil is front and centre to planet earth and everything living on and in it.

We as humans are made from the elements of soil, and in it we find all the nutrition we require for human life, it’s where we grow and feed our food.

Despite the vital link between us, our long term health and the health of soil around the earth, we humans haven’t always been the best at understanding how to keep soil healthy and what to do when it’s not.

Our desires have often trumped our sense, and nowhere is this more true than in agriculture and the growing communities, engaged in a chase for yields at all costs.

Others have with more elegance, outlined the dependence of humans on soil well being.

“The health of soil, plant, animal and man is one and indivisible.” – Lady Eve Balfour, Founder of the Soil Association

Why write a guide?

Because soil is so critical to humanity, we have chosen to take some time to help new and old growers alike to better understand soil as a system.

After thoughtfully reading through the piece, we guarantee you will better understand the soil you are using, have a deeper respect for its delicate balance, and have some new ideas on how you might squeeze extra value from your spaces, which will result in more nutrient dense food, and a richer local environment.

Healthy soil not only helps us to grow awesome tasting, nutrient-rich foods, medicines, or nose filling flora scents, natural shade from the midday sun, and a myriad of other benefits, it is a fundamental regulator of the earth’s climate.

Components in soils systems are the bookends of crucial biogeochemical cycles, which power all life on earth, ensure the mix of atmospheric gases, temperature and regulate losses which might otherwise result in a dramatic imbalance which may prove fatal to our biology.

Indeed recent weather events are showing just how far we have already tipped the fine balance of planet earth via careless practice and neglect, and so today we offer hope in the fog.

Every one of us, as growers, can take part in helping to restore earth’s natural balance, by really getting under the skin of the planet, and reinstating practice in our local environments to help counter the trend of extremes. Every day we are hearing stories of land loss, pollution, degrading nutrient levels in foods.

All of these problems and more can be addressed by each one of us taking a bit more time to understand our own practices and impacts, and perhaps making some minor changes to entrenched methods, which are a result of misleading data supporting the sale of products we really don’t need.

During this blog, we will take everyone right back to school, spending some time explaining in real terms, what soil is physically, and what the variations in its makeup mean to us growers specifically. It’s more than just some material we stand our plants up in and it’s certainly more than a chemistry shelf, in which we store our potions and lotions for our short-term gains.

The soil surrounding our plants, is home, for our crops and ultimately for us and every organism we share this beautiful planet with. Today we are losing fertile soil at a rate that is simply unsustainable, and right now we’re losing the equivalent of 30 football pitches of fertile soil every minute.

If we can learn from the get-go what soil health really means today, we can make the very best of this finite resource, and ensure its security for those that come long after us.

Without healthy soil, plants just really struggle to grow. Since plants are a massive part of our lives as humans, it is in our interests as growers, to ensure what we do on the land, is always in sight of protecting this critical part of our home.

What is soil made up of?

To everyone looking to grow anything, soil or media is essentially made up of particles of organic and mineral material, in general, most soil is defined as any of that which is in part or a blend of sand, silt, clay, as well as, loam, rocks and pebbles and organic matter.

When we stare at the ground, it really looks like an almost solid sheet of more or less equal color, when we get up close, we can begin to see that this mass is in fact made up of many different particle types, all differing sizes, many different colors and all sorts of textures.

The basics of soil

Soil in its most basic form is made up of mixed particles of Sand, Silt and Clays, but it’s also full of living organisms, these as big as arthropods and mammals, but as small as microscopic fungus and bacteria. Its this mash-up of various particles and living organisms that really power soil and enable us to squeeze so much life from such a thin layer of media.

Many refer to the soil system, as a Living Soil Food Web, which is a really neat description, coined by organic soil scientists, such as Elaine Ingham some years ago. It works for me because it conjures up the image of a complex network beneath my feet, and this is the reality when we get up close and personal with soils.

So we don’t get to carried away too quickly, let’s go back to the basic parts of soil, the sand, silt, and clays. Let’s take each of these major components and spend some time explaining what each is, giving reference to its quality and use in growing, rather than simply giving you the physical self of each.

Once we have covered the bases, we will begin to take you deeper into the nature of soil, helping you understand how each base material, interacts with both plant and soil biology, sharing with you new groundbreaking research, which forms the basis of the Better Organix product range and plant, soil health system. We aim to debunk some of the common practices surrounding horticulture and introduce you to some mind-blowing findings that you can also use to guide your future growing choices.

Growing plants is a massive subject area, and soil health could be considered a subject on its own. As we proceed with the blog here, we urge you the reader to get in touch with us, and let us now some of the concerns and interest areas you would like to learn and hear more about. We welcome your feedback and so please do reach out to our team if you feel we have missed something, or you seek further confirmation.

In this blog post we will do our best to give you the basic skills and later introduce some available products that can help you all manage your growing spaces.

Knowing the makeup of your soil in terms of base components will help you to better select both plant types and tools to assist your growing. One of the biggest causes of new growers failing to get success is the quality of media you are left to grow in, and or the plants chosen in this context.

Any soil can be made good for any plant given enough time, but as growers, we want to get results from day one. If we can quickly pick up a few tips to help us reduce the loss of plant stock, then it’s a good idea to make time to understand the tips before we begin.

The composition of soil

Knowing what you want to plant, has to be preceded by what type of soil you have to use. If you are faced with soil in your backyard, or elsewhere, there is a quick test you can do, and a chart, called a soil texture triangle, which you can print out from here to compare your results too.

Obviously, the option exists to purchase soils from a store. More modern soils and potting mediums may contain Peat, Coco Fibres, Perlite and so on. We will take time at the end of the soil basics, to cover each of the common components of shop bought soils, since some of the properties are somewhat different and need to be highlighted. We hope this will help avoid incorrect purchases at soil or plant end when spending the hard earned cash.

Important factors when choosing your own soils are in the soils ability to retain or drain water, capacity to hold oxygen, and the amount of minerals/salts that can be held readily available to our plants, in other words, its food.

If you want to know how to perform a simple soil consistency test at home, give our simple soil test a go.

But if you want to carry on, then jump right into the not-so-fine-grain mysteries of the first building block of soil, Sand.

Link to original post on the Better Organix website –