

Book 2 of 100 of my 2021 Reading Challenge


Where do I even start with this one? After reading Little Brother, I needed to read something about what MY government what actually doing to me. I thought I already knew about Edward Snowden, and how the Mass Surveillance Program (that the National Security Agency (NSA) is responsible for) was secretly collecting mass amounts of data on U.S. citizens... Then I read Permanent Record.


Book 1 of 100 of my 2021 Reading Challenge


I wanted to start this year’s reading challenge out by reading a series I had never heard of, by an author I didn’t know.

For Christmas, my amazing wife gifted me with a Barnes & Noble gift card. While looking at the newly released books, I came across Attack Surface by Cory Doctorow. After reading the quotes and brief description on the book’s dustcover, I thought it was something right down my alley.

After coming home to read my new book, I go onto GoodReads and add it to my reading list. Then, I see it.. Attack Surface (Little Brother #3)! This new release was the third in the Little Brother series! I’m not the kind of person that can just begin a series out of order, so naturally I had to get the first two books. That is where this journey begins.