uncle George Wilkin Butcher part 1

HI there i’m detective Tom William Butcher Gosh i hate my last name,well my story just… just let’s go back to the begginning my father’s name is John William Butcher and mother Lillian Butcher my father had a older brother George Wilkin Butcher…but learnt a sick truth later from my father on about my old uncle.. you see my father is in prison about 15 years but he didn’t tell me why he called me to meet him? then my father again to tell me the story about his brother.. me uncle got talking about my uncle and i’ll dark the past was! my father was crying in fear before what he had to explained i murdered your uncle for what he’s done to your mother..he began to explain more details on why he did it shortly after i was born my older uncle murdered my mother but in an sick he peeled all her skin off HE PEEL THE SKIN WHILE SHE WAS STILL ALIVE AND RIPPED IT SLOWLY OFF THE..MUSCLE MAKING IT LOOK LIKE A COMPLETE EMPTY SHELL!, AND THEN HE TOOK THE SKULL WITH THE BRAIN STILL ATTACHED AND THE BLOOD IN A MACHINE HE BUILT THE MACHINE GRIND AND PULLED THE BONES TO SLOSH ..AND SAID A RITUAL I DRINK THIS BONES AND BLOOD FOREVER LASTING HEALING SO I RISE FROM DEATH AND NEVER DIE AGAIN SO HE’LL THE BAYTREEARK? SO SAYS THE SKIN KEEPER! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE BAYTREEARK IS A 6 DIMENSIONAL DEMON THAT KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES AND FEEDS ON THE SAME OFFERINGS AS IT’S FOLLOWERS! AND GIVES THE GIFT EVERLASTING LIFE AND STRENGTH

Shortly after i left the prison a guard round out the door screaming.. my name Tom Tom! i turned around sure enough it was James the warden. now Tom you know i want it run out here if it wasn’t important your father told me to give this to you and yes he is scared. scared of what! James scared of what! now tom he didn’t tell me why or what. He’s scared of but he did say the secret lies in this shoe box he pacifically told me that you the only one can open it and see it’s contents? so James hands me the box. i thought to myself this is crazy and thinking that these prison walls or making my father go completely fucking insane.so i left in my squad car heading back to present i got there did a few paperwork and grabbed. the box and went home i was afraid to find out the truth what lied in the box? forward sick twisted things my uncle did so before. i open the box i drank a whole bottle of Jack Daniels to loosen my head and find a curd to open the box? inside the lid of the box was a note taped dear Tom. before i open the letter i looked in the box found a woman’s finger with a wedding ring on it. plus a book with pictures sick! sick pictures…so i began to open the letter? as i open the envelope it’s stink like rotten flesh open the letter inside it said hello Tom how’s my baby nephew hahaha! i’m gonna tell you about my story tom well the maker stories short me and your father on sybil. and we’re groin up but things changed! when i got older i wanted to kill i was hungry for blood so i started to think the first thing that i actually really butchered was your father’s. dog and displayed him inside out on foot end of your father’s.. bed the next morning and hear your father scream my name George! you bastard.it is sad that this was the last time you saw your father.. the end a drop of blood i thought my node was bleeding? and i thought to myself that i was holding. the letter but actually i was holding my father’s face!...