

This code was broken for a while, the .png-generation portion is still too repetitive. The code takes questionnaire results and provides a faceted (R ggplot2-like) view with an .html page that list questions with a visualization of their results for the individual, the individual's department(faculty), and the department's(faculty's) university.

Faceted-like view in Browser

Experience with Racket's path utilities over the past weeks (and today's discovery that regexp-replace works with paths!) helped to clean up the part that filters plot images.

Filtering plot images is better with paths

Other work demands attention and time, but it's awful to leave code in a broken state.

Example of a  generated .png file



The code needs editing, but I like this view of questionnaire data where “factor” responses of 1 and 2 are negative, 3 is seemingly neutral, and 4 and 5 are positive. It seems possible to see things with this view that might not be possible with an average/mean of the responses.

Synoptic View of Positive and Negative Responses for a Questionnaire

The visualization needs to be on a page with the full text for the questions, the symbols for the numbered responses, the tables for the data, and an attempt to explain the visualization.

Screenshot of the page output by the code below, includes the image above


While using questionnaire data to learn plotting, questions come to mind. Averages don't make sense for “ranked” “factors”, for numbered responses to questions about how much a person agrees or disagrees with a question. Maybe seeing the percentage and number of positive responses versus negative responses will help in the search for meaning in the data.

Top of Browser page showing first two question-result sections

With Racket it is possible to transform and view the data however you like. It's nice to be able to implement a view out of curiosity. I'm hoping the stacked lines with their labels provide enough hints for people to figure out that they are combinations of responses of 4 and 5 in a positive direction, and 1 and 2 in a negative direction.

Negative responses were most frequent for the question about student speaking, questioning in class

If there is time to go over the code again there must be less repetitive way to stack negative lines after stacking positive lines. Getting started on that gave me a change to use Racket's define to give the pnt-w-lbl procedure an optional argument.

Years ago with gnuplot I plotted “enthused”熱意 results against “satisified”満足 responses. Naomi Klein quoted a Harpers article by a professor that said he refused to be “cool” like a Marshall McLuhan screen.

For now though, I just want to see how Racket can replace two pages oddly scaled visualizations and averages. It's time to move into other work, after adjusting the css styles so that the generated page fits onto two A4 papers.

Here's proof that the code pasted in below worked in DrRacket:

DrRacket Screenshot