Financial Literacy with Dr Racket


A water fountain at Miyakonojyo Agricultural High School reminded me of a Financial Literacy lesson idea. I used to do this with emacs org-mode tables and it was fun. But now, with Beginning/Basic Education in the back of my mind, I try to do everything in DrRacket (and then use emacs to get a shell script to work).

Water Fountain Financial Literacy with DrRacket


#lang racket

(define week-of-pp-drinks (*  5 100))
(format "1 Week: ~a yen " week-of-pp-drinks)

(define month-of-pp-drinks (* 4 week-of-pp-drinks))
(format "1 Month: ~a yen " month-of-pp-drinks)

(define year-of-pp-drinks (* 12 month-of-pp-drinks))
(format "1 Year: ~a yen" year-of-pp-drinks)

(format "3 Years of High School: ~a yen" (* 3 year-of-pp-drinks))

(format "4 Years of University: ~a yen" (* 4 year-of-pp-drinks))

(format "7 Years of Higher Education: ~a yen" (* 7 year-of-pp-drinks))

(require pict)

(bitmap  (build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir)

In order to “do everything in DrRacket” I need Shotwell to organize the pictures from the digital camera, and Gimp to select the worthwhile parts of pictures. #宮崎県立都城農業高校 #都城農業高校 #農業高校 #冷水機 #Racket #DrRacket #emacs #org-mode #Shotwell #Gimp #fs2ft #fs4ft #FreeSoftwareToFreeTeachers