plot picts and pip-lines with arrows and bitmaps

Plotting tables with DrRacket has been teaching me a lot. It felt wrong to go out of DrRacket and into the shell just to montage (ImageMagick) the row-based and column-based plots together. Racket features plot-pict so it seemed like the right time to start learning the pict library.(fn:1) With picts I was able to vc-append a gray separator between the two plots, and to add pip-arrows-lines to point out connections between the two views.

plot picts with connecting pip arrow lines

The plots I work with can become long images. Long picts are awkward to work with in DrRacket. I could only scale to the top, and could not check the lower part of the plot. Enclosing the pict code withpict->bitmap makes iterative development smoother. A bitmap is much easier to scroll in DrRacket.

It took a few attempts to learn how to save the pict->bitmap images to file. I was looking for a basic Scheme-like approach with open-output-file or with-output-to-file but nothing worked. The task of saving plot-pict bitmaps as png files has become my introduction to objects in Racket. You send an object a method and arguments. It didn't make sense to me until reading the ambiguous sentence I just typed. With send you don't send the very next expression somehwere, you send the following expressions to the next expression. So send's second argument (if you see send as a typical Racketfunction) is what gets the rest of the arguments.

    ;; picts don't scroll well in DrRacket,
    ;; ;  You can't save picts as png with a right-click either
     (pict-line cbase-sep-rbase 542 508 962 542)    
     536 422 962 348 #:clr "DarkKhaki" #:sze 5))
   save-file "HM-BM-p11-pict-lines-plots.png" 'png)

In the code snippet above the bitmap object made by pict->bitmap is told to save itself to the file named somefile.png and that somefile.png is of the kind called 'png. The expression makes sense now, it was just hard to discover since I'm coming to Racket for the most basic math-like (or logic-like expressions) that I'm hoping will be widely useful enough for non-professional programmers. I guess there was a secret desire to avoid object and their orientations. Working with only functional expressions would help me stay quick with map and lambda(fn:2) and basic recursion with helper (auxiliary) functions and keep (accumulating) lists. (fn:3) But as I look over the send and save-file code now there is a feeling that send will work well with map and lambda

What I was expecting didn't happen while using pip-arrows-line and pin-over. > Creates a line (with some number of arrowheads) as a zero-sized pict suitable for use with pin-over. The 0-sized picture contains the starting point. (fn:4) The on-line documentation for thepip-line functions is still short and with no examples. I should have started with smaller practice pictures. Learning to use pip-arrows-line and pin-over would have been faster if there was no need to also learn that long picts are easier to view after conversion to bitmaps. I get the dx dy coordinates from GIMP using the mousepointer over the saved png file. Tabbing back and forth between applications is distracting enough, so I wrote a convenience function pict-line that does what I expected pip-line and pin-over to do.

 (define (pict-line base x-start y-start x-end y-end
                    #:clr (clr "gray") #:sze (sze 10))
    (define x-diff (- x-end x-start))
    (define y-diff (- y-end y-start))
    (pin-over base x-start y-start
              (pip-arrows-line x-diff y-diff sze) clr)))

Here's proof that the image came from and that the code worked in DrRacket. The code is below the screenshot of DrRacket displaying the plot-picts as bitmaps.

DrRacekt Screenshot of plot-picts with pip arrows lines


#lang racket

(define my-home (find-system-path 'home-dir))
(define learning-directory "Learning-Minamata")

;; 単位 貫 カン 3.75kg 8.3lb
(define data-file "HM-1-p11-FisheryFigures.csv")
;; 魚種,昭和25〜28年平均,29年,30年,31年
;; ボラ,16000,14521,10136,5901
;; エビ,4727,2425,1558,945
;; 片ロイワシ,44515,27076,12536,6926
;; コノシロ,8457,1811,1615,318
;; タチ,13851,7931,6535,5354
;; タコ,3896,2430,2033,1179
;; イカ,3293,2517,1480,1043
;; カキ,2659,1973,1427,429
;; ナマコ,2750,2302,1630,535
;; ハモ,2083,1726,1243,603
;; カニ,1441,1702,1024,600
;; その他,18789,8102,4731,1660
;; 計,122460,74516,45948,25493

(define data-path (build-path my-home learning-directory data-file))

(define get-path
  (lambda (file-name)
    (build-path (current-directory-for-user) file-name)))

(define get-data
  (lambda (pth)
    (let* ((inp (open-input-file pth))
	   (lines (port->lines inp)))
      (close-input-port inp)
      (map (lambda (s) (string-split
			(regexp-replace* "\"" s "")

(define fishery-data-Nengo (get-data data-path))
;(define headers (first fishery-data))	
;; '("魚種" "昭和25〜28年平均" "29年" "30年" "31年")

;; new column headers
(define headers-en-19
  '("fish" "1950-53avg" "1954" "1955" "1956"))

;; new row headers
(define fish-en '("mullet" "shrimp" "anchovy" "shad"
                   "hairtail" "octopus" "squid" 
                   "oyster" "sea slug" "sea eel" "crab" "other" "total"))

(define replace-firsts
  (lambda (orig-list new-firsts)
    (define replace-first  ;; Racket-style guide "lambda is cute but..."
      (lambda (lst frst)
        (cons frst (rest lst))))
    (map replace-first orig-list new-firsts)))

(define (replace-headers-firsts table headers firsts)
  (cons headers
	(replace-firsts (cdr table) firsts)))

(define (貫string->kg-number str)
  (* 3.75 (string->number str)))
(define (貫strings-row->kg-numbers row)
  (define head (car row))
  (cons head
	(map 貫string->kg-number (cdr row))))

(define fishery-data-en-19-kg
  (cons headers-en-19
	 (map 貫strings-row->kg-numbers
	      (cdr fishery-data-Nengo))
;; '(("fish" "1950-53avg" "1954" "1955" "1956")
;;   ("mullet" 60000.0 54453.75 38010.0 22128.75)
;;   ("shrimp" 17726.25 9093.75 5842.5 3543.75)
;;   ("anchovy" 166931.25 101535.0 47010.0 25972.5)
;;   ("shad" 31713.75 6791.25 6056.25 1192.5)
;;   ("hairtail" 51941.25 29741.25 24506.25 20077.5)
;;   ("octopus" 14610.0 9112.5 7623.75 4421.25)
;;   ("squid" 12348.75 9438.75 5550.0 3911.25)
;;   ("oyster" 9971.25 7398.75 5351.25 1608.75)
;;   ("sea slug" 10312.5 8632.5 6112.5 2006.25)
;;   ("sea eel" 7811.25 6472.5 4661.25 2261.25)
;;   ("crab" 5403.75 6382.5 3840.0 2250.0)
;;   ("other" 70458.75 30382.5 17741.25 6225.0)
;;   ("total" 459225.0 279435.0 172305.0 95598.75))

(define (data-table->long-form table)
  (let ((long-cells '()))
    (define column-headers (cdr (car table)))
    (define data-rows (cdr table))
    (define (add-cell cell)
      (set! long-cells (cons cell long-cells)))
    (define (data-row->long-cells row)
      (define row-head (car row))
      (define numbers (cdr row))
      (define (data-cell->long-cell num c-head)
	(add-cell (list row-head c-head num)))
      (map data-cell->long-cell numbers column-headers))
    (map data-row->long-cells (cdr table))
    (reverse long-cells)))
;; (data-table->long-form-try-2 fishery-data-19-kg)    

(define fish-market-en-long-form
  (data-table->long-form ;; remove last "total" row
   (reverse (cdr (reverse fishery-data-en-19-kg)))))

(define (get-row header table)
  (filter (lambda (cell) (string=? (first cell) header))

(define (row-sum header table)
  (define row (get-row header table))
  (apply + (map third row)))
;; (row-sum "other" fish-market-en-long-form)
;; 124807.5

(define (get-col header table) ;; get-column
  (filter (lambda (cell) (string=? (second cell) header))

(define (col-sum header table) ;; sum column figures
  (define col (get-col header table))
  (apply + (map third col)))
;; (-  (col-sum "1956" fish-market-en-long-form) 95598.75)
;; 95598.75

(define (get-cell r-head c-head table)
  (define row (get-row r-head table))
  (car (get-col c-head row)))

(define (percent-of-col r-head c-head table)
  (define col (get-col c-head table))
  ;; efficient but brittle, use col column but relies on
  ;; convention that first-row second-col third-num
  (define sum (apply + (map third col))) 
  (define cell (car (get-row r-head col)))
  (define num (third cell))
  (* 100 (/ num sum)))

(define (percent-of-col-num header num table)
  ;(define col (get-column header table))
  (* 100 (/ num (col-sum header table))))

(define (cell-percent-of-first-row-val r-head c-head table)
  (define row (get-row r-head table))
  (define cell (car (get-col c-head row)))
  (define num (third cell))
  (define row-nums (map third row))
  (define standard (first row-nums))
  (* 100 (/ num standard)))

(require plot/utils)

(define (percent->diff-label num)
  (if (= num 100)
       (->plot-label (- (- 100 num)) 0)

(define (kg-fig->kg-label num)
  (string-append (->plot-label num 0) "kg"))

(require plot)

(define horizontal-line
  (lambda (x y #:clr (clr "black")) ;; lne-wdh lne-stl ..etc
    (lines (list (vector 0 y) (vector x y)) #:color clr)))

(define labeled-point
  (lambda (x y l #:ancr (ancr 'left) #:fnt-sze (fnt-sze 8) #:fnt-clr (fnt-clr "black") #:pnt-sze (pnt-sze 5)
            #:pnt-clr (pnt-clr 0) #:lbl-angl (lbl-angl 0) )
    (point-label (vector x y) l #:anchor ancr #:size fnt-sze #:color fnt-clr #:point-size pnt-sze
                #:point-color pnt-clr #:angle lbl-angl)))

;; plot-a-line, was plot-a-fish,plot a cell!!
(define (plot-a-cell cell y table)
  (define fish (first cell))
  (define year (second cell))
  (define num (third cell))
  (define x-percent (cell-percent-of-first-row-val fish year table))
  (define kglabel (kg-fig->kg-label num))
  (define fish-kglabel (string-append fish " " kglabel))
  (define %diff-label (percent->diff-label x-percent))
  ;; need `parameterize`? to set data-table as default?
  (define %of-col (percent-of-col-num year num table))
  (define %of-col-label (string-append
			 (->plot-label %of-col 0) "% of" year " total"))
  (define kg-and-%of-year-label
    (string-append fish-kglabel ", " %of-col-label))
   (points (list (vector x-percent y)) #:sym 'fullcircle)
   (labeled-point 0 y kg-and-%of-year-label
		  #:ancr 'top-left #:pnt-sze 0 #:fnt-clr "gray" #:fnt-sze 10)
   (horizontal-line x-percent y)
   (labeled-point 100 y %diff-label #:ancr 'bottom-right #:pnt-sze 0 #:fnt-sze 10)
   (labeled-point 100 y year #:ancr 'bottom-left #:pnt-sze 3 #:pnt-clr "red"  #:fnt-sze 10)
   (lines (list (vector x-percent y) (vector 100 y)) #:color "red")))

;; A row is a group of long-form cells derived from row in original table
(define (plot-a-row row y-center table)
  (define y-label (first (car row)))
  (define y-limit .35)
  (define ys (linear-seq
	      (- y-center y-limit) (+ y-center y-limit)
	      (length  row)))
  (define (helper rows ys plots)
     ((empty? rows)  plots) ;; no need to revers, ys determing plot order
     (#t (helper (cdr rows) (cdr ys)
		 (cons (plot-a-cell (car rows) (car ys) table) plots)))))
  (list (labeled-point 110 y-center y-label #:fnt-sze 14 #:pnt-sze 0 #:ancr 'bottom-left)
	;(labeled-point 0 y-center y-label #:fnt-sze 14 #:pnt-sze 0 #:ancr 'left)
	(helper row ys '())))
(define (get-group-1956-percent row-group)
  (define r-head (first (car row-group)))
  ;; hard-coding 1956) works better with `last
  ;; with cell-percent-of-first-row-val
  (define c-head "1956")
  (cell-percent-of-first-row-val r-head c-head fish-market-en-long-form))

(define (compare-1956-percent group1 group2)
  (< (get-group-1956-percent group1)
     (get-group-1956-percent group2)))

(define (plot-rows table)
  (define groups (group-by first table))
  (define len (length groups))
  (define y-seq (linear-seq 1 len len))
  (define (helper rows ys plots)
    (cond ;; no need to reverse consed list
     ((empty? rows) plots) ;; just reverse the ys
     (#t (helper (cdr rows) (cdr ys)
		 (cons (plot-a-row (car rows) (car ys) table)
  (helper (sort groups compare-1956-percent)
	  (reverse y-seq) '()))

;; make a function that takes a table and
;; then plots the groups with the #:y-max set right
    ((plot-title "Harada「水俣病」p.11魚類別漁獲高調査表'53-'56")
     (plot-x-axis? #f)
     (plot-x-far-axis? #f)
     (plot-x-label #f)
     (plot-y-axis? #f)
     (plot-y-far-axis? #f)
     (plot-y-label #f)
     (plot-width 600)
     (plot-height 1200)
   (plot-rows fish-market-en-long-form)
   #:x-min 0 #:x-max 140
   #:y-min .5 #:y-max (+ .5 (length (group-by first fish-market-en-long-form)))
   #:out-file "Harada-MinamataByo-p11-rowplot-6.png"
   #:out-kind 'png

(define (get-percent cell)
  (define fish (first cell))
  (define year (second cell))
  (cell-percent-of-first-row-val fish year fish-market-en-long-form))
(define (compare-percent c1 c2)
  (< (get-percent c1) (get-percent c2)))
;; (sort ex-1956 compare-percent)

(define (plot-a-col-cell cell y table)
  (define fish (first cell))
  (define year (second cell))
  (define num (third cell))
  (define x-percent (cell-percent-of-first-row-val fish year table))
  (define kglabel (kg-fig->kg-label num))
  (define fish-kglabel (string-append fish " " kglabel))
  (define %diff-label (percent->diff-label x-percent))
  ;; need `parameterize`? to set data-table as default?
  (define %of-col (percent-of-col-num year num table))
  (define %of-col-label (string-append
			 (->plot-label %of-col 0) "% of" year " total"))
  (define kg-and-%of-year-label
    (string-append fish-kglabel ", " %of-col-label))
   (points (list (vector x-percent y)) #:sym 'fullcircle)
   (labeled-point 0 y kg-and-%of-year-label
		  #:ancr 'top-left #:pnt-sze 0 #:fnt-clr "gray" #:fnt-sze 10)
   (horizontal-line x-percent y)
   (labeled-point 100 y %diff-label #:ancr 'bottom-right #:pnt-sze 0 #:fnt-sze 10)
   (labeled-point 100 y fish #:ancr 'bottom-left #:pnt-sze 3 #:pnt-clr "red"  #:fnt-sze 10)
   (lines (list (vector x-percent y) (vector 100 y)) #:color "red")))

;; plot a column with meaningful order: Howard Wainer's advice
;;  against A-first order with no relation to data; use compare-percent
;; the table column is not a long-form row with col-header as second element of each cell
(define (plot-a-col row y-center table)
  (define y-label (second (car row)))
  (define y-limit .40)
  (define ys (linear-seq
	      (- y-center y-limit) (+ y-center y-limit)
	      (length  row)))
  (define (helper rows ys plots)
     ((empty? rows)  plots) ;; no need to revers, ys determing plot order
     (#t (helper (cdr rows) (cdr ys)
		 (cons (plot-a-col-cell (car rows) (car ys) table) plots)))))
  ;; y-limit needs global definition or parameterization or something... 
  (list (labeled-point 20 (+ .40 y-center) y-label #:fnt-sze 16 #:pnt-sze 0
                      #:ancr 'bottom-left #:lbl-angl 0)
	;(labeled-point 0 y-center y-label #:fnt-sze 14 #:pnt-sze 0 #:ancr 'left)
	(helper (sort row compare-percent) ys '())))

(define (plot-cols table)
  (define groups (group-by second table))
  (define len (length groups))
  (define y-seq (linear-seq 1 len len))
  (define (helper rows ys plots)
    (cond ;; no need to reverse consed list
     ((empty? rows) plots) ;; just reverse the ys
     (#t (helper (cdr rows) (cdr ys)
		 (cons (plot-a-col (car rows) (car ys) table)
  (helper groups y-seq '()))

    ((plot-title "Harada Masazumi「水俣病」p.11 魚類別漁獲 '53-'56 減収")
     (plot-x-axis? #f)
     (plot-x-far-axis? #f)
     (plot-x-label #f)
     (plot-y-axis? #f)
     (plot-y-far-axis? #f)
     (plot-y-label #f)
     (plot-width 600)
     (plot-height 1200)
   (plot-cols fish-market-en-long-form)
   #:x-min 0 #:x-max 130
   #:y-min .5 #:y-max (+ .5 (length (group-by second fish-market-en-long-form)))
   #:out-file "Harada-MinamataByo-p11-colplot-6.png" 
   #:out-kind 'png

(require pict)
;(require file/convertible)

(let* ((p-width 580)
       (p-height 1200)
       (col-based-pict (blank p-width p-height))
       (row-based-pict (blank p-width p-height))
    ((plot-title "Harada「水俣病」p.11 魚類別漁獲 '53-'56 減収")
     (plot-x-axis? #f)
     (plot-x-far-axis? #f)
     (plot-x-label #f)
     (plot-y-axis? #f)
     (plot-y-far-axis? #f)
     (plot-y-label #f)
     (plot-width p-width)
     (plot-height p-height)
  (set! col-based-pict
   (plot-cols fish-market-en-long-form)
   #:x-min 0 #:x-max 120
   #:y-min .5 #:y-max (+ .5 (length (group-by second fish-market-en-long-form)))

    ((plot-title "Harada「水俣病」p.11魚類別漁獲高調査表'53-'56")
     (plot-x-axis? #f)
     (plot-x-far-axis? #f)
     (plot-x-label #f)
     (plot-y-axis? #f)
     (plot-y-far-axis? #f)
     (plot-y-label #f)
     (plot-width p-width)
     (plot-height p-height)
  (set! row-based-pict
        (plot-rows fish-market-en-long-form)
        #:x-min 0 #:x-max 140
        #:y-min .5 #:y-max (+ .5 (length (group-by first fish-market-en-long-form)))


  (define pict-bitmap-separator
     (filled-rectangle 10 p-height #:color "white" #:draw-border? #f)
     (colorize (vline 10 p-height) "gray")))

   (define cbase-sep-rbase

 (set! cbase-sep-rbase
  (pin-over cbase-sep-rbase
           530 275
           (colorize (pip-arrows-line 430 -245 10) "gray")))
 (set! cbase-sep-rbase
  570 648
  (colorize (pip-arrows-line 390 504 10) "gray")))

  (define (pict-line base x-start y-start x-end y-end
                    #:clr (clr "gray") #:sze (sze 10))
    (define x-diff (- x-end x-start))
    (define y-diff (- y-end y-start))
    (pin-over base x-start y-start
              (pip-arrows-line x-diff y-diff sze) clr)))

      ;; picts don't scroll well in DrRacket, can't save as png from right-click either
       (pict-line cbase-sep-rbase 542 508 962 542)
       536 422 962 348 #:clr "DarkKhaki" #:sze 5))
    ;; picts don't scroll well in DrRacket, can't save as png from right-click either
     (pict-line cbase-sep-rbase 542 508 962 542)    ;; picts don't scroll well in DrRacket, can't save as png from right-click either
     536 422 962 348 #:clr "DarkKhaki" #:sze 5))
   save-file "HM-BM-p11-pict-lines-plots.png" 'png)