Reproduction Numbers for Various Diseases

Two articles ( -1 -2) about Corona Virus taught be about Infection Reproduction Numbers and Case Fatality Rates. But the graphic for one reminded me of Edward Tufte's Visual Explanations and its criticism of “pop journalism.” ( -3) The offending graphic ( -4) made me think of Howard Wainer's advice about ordering data also. Racket's sort lets us implement the advice with one-line of code.

Plain Plot for Seven Disease Reproduction Numbers

The reproduction numbers for these seven diseases are simple enough to provide good visualization practice. This might be a good case study to ease into Racket Plot coding and Data Visualization.

DrRacket Screenshot The code is below.

#lang racket

(require plot plot/utils)
;; data source:
;; ;
(define data-lists
  '((Corona-Virus 2 3.11)
    (Zika 3 6.6)
    (Measles 11 18)
    (Ebola 2 )
    (HIV 3.6 3.7)
    (Flu 1.3 )
    (Noro 1.6 3.7)))

(define sorted-lists (sort data-lists #:key last <))
;; sorted-lists

(define (0line x y)
  (lines (list (vector 0 y) (vector x y)) #:width 2.5))

(define (Xxline x1 x2 y)
  (lines (list (vector x1 y) (vector x2 y)) #:width 1))

(define (0Xxline x1 x2 y)
  (list (0line x1 y) (Xxline x1 x2 y)))

(define (label-disease-R0 dise-list y)
  (define label-strings (map ->plot-label dise-list))
  (define label-string (string-append (first label-strings) ":  "
                (string-join (rest label-strings) "<-->")))
  (point-label (vector 0 y) label-string #:point-sym 'none))

(define (plot-a-R0 d-list y)
  (define line-y (- y .3))
  (if (= 2 (length d-list))
      (0line (second d-list) line-y)
      (label-disease-R0 d-list y))
      (0Xxline (second d-list) (third d-list) line-y)
      (label-disease-R0 d-list y))))

(define Title-1 "Reproduction numbers for various diseases: ")
(define Title-2 "... one sick person is like to infect how many?")
(define source-url-a "")
(define source-url-b "             coronavirus-covid19-china-wuhan-deaths-pandemic")
(define x-max (+ 1 (last (argmax last sorted-lists))))
(define y-max (add1 (length sorted-lists)))
    ((plot-decorations? #f))
   ;;(0Xxline 2 3.11 3)
   ;; (plot-a-R0 (last sorted-lists) 3)
    (point-label (vector 0 (- y-max .3)) Title-1 #:point-sym 'none)
    (point-label (vector 0 (- y-max .8)) Title-2 #:point-sym 'none)
    (point-label (vector 0 (- y-max 1.3)) source-url-a #:point-sym 'none #:size 8)
    (point-label (vector 0 (- y-max 1.6)) source-url-b #:point-sym 'none #:size 8)
   (for/list ([d-list sorted-lists]
              [y (in-naturals)])
     (plot-a-R0 d-list y)))
   #:x-min -.5 #:x-max x-max
   #:y-min -1 #:y-max y-max 
   #:title "Reproduction Numbers for Various Diseases"