bsmall2 Learning Racket


At some point, I should use student comments to help explain teaching English with the Graded Direct Method. (fn:1) At the start of the semester more than half the students write comments at the bottom of the class worksheets. (fn:2) I print out the comments and leave them on the table where students collect the previous's classes worksheets at the start of every class. With emacs org-mode I used two windows and a keyboard shortcuts to keep a list of comments and their student's numbers in sync. Then I exported just the comments. Without consent to publicize the comments it seemed like a decent way to share the comments in class. (The few comments included in the script were edited and/or translated beyond recognition from among 58 comments.) After working with Guile and Racket over the past month or so, it seems simpler to just work with nested association lists. At least the data entry part will be simpler. I might end up re-inventing the wheel in the area of data-base-like approaches, but re-discovery will be good for my learning when/if I ever need to learn/use databases.

Nested Association Lists to Generate Pages of Class Comments.

During a rainy afternoon, I wondered how working with nested association lists would be. The exercise helped me clear up vague misunderstandings about association lists.
